SURe-New Physics Vol. T Thermodynamics 


Last update from 18- Oct- 2024


Next update is planned in July 25



SURe – New Physics Vol T



SURe – New Physics Vol T 


T.1 Current Explanations of Thermodynamics are no Physical Reality 5

T2. Reality and Explanations of thermodynamic Quantities 6

T2.1 The wrong Definitions for Heat, Thermal Energy and Temperature 6

T2.1.1 The wrong Definitions for Heat 6

T2.1.2 The wrong Definition of thermal Energy 7

T2.1.3 Wrong Definition of Temperature 8

T2.1.4 Scientific Definitions of Heat, thermal Energy and Temperature 8

T2.2 Other wrong Understandings of Heat 9

T2.2.1 The crucial Difference between kinetic Energy and Heat 9

T2.2.2 There have to be different Units for Heat and Energy 10

T2.2.3 The correct Unit for kinetic Energy 11

T2.2.5 The Error of Delta internal Energy = delta Heat + physical Work 12

T2.2.6 Explanation, why Work = Force x Displacement is impossible 13

T2.2.7 The wrong definition of internal Energy 13

T2.2.7 Correction of own Error concerning internal Energy 14

T2.3 Errors and Reality about Pressure 14

T2.3.1 Current physics is not able to explain Pressure 14

T2.3.2 The scientific Definition and Explanation of Pressure 15

T2.3.3 Determination of gravitational Pressure 16

T2.3.4 Other observations of Pressure in Gases and Fluids 16

T2.3.5 The Misunderstanding of atmospheric Pressure by Gravitation 16

T2.3.6 Unexplained periodic Changes of barometric Pressure 17

T2.3.7 Observation of barometric pressure refutes Theories 18

T2.3.8 Lower Temperatures are not caused by lower Pressure 18

T2.4 The specific characteristics of Heat 19

T2.4.1 Heat refers to an average Value of kinetic Energies 19

T2.4.2 The Reason why Heat refers to omnipresent Photons 20

T2.4.3 Disproofs that Heat depends on Energy of atomic Particles 21

T2.5 Correlations of Heat to other properties 22

T2.5.1 Heat does not correlate to physical “Work” 22

T2.5.2 Correlation to Enthalpie 23

T2.5.3 Correlation to Entropy 23

T2.5.4 Inverse Correlation of Heat to Degree of order 24

T2.5.5 Explanation of Vibration 25

T2.5.6 The Correlation of Vibration to Heat 26

T2.5.7 Correlation of Heat to Volume and/or Pressure by Vibration 27

T2.5.8 Increase of volume and/or pressure by Break of Bondings 27

T2.5.9 The Explanation of Contraction by increasing Heat 28

T2.5.10 The Explanation of Expansion of Fluids and Gases by Heat 29

T2.5.11 The scientific Explanation of Pressure of Gases by Heat 29

T2.6 The first scientific Explanation of Evaporation 29

T2.7 Insufficient Fundamental physical Research 30

T3 The severe Errors of Absorption and Emission 31

T3.1 Basic wrong Understanding of Physics 31

T3.2 Basic wrong Understanding of Absorption and Emission 32

T3.3 Global Warming is determined by Emission Spectroscopy 33

T3.4 The Error of Excitation of Energies of Atoms 33

T3.5 Disproof of Excitation Theory of Absorption of Photons 34

T3.6 The Catastrophe of totally wrong Actions against Climate Change 34

T3.7 The outrages faked Warming Effect by CO2 -Absorption 35

T3.8 Scientific Definition of Emission 36

T3.9 No Warming Effect by Emission of Infrared-photons in Atmosphere 36

T2.10 The outrages Fake of atmospheric Counter-Radiation 38

T3.11 The even more outrages Fake of Measurements of Counter-Radiation 38

T3.12 The Cooling Effect of different Gases 39

T3.13 The indirect Cooling Effect of CO2 39

T3.14 The blatant Error of thermal Absorption 40

T3.15 Examples for kinetic Absorption of Gases in Atmosphere 41

T4 The Errors of Heat Generation 41

T4.1 Criteria for Heat Generation 41

T4.2 Generation of significant Amounts of Heat 42

T4.3 Generation of Heat by chemical Reaction 43

T4.4 Generation of Heat by a Star like Sun 43

T4.4.1 The fatal Error of Heat Generation by Sun 43

T4.4.2 The extremely extraordinaire Generation of Heat by Stars 44

T4.4.3 Now Power Plants analog to Sun are clearly manageable 44

T4.4.4 Other Heat Generations by decay of atomic Photon-Chains 45

T4.4.5 The fascinating Temperature Control of Stars 46

T4.4.6 No relevant Heat Increase by Sun in Earth Atmosphere 46

T4.4.7 Heat generation by Sun on Earth Ground 47

T4.4.8 Absorption of Heat rules the Climate on Earth 47

T4.5 Heat Generation in Earth 48

T4.5.1 Heat Generation of most celestial Bodies have same basis 48

T4.5.2 Heat Generation by radioactive Decays is Anti-Science 48

T4.5.3 Heat Generation in core of Earth is not relevant for Climate 49

T4.6 Heat Generation by Phase Transitions 49

T4.6.1 Why don’t Physicist explain Phase Transitions? 49

T4.6.2 The Error of of Explanation by thermal Motion 50

T4.6.3 The Impossibility of Self- Assembly 50

T4.6.4 The first scientific Explanation of Phase Transitions 51

T4.6.5 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are not understood 52

T4.6.6 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are called latent Heat 52

T4.6.7 Effects of Latent Heat occur by each Change of Temperature 53

T4.6.8 Latent Heat is a crucial Climate Factor 53

T4.6.9 The Climate Effect of Heat Capacity 54

T4.7 Why do only Infrared- Photons generate Heat? 55

T4.7.1 General Rules for Interactions 55

T4.7.2 The first Explanation why only IR-photons generate Heat 55

T4.7.3 Why don’t visible Photons transfer Heat? 56

T4.7.4 The first Explanation why relative high Heat is generated 57

T4.7.5 Why is it possible to generate permanently Heat? 57

T4.7.6 The first Explanation of Reactions of visible Photons 58

T4.7.7 Why are there black Bodies? 58

T4.7.8 Why are there white Bodies? 59

T4.7.9 Why are there colored bodies? 59

T4.8 Error and Reality of Heat Effects by a Light Mill 60

T4.8.1 Light Mills verify that heat is not generated by Light 60

T4.8.2 Description of Light Mill 60

T4.8.3 Observations of Light Mill 60

T4.8.4 Scientific Requirements of Light Mill 61

T4.8.5 Current wrong Explanation of Light Mill 61

T4.8.6 Reality of Light Mill by SURe- New Physics (Weltformel) 62

T4.9 The Error that Pressure generates Heat 63

T5 The Errors of Thermal Radiation 63

T5.1 Zero Understanding of Thermal Radiation 63

T5.2 Basic Error and Reality of thermal Radiation 65

T5.3 Requirements for Heat Generation by thermal Radiation 65

T5.4 Permanent Radiation is not explained 66

T5.5 Emission of Photons does not always result to Radiation 66

T5.6 The erroneous Use of the Term Black Body Radiation 67

T5.7 Not any Formula for thermal Radiation is physically possible 68

T5.8 Research should be done for useful applications 68

T5.9 Thermal Radiation can cause Cooling 69

T5.10 Light Mill verifies that emitted Photons can cause Cooling 69

T6 Errors and Reality about Transfers of Heat 70

T6.1 Basic Misunderstanding of Heat Transfers 70

T6.1.1 The missing physical Meaning of Heat 70

T6.1.2 The Conclusions of SURe – New Physics 70

T6.1.3 The misused Detection of omnipresent Photons by Physicists 71

T6.2 General Rules for Omnipresent Photons and Heat Transfers 72

T6.3 Error and Reality of thermal Radiation 72

T6.4 Basics of Heat flow 73

T6.4.1 Definition of Heat Flow 73

T6.4.2 The Mechanism of Heat Flow 73

T6.4.3 Heat Flow explains many Physical Rules and Observations 74

T6.4.4 Combination of Heat Flow with other Heat Transfers 74

T6.5 Errors and Reality about Heat Conductivity 75

T6.5.1 Measurements of Heat Conductivity 75

T6.5.2 The wrong Interpretations of Heat Conductivity 75

T6.5.3 Repetition: Heat Generation 76

T6.5.4 Explanation of Mechanism of Heat Conduction of Solids and Fluids 77

T6.5.5 Explanation of Differences of Heat Conductivity of Solids and Fluids 78

T6.5.6 Example: High Heat Conductivity of Diamonds 78

T6.5.7 The fastest Heat Conductivity 79

T6.6 Heat Conductivity of Gases 79

T6.6.1 The Mechanism for Heat Conductivity of Gases 79

T6.6.2 Measured Heat Conductivities verify Correlation to Mass Density 80

T6.6.3 Heat Conductivities of Gases reveal Error of Greenhouse Theory 80

T6.6.4 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum 81

T6.6.5 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum reveals Error of Climate 81

T6.7 Other Correlations of Heat Conductivity 82

T6.7.1 Current wrong Explanation of Correlation to Temperature 82

T6.7.2 Explanation of inverse Correlation Heat Conductivity to Temperature 82

T6.7.3 The Correlation between thermal and electric Conductivity 83

T6.7.4 The Dependency of thermal Conductivity to Direction 84

T6.8 Insulation against Heat Losses 84

T6.8.1 Insulation against Heat Conduction in Solids 84

T6.8.2 Insulation of Thermos Flask 85

T6.8.3 Insulation of Windows 85

T6.8.4 Applied Gas for double-glazing reveals desastrous Error of Climate 86

T6.8.5 Why argon is used as Filling Gas 86

T6.9 Transfer of Heat by Convection 87

T6.9.1 Definition of Heat Convection 87

T6.9.2 Heat Transfer is indirectly done by Convection 87

T6.10 Refutation of Greenhouse Theory 88

T6.10.1 Real Greenhouses work by Prevention of Convection 88

T6.10.2 Refutation of Greenhouse-Effect by a Greenhouse 88

T7 The severe Errors by Determination of Heat Balance of Earth 90

T7.1 Background of Heat Balance 90

T7.2 The Error Variance has not be considered 90

T7.3 Important Data do not refer to Heat but to Energies 91

T7.4 The Contribution of latent Heat is underrated 91

T7.5 The Contribution of heat losses by Absorption is underrated 92

T7.6 The Contribution of Heat losses by Reflections is overrated 92

T7.7 The severe Misunderstanding of Albedo-Effect 93

T7.8 Measurements by Satellite refutes the Greenhouse Theory 93

T7.9 Wrong Formula for radiated Heat by Earth 94

T7.9.1 Result of Unscientific Experimentation: Stefan-Boltzmann Rule 94

T7.9.2 Nonsensical Formula was explained by Thermodynamics 95

T7.9.3 Absurd Data of Heat Radiation of Earth 95

T7.9.4 The reality of Measurements of Heat Flow 96

T7.10 Other Consideration for Budgeting Energy of Earth 96

T7.10.1 The Impossibility to budget Energy of Earth 96

T7.10.2 The positive Issue of the Data of Energy Balance of Earth 97

T7.10.3 The wrong Understanding of received Heat from Sun 98

T8 Additional Considerations about Vibration 99

T8.1 Impossible Statements about Climate and Vibrations 99

T8.2 The fatal Error of Vibration Modes of Molecules 100

T8.3 Absorption correlates to Heat Conductivity of gases 100

T8.4 Without Knowledge of Vibration no Statements should be done 100

T8.5 The first real Description and Explanation of Vibration 101

T8.6 Vibrations refute the Existence of Charges 102

T8.7 No Correlation between kinetic Energy, Heat and Vibration 102

T8.8 Vibrations also occur at absolute Zero 102

T9 Incorrect Measurements of Temperature 103

T9.1 The scientific Zero Point of Heat 103

T9.2 The Error of Temperatures in Space 103

T9.3 The Error of Temperature Measurements by Radiation 104

T9.4 Temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) 104

T9.4.1 The Detection of particles called Cosmic Microwave Background 104

T9.4.2 Further CMB Measurements refute the assumed Explanation 104

T9.4.3 The real scientific Conclusions of CMB Measurements 105

T9.4.4 The measured particles by Radio Antenna can’t be Photons 105

T9.4.5 Physicists detected their Error, but did not correct this. 106

T9.4.6 Why is the Source of CMB SURe? 107

T9.5 Wrong Measurements of Temperatures of Atmosphere 107

T9.5.1 The correct Temperatures of Atmosphere 107

T9.5.2 The wrong Temperatures of Atmosphere 107

T9.5.3 The Temperatures of Atmosphere violate physical Rules 108

T9.5.4 The Antiscience of measurements of Temperatures in Atmosphere 109

T9.5.5 Explanation of the real Temperatures of Atmosphere 109

T9.6 Other wrong Measurements of Heat and Absorption 110

T9.6.1 Fake - Measurements of Absorption Spectra from Satellite 110

T9.6.2 Temperature of Earth Ground can’t be measured from Satellites 111

T9.6.3 Logical Measurements to verify Greenhouse Effect. 112

T9.6.4 The Fake Measurement of back Radiation 112

T9.6.5 All Temperature Measurements have to be calibrated 113

T9.6.6 Maximal possible Temperatures are below 5000 °C 114

T9.7 The basic Error of Correlation of Heat to Energy 114

T9.8 Control of global Temperatur has to be simplified and improved 116

T9.9 The unsuitable current Measurement of Heat by Sun 116

T9.10 The Nonsense of Heat being involved in Energy Conservation 118




T.1 Current Explanations of Thermodynamics are no Physical Reality

Complete thermodynamics is an example, that we cannot explain physics (= interactions in universe) as long as we have no basic scientific understanding of matter and energy.

The physical reality of thermodynamics is “particle mechanics about reactions of omnipresent photons”.

Thus current physics is not even aware of the particles which are involved in nearly all interaction in universe.

The most relevant property of all objects from the largest (=supermassive black holes) over stars, atoms and photons up to the smallest objects (= electrons) is the relative kinetic energy to other objects. Because this energy causes impacts and thus nearly all interactions in universe.

The reality and explanation of matter and kinetic energy is presented in SURe – New Physics Vol B (Basic Pseudoscience of Physics).

In SURe – New Physics Vol T (Thermodynamics) the interactions of omnipresent photons and their adducts with other objects are presented.

Mainly the reality of thermodynamic properties are defined and explained like heat, thermal energy, temperature, heat generation, heat transfer, heat measurement and correlations of other properties like pressure to heat.

In addition the detection and the proof of omnipresent photons are presented.

T2. Reality and Explanations of thermodynamic Quantities

T2.1 The wrong Definitions for Heat, Thermal Energy and Temperature

T2.1.1 The wrong Definitions for Heat

Current definitions copied from Wikipedia are:

Heat is the thermal energy which is transferred between two systems at different temperature that come into contact.”

This definition shows that there is no understanding of heat. The real difference between heat and thermal energy is that heat is a qualitative characteristic of matter determined by temperature, whereas thermal energy is a quantitative characteristic of matter determined by thermal energy per a specific number of particles. As number “mol” should be taken.

These definitions are consistent with the understanding of these terms by general public. Above definition makes no sense and causes that the general public gets confused about heat.

The correct definitions also show that heat describes a state of matter and no process, wheras for processes like heat transfers the thermal energy per particles is an adequate characteristic of matter. This is also the case for mixing of matter.

The scientific definition of heat is: Heat is the average kinetic energy of a macroscopic system of omnipresent photons. It can be determined by measurement of temperature, which is nearly proportional to thermal expansion of specific atomic matter. It is not proportional to thermal energy.

T2.1.2 The wrong Definition of thermal Energy

As for heat also for thermal energy there is no definition at all. There is not ven a description. There are just ubclear statements which are wrong.

The highly meaningless and unscientific statements concerning thermal energy in Wilipedia are:

The term thermal energy is used loosely in various contexts in physics and engineering, generally related to the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms in a substance. It can refer to several different physical concepts. These include the internal energy or enthalpy of a body of matter and radiation; heat, defined as a type of energy transfer (as is thermodynamic work); and the characteristic energy of a degree of freedom,  in a system that is described in terms of its microscopic particulate constituents (where  denotes temperature and  denotes the Boltzmann constant).

This is a typical text in physics. Not any sentence is a concrete statement. The text just expresses that in physics nothing is known about thermal energy. This might have been done because the most informative sentences are definitely wrong.: Thermal energy (and also heat) is not related to the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms in a substance, All listet “concepts” are far away from the reality of the universe. In SURe/ New Physic ther is no thermodynamics anymore because the reality of thermodynamics is “particle mechanics of omnipresent photons”.

T2.1.3 Wrong Definition of Temperature

According to Wikipedia there is following “definition”:

Temperature is a physical quantity that quantitatively expresses the attribute of hotness or coldness. Temperature is measured with a thermometer. It reflects the average kinetic energy of the vibrating and colliding atoms making up a substance.”

Again an example, thar explanations of a relative simple term are unclear, complicated and wrong. Clear statements like “Heat is…, Thermal energy is… or Temperature is … “are avoided.

Thermal energy and temperature seem to refer to a kinetic energy.

It seems that current physics regards temperature as the same property as thermal energy except that there is a different unit for measurement. But there should be another difference. Otherwise physicists would have determined the normalization constant to convert thermal energy and kinetic energy to temperature. The terms hotness and coolness for temperature express that temperature is a relative property, although it is measured by an absolute scale of temperature. This is more confusing than explaining. Everyone, who had a sound logic understanding about heat, thermal energy and temperature will lose this understanding by reading these definitions.


T2.1.4 Scientific Definitions of Heat, thermal Energy and Temperature

Following definitions is generally valid for each location in universe:

Heat and temperature is the average value of kinetic energy of a macroscopic system of randomly moving and colliding omnipresent photons at the measured position.

Thermal energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of all omnipresent photons in a specific volume. It can also be defined as heat per specific number (like Mol) of omnipresent photons. It might be called specific heat or heat content.

By the random movements of billions of particles heat is an absolute property, which is contrary to the current statement. It is strange that in current physics movement and kinetic energy of a single object is regarded erroneously as an absolute property and heat, which is absolute, is regarded as relative property.

As it is a property of omnipresent photons, a value of heat can be assigned to any location in universe. Measurements can be done at any location, where a contact detector can be placed. Measurement of heat over distance is strongly restricted to surfaces of objects and calibrations by contact thermometers. Currently there are many statements of temperature data which are extremely far away from reality.

It has to be taken into account that a very small and constant portion (below 0,1%) of omnipresent photons decay to electron-neutrinos, which are called electron-pairs by SURe-New Physics. Electron-pairs are preferably generated and emitted by surfaces, which explain the indirect measurements of temperatures by radiation measurement of heat by radiation of electron-pairs.

But as radiated electron-pairs can also be generated by other reactions, their measurements, particular in atmosphere, caused completely wrong results.

T2.2 Other wrong Understandings of Heat


T2.2.1 The crucial Difference between kinetic Energy and Heat

There is a crucial difference between kinetic energy and heat:

* Kinetic energy refers to a specific object with a specific mass and a specific velocity like a photon. As velocity is a relative property and a vector, the same is valid for kinetic energy.

* Heat, temperature and thermal energy refer to the kinetic energy of a very high number of specific photons, which do random movements and therefore can be regarded as an an absolute property and a scalar.

Because of these crucial differences, these can’t be combined in a formula. This severe error has occurred for example for combination of heat with physical work.


The property work has a physically and mathematically impossible definition and has to be eliminated from physics.


T2.2.2 There have to be different Units for Heat and Energy

First there should be a decision for the best unit for Heat. As heat and temperature are equivalent units for temperature are suitable qualitative units these should be used also for heat. properties and the used for As there are already specific units for temperature, one of these should be generally used for heat and thermal energy. Most suitable is Kelvin, as for this the zero point of scale comes near to the real zero point.

For some cases Kelvin per Mol or Kelvin per volume can be used for thermal energy, but this is just useful for relative comparison or transfers.


Concentrations of omnipresent photons differ by distance to earth surface. This is proved by the measured values of light speed at different heights above N.N. Light speed in space is significant faster than C (which is the value on earth surface in vacuum). This can also be easily proved by speed measurements.

An accurate indirect measurement of density can be done by atomic clocks, because run times of atomic clocks correlate to density of omnipresent photons. The correlation is caused because run times of atomic clocks are erroneously “stabilized” by the kinetic energy of emitted photons of cesium. The emission of cesium, is however not stable but differs by density of omnipresent photons. The changed run times of atomic clocks have been misused by physicists to fake the verification of the physical impossible theory that time span is changed (gravimetric time dilatation). It is absurd to state that the time runs differently when a clock runs differently.

T2.2.3 The correct Unit for kinetic Energy

Currently the unit for kinetic energy is wrong which is a result of the blatant error of the formula for kinetic energy. The formula is wrong because the first determination of the correlation between Ekin and v was done w The found correlation to v² was wrong, because of a wrong calculation of v. Overall there is following situation:

Wrong Correlation: Ekin = 1/2mv² Wrong unit: kg * (meter/sec.) ²

Correct correlation Ekin = mv Correct unit: kg * (meter/sec.)

Error und reality of kinetic energy are explained in detail in SURe – New Physics Vol B = Basic Pseudoscience of Physics.

It is outrages that physicists still state that ½ mv² is the formula for kinetic energy although this formula is physically and mathematically impossible. Physicists and particular engineers know that this formula gives wrong results and therefore Ekin = mv is used to get correct results.

Because in physics it is quasi prohibited to admit an error, physicists had to define another term for kinetic energy, which is momentum. Thus all important calculations by engineers are done by momentum, which is the correct kinetic energy. The definitions for kinetic energy and momentum are identical which verifies that both formula have to be identical.

The general public is deceived by telling that the obsolete formula is still valid. Of course for ½ mv² there are many experimental falsifications. A mathematician will momentarily recognize that a quadratic term of a vectorial and relative property is impossible.

An important rule for physical units is that these must have a physical meaning like square-meter which refers to an area. But it is not possible to describe the meaning of a square-velocity.

This is again an impressive demonstration of the urgent requirement, that physics has to be converted as soon as possible to SURe- New Physics.

Another used wrong and inappropriate unit for kinetic energy is frequency of an electromagnetic wave. This does not make sense at all, because electromagnetic waves are physically impossible and do not exist. This was already an experimental finding by Albert Einstein.

In addition it is well known that the energies of existing waves are proportional to amplitudes of waves and not to frequencies of waves.

T2.2.4 Kinetic Energy of Photons is not determined by Velocity

A very important information particular for thermodynamics is, that the kinetic energy of photons and other small particles is not proportional to the observed propagation velocity of photons. It is proportional to the real velocity of photons, which is the velocity between penetrations through an omnipresent photon. During penetration the velocity is reduced proportional to kinetic energy. After penetration the real velocity is adjusted again, so that overall propagation velocity is constant and independent from kinetic energy.


T2.2.5 The Error of Delta internal Energy = delta Heat + physical Work

The thermodynamic formula above demonstrates that there is no understanding of all three quantieies. Quantities can only be combined in a calculation , when these refer to same basic meaning , which is given by the unit. In above case all thrree quantities have a basically different meanings.:

Heat is a qualitative poperty of very specific matter.

Internal Energy is an unknown quantitative energy, which should be used only for an internal energy, which is spin energy because this has no impact to outside of the onject.

Physical work is a physically impossible quantity (see next chapter).

Overall zhis fprmula has no meaning and cannot be used.

T2.2.6 Explanation, why Work = Force x Displacement is impossible

The formula of physical work is physical non-sense because the displacement of a mass (= body) requires not any force. This shows that the term force is not understood. A force always causes a change of movement. Change of movement is called acceleration. Velocity and kinetic energy are no properties of a body. Each body has all kind of values of velocity and kinetic energy at the same time. These can exclusively be determined relative to another body.

According to Wikipedia the physical work of 1 Joule “is equal to the amount of work done when a force of one newton displaces a mass through a distance of one metre in the direction of that force.”

Refutation of the formula work = force multiplied by displacement in meter:

Each additional meter of displacement of an accelerated body requires a different force. Because of this the force per meter is undefinable. An un defined mathematical expression is a mathematically and physically not allowed expression.

Work is a property which has to be deleted from physics.

T2.2.7 The wrong definition of internal Energy

Currently the sum “work + transferred heat” is defined as internal Energy. This does not make any sense.

The scientifically correct definition of internal energy is:

The internal energy of a body is the sum of spin energies of the electrons of the body.

Reason for the definition of internal energy:

Spin energies are the only energies which have no impact to the outside area.

Reasons for current definition being wrong:

* Heat and Work are no internal energies

* The physical work has an impossible definition .

* Tranferred or generated Heat does not correlate to transferred or generated energy.

T2.2.7 Correction of own Error concerning internal Energy

One month ago I got aware that the vibration energies of electron bondings have an impact to the outside area by the well known volume increase by temperature increase. Thus this refutes my earlier statement that vibration energy is also an internal energy like spin energy.



T2.3 Errors and Reality about Pressure

T2.3.1 Current physics is not able to explain Pressure

Current physics correctly describes pressure by the kinetic theory of gases: This means that the molecules of atoms of a gas do random movements by elastic collisions and thus exert a force perpendicular to a specific area of a rigid wall by collisions. In principle this theory is reality and also valid for pressure in fluids.

But again I was shocked about the fact that although pressure is correctly described, there is no explanation. It should be not difficult to explain the force which is exerted: It is the force of kinetic energ. The explanation of the force, which cause the changes of movement, which is called reflections by mutual collisions of molecules is not possible, because for this explanation the knowledge of the reality of matter is required.

T2.3.2 The scientific Definition and Explanation of Pressure

Pressure is the sum of kinetic energies of particles which momentarily collide to a specific area of a solid rigid surface.

It is embarrassing that in Wikipedia following wrong and unscientific derivation is presented. It starts from a useful and understandable formula for pressure and ends up to a meaningless wrong formula:

p = F/A = (F*distance)/ (A *distance) = Work / Volume = Energy/ Volume

p = pressure, F = force , A = surface area


* An extremely severe mathematically error in above case is to multiply area by a distance to a volume, because there are different meanings of area and distance. Every colliding particle has a different distance to the surface and it is not sure which particle collides.

* F * distance is mathematical and physical non-sense (already explained)

* Pressure stays stable without addition of energy, but work consumes energy, thus particles cannot do work.

* Force and kinetic energy must have same meaning and value, which is not fulfilled in above case: the kinetic energy of all particles in a volume of 1m³ can’t be identical to the exerted kinetic energy to a surface of 1 m².

T2.3.3 Determination of gravitational Pressure

The portion of gravitational pressure can easily be determined by measuring the difference of pressure to earth ground and pressure rectangular to earth ground at same distance to earth ground.

According do the findings of physicists there is no measurable gravitational pressure in gas molecules and even in most liquid molecules. As there has to be a gravitational pressure this is very small.


This finding is conform to the reality of gravitational force by SURe – New Physics.

T2.3.4 Other observations of Pressure in Gases and Fluids

All observations can be explained by the scientific definition of pressure.

Most current statements have no scientific basis.

Details can be explained later.

T2.3.5 The Misunderstanding of atmospheric Pressure by Gravitation

To understand climate it would be an advantage to understand atmospheric air pressure. According to the scientific definition of pressure each body on earth inclusive living bodies experience a pressure which is exerted by the kinetic energies of the surrounded particles in atmosphere or under water.

The decreasing pressure by increasing distance to earth surface is not caused by decrease of gravitational pressure but by decrease of number of colliding particles.

The current theory of pressure by columns of air or water above a person is absurd and can’t be taken seriously. But it is really still found in physical documentation.

This is the typical example that historic statements are not corrected although these are clearly refuted.

This is also a typical example of a wrongly interpreted correlation: Less air over us → less pressure



T2.3.6 Unexplained periodic Changes of barometric Pressure


By scientific research periodic daily and yearly changes of the barometric pressure have been detected:

There are maxima at about 10:00 h and 22:00 h

There are minima at about 4:00 h and 16:00 h

Clear is that a daily variation normally is caused by temperature. The temperature influence has been clearly found. But This does not explain the four peaks. Typical in physics is to avoid mentioning observations which can not be explained by current physics. Therefore only the German input in Wikipedia describes this phenomenon and not the English. By knowing the correct definition of pressure by Weltformel, the explanation is known immediately or before knowing the observation: The kinetic energies of colliding particles have opposite effects:

* increased pressure because collisions with increased kinetic energies

* decreased pressure because of less collisions

Thus the observation like every observation verifies SURe - New Physics and refutes current physics.

T2.3.7 Observation of barometric pressure refutes Theories

SURe- New Physics requires and observations verify that the decrease of gravitational force and barometric pressure starts at the outer limit of the solid core. The reason is that there is the active region of nucleation reaction, and by this the generation of omnipresent photons (=heat). If the theory of mass attraction would be reality the decrease of gravitation should clearly start at surface of earth and on equator the gravitation should be clearly stronger than on poles. No single explanation is presented why this is not observed.

It is very unscientific that currently the refutation of both theories are ignored by physicist.

T2.3.8 Lower Temperatures are not caused by lower Pressure

It is unbelievable that the basic error is still “alive”, that the cooler temperature in higher altitudes of atmosphere are caused by the lower pressure in higher altitudes.

A well observed statement is that by expansion of atmosphere or any other gas heat is consumed and when gases are contracted like in a bicycle pump heat is generated. But it is extremely unscientific to use this completely different observation as proof of above statement like it done even in physics books. Everyone does also observe that contracted gas in an inflated tire has no higher temperature than than the surrounding. Also the temperature of gas in a high pressure bottle is independent from the pressure.

Overall the physical rules are:

* Heat is generated or consumed by a change of pressure.

* A constant pressure does not affect the temperature of matter.

On average the pressure in atmosphere are constant in each altitudes. Thus the statement that the cooler temperatures in atmosphere are caused by lower pressure is an example of the antiscience of current physics, because it is refuted by unambiguous observations.

The antiscience is done because current physics can’t explain heat, which includes generation or transfer of heat.

In atmosphere there occurs generation and consumption of heat by convection movements of air, but these level out.

An other erroneous statement is that heat in the center of a celestial body is caused by higher pressure.


As in SURe – New Physics the real definition of heat is known, all observations can be unambiguously explained. (see chapter T4.6.7).



T2.4 The specific characteristics of Heat

T2.4.1 Heat refers to an average Value of kinetic Energies

While kinetic energy refers to one body/ particle, the kinetic energy of heat refers to an average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons which are multiple billions in a volume of an atom.

Because of the low mass of a photon the kinetic energy of a single heat photon (=infrared-photon) is one of the lowest energies in universe.

Comment: Even lower is the electric energy, which refers to the kinetic energy of an electron, which has a much lower mass than a photon (about 1/200).

Heat is the dominant energy in universe, because of the high number of particles (far over 99% of all particles).

here is no correlation between usual kinetic energy and heat:

- When an infrared photon is generated (=emitted) by a reaction with a molecule, kinetic energy of the molecule is consumed.

- When an infrared photon is consumed (=absorbed) by a reaction with a molecule, kinetic energy of a molecule is generated.

Contrary to usual kinetic energies of bodies, the average kinetic energy o randomly moving heat photons can be regarded as absolute and as a scalar.

It results to senseless formulas and data, when heat and kinetic energy are combined and not handled separately.



T2.4.2 The Reason why Heat refers to omnipresent Photons

The question is why exclusively the kinetic energy of omnipresent photons is heat and not the kinetic energy of other photons or atoms. So there must be something extraordinary concerning kinetic energy of omnipresent photons.

There are following reasons, why only omnipresent photons refer to heat:

* There are millions of omnipresent photons between two atoms which makes clear that their kinetic energies are the determining factor for heat.

* Omnipresent photons are absorbed by all matter and thus these can transfer heat to all matter.

* Molecules and atoms are often reflected at surfaces and are very rarely absorbed by other matter. Only by absorption of infrared photons heat is transferred.

* Only by omnipresent matter the flow of heat to cooler regions can be explained (Second law of thermodynamic).

Above issues explain why heat is exclusively transferred to other matter by omnipresent infrared photons. As this is an essential issue for human beings and animals, which need a specific energy level so that bio-molecules react as required these have a sensory organ for the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons, which is the skin.

T2.4.3 Disproofs that Heat depends on Energy of atomic Particles

There are many refutations that heat, thermal energy and temperature refers to the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms.

Examples for refutation are:

* Gas molecules in pressurized bottles which have strong differences of pressures between bottles have all at same conditions of surroundings the same temperature = heat = thermal energy, although these consists of molecules or atoms which have strongly different kinetic energies, number of collisions and strength of vibration. Thus heat, temperature and thermal energy are independent from pressure, which is equivalent to kinetic energies of gas molecules.

* A river does not increase its temperature by a waterfall, although vibrating energies, collision energies = kinetic energies, numbers of collisions and vibration energies of water molecules are strongly increased.

* Physicists have measured the temperature of vibrating and colliding omnipresent photons and omnipresent neutrinos in space (called Cosmic Microwave Background , CMB or 3-Kelvin-photons and Cosmic Neutrino background). These are no atoms.

Comment: As the measured energies of 3-K photons are nearly the same in all directions, these have to be omnipresent with random movements. 3-K-photons (= CMB) are definitely no radiated photons.


T2.5 Correlations of Heat to other properties

T2.5.1 Heat does not correlate to physical “Work”

As already mentioned “Work” has no scientific definition and therefore should be eliminated in physics. By this there can’t be any correlation to other properties like heat.

The current definition of work (Work = Force multiplied by displacement of an object) makes no sense: No force is needed for a displacement and when a force is exerted to a body, an accelerated displacement occurs, which mean the displacement per length unit (meter) is not constant, so it is mathematically not allowed to multiply by number of constant units of displacement.

When a constant force is exerted to a body this can be expressed by force by time unit or kinetic energy per time unit.

There is no interaction in physics, which can be described by physical work and which cannot be described by kinetic energy.

Meaningful concerning thermodynamics is to know how heat generates kinetic energy, because this is often applied in technical machines.

So this chapter handles about generation of kinetic energy by heat.

When temperature is increased the increased kinetic energies of omnipresent photons increase the vibration energies of molecules. This increases the breakings of bonds between molecules in matter. Breaking of bonds always increases the kinetic energy, which is equivalent to generation of usable energy. Mostly the generated kinetic energy refers to the average knetic energy of a high number of gas molecules.

T2.5.2 Correlation to Enthalpie

Enthalpy (H) is equivalent to thermal energy and should be completely replaced by thermal energy. Thermal energy is heat per mol omnipresent photons, which means the sum of kinetic energies of a mol omnipresent photons.

Delta H by this is the generation or consumption of thermal energy by a reaction. The problem is that a reaction of one mol reacting particles only in some cases generate one mol photons. When the reaction leads to decay or building of photon chains, the omnipresent photons might vary by hundred or thousand times more omnipresent photons than number of reacting particles. It is part of further research to define most accurate numbers for reaction of 1 mol atomic particles, but this is not a very relevant issue. It is a adequate information to measure temperature increase or decrease to compare reactions concerning heat generation or consumption.

All current delta H values for reactions can only be regarded as estimations.

Correct is that for every specific reaction there is a specific amount of generated or consumed thermal energy.

T2.5.3 Correlation to Entropy


The property entropy has no scientific definition. The current definition is rather unclear and consists inconsistencies and therefore has to be eliminated. To get knowledge about order or disorder of matter it is sufficient to know that by bondings the order increases and by break of bondings the disorder increases. This fact correlates with temperature. By increased temperature bondings are build and by decreased temperature bondings break. So entropy is directly proportional to temperature and can be replaced by temperature.


The correlation of order to number of bondings can be explained by the fact that there is just one building brick in universe, which is the electron ( equivalent to spin energy). The First Fundamental Law of Nature determines, why electrons are forced to do mutual bindings and why these occur at very specific and regular positions: Each electron binds to 3 other electrons, which are are positioned by angles of 120 degrees rectangular to spin axes. This results to the fact that bound matter has a high order.

By increase of temperature the vibration of bondings increase. When the vibration is too high the bonding breaks. This results to decreasing order, because by break of bondings particles decay and are emitted as small particles with random movement and thus with significantly less order.

Overall above explanation results to the fact, that temperature increase decreases the order in universe, while temperature decrease increase the order in universe.

Overall at each temperature there is an equilibrium of building and breaking of bondings. The equilibrium goes to increasing bondings by reduced temperatures.


* All structures and all interactions (mostly building and decay of bondings) are determined by laws of nature.

* Scientists or other persons have not any freedom to create ideas or theories. * Every structure and every interaction can be calculated by a computer program.

* The universe will neither go to increasing nor to decreasing order by bondings.


T2.5.4 Inverse Correlation of Heat to Degree of order

According to last chapter temperature inversely correlates to ordered bondings, by which dependencies of thermal and electrical conductivity is explained. correlation to conductivity of electrons and heat is caused. Inverse correlation to electrical conductivity is used to measure heat. (see also chapter T9). Currently instead of electrical conductivity mostly the inverse electrical resistance is taken.

T2.5.5 Explanation of Vibration

This explanation is repeated here, because it is the basic knowledge to explain the correlation of heat to volume.

A bonding is a partly superposition of the volumes of two electrons which are equivalent to two electrons which achieve lowest spin energies by partly superposition of contrarily rotating spin energies. The reduced spin energies by bonding are transferred to vibration energy of bonding. This is valid for all bondings in universe which results to the fact that all bondings vibrate, even at absolute zero temperature.

Vibration of bound electrons are explained by the Two Fundamental Laws of Nature. As simplest example bonding of two electrons are described and explained. Before vibration can occur the electrons have to touch each other.

1) Activation of vibration:

A relative low kinetic energy is required, so that the electrons touch and do a minimal mutual superposition.

2) Acceleration of movements:

When the touched sides of electrons do opposite rotation movements, the electrons are accelerated according to First Fundamental Law to the position of lowest spin energy by superposition. This is a position where the superposition reaches somewhat over the common rotation axis. Another forced movement is that the electrons turn their axes to parallel directions.

3) Deceleration of movement:

The superposition movements of the electrons do not stop a the position of minimal spin energy, but are just decelerated beyond the position of minimal spin energy. The maintaining of movement is caused by the Second Law of Nature which requires that the total energy has to be maintained during an interactions, which can be expressed in many cases as the force to maintain the kinetic energy.

4) Alternations of movement directions:

After the movements stops, the direction of movement goes to the opposite direction, which is again to the position of minimal spin energy. Thus there will be a continous alternating movement to opposite direction, which is the characteristics of vibration.

the directionBy this the vibration movement is a vibration of superposition. By heat increase the vibration amplitude increase and thus the bound electrons need more space and results to expansion. increases The reduced spin energy . Break of bondings occurs when vibration of bondings exceeds maximal possible vibration amplitude. The vibration amplitude is direct proportional to the temperature of matter.

Overall this results to the explanation why by increasing temperature the volume of solid bodies and liquids expand. For gases the expansion of volume is highly increased because thes do random movements, by which these collide and do mutual reflections. Because of their kinetic energy to all directions these exert a pressure to closed walls. This can be regarded as volume increase by temperature increase.

Thus the expansion of matter can be used to measure temperatures after a suitable calibration to defined fixed values like melting points.

T2.5.6 The Correlation of Vibration to Heat

When the heat changes in the surrounding of a molecule, omnipresent photons with a changed kinetic energy do bindings to the photon chains of the molecule. By the averaging process of bondings the vibration energies of all bondings of the molecule are also increased.

Thus the vibrations energy of molecules are adjusted to the surrounding heat, but the vibration energies of molecules do not refer to heat.

The other way round occurs when the atomic matter absorbs radiated IR-photons with significantly higher energies than the surrounding omnipresent photons. The significant higher photons are not absorbed by omnipresent photons because these are penetrated. So radiated photons do not increase the heat, because these do no random movements. But by absorption of radiated high energetic IR-photons on the Photon vhains of the molecule all photon chains get increased and the emitted photons are in the adequate range to be absorbed by omnipresent photons and increase the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons, which is equivalent to increase heat.

Overall after some time there is always a correlation of vibration energy of atomic matter to heat.

T2.5.7 Correlation of Heat to Volume and/or Pressure by Vibration

As increase of heat (=kin. Energy of omnipresent photons) causes increase of vibration energy of bondings of atomic matter. Increase of vibration energies means increase of vibration amplitudes, which means alternating movements of superposed electrons require additional space for the vibration movement. When additional space is not provided the increase of heat causes pressure.

Of course decrease of heat causes contraction of matter or reduction of pressure.

The increase of volume can cause very strong forces by pressure.

Like nearly all interactions in universe these are reversible, which means that cooling results to contraction or decrease of pressure.


T2.5.8 Increase of volume and/or pressure by Break of Bondings

When the vibration of superposition of two electrons exceeds area of superposition, there is no force anymore to return to superposition and thus to direction of minimal spin energy, which results to the break of the bonding of electrons. The split parts of the bound particle are catapulted to opposite directions with the kinetic energy of the final vibration movement particles.

Two separate electrons occupy about nearly 50% more space than two separate electrons. By increase of temperatrure the most bondings break at phase transition temperatures, but some bondings also break between phase transitions, which increase the temperature dependency of volume of solids and fluids.

For gases the volume increase by heat is directly caused by the increased kinetic energies. Gas molecules in gas phase do random movements. When these collide with increasing kinetic this will mostly result to a short bound molecule-molecule bonding followed by a decay of the molecule-molecule bonding, which causes movement to opposite directions. When the gas is in a closed container the gass-molecules generate pressure to the container walls. The pressure increases by increasing heat (= increasing average kinetic energies of gas molecules). The kinetic energies of omnipresent photons generate no relevant pressure against the container walls, as these are mostly absorbed.

T2.5.9 The Explanation of Contraction by increasing Heat

Despite the increasing volume of electrons some solid materials contract by increasing heat. This occurs when because of the broken bonds the specific order of bonds is destroyed and the not ordered solid system requires less volume than the ordered solid system with maximal bonds..

This again shows that changes of vibration amplitudes are not relevant.

T2.5.10 The Explanation of Expansion of Fluids and Gases by Heat

Also in fluids and gases increasing temperature cause increased breakings of inter-molecular bonds.

Different to solids in fluids and gases by increasing temperature the increasing number of separate particles do significant random movements. In fluids this might contribute to expansion. In gases this case a quicker distribution by free movements.

The effect of contraction is only possible near complete crystallization.

T2.5.11 The scientific Explanation of Pressure of Gases by Heat

If the volume of gases, which are heated, is limited, the random movement of gas molecules cause pressure.

Although the kinetic energy per collision to a surface decrease by lower mass the increasing number of particles cause a higher total kinetic energy per time unit and thus a higher pressure. In current physics there is the wrong statement that the increasing pressure is just caused by increasing kinetic energy of same ber of particles. If this would be reality there would be a much smaller correlation. This is a basic difference to current theory, which states that increasing pressure is just caused by increasing kinetic energy of with of separate particles increase which do random movements with, which cause expansion and pressure to surfaces by their kinetic energies.


T2.6 The first scientific Explanation of Evaporation

Evaporation is vaporization below boiling temperature. The temperature at which a fluid converts completely and quick to the gas phase should be called boiling temperature and not evaporation temperature. Evaporation occurs within a broad span of temperatures. Evaporation of H2O even occurs below freezing temperature by ice, which is very common reaction.

The reaction for evaporation is:

Every collision to ice or water by for example air molecules, high energetic photons or cosmic particles can cause the break of a H2O-H2O bond. By this the vibration energy of the bond is equally transferred to the separated H2O and the “rest”, which causes emission of the separated H2O-molecule. Mutual collisions of H2O-molecules do not have the required kinetic energies for evaporation.

Relevance for climate:

Evaporation of water is a significant effect for climate cooling. This adds to the cooling effects by high heat absorption potential and high heat capacity of water.


T2.7 Insufficient Fundamental physical Research

I started to do physics because I am very curious about how the universe works. I recognized that nearly no physical phenomenon is explained by current physics. The Correlation of heat to volume and the explanations of vibrations are only two examples. When I checked vibrations and thermal expansion in Wikipedia I expected something like the last chapters. But following is presented what physcists have found out concerning thermal expansion:

Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to increase in lengtharea, or volume, changing its size and density, in response to an increase in temperature (usually excluding phase transitions).[1] Substances usually contract with decreasing temperature (thermal contraction), with rare exceptions within limited temperature ranges (negative thermal expansion).

Temperature is a monotonic function of the average molecular kinetic energy of a substance. As energy in particles increases, they start moving faster and faster, weakening the intermolecular forces between them and therefore expanding the substance. When a substance is heated, molecules begin to vibrate and move more, usually creating more distance between themselves.


This clearly shows that physics consists of lot of statements, but not any statement has a logical explanation. An explanation requires that all questions like „Why is that so?“ or „How is that done?“ is fully answered without creating new why- and how - questions. Non-understandable is, that no scientist seem to recognize that according to current physics nearly all physical statements are impossible like thermal expansion or vibrations. There are simply no forces for this. It is no explanation to invent a term for a specific force which causes exact the specific action which has to be explained. This has been done for all forces. Not any force in current physics can be logically described and explained. Most known examples are gravimetric force, magnetic force, electrical force weak force, strong force, weak force, forces of charges and so on.

A general rule for a valid explanation is that it has to be referred to a generally valid law of nature.


It would be much more scientific to admit that nearly nothing in universe can be explained than to do statements for apparent explanation which clearly are no explanations an/or are physically impossible.

Positive is that physicists admit that moste of the existing matter in universe is not known.





T3 The severe Errors of Absorption and Emission

T3.1 Basic wrong Understanding of Physics

Main problem of current physics is that everybody can decide whether

1. Physics is a natural science about observable physical matter in universe with the basic axiom that reality does exist.


2. Physics is a spiritual science (=science-fiction) with matter-less, non-observable phantom-like phenomenons with the basic axiom that reality does not exist.

Physics has manifested the equivalence of both totally opposite issues by the matter – wave dualism of photons, which is extremely unscientific and can be regarded as a recognition of the non-understanding of physics.

In current physics nearly all basic issues refer to the second option. Most descriptions and explanations of interactions are no physical reality.

In SURe – New Physics there are no options of physics. All interactions in universe are described and explained by option 1, which is by observed (=real) physics and should be, but is no more, the basic task of physical research.

Currently physical research by option 1 it is quasi prohibited, because by this the physical impossibilities of current fictive physics are revealed.

Concerning absorption and emission, heat and energy this results to:

* Absorption and emission refers to building and breaking of bondings of particles, including photons.

* Consumption and release of heat refers to building and breaking of bondings of omnipresent photons with kinetic energy in range of infrared.

* Consumption and release of energy refers to building and breaking of bondings of particles with kinetic energy.

T3.2 Basic wrong Understanding of Absorption and Emission

It is incredible that experts of spectroscopy were so strongly intimidated that they dare not to tell the truth about absorption and emissions of photons:

Absorption of a photons is equivalent to a bonding of a photon. By bonding of a photon the photon exist not any more. It is eliminated. By bonding of an IR-photon heat is eliminated.

By infrared absorption spectroscopy it is measured which kinetic energies the eliminated photons have, which means the amount of eliminated heat. When no heat is eliminated, the number of photons which propagate through the sample cell will be the same. If IR-photons are absorbed in the sample cell, these are not arriving at the detector, but these are also not in the sample cell, because these reacted to other particles. As these photons are no more “free” these cause no heat in the sample cell.


T3.3 Global Warming is determined by Emission Spectroscopy

Every expert of spectroscopy surely knows the reality, that absorption is the wrong property to determine gas molecules in atmosphere which cause global warming. It is very logical that exclusively gas molecules with a strong potential to emit IR-photons (= generate heat) refer to gas molecules which have the potential for climate warming. It is totally absurd to discuss and argue global warming by the potential for absorption. A strong absorption potential of particles in atmosphere refers to a strong cooling effect on climate. This can easily be verified by corresponding measurements.

T3.4 The Error of Excitation of Energies of Atoms

Current theory that absorption refers to excitation of a particle to a higher energy level would also result to the fact that energy is consumed and not generation by absorption. So it is the same conclusion that the potential of absorption refers to the potential to reduce energies or heat.

The first assumption of physicist was that photons are eliminated, when these cause a momentary change of the orbit of an atomic electron from a stable ground state where it has lowest orbiting energy to a state with a higher orbiting energy which has an increased distance to the atomic nucleus. Physicists have discovered many physical impossibilities of this theory and made up over 15 other completely different theories for generation and elimination (= emission and absorption) of photons, which all clearly can be proved to be physically impossible. This again shows the advantage of current physics that physically impossible theories, are not needed to be eliminated, even if these are falsified by current rules of physics.

Overall there is no physical possible description of an excited state, of a ground state and of the momentary changes of states.

This shows the disastrous state of physics, which is physically impossible science-fiction.

T3.5 Disproof of Excitation Theory of Absorption of Photons

According to current theories spectroscopic absorption and emission lines should be generally be identical. Every expert in spectroscopy has the knowledge by experience that absorption lines are never the same as emission lines. Otherwise these refer to reflection and not to absorption and emission. The reason for this is that an energetic peak of absorbed photons refers to an activation energy of a reaction, whereas an emission line refers to the kinetic energy of a generated photons by the reaction.

For all observations concerning absorbed (=eliminated) and emitted (=generated) photons, SURe – New Physics has defined the corresponding reaction equation and structures of particles.

T3.6 The Catastrophe of totally wrong Actions against Climate Change

The mis- understanding of absorption caused the “catastrophic” physical error to do actions to reduce CO2, which clearly will speed up global warming, while the high CO2 concentration has prevented that we now have an even warmer climate.

It is a disaster of current science that no expert of spectroscopy has been involved to explain how spectroscopic measurements of absorption are done:

Absorption is measured by a beam of photons, which have a specific energetic range of continuous energies. Often the continuous range is spitted by dispersion to specific energies which pass through a sample cell in turn. By this photons with specific kinetic energies are absorbed by the sample solution in the cell. Absorption is simply equivalent to binding. Binding of a photon means that the photon is eliminated and thus can do no impact any more to other bodies. In case of an absorbed IR-photon in atmosphere this causes that the photon cannot anymore generate heat on earth because it has reacted to another particle. In case of absorption of IR-photons heat is eliminated. The heat detector behind the sample cell measures the losses of intensities of specific kinetic energies. Concerning IR-absorption spectroscopy the loss of heat is measured. The losses of photons occur because IR-photons are bound to the sample.

T3.7 The outrages faked Warming Effect by CO2 -Absorption

Although absorption of IR- photons in atmosphere clearly causes heat reduction and thus cooling of climate, physical scientist manipulate the general public to believe that absorption causes the global warming.

In TV and schools often the experiment is shown that when between an IR- emission source like a lamp or the Sun and a heat-detector there is CO2 then the detector shows no heat any more, thus it shows that all heat is eliminated by absorption. It is really a very bad joke that a professor explains this experiment as prove that CO2 causes by absorption (=elimination) of heat the global warming. The logical demonstrated reality is that CO2 has because of its absorption potential an unequivocal cooling effect on earth climate.

This shows that physicist misuse there high reputation to tell lies to the general public.

It is outrages that scientists do not perform experimental tests to show the observed reality, but do physical impossible conclusions, which are pure fictive interpretations, which have nothing to do with the performed tests.

This clearly shows the normal way of faked tests in current physics. Experimental tests have to be done to check whether observations are consistent to statements. Performing tests are non-sense and manipulation when by theses not the conformity of observations to statements are checked, but instead interpretations of observations are compared to statements. The worst and most anti-scientific faults of scientists have become normality for physicists.


T3.8 Scientific Definition of Emission


Correct statement is that for every reaction there is also a back- reaction. The back- reaction of binding is a break of bonding. Break of bonding results mostly to a decay of a particle. A decay of a particle is equivalent to an emission of a particle. The scientific definition for emission is:

Emission in physics is equivalent to the repulsion of a part of a particle by too strong vibration of a bonding which breaks by this.

Emission of an Infrared-photon is equivalent to heat generation.

Each emission reaction is activated by a collision. Often the colliding particle is bonded. A bonding reaction is always combined with a transfer of collision energy to vibration energy. In addition an averaging process over all bondings follows after a new bonding. This process explains that the re-emission of a photon generally results to the fact that the emitted kinetic energy is different than the kinetic energy of an absorbed photon.

T3.9 No Warming Effect by Emission of Infrared-photons in Atmosphere

There are two significant differences between absorbed IR-photons from sun and emitted IR-photons by molecules of atmosphere:

1. All absorbed IR-photons were on the way from sun to earth while the emission direction is randomly, which means is done to all directions including back to space.

2. But even more important is:

After absorption (binding) of an IR-photon from sun, an averaging over all bondings occurs. As there is only one new bonding with increased vibration energy but several thousands of bondings with very low vibration energies, the averaging process results to the fact that all bound photons to a molecule get just a very small higher vibration energy than before. By this any emitted photon has nearly same energy than the average of omnipresent photons in this area and much lower kinetic energy than the absorbed one from sun.

Overall absorption and emission of IR-photons in atmosphere result to following climate effects:

* Absorption of IR-photons by molecules causes a relevant cooling effect on climate by preventing that infrared-photons arrive at earth surface and thus increase temperatures.

* Emission of IR-photons causes no relevant effect on climate because these photons are much cooler than earth ground. If the photons would reach the earth ground these would have an additional cooling effect.

Later it will be shown that the emitted photons in atmosphere will always cause that heat flows to the coldest area which is the space with 3 Kelvin.

Any heat transfer to earth ground would violate the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics is reality because it can be derived from the two Fundamental Laws of Nature (=Weltformel).

By this the general physical rule concerning temperature and climate is:

Every additional molecule between sun and earth causes reduced temperatures on earth surface and by this participates to a cooler climate.


T2.10 The outrages Fake of atmospheric Counter-Radiation


It is not only extremely anti-scientific but it can be regarded as severe crime against general public to state that there is a heat transfer from cold atmosphere to warmer earth surface (about 15 °C), just to manipulate people to believe in the physical impossible theory that absorption of CO2 in atmosphere causes the fictive climate warming instead of the observed reality of cooling.

It would even much more probable to heat ones house by a radiator which has a colder temperature than the rooms.

As already mentioned reality is the second law of thermodynamics that heat always flows to regions with lower temperatures. But the disadvantage of current rules of thermodynamics are either no realty or not explained. Sure- new Physics explains in detail why the 2nd law is generally valid. Even radiation of heat is no exclusion because radiated infrared photons don’t have thermal energy (heat), but have the potential to generate heat.

T3.11 The even more outrages Fake of Measurements of Counter-Radiation

The summit of anti-science is that scientists even dared to state that they have build an equipment to measure counter-radiation, which means to measure something which does not exist.

It is very strange that physicist never had a look at this equipment, otherwise they should have recognized the fake, which is very obvious:

The real measured property is the temperature difference between 2 different materials (metal plate and polymer sheet) which are positionend one above the other with some space in between. Everyone knows that it is normality that two different materials have different temperatures also when the surroundings have equal temperatures.

The temperature difference is multiplied by a factor which results to the assumed fictive value of counter- radiation.

This is the usual way how in current physics physical impossibilities are verified.



T3.12 The Cooling Effect of different Gases

As Infrared-photons from Sun are absorbed by photon chains of molecules, the potential for absorption is determined by number and length of photon chains. Number of photon chains is roughly proportional to mass of molecules. Thus the mass density of atomic matter in atmosphere determines the absorption potential and by this the cooling potential of different gas molecules in atmosphere.

As the cooling potential of gases correlates with the specific heat conductivity it can be expected with high probability that a CO2 molecule has the same cooling potential on climate. But overall the differences between different atmospheric cases are small, so that the mass concentration determine tha absorption potential and by this the cooling potential.

Strongest cooling effect as specific particles have droplets of water (clouds) and aerosols (dusts). It is a clear sign of current non-understandings that absorption of IR-photons by aerosols is still accepted as cooling effect and absorption of clouds and gas-molecules are not any more accepted contrary to times before the statement of CO2-greenhouse effect. Different effects on climate by same property does not make sense at all.

T3.13 The indirect Cooling Effect of CO2

Unfortunately the absorption potential of CO2 is not much stronger than that of O2 and N2. Generally low concentrations have low influence on climate. A much stronger effect have additional molecules like it is the case for CO2. Also aerosols have a strong effect. Concerning areosols it has to be taken into account that also ice crystals or droplets of H2O and CO2 are aerosols.

The strongest effect of the increased CO2- concentration is caused by the increased plant growths by CO2. By this there is a significant indirect cooling effect by increased evaporation of moisture.


T3.14 The blatant Error of thermal Absorption

It is again the question, why experts of spectroscopy do not mention that by current infrared spectroscopy the absorption of heat (thermal absorption) is not measured, but exclusively kinetic absorption, which has nothing to do with heat. Thermal absorption is eliminated by a blind sample as reference. Thermal absorption is eliminated because these strongly superpose the relevant peaks of sprcific absorptions, by whivh substances can be identfied and quantified. Thermal absorption shows a broad range of continuous energies, which is nearly the same for all gases and has relative strong intensities. Thermal absorption bands look similar to thermal emission bands. Thermal emission is currently known as black body radiation All thermal absorption spectra of single gases are not of any relevance concerning climate..

In order to measure thermal absorption, vacuum has to be used as blind sample, which is a bit difficult. As hydrogen has the lowest absorption potential, also hydrogen can be used to get an impression of the bands of heat absorption.

Overall correct measurements of heat absorption clearly shows that there is no significant difference of heat absorption by current air and air with 4% CO2 or even higher concentration. Thus the concentration of CO2 can increase 100 times of current concentration without any effect on thermal absorption and climate.

T3.15 Examples for kinetic Absorption of Gases in Atmosphere

Scientist know that by absorption in atmosphere specific photons are eliminated by absorption. This shows that by absorption it is prevented that photons reach the earth surface. The corresponding reaction is called photolysis. Photolysis means that by bonding (absorption) of a photon a bonding in a molecule is broken. Well know examples are:

- By absorption of UV-C-photons O2 bondings are broken.

- By absorption of X-ray-photons N2 bondings are broken.

Examples for kinetic absorption of infrared photons (heat) are

- Breaking of H2O-H2O bondings.

- Breaking of CO2-CO2 bondings.

- Breaking of H2O-CO2 bondings.

Overall above interactions show the reality concerning climate change:

The man-made increase of CO2 molecules of nearly 50% has prevented that the current warm period of climate has not caused higher temperatures.



T4 The Errors of Heat Generation


T4.1 Criteria for Heat Generation

Heat generation is equivalent to a reaction by which omnipresent photons are generated. Criteria for omnipresent photons is that these do random movements by collisions. This is only possible, when the generated photons have kinetic energies which are not too different than the kinetic energies of omnipresent photons. Otherwise the generated photons would penetrate the omnipresent photons and thus are so called radiated photons. As omnipresent photons have kinetic energies of infrared photons the generated photons have to be IR-photons. Higher heat is generated when the generated Infrared-photons have higher average kinetic energies. If the kinetic energies are lower the temperature is reduced.

But by the definition of the unit for temperature and heat to be K/mol there is an increase of heat because most omnipresent photons have the kinetic energy of space which is near zero K/mol.



T4.2 Generation of significant Amounts of Heat

Significant amounts of energy are generated, when photons chains decay by collisions, because by this millions single photons in infrared range are emitted.

High amounts of heat are generated, when the emitted single photons activate further decays of photon chains to single photons. Such a reaction is self accelerated and is called explosion with quick generation of high amounts if heat. All observed high amounts of heat are generated by this process heat generations are caused by such a reaction. Examples are:

* All power plants which work by heat inclusive nuclear fission power plants

* Burning reactions

* All heat generations in space by celestial bodies (stars, planets, moons, supernovae)

* Nuclear and hydrogen bomb

For the activation of a decay of photon chain is done by collision of a high energetic IR-photon .

T4.3 Generation of Heat by chemical Reaction

All reactions of atomic particles with other atomic particles are called chemical reactions. Concerning heat generation there are following rules:

When educts consist of photon chains with totally more photons than products, heat is generated.

When educts consist of photon chains with totally less photons than products, heat is consumed.

Two examples:

CO2 consists of photon chains with relative few photons. Thus reactions of CO2 nearly always consume heat.

O2 consists of photon chains with numerous and relative unstable photons. Thus reactions of O2 nearly always generates heat.

T4.4 Generation of Heat by a Star like Sun

T4.4.1 The fatal Error of Heat Generation by Sun

In core of a star nuclear fusion reactions of hydrogen occur because of the cold temperatures (less than 15K). By this the photon chain of the hydrogen atom breaks and is emitted. On the way to the surface many photon chains are bound to magnetic fields which are catapulted out of the surface of sun together with protons. Collisions of protons to magnetic fields cause the decay of magnetic fields to single photons. These have too high energies to be integrated to the omnipresent photons in the surrounding of the sun. Thus the surrounding of sun is not heated and remains at the usual space temperature of about 3 Kelvin. Therefore in the Sun generates thermal radiation in its atmosphere but no heat. Thermal radiation is no heat. (see next chapter). If stars would generate heat, stars would not exist as these would melt and evaporate to hydrogen.

T4.4.2 The extremely extraordinaire Generation of Heat by Stars

Normally heat is directly generated by decay of atomic photon chains of atomic matter. As mentioned above this is not possible by stars. It is incredibly overwhelming that in universe a something has been created which produce unimaginably high amounts of energy while conserving its own temperature near absolute zero. Even the high energetic ejection of the “fuel” is essential so that stars prevent significant heat generation. The ejection process is exclusively possible, because frozen hydrogen is bonded to a flexible membrane around surface of stars, which cause that the gas mixture of protons and magnetic fields is retained and builds high pressure until the membrane cracks and the “fuel” it is ejected out of the surface membrane. At the same time the high energetic ejections cause the ignition of the explosive fuel, which work without the normally required oxygen.

By my research for physical Reality I got knowledge of many of such unique wonders in universe, by which I got the clear believe in a supernatural force, which I call god.

T4.4.3 Now Power Plants analog to Sun are clearly manageable

Energy and heat can be much easier generated than the process in sun, as there are technical possibilities which are not available by Sun.

Actually the process to generate lots of emitted photons by high energetic collisions of protons to magnetic fields has already been copied since several decades, but no research has been done for the simple modification to a power plant, because of the restriction to tell the truth about energy generation. Currently used application just refers to generation of the so called “Synchrotron” radiation. For heat generation the energy of collisions by colliders is much too high.

As every atomic particle has photon-chains which can decay to photons (energy, light and heat) any molecule can be used for this including water. Heat generation by collisions of neutrons to water is already used in nuclear power plants. It is an extremely absurd idea to generate the colliding particles by radioactive decays. This does not make sense at all. Besides neutrons and protons many other particles can be use for collisions. Also the generated neutrons have a too high kinetic energy and have to be decelerated.


T4.4.4 Other Heat Generations by decay of atomic Photon-Chains

All observed strong emissions of heat and light are generated by decay of photon chains of atomic matter. The high kinetic energy is just used to activate following decay reactions. (Transfers of kinetic energy would not result to heat and Light):

* Decay of asteroids before these collide to earth ground (Tscheljabinsk and Tunguska)

* Decay of metallic space bodies by entering earth atmosphere.

* Collision of a metallic body to a asteroid (deep impact experiment).

* Lightnings are caused by decay of moisture and air molecules.

* Laser cutting

* Plasma - cutting

T4.4.5 The fascinating Temperature Control of Stars


In the atmosphere of stars are no atomic particles, which is the explanation for the fact that besides in the core of stars also in the surrounding of stars temperatures are near zero. The emission direction of photons is mainly to space, which causes that also the heat generation on Sun surface by hydrogen is not critical. But some heating is essential for the spectacular temperature control of sun:

When the temperature of frozen hydrogen of stars increases, then less fusion of hydrogen occurs, by which less photon chains as fuel are generated, so that the heat generation is reduced.

Overall above control mechanism assures that the emitted intensities of infrared photon by Sun have a very good long term stability. It can be sure that the detected climate changes on earth have not been caused by variations of emitted infrared-photons ( “sunshine”).

T4.4.6 No relevant Heat Increase by Sun in Earth Atmosphere

The emitted infrared photons of Sun generate Heat when these are absorbed by atomic matter. This is done mainly at earth ground, but some infrared-photons are absorbed by molecules in atmosphere. By absorption of infrared photons in atmosphere the molecules in atmosphere are heated up. But as few absorbed high energetic photons are averaged over vibration energies with lots of low energetic photons the molecules in atmosphere will not experience a significant increase of kinetic energy. This means the emitted IR-photons by molecules in

After absorption of infrared- photons by atomic matter and averaging of energies, other photons are emitted. These emitted photons have much lower kinetic energies than the absorbed photons from sun. Therefore the IR-photons are incorporated to the colliding system of randomly moving omnipresent photons. But these cause not a relevant increase of average energies of omnipresent photons (= heat) in earth atmosphere.

The temperatures of earth atmosphere is determined by stable flow of heat from earth ground (about 288 K) to space (3 K) and thus a stable gradient to lower temperatures by distance to earth. (explained in later chapter).

Overall absorption of IR-photons in atmosphere prevents that this photon generates heat on earth surface.

Thus each molecule in earth atmosphere causes the cooling of climate on earth.

T4.4.7 Heat generation by Sun on Earth Ground

On earth surface there are much more molecules which absorb the emitted infrared-photons from sun. Therefore by time the temperatures of matter increases, by which the heat is stored. Particular the huge areas of water store high amounts of heat. This heat storage is the most important climate effect on earth, because together with the transfer of heat to areas of land by wind, this causes an effective balance between day and night.

T4.4.8 Absorption of Heat rules the Climate on Earth

Thus the temperatures on earth are mitigated by absorption:

* By absorption of infrared-photons (=heat) by gas- molecules in atmosphere the temperatures during sunshine are strongly reduced.

* By absorption of infrared -photons (=heat) by water -molecules the temperatures during sunshine are reduced.

* By strong heat capacity of water heat is transferred by wind to land and prevents strong cooling at night.


T4.5 Heat Generation in Earth

T4.5.1 Heat Generation of most celestial Bodies have same basis

Solid core in earth and in other celestial bodies are a strong indication that in core of earth molecules are nucleated to protonium like in stars. The statement that the core of earth consists of iron is nearly impossible, as this should be fluid.

In core of earth the nucleation is mainly activated by collisions under increased pressure instead of extreme low temperatures like in stars or hydrogene planets. This causes the reaction of atoms to protonium and to photon-chains in the outer area of the protonium core. The difference to stars is that the photon-chains already decay in earth by collisions to heavy atoms. Thus the inner part between solid core and solid crust is heated.

T4.5.2 Heat Generation by radioactive Decays is Anti-Science

Heat generation in earth by radioactive decays can be excluded, because

* radioactive decays normally do not generate infrared photons (heat), as by radioactive decays no infrared photons are generated and

* radioactive decays are so rare that these even would not generate the observed high temperatures in earth, when there would occur emissions of infrared-photons, which is indirectly possible.

As far as I know generation of heat by radioactive decays has not been observes in nature. A literature search for measurements of generated heat by natural radioactive decays was not successful.

Again an example were physicist do science fiction and antiscience: statements against observations.

Well known by nuclear fission plants is, that radioactive matter which was technically concentrated generate lots of neutrons which can decay photon chains of molecules like water to infrared photons (heat).

But samples of natural radioactive material do not get hot.

T4.5.3 Heat Generation in core of Earth is not relevant for Climate

Heat generation of earth is not relevant for climate, because temperature of earth surface is nearly completely determined by sunshine.

Only in polar winter of Antarctica the temperatures are partly stabilized by heat generated in earth. Otherwise the temperatures would be probably colder.

In Arctic the temperatures are stabilized by sea water and wind.


T4.6 Heat Generation by Phase Transitions

T4.6.1 Why don’t Physicist explain Phase Transitions?

It is well known that all molecules change completely their characteristics by changing the temperature and also by changing the pressure. Physicists call this phenomenon phase transition and did a detailed documentation by so called phase diagrams at which temperatures and pressures phase changes occur. This has been done for many substances.

But it seems that physicists are not allowed to tell the obvious explanation for phase transitions. This would explain that in Wikipedia just fake explanations are presented. As an example they explained phase transitions to a solid by nucleation and nucleation is explained by phase transition. Positive is, that in cases of phase transition physicists did not invent new magic forces like it is normally done for phenomenons for which the reality is either not known or prohibited to mention. So it is just mentioned that the new particles are results of a magic transformation of matter.

Nevertheless for me it was again surprising how rigorously physicist have to obey the main rule of physical institutions: A physicist can tell anything except the reality. The Reality is the greatest fear of physical institutions, because by the reality they they have to admit that complete physics is based on physical impossible theories.

T4.6.2 The Error of of Explanation by thermal Motion

Mostly it is stated that phase changes can be explained by changes of thermal motion. Thermal motion is differentiated by two complete different phenomenons:

1) Random linear movements with collisions, which is also called Brownian thermal motion.

2) Vibration of atoms.

It is correct that there is a correlation, but a correlation is no explanation.

In addition both above phenomenons have no or wrong explanations Thus already by this it is not possible to explain other issues by these.

In both cases there are changes of movement which need forces. So the first research task would be to define the forces which cause vibration and Brownian motion.


T4.6.3 The Impossibility of Self- Assembly

The theory of self- assembly has been made up to explain the symmetric order of atoms and molecules which is generated by solidification (=freezing) of many substances. Of course this is physically impossible, because every spontaneous interaction needs an activation energy and a force to occur.

A solid phase can not be an assembly of particles without without rigid bonds between particles.




T4.6.4 The first scientific Explanation of Phase Transitions

Reduced temperatures increase the stability of bonds between particles and thus also the number of bonds are increased by reducing the temperature.

All particles, even subatomic particles, have multiple positions in their structures where bonds are possible. Atomic nuclei of gases and fluids have more bonding possibilities than used at standard temperature. In solid bodies the number of bonds are mostly at maximum, but these can rearrange to lower spin energies at specific temperatures. By increasing temperature the number of bods in solids reduce until these react to fluids (melt) and gas phase.

The forces which cause phase changes are of course the force to achieve a state with lowest spin energy by superposition (bonds) by low temperatures and the force to conserve kinetic energy which causes break of bonds at high temperatures. There is one single type of bonds: partial vibrating superposition.

T4.6.5 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are not understood

It is well known that by freezing and condensation of many substances heat is generated and by melting and evaporation of these substances heat is consumed. In all cases thes phenomens cause o stabilization of the temperature as long as the phase transition is not finished. This is the only scientific explanation of stable temperature by phase transition. This has ro be done without overheating or undercooling. ofcases By reduction of temperature molecule-molecule bonds are built.

By the knowledge of the definition of heat it is clear and logical what is required for heat effects of phase transitions: By bonding of molecules infrared-photons have to be emitted (= heat generation) and by breaking of bondings infrared-photons have to be bonded. At all possible bonding options of particles there are bound photons. Most of these decay to IR-photons , in some cases also visible photons might be generated.

As the structures of many atoms and molecules are already known by SURe-New-Physics, it is known that protons have 3 double-bonds options, which explains why water has particular strong heat effects by phase transitions.

T4.6.6 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are called latent Heat

Instead of making up new terms physicist should do research to find out scientific explanations. There is just heat, which can be transferred, generated or consumed. Terms like latent heat or the corresponding sensible heat result to the erroneous thinking that there are different heats. Even more scientific non-sense is created by combining heat with energy or work. These are completely different physical issues which do not correlate to each other: Generation of low energetic photons generate heat whereas generation of high energetic photons generate no heat. When visible photons would be generated by freezing instead of infrared photons there would be no stable temperature during phase transitions but usual cooling. In addition it is well known that a phase transition can also occur by changed temperature. This is the case when when a super-cooled liquid freezes. This clearly shows that freezing generates heat. The stable temperature of a freezing system is a result of consumption of heat by a cooling which is equal to the generation of heat by freezing.


T4.6.7 Effects of Latent Heat occur by each Change of Temperature

The stability of bondings depend on temperature. Mutual bindings of molecules mostly occur on relative unstable bonding positions with weakly bound photon chains. This is the explanation why complete mutual binding occurs at a specific lower temperature, which is called freezing. But building and decay of bondings between molecules occur by each change of temperature. On the other side each change of temperature generates or consumes heat.

Mutual bindings of molecules in most cases occur on positions where there are unstable bound photon chains. When molecules build a bonding between these photon chains these get too long to be stable. Therefore some photons decay and are emitted. The kinetic energy of the emitted photons is usually higher than the surrounding omnipresent photons. Therefore mutual bindings (not bondings!) create heat. The decay of mutual bindings of molecules or atoms cause addirional bindings of omnipresent photons and thus consumes heat.


T4.6.8 Latent Heat is a crucial Climate Factor

By the huge amounts of water on earth surface the heat effects by phasr transitions of ware play a very strong role on climate because of an essential temperature stabilization effect.

Particularly significant is the cooling effect by evaporation of water. By this a lot of heat is transferred to the atmosphere, where the latent heat is released again by condensation. But the condensation has a stronger cooling effect by the increased absorption of infrared-photons from sun than heating effect by condensation. In the weather zone of atmosphere and above the temperature is mainly determined by the “cold” photons from space. Changes of temperature at this height in atmosphere are not relevant for climate.

T4.6.9 The Climate Effect of Heat Capacity


Contrary to current theory latent heat refers not only to phase transitions but to all temperature changes. This means mutual H2O bindings occur by all temperature changes in gas and liquid phase of water and thus water can store much more heat than usually. This is the explanation for the extraordinaire heat capacity of water. Decays of bondings occur by every increase of temperature. Heat effects reverse to generation by bondings of molecules explains the terms: Water has a high latent heat potential and thus a high heat capacity. Heat capacity is caused

- by cooling of H2O many mutual H2O bondings are generated and thus many emissions of IR-photons occur, which means heat is generated. Overall the cooling to one degree lower temperature takes longer because of the latent heat.

- by heating of H2O many mutual H2O bondings break and thus IR-photons are bonded to H2O, which means heat is consumed . Overall the heating to one degree higher temperatures takes longer because of the latent heat.

T4.7 Why do only Infrared- Photons generate Heat?


T4.7.1 General Rules for Interactions

All interactions in universe by which new particles are generated are usual reactions. Also the generation of heat (omnipresent photons) is a usual reaction for which the general rules for reactions are valid. The rules concerning positions of reactions is newly discovered by New-Physics determined by Funfamental Laws of Nature (=Weltformel):

* The kinetic energy of a colliding particle determines on which position the colliding particle is stopped and breaks an existing bond by binding (absorption) itself to the collided particle.

* The kinetic energy of a particle is proportional to its penetration potential.

* When the kinetic energy of a colliding particle is significantly stronger than the binding energy of existing bonds of the collided particle, the positions of bonds are penetrated.

* When the kinetic energy is significantly smaller than the binding energy of existing bonds the colliding particle is not able to break the bonds at the corresponding position.

T4.7.2 The first Explanation why only IR-photons generate Heat

According to the definition of heat the requirement for photons to refer to heat is that these have nearly the same kinetic energy as the omnipresent photons. On the other side high energetic photons are required to do straight and fast movement though space by penetration through omnipresent photons without collisions. After propagation through space the high energetic infrared-photons have to react with photon chains of atoms, so that single photons with reduced kinetic energy are generated. Without the reduction of kinetic energy the infrared photons would penetrate the adequate positions of atomic photon chains. The finally emitted photons from photon-chains have still somewhat higher energy than omnipresent photons so that these will increase the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons which means generate heat.

T4.7.3 Why don’t visible Photons transfer Heat?


A basic error of physicists is that the measured energy from sun refers to heat. Main part of measured energy refers to kinetic energy of visible photons, which don’ generate heat.

By this error the real variation of heat transfer from sun has not been measured up to now.

That visible photons do not transfer heat can easily be measured and is observed daily by LED light.


The reasons for this are:

* Photons with higher energies than IR penetrate the photon chains of atomic matter. Therefore they are not absorbed by photon chains and do not transfer energy to photon chains so that these emit no IR-photons by collisions of high energetic radiated photons.

* Many visible photons are reflected by surfaces. This is the explanation why living beings can detect surfaces by eyes.

* Other visible photons are absorbed by atomic nuclei and their energies are used to activate photolysis reactions. This means photons are bonded and causes a break of bonding which mostly results to decay to a particle other than photon.

The best method to measure exclusively the received heat on earth from sun, is to measure the temperature increase of a specific water sample. By any measurement it is not possible to get absolute values. But relative values are sufficient to detect of more or less heat is received from sun.



T4.7.4 The first Explanation why relative high Heat is generated

The collision of an infrared- photon causes a breaking of the ring structure of the photon chain, by which multiple photons are generated. Each of these generated photons have sufficient kinetic energy that it can cause further breakings of photon rings. Thus this oftn results to a self-accelerating reaction. Thus one initial decay causes multiple thousands of single photons which increase the heat. Evan explosions can occur. A significant heat increase would not be possible when there would just be one or few emission steps per absorption according to current theory. Thus the creation of heat is a clear refutation of current theory of electromagnetic waves.

T4.7.5 Why is it possible to generate permanently Heat?

This is observed for example by the former light bulbs, which permanently generate heat and light by maintaining an electric current through the emitting filament.

Usually any reaction comes to an end, when the reaction product is emitted. Why this do not occur, is a very important questions, which requires explanation. The moving electrons in the filament of the light bulb just maintain the vibration energy of bondings of the material of the filament, but do not react to photons. Thus permanently photons are eliminated out of the physical system.

The only physically possible solution is that photons enter the physical system (light bulb), which are of course omnipresent photons. So this system is one of hundreds of verifications that there have to exist omnipresent photons.

An additional requirement is that the omnipresent photons build new bondings to rebuild the destroyed photon chains. This is possible, because these got in the bulb a high temperature and thus a sufficient high kinetic energy to bind to the strongly vibrating photon chains. Thus there is a usual reaction equation although permanently photons are emitted out of the system.

T4.7.6 The first Explanation of Reactions of visible Photons

Visible photons have a kinetic energy which suits to bind to a position where a photon of the chain has three bonds. This are the positions at which the rings of 6 photons are connected. When a photon binds to such a position, no single photon es emitted. The ring structures are still intact. Some of these can be emitted as ring structures, some are combined again by binding to omnipresent photons. Overall there is no generation of heat.

But it is not sure, whether the currently defined energy level which classifies the transition from infrared to visible photons suits exactly to generation or not generation of heat.

T4.7.7 Why are there black Bodies?

Physicists should have mentioned that this phenomenon can not be explained by current theory that photons can be electromagnetic waves and in addition violates principle of energy conservation By sunshine there are high intensities of absorbed photons with visible kinetic energy or higher, but no photon in these ranges are emitted. When infrared photons are filtered out for absorption not any photon is emitted. It is very unscientific that no scientists mentions that this “daily” observed refutation of physics.

The explanation is the same as previous chapter.

T4.7.8 Why are there white Bodies?

White bodies have matter on surface which absorb visible photons but more or less reflect these to various directions. Reflection potential depends on structure of surface matter. For example, when nearly all bindings of matter are parallel to surface this causes reflections because there are no binding positions in between photon chains on surface structure of matter. Thus reflection it is nearly independent from kinetic energy of visible photons. There are no specific reflections of colors.

Contrary to visible photons, IR-photons have a very low reflection potential and a high absorption potential, because there are more possibilities for binding. For ice the measured reflection potential for IR-photons is about 10%. This means that the reflection of heat by ice (= albedo effect) has no relevant cooling effect on climate, which is the contrary of current theory.

T4.7.9 Why are there colored bodies?

Colored appearance of surfaces are caused by photolysis reactions of atomic nuclei by visible photons with specific kinetic energies. This means that the photon with a specific energy breaks a specific bond of a specific nucleus. Thus in the relected photons one color is missing which causes the observed different colors is broken and a bonding to another atom is generated. The color is generated by the emitted excess photons which are emitted.

It is also possible that by specific reactions of matter with visible photons IR-photons are generated. In nearly all cases these are not relevant for generation of climate. Currently I am not aware of any experiment, by which relevant heat is generated by a reaction of matter with visible photons.

T4.8 Error and Reality of Heat Effects by a Light Mill


T4.8.1 Light Mills verify that heat is not generated by Light

There are many verifications of the statement that exclusively IR-photons generate heat. But the most impressive one is by light mill. Contrary to the term light mill, it does not work by visible photons but exclusively by infrared -photons, which is equivalent to heat. Another term is Crooks radiometer, which is even worse, because the term erroneously includes even photons with higher kinetic energies. The exact kinetic energy where the absorption potential for heat ends still has to be determined.

T4.8.2 Description of Light Mill

General description by Wikipedia :“The radiometer is made from a glass bulb from which much of the air has been removed to form a partial vacuum. Inside the bulb, on a low-friction spindle, is a rotor with several (usually four) vertical lightweight vanes spaced equally around the axis. The vanes are polished or white on one side and black on the other.

T4.8.3 Observations of Light Mill

When exposed to sunlight, artificial light, or infrared radiation (even the heat of a hand nearby can be enough), the vanes turn with no apparent motive power, the dark sides retreating from the radiation source and the light sides advancing.

Cooling the outside of the radiometer rapidly causes rotation in the opposite direction.“

T4.8.4 Scientific Requirements of Light Mill

Following has to be fulfilled for rotation of the mill:

* There has to be a temperature difference between black and white side of the vanes. For this emitted infrared-photons form outside are requires and the much stronger heat absorption of the black side are required.

* A specific gas pressure between vacuum and normal is required, which sows that a low concentration of gas molecules is required, which interact differently with the different temperatures of different sides of the vanes.

T4.8.5 Current wrong Explanation of Light Mill

A light mill is interesting because the final explanation, which was defined after 10 years of discussions is still incorrect.

Current wrong explanations:

* The vanes are heated by light (= visible photons)

* Wikipedia: “The currently accepted theory was formulated by Osborne Reynolds, who theorized that thermal transpiration was the cause of the motion.“

Fictive theories have to be eliminated in physics. This theory again makes up a new specific force which is physically impossible. Every observation has to be explained by the only existing active force and the only passive force in universe.

* Wikipedia (Germany): In material of vanes there occur random motions which increase by temperature, and the stronger motions cause that colliding gas molecules get an increased force of repulsion.

In solid phase there are no random movements of particles, by which there occur collisions to gas molecules.

T4.8.6 Reality of Light Mill by SURe- New Physics (Weltformel)

As well gas molecules as photons collide to matter at different temperatures and different surface characteristics.

By any collision of particles a superposition of electrons occurs, which can be regarded as bonding by which an averaging process of vibration energies starts By collisions to a hotter material the vibration energies are stronger so that by averaging the colliding particle takes over more vibration energy than it is the case for collisions to colder matter. When the superposed position does not reach a minimum the colliding particle is emitted again. Emission means that kinetic energy of movement is converted by 50% to the kinetic energy of both decaying particles in opposite direction. By this not only the re-emitted particle gets a somewhat higher kinetic energy than before collision, but also the collided body experience a repulsion which depends on the temperature of the body (here the vanes). Thus the black sides of vanes with higher temperatures get a stronger repulsion force than the white sides, which cause the rotation.

The repulsion effect is valid for all colliding particles, which means for photons and for gas-molecules. As photons have too low kinetic energies there have to be also gas molecules which support the rotation.

When both sides of vanes have same temperatures, the effects cancel each other out.



T4.9 The Error that Pressure generates Heat

Many people think that pressure generates heat. This is an error because exclusively the increase of pressure causes heat. These are two different issues: Generation of heat is a reaction of matter, but heat is a state of matter. By increasing pressure of gas-molecules there occur binding reactions of gas molecules to other gas molecules. The new bonding replaces a formerly bound IR-photon. Thus IR-photons are generated which is equivalent to generation of heat. The generated photons are absorbed by omnipresent photons by which the heat is eliminated again.

Overall the thermodynamic rule is:

* An increase of pressure for gases generates heat which later is eliminated again.

* A gas with a higher pressure does not have a higher heat.


T5 The Errors of Thermal Radiation

T5.1 Zero Understanding of Thermal Radiation

In the description of thermal radiation of Wikipedia there is not a single sentence which is physical reality or physically possible:

Part 1:

Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted by the thermal motion of particles in matter. Thermal radiation transmits as an electromagnetic wave through both matter and vacuum. When matter absorbs thermal radiation its temperature will tend to rise. All matter with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits thermal radiation.”

List of faults:

* Electromagnetic radiation is physically impossible and does not exist.

* Thermal radiation es equivalent exclusively to emitted infrared-photons and not to other photons..

* It is not emitted by thermal motion of substances.

* Thermal motion is only done by gases and fluids, but not by solids.

* Infrared - photons do not transmit through most matter.

* Vacuum does not exist.

* By absorption of thermal radiation, temperature can also go down.

* Not all matter emits thermal radiation. There are many requirements that thermal radiation occurs.

* Absolute zero has no scientific explanation.

Part 2 of description of Wikipedia

The emission of energy arises from a combination of electronic, molecular, and lattice oscillations in a material.[1] Kinetic energy is converted to electromagnetism due to charge-acceleration or dipole oscillation. At room temperature, most of the emission is in the infrared (IR) spectrum.[2]: 73–86  Thermal radiation is one of the fundamental mechanisms of heat transfer, along with conduction and convection.”

List of faults:

* Energy cannot be emitted; just particles can be emitted

* Oscillation does not cause emission of energy.

* The conversion of kinetic energy to electromagnetism is physically impossible.

* Charges are nothing physical (no describable structure), thus do not exist.

* At room temperature all emitted photons are IR-photons

* By thermal radiation heat is not transferred, but heat can be generated by thermal radiation.


T5.2 Basic Error and Reality of thermal Radiation

By definition of heat it is irrevocable that heat cannot be radiated. When infrared photons have so high kinetic energy that these penetrate omnipresent photons, these cannot increase the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons by absorption. Lots of emitted infrared-photons move in one single direction. By this these do not meet the requirements for heat, which are random movements caused by mutual collisions.

So thermal radiation does not mean that heat is transferred.

The definition of thermal radiation is: Thermal radiation refers to infrared photons, which have such a high kinetic energy that they penetrate omnipresent photons.

Thermal radiation is no heat but generate heat by absorption to atomic matter.

T5.3 Requirements for Heat Generation by thermal Radiation

The requirement for heat Generation by thermal radiation is that the radiated photons are IR-photons and that these can be absorbed by atomic matter or other matter which decays to single photons like magnetic or electric fields. The reason for this is that only by low energy theses do not penetrate the photon-chains. Kinetic energy es a relative energy which means penetration occurs above a specific difference of kinetic energies. When the omnipresent photons have high average kinetic energy (=temperature) the radiated photons can have higher kinetic energy to be absorbed.

T5.4 Permanent Radiation is not explained


The statement  “All matter with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits thermal radiation” is absolutely physically impossible and non-sense. This would be a permanent energy generation. Thus we would have no energy problems any more. As radiation refers to photons there would not only be continuous energy generation but also continuous particle generation.

Again an issue, where knowledge converted to antiscience. Formerly it has been stated that emission is in equilibrium with absorption, which correctly expresses that photons can only be emitted when other photons were absorbed (=bound) before.

So formerly the problem was that it could not be explained why photons are continuously absorbed.

Also the current statement The emission of energy arises from a combination of electronic, molecular, and lattice oscillations in a material . “ does not solve the energy problem, but adds a force problem, as all changes of movements require a force.


T5.5 Emission of Photons does not always result to Radiation

Whether the emission of photons cause radiated photons depends on the difference of the kinetic energy of emitted photons to the kinetic energy of the surrounding omnipresent photons. The kinetic energy of the surrounding omnipresent photons is determined by the temperature in the surroundings.

The kinetic energy of emitted photons depend on the stability of the bondings of emitted photons and the collision energy wjich causes the breaking of bonding.

Overall there are following qualitative rules. The quantitative rules are subject of further research:

* If there is a large difference the emitted photons to surrounding omnipresent photons, The emitted photons can penetrate the omnipresent photons whivh is the requirement for radiating photons.

* If there is just a small difference of kinetic energies the emitted photons are absorbed (=bound) directly (within a distance of lower than 1mm) after emission by omnipresent photons. These emitted photons do not radiate, but “flow” relative slowly by a permanent absorption- emission process to other areas with different temperatures, by which the temperature difference are leveled out. The reason for this is, that by the binding of two photons the vibration-energies are averaged, so that by the subsequent decay the former photons with different kinetic energies get two photons with same kinetic energies (relative to an observer).


T5.6 The erroneous Use of the Term Black Body Radiation

The term shall refer to an idealized body which has the highest possible potential for emission of radiation (=emissivity) at a specific temperature of all bodies.

The term black body radiation uses thermal energy for all energies which are emitted by temperature. This is totally different from thermal energy as expression for radiation that generates heat. I have found no clarification about the valid definition. But mostly visible radiation is also regarded as thermal radiation.

In any case concerning a real black body there is an extremely strange observation: Although a black body absorb high amounts of IR- and visible photons. It does not emit any visible photon. Thus the impassivity is very weak compared to other bodies.

It is very unscientific that this discrepancy is not explained and not even mentioned. I have to admit that the explanation was also for me not easy, but finally there was just one solution by Weltformel for this problem which is presented later. In current physics this problem is probably not mentioned because the missing emission is a refutation of current physics.

Also the statement that the emission is exclusively determined by temperature is partly corrected, that the emission is influenced by the material.

The statement that also the sun emits thermal radiation is pure antiscience and there is no relevant absorption.

T5.7 Not any Formula for thermal Radiation is physically possible

Not any Formula for thermal Radiation is physically possible. The reasons are very simple:

Following issues are completely wrongly understood

* radiation

* heat

* thermal energy, kinetic energy, internal energy

* difference of heat generating and energy generating photons

* completely wrong understanding of thermodynamics (Enthalpy, entropy)

* formula and unit for kinetic energy

* formula and unit for physical work

Stefan-Boltzman rule will be taken as example.

T5.8 Research should be done for useful applications

For climate control we would urgently a valid measurement of received heat from sun. Current data are not very reliable as these are influenced by energy data. The best way to control heat from sun is to measure the increase of temperature of a specific volume of water in a specific time starting at a5 degrees C.

T5.9 Thermal Radiation can cause Cooling

Currently the important statement is missing, that each thermal radiation can cause not only heating but also cooling:

When emitted IR-photons are absorbed by cooler matter these heat the matter.

When emitted IR-photons are absorbed by warmer matter these cool the matter.

It is extremely unscientific that this logical knowledge, which has been experimentally verified already before 1900 is not mentioned any more. It has also be shown in the experiment that the low energetic IR-photons (=heat), which cause cooling can be deflected and thus focused by reflection on metallic surfaces.

Many useful applications:

Thus as example for applications a laser can be constructed which can be used to extinguish critical fires. For absorption exclusively the kinetic energy is relevant not the intensity of radiated particles.


T5.10 Light Mill verifies that emitted Photons can cause Cooling

When the bulb of light mill is surrounded by cold water, the water emits infrared-photons which are colder than the vanes.

It is very logical that Infrared-photons with lower kinetic energy than the matter surrounded by omnipresent photons causes cooling down of the matter by absorption of these colder photons. This is a generally valid physical rule.

This is the scientifically correct explanation why the light mill rotates by absorption of colder infrared-photons to the opposite direction, which means the repulsion at the silver sides is stronger than the repulsion on the cooler black sides. Also here the silver sides absorb much less IR-photons than black sides, so that there is no relevant cooling.

T6 Errors and Reality about Transfers of Heat

T6.1 Basic Misunderstanding of Heat Transfers

T6.1.1 The missing physical Meaning of Heat

In order to understand thermodynamics and to explain climate changes it is essential to explain transfers of heat.

Basic wrong understanding is caused by not being aware that heat and also energy are just properties of matter and that a property can’t be physically transferred as a property can’t change its position. A property can only change its value. Thus the major task in physics would have been to find out the particles which are the carriers of heat and have a variety of different values of the property heat.

T6.1.2 The Conclusions of SURe – New Physics

The definition of the particles which refer to heat was a major task of SURe – New Physics. A valuable information for this is that heat can be measured at any location. By this it was concluded that heat refers to omnipresent matter.

Omnipresent matter has to be a particle, which is extremely stable. By this information it was concluded that omnipresent matter refers to omnipresent photons.

Overall this leads to following:

Thermodynamics is a synonym for heat transfers, and the physical reality of thermodynamics refers to changes of values of the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons within a larger volume at specific positions.

The change of average kinetic energy is mainly done by generation or consumption of omnipresent photons.

T6.1.3 The misused Detection of omnipresent Photons by Physicists

Physicist have accidentally already done measurements of omnipresent matter in space and assumed that these are photons which refer to the measured temperature in space. So physicist correctly called these “3 Kelvin-photons”. Unfortunately physicists did not use one of the most important finding in history of physics to correct all statements of thermodynamics, but to do a fake-verification of the physical impossible theory of generation of the universe. In order to support this they did not use the term 3-Kelvin-photons any more but instead a term which has not any scientific meaning except to prevent that people get knowledge about reality: they called the omnipresent photons “Cosmic Microwave Background” or shortly “CMB”. It is stated that all photons are remnants from the first radiation that occurred in universe.

Very clear is that the first radiation was generated by the first generated stars. But “uncountable” stars were generated after the first stars. So there have to be remnant photons which have all kind of higher energies because these experienced less energy reduction by less cosmic inflation.

This means that the theory of cosmic inflation is refuted by cosmic microwave background. This is conform to the observation, that CMB energy is constant since detection of CMB.

A physically impossible theory which physicists themselves have refuted by their excellent experimental research should be eliminated.

T6.2 General Rules for Omnipresent Photons and Heat Transfers

* Like all particles also omnipresent photons are defined by the only observable properties which are relative position and relative kinetic energy.

* Heat refers to the kinetic energies of omnipresent photons and in order to transfer heat the positions of omnipresent photons with a specific level of kinetic energy have to change their positions.

* All heat transfers refer to absorption followed by an emission of infrared-photons.

* All heat transfers can generate cooler temperatures the same way these generate warmer temperatures. Heat transfer is an averaging process of heat.


T6.3 Error and Reality of thermal Radiation

As already mentioned in previous chapter thermal radiation is no transfer of heat from one position to the other. Thermal radiation refers to emitted infrared photons which do not meet the requirement for heat: random movements by collisions. Such photons are no heat, but generate heat, when these are absorbed.

Example: In the surroundings of sun the temperature is just 3 Kelvin.

It is not easy to measure the temperature near sun, because atomic devices mostly absorb radiated infrared photons, by which heat (=omnipresent photons) is generated. But later it is shown that heating of atomic matter near sun can be avoided by an adequate shielding (by absorption) of thermal radiation.

T6.4 Basics of Heat flow

T6.4.1 Definition of Heat Flow

Heat flow is the usual real heat transfer between two objects.

As heat flow is the most common heat transfer it will be handled in detail in T6. The misunderstanding of heat flow is the main cause for the wrong theory of greenhouse effect.

In current physics there is not only the physical impossible statement that heat is radiated from sun to earth (explained in previous chapter T6.3, but there is also the physical impossible statement that heat is radiated from earth surface to space. The second error refers to the fact that the transport of heat to space is correct, but this is not done by radiated photons but by the random movements and reactions of omnipresent photons. The difference is that the earth does not emit high energetic photons, which can penetrate through omnipresent photons. Thus the emitted photons do just Brownian movements all the way to space, which is caused by permanent collisions. By this a heat transfer occurs, which is completely different than assumed.

T6.4.2 The Mechanism of Heat Flow

Heat flow is based on reactions of omnipresent photons which results to transfers of energy between photons by which the energies of interacting omnipresent photons are averaged. The reaction mechanism is following:

* A photon binds to an other photon. This is the case by most collisions as each photon has three symmetric bonding positions. By a mutual bonding a Di-photon is generated.

* A binding is always followed by an adjustment to equal vibration energies.

* By an additional collisions the diphoton mostly decays again to two photons.

* The overall effect is that two photons with different kinetic energies become photons with same kinetic energies.


T6.4.3 Heat Flow explains many Physical Rules and Observations

The mechanism of heat flow explains following physical rules and observations:

* The second law of thermodynamics: heat always flows from a source heat generation to lower heat, which is at the end the space.

* Heat flow is not only a flow from high heat to low heat but at the same time a flow of low heat to high heat.

* the reservoir of low-heat photons (=space) is much larger than any source of heat generation, so this is the determining factor.

* As in the atmosphere there is no relevant heat source, there is nearly constant heat flow (=temperature gradient) between earth ground ans space.

* Heat flow can be slowed down but never stopped.

* A permanent heat flow is only possible when there is a source of permanent heat generation.


T6.4.4 Combination of Heat Flow with other Heat Transfers

The combination with heat conductivity is explained in chapter of heat conductivity (next chapter).

Usually there is also a combination with heat radiation: Often an emission of generated photons starts with radiation, because there is sufficiently high difference of kinetic energies, but when the absorbing matter is not far away from source of heat generation, the kinetic energies of omnipresent photons between source and absorbing matter increase which can result that the radiation changes to a heat flow.

This process is strongly supported by air molecules, which also increase the heat between emitter and a solid absorber of heat.

T6.5 Errors and Reality about Heat Conductivity


T6.5.1 Measurements of Heat Conductivity

The usual measurement method is to measure the transferred thermal energy through a sample which is positioned between a hot and a cold temperature reservoir, in which the temperatures are held constant.

T6.5.2 The wrong Interpretations of Heat Conductivity

Heat conductivity is no conduction of heat. The apparent conduction of heat is just an illusion. There are two completely different mechanisms which describe the physical reality of heat conduction:

1. Mainly valid for solids and fluids:

The physical reality of heat conduction through a sample is the movement of positions within a solid body or a fluid, which emit omnipresent photons, which have higher kinetic energies than before.

2. Mainly valid for gases:

The physical reality of heat conduction is the movement of infrared photons from emission by a high heat reservoir through the sample until it is absorbed by a low heat reservoir.

No reality are following assumptions:

* Heat is carried by moving valence electrons.

SURe is: There are no free moving electrons moving around an atom. It is reality that some atoms (mostly metals) can emit electrons because all matter consists of bound electrons.

Electrons like all free moving particles or objects are characterized by their relative kinetic energies but thes do not have or carry thermal energies or heat.

* Heat conductivity is proportional to the temperature difference of the used heat reservoirs.

SURe is: The correlation depends on the sample. Mostly the correlation is exponential and not proportional. By using equal temperatures the results of conductivity are comparable, but the measured conductivity data are not valid for other temperatures.

T6.5.3 Repetition: Heat Generation

Generation of heat refers to emissions of omnipresent photons with increased kinetic energies by decay reactions.

Each atom consists of an atomic nucleus on which at specific positions photon-chains are bound. These photon-chains bind to photon chains of other atoms to molecules and also molecules have bound photon chains by which these can bind to of other molecules to bound molecules. Bondings break again as soon as the vibration energy is increased over the maximum vibration amplitude.,

Fluctuating binding and breaking of bondings occur permanently on all atomic particles. (Already discovered by Planck and Kirchhoff). These permanent bondings occur at the sides of the photon chains, so that the bonding by photon chains are not affected. When photons with higher kinetic energy than the surrounding omnipresent photons are bound, then also the emitted photons have higher energies and thus cause increase the average kinetic energy or omnipresent photons. This is equivalent to generation of heat.

T6.5.4 Explanation of Mechanism of Heat Conduction of Solids and Fluids

The physical meaning of heat conduction is that one positions of a body, to which heat is permanently transferred, moves to neighbored positions until the complete body emits heat. The value of heat conductivity refers to the required time for moving a specific distance of the position where heat is generated. Finally the complete body is heated up and emits omnipresent photons, which have higher kinetic energies than the surrounding photons.

Following physical process describes how heat conductivity is measured and the corresponding mechanism:

* One ebd of a rod-like body is permanently heated up which means that omnipresent photons with higher kinetic energy are generated and permanently conducted to this start position of heat conduction.

* Colliding photons are absorbed (= bound) at the start position of the body.

* The newly built bonding gets an vibration energy which is above the vibration energy of the other bondings of the body.

* The high vibration energy of the new bonding is averaged over all bondings which are directly attached to the new bonding.

* By this all directly attached bondings increase there vibration energy. This increase occurs within a very short time.

* The increase of vibration energy of attached bondings cause nearly immediately that some photon bondings break by the increase energy and are emitted.

*Other neighbored bondings which are not directly attached to the bondings with increased vibration energy are not affected in the averaging process of energies and thus stop further conductance of vibration energies by the gap of attached bondings. Therefore also the generation of heat stops at this gap.

* But the first enerated photons with increased kinetic energies are now bound to the non-affected photon chains, by which the non-affected vibration energies behind the gap are increased and cause further decays of high energetic photons and thus generation of heat.

* Overall no heat is conducted but the vibration energy of bondings and the positions where heat is generated are conducted through a body until the complete body emits heat.

T6.5.5 Explanation of Differences of Heat Conductivity of Solids and Fluids

Above mechanism explains following order of measured heat conductivities to lower values:

* Metallic or non-metallic bodies with very high orders of attached bound atoms, which have in addition a high potential to emit photons.

* Bodies with less ordered bondings or less number of bondings.

* Bodies which are significantly affected by impurities like isotopes, which causes less ordered structures.

* Bodies which crystallize to solid bodies by creating lots of domains, which have different atomic orders.

* Polymers or other bodies which consists of single particles.

* Fluids

T6.5.6 Example: High Heat Conductivity of Diamonds

The high heat conductivity of diamonds are caused by nearly completely attached bondings within a crystal. By even low amounts of impurities like nitrogen atoms the structure of attached bondings is deteriorated, so that the heat conductivity is significant lower.


T6.5.7 The fastest Heat Conductivity

By above explanations the fastest heat transfer is done by a nateral which is completely bounded within a dense layer of atoms without any gap of bondings. In such a sample the applied heat at one position is nearly immediately conducted over the hole bound particle, although there might be a distance in meter- range. There are not many materials. These are the super-fluids.

SURe-New Physics clearly shows, that the structures of super-fluids are characterized by being completely bound in a tight plan. By the missing third dimension of bondings, the heat conductivity has no losses by transfers to the third dimension. Of course the structure also explains all other characteristics of super-fluids and multiple times verify the Weltformel.





T6.6 Heat Conductivity of Gases


T6.6.1 The Mechanism for Heat Conductivity of Gases

Gases do not conduct heat by vibration energies of bondings. By the usually performed measurement of heat conductivity infrared-photons are emitted which have to propagate through the gas sample. Of course the propagation is hindered because these are hindered by absorption of the gas molecules. Thus the heat conductivity is reduced by the absorption potential of gas molecules. The absorption potential correlates to the mass density of the gas sample.

T6.6.2 Measured Heat Conductivities verify Correlation to Mass Density


The measured heat conductivities of gas samples clearly verify that these correlate to mass density of gas samples. For example there is a clear dependency concerning noble gases from helium over neon, argon, krypton to xenon.


T6.6.3 Heat Conductivities of Gases reveal Error of Greenhouse Theory

Heat conductivities of gases correlate to absorption potential of gases. By the measurements of heat conductivities of gases physicist have verified following statements of SURe – New Physics, which are determined by the two Fundamental Laws of Nature:

* All gas molecules in atmosphere absorb infrared photons (=heat).

By this less heat arrives at earth surface and thus cools the climate.

* The absorption potential does not correlate to number of atoms of a molecule, but to mass density of atmosphere.

* There are no significant differences of absorption potential between CO2, Ar, O2 and N2, which can be verified by spectroscopic measurements.

* Each additional molecule between sun and earth surface contributes to a cooling effect of climate.

T6.6.4 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum


According to the heat conductivity measurements of gases, vacuum has a very high heat conductivity. It is extremely unscientific that physicist tell obvious lies to people and do not correct wrong statements in physics books. It is very strange that in current physics heat is matterless phenomenon, but for heat conductivity matter is required. That does not make sense. Most physicists are convinced that there is energy in vacuum, so why should there not be heat in vacuum.

If physicists would have done physical research, they would clearly have got the knowledge by temperature measurements, that there is not only radiation of heat photons in vacuum, but also a flow of heat photons. There would have been and still are a lot of very valuable research task like

* determine the temperature difference at which thermal conductivity goes over from flow to radiation which is the temperature difference which is required for penetration.

* determine the temperature gradient over a plate at different temperatures in vacuum

* determine the temperature gradient over the moon surface in sun and shadow-

* determine the cooling rate of warm body in vacuum.

* Determine the heating rate of a cold body in vacuum.


T6.6.5 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum reveals Error of Climate

Climate on earth is mainly influenced by heat conductivity of space.

There are following effects on climate by heat conductivity:

* The high heat conductivity of space concerning received heat from sun causes the warming of earth surface. Because of the long way already few molecules in the space of sun system causes climate cooling up to 10 degrees C, which means a severe ice age.

* The relative strong low-heat (=3K) conductivity by flow of low-heat from space to earth surface is the main factor for permanent cooling of earth. On moon this flow causes the decrease of temperatures without sunshine to minus 160°C.

T6.7 Other Correlations of Heat Conductivity


T6.7.1 Current wrong Explanation of Correlation to Temperature

Heat conductivity mostly shows an inverse correlation to temperature. Currently this is explained by increased vibrations, which hinders the flow of valence electrons, by which the heat is carried.

SURe is:

* Valence electrons do not exist.

* Electrons can’t carry heat.

T6.7.2 Explanation of inverse Correlation Heat Conductivity to Temperature

By increasing temperatures the number of bonds decrease because of breakings by too high energy. The decreasing number of bondings cause decrease of heat conductivity.

T6.7.3 The Correlation between thermal and electric Conductivity

Particular for metals there is a correlation between thermal and electric conductivity. Current explanations is that both conductivities refer to movements of electrons and movements of electrons are hindered by the increase of vibration amplitude of atoms. This explanation can be excluded for Heat transfer as heat transfer is not done by electrons. Physicists assume that electrons use the space between atomic layers for propagation. But the increased vibration amplitudes refer to the bondings and these are in the layers of atoms but not between these layers. Thus increasing vibration between bound atoms would not reduce the propagation channel of electrons.

It is more likely that the ordered structures of propagation channels get disordered by increased heat and the resulting breaking of bondings. By this boths the temperature dependency for both properties is caused by same effect.

Iby the way it seems that physicists seen to know that the vibrations of bondings do not affect the movement of electrons, because they don’t talk about increase of vibration of bondings but of increase of vibration of the atomic lattice. But as physicists have no explanation for a vibration of the atomic lattice, they invented new virtual (=unreal) particles which vibrate and called these phonons. Of course phonons are pure science fiction. The reason for this invention might be to give a physically impossible issue a scientific appearance.

In SURe -New Physics up to now no clear statement can be presented for the explanation of temperature dependency of electrical conductivity. Highest probability has the decrease of orders of bondings. A theory is that electrons use the free room between ordered levels of atoms for optimal propagation. The mechanismus for propagation of electrons in conductors are still under investigation.

Clear reality is, that temperature increase cause breaks of bondings, by which the ordered bonding structure gets worse. A strong indication for this is the loss of magnetism by heat.

Another indication that electrons use the space between atomic layers for propagation is, that this would explain that electric currents follow without additional losses of kinetic energy any curvatures in conducting lines which can be explained by reflections within the layer of bound atoms. On the surface of bodies the bonds of the bound photons are always parallel to the surface. This is also valid for power cables, even when these are bent. By this also the conducting channels have same curvature.

Reflection is done because there are no bonding positions rectangular to bound layers of atoms. Without reflections electrons would leave the power line.

T6.7.4 The Dependency of thermal Conductivity to Direction

The term for dependency on direction is anisotropy. The anisotropy of thermal and electrical conductivity is also an indication for above statements. In other words, if the ordered structure is partly destroyed by increase temperature, then also anisotropy will be destroyed. This seems to be reality: highly ordered structures show a clear anisotropy and solids with disordered structures show isotropy.

T6.8 Insulation against Heat Losses

T6.8.1 Insulation against Heat Conduction in Solids

By knowing the reality of strong heat conductivity by attached bondings, it can be cocluded how to reduce heat conductivity: By generation of many surface areas in solid materials by matter-free areas in solids. Surface areas have two effects:

* Stop thermal conduction by attached bondings

* Keep heat in the solid matter because of conducting heat around the surface areas in the solid.

This explains also why multiple layers (for example clothing) has a stronger potential for heat insulation than one thicker layer.

This explains why the use of fibers for clothing, hairs and feathers have a strong insulation effect.

This again shows that nearly nothing is scientifically explained in current physics.

T6.8.2 Insulation of Thermos Flask

The good insulation of a thermos flask works by two effects:

* Vacuum

* Reflection

If there would be just vacuum in a black inner layer, there would be no insulation at all, because vacuum has a strong heat conductivity by radiation.

By reflecting (metallic) inner coatings the heat photons are reflected back to the hot medium and within the vacuum area back to the inner bottle wall. Instead of telling the truth about vacuum, physicist state that the insulation is mainly caused by vacuum.

Also when using vacuum in double glazing windows there are additional coatings for reflection.


T6.8.3 Insulation of Windows

For a good heat insulation of a house, particular insulated windows are important. The heat losses are reduced by following:

* Glass consists of single particles, so that the heat conductivity has a relative low level.

* By double glazing there is a surface effect.

* A coating, which reflects infrared photons.

* A suitable filling gas within the double glazing.

T6.8.4 Applied Gas for double-glazing reveals desastrous Error of Climate

Double glazing windows are not filled with CO2, which clearly proves that CO2 does not hold back heat. Instead of CO2 mostly argon is used as filling gas. Measured values for heat conductivity for argon is nearly the same as for CO2 or air. This verifies that concerning heat CO2 is not an exceptional “wonder”-molecule as currently stated. Engineers could have earned incredible amounts of money when CO2 would be capable to do the interactions which physicists stated.

The CO2 -greenhouse effect is the most desastrous theory for mankind and for nature, where physicists invented physical impossible science-fiction instead of doing physical research for some hours.

To get knowledge about the reality of CO2 (= cooling effect on climate) wouldn’t have needed spectacular experimentation, because basic experiments were already available.

T6.8.5 Why argon is used as Filling Gas

Mostly nobel gases are used as filling gases, particular argon. Argon has following advantages:

* Cheapest nobel gas.

Like the other nobel gases:

* Does not decay by UV-photons to aggressive molecules, like it is done for N2 and O2.

* Does no binding to unsuitable molecules.

* Inert gases improve sound-proving.

* Inert gases are reflected on surfaces.

T6.9 Transfer of Heat by Convection

T6.9.1 Definition of Heat Convection

Heat convection is defined as movement of high number of molecules to regions where there is a different temperature.

Forces for convection are mostly pressure differences, which are balanced by convection.

Convection of air in atmosphere plays a roll for climate on earth.

T6.9.2 Heat Transfer is indirectly done by Convection

As gas molecules are no heat these can’t directly transfer heat. But after movement to different temperatures the gas molecules reduce or generate heat by emitting photons which have different kinetic energies than surrounded photons. By absorption and emission of photons an averaging process occurs (see chapter about heat flow).

When fluids and solids move to another position there might be limited inclusions of separate photons.

T6.10 Refutation of Greenhouse Theory

T6.10.1 Real Greenhouses work by Prevention of Convection

The term greenhouse-effect is currently wrongly used to manipulate the general public to belief that a heating effect by absorption exist. Everyone, who has an average scientific understanding knows that the heat increase in a greenhouse exclusively occurs by prevention of convection of hot air to the atmosphere. This shows that the terms greenhouse effect or greenhouse gas is consciously misused for manipulation of general public.

A scientifically term to express the climate effect of CO2 would be parasol-effect, because absorption of heat in atmosphere is a strong cooling effect on climate.

As there is not any scientific proof that CO2 causes global warming, physicist can only work with wrong terms to manipulate general public to believe in a statement which is not only physically impossible but is opposite to reality.

T6.10.2 Refutation of Greenhouse-Effect by a Greenhouse

Glassy materials can have strong differences of their potential for absorption of infrared photons (=heat).

When two identical greenhouses are build side by side with the only difference that one greenhouse is covered by glass with a higher absorption potential for IR-photons, the temperature in the greenhouse with low absorption potential will clearly by higher than in the other. Differentiated for day and night effect this is explained by:

* By sun shine the temperature increase is much smaller by heat absorbing glass than by less absorbing glass.


The radiated IR-photons are absorbed by the glass with high absorption potential. Thus instead of warming the air and ground in the greenhouse, the glass is warmed, but will quickly be cooled again by the outside air

* All the time: The temperature difference between within and outside the greenhouses is not so large that heat radiation occurs. This means that instead of heat radiation heat flow occurs by absorption-emission- mechanism of omnipresent photons. This process is nearly independent from the heat-absorption potential. This means: There will be continuously higher temperatures in the greenhouse, which is covered by glass with less IR-absorption.

The same can be done by a swimming pool.

With little boxes covered with glass this experiment has already be done over 100 years ago.

Scientists should believe in observed experiments and not in physically impossible science fiction.

Overall the experiments clearly show how a scientific refutation of the greenhouse theory has to be done and verifies that any absorption in atmosphere causes a cooling effect on climate.

T6.10.3 Using knowledge of reality of Absorption to save Costs

Engineers seem to be the only scientists, who know the physical reality about the subject they are doing research, because their research is based on observations and everything what engineers observe by tests is reality. Engineers do not propose to build windows out of glass with a high potential for heat absorption, although according to current theory this should save immense costs for heating by the slogan, heat comes in but does not go out. Probably engineers have tested this and got the knowledge that such window glasses cause significantly higher costs for heating.

Unfortunately engineers dared not to propose to construct such windows for tropical regions because this would save much money for running cooling machines.



T7 The severe Errors by Determination of Heat Balance of Earth


T7.1 Background of Heat Balance

Physicist tried to demonstrate the global warming by an input-output balance of heat on earth. The result is a demonstration that physicists have not only zero understanding about climate, but a totally wrong understandings about climate and physics. It is a demonstration that physics converted to antiscience. The determination of the required data to verify the expected discrepancy of heat radiation can be regarded as summit of outrages antiscience in Physics. Besides lots of other there are following major errors:

T7.2 The Error Variance has not be considered

Even, when the single values of contributing factors would be scientifically valid, their variances would result to a balance variance which is an a range of extreme high surplus of heat up to extremely high deficit of heat on earth. There will be no differences between regions of deserts and regions of permanent ice. It is extremely unscientific to manipulate people in their thinking by such an desastrous fault.

T7.3 Important Data do not refer to Heat but to Energies

As there is no correlation between heat and energy all components have clearly be differentiated between heat and energy. As the received heat from sun consists of received energy it is not possible to determine a meaningfil balance. This error has als caused the errorneous thinking, that the received heat from sun has been constant during the global warming period. The most urgent tasks of scientists would have been and still is to implement a measurement of received heat from sun to earth.

The most neaningful measurement is to measure the temperature increase of a specific watwer sample within specific time. By this it would have been clearly recognized that the received heat from sun has been significantly increased, which alone would have explained the global warming. Thus there would not be needed any other research to demonstrate the global warming and the root cause for global warming.

T7.4 The Contribution of latent Heat is underrated

Positive is that the latent heat has been included as a significant factor for heat balance. Of course the portion of contribution to climate cooling is not easy to determine. But by more accurate determination it can be estimated that it contributes stronger to climate cooling than the value of the constructed heat balance.

The nature friendly climate at equatorial zones is mainly due to reduction of heat by evaporation of water, which is stored by abundant tropical vegetation.

Thus the increase of heat from sun is strongly mitigated by primeval forest.

This shows the only major action which mankind can do against global warming: the extension of vegetation.

There is also an important natural process which works with this mitigation process of heat: Heat causes increase of CO2 in atmosphere by dissolutions out of ocean water by increasing water temperature.

Plant growths is nearly proportional to the CO2-concentration in atmosphere. This is an even more significant mcooling effect on climate besides the heat absorption effect.

Each molecule CO2 less in atmosphere contributes to global warming!

T7.5 The Contribution of heat losses by Absorption is underrated

Positive is that the heat losses by atmospheric absorption is included as significant factor in the heat balance.

But it is not taken into account that the absorption of absorbed infrared photons to all infrared photons is larger.

It is relative easy to measure the correct portion for this by a heat flux measurements in outer atmosphere and on earth surface.

T7.6 The Contribution of Heat losses by Reflections is overrated

Heat Losses by reflection of heat is much lower than assumed. Contrary to the very high reflection potential for visible photons, which are reflected by all surfaces which are not black at least partly, infrared photons are generally not reflected by most surfaces. IR-photons are mainly reflected on metallic surfaces, which is well known by physicists and is used for insulation. Measurements clearly have shown that snow reflects no more than 10% of heat. Current statement is that the reflection of heat is 90%.

Ignoring observations and believing in refuted statements is clear antiscience.

T7.7 The severe Misunderstanding of Albedo-Effect

Currently it is stated that the Albedo-effect (apparent reflection of heat by ice and snow) leads to a self-reinforcing global warming. Reality is the contrary. The Albedo effect is an effect of visible photons but not of infrared photons. . Thus the “Albedo”- effect is not relevant for global warming. This again shows that the nature does not work against living beings by uncontrolled self- reinforcing processes.

Ice and snow are important stabilization factors for climate because of its latent heat, which means the heat generation by freezing and the heat consumption by melting.

* The transfer of heat from earth surface to space is not done by radiation but by heat flow. It is simply impossible to determine the heat flow to space.

* A stronger factor than the heat flow from earth ground to space is the flow of 3K -photons from space to earth surface which is also impossible to determine.

T7.8 Measurements by Satellite refutes the Greenhouse Theory

Physicist have claimed claim, that the measured absorption from satellite at an radiation energy of earth surface temperature is the only indication of the verification of the greenhouse theory.

As there is no thermal radiation from earth to space it is impossible to measure the radiation of heat by a satellite from space. All measured data by satellite do not refer to heat. Most signals refer to neutrinos.

Greenhouse Theory is based on back- radiation of Heat from CO2-Molecules

Back-radiation or correct back-flow of heat from atmosphere to earth ground is physically impossible science fiction!

Nearly complete heat on earth surface has been generated by Sun. Only heat which has been generated on earth can flow back to the space Heat can only flow to space when heat has been generated on earth by Sun. Thus the sun is clearly the major determining factor for climate. The flow of heat from earth to space has some influence on weather because of slowing down by clouds but no significant influence on global climate on earth. This is an important knowledge concerning climate change.

T7.9 Wrong Formula for radiated Heat by Earth


T7.9.1 Result of Unscientific Experimentation: Stefan-Boltzmann Rule

1879 J. Stefan did experimental tests by measuring the flux of radiation of metallic samples at different temperatures. He was not aware of the fact that the measured heat radiation goes to zero by reducing the temperature of the emitted device to the temperature of the detector. Thus the measured correlation to the temperature of the emitter does not make sense.

In addition in order to measure the flux of radiation energy the temperature increase by time has to be measured. For many detectors this is not the case.

When someone would have done scientific research, he would have done the measurements by different temperatures of surroundings, different gases in the surrounding, different masses of samples, different radiation sensors and different ranges of temperatures. By this he would have got the knowledge that there are totally different correlations. By the limited measurements Stefan found a correlation to the 4th power of the emission temperature. This correlation just suits to a single condition, but is not generally valid. A generally valid formula would require to cool the detector to zero temperature.

It might also be possible to get a meaningful correlation by measuring the radiated flux against a temperature difference.

T7.9.2 Nonsensical Formula was explained by Thermodynamics

1884 Boltzmann derived the nonsensical formula by statements of thermodynamics. This clearly shows how the unclear and wrong statements of thermodynamics can be modified to be conform to anything you want. In addition Boltzmann did wrong conclusions, interpretations and wrong mathematics.

T7.9.3 Absurd Data of Heat Radiation of Earth

By using the fake formula for calculations the physically impossible results should have been recognized to be wrong. Particular this is the case for the calculated value of radiation from earth, which is used to manipulate the general public to believe in the absurd green-house theory in form of a heat balance of earth. According to this value the earth radiates more than two times more heat to space than heat is received from sun. Reliable measurements of relative radiation intensities of heat can be done be our skin. Thus we should feel much more heat from earth than from sun.

How can scientist present these absurd data in physics book which are used for teaching? This is the summit of outrages antiscience.

T7.9.4 The reality of Measurements of Heat Flow

Measurements of heat flow can only be done relative by using a standard procedure, so that identical conditions are compared. Heat flow depends on material. Heat flow has already been measured by specific conductivity.

Heat flow shows in principle same dependency to temperature than thermal radiation, except that it is slower. Heat flow verifies that the heat transfer from emitter to absorbent depends on temperature difference, and that the flow is zero when there is no temperature difference.


T7.10 Other Consideration for Budgeting Energy of Earth

T7.10.1 The Impossibility to budget Energy of Earth

See Earth's energy budget - Wikipedia :

The apparent energetic imbalance is described by the well known diagram which is shown in the reference above. The diagram with data, by which the balance between emitted and received energy of Earth is described is pure pseudoscience, which has the only aim to manipulate the general public to believe in the absurd greenhouse theory. The diagram works with following major fakes, errors and impossibilities which violate natural laws. (There are many more basic errors than listed).

* Energy balance is mostly opposite to heat balance. But it is stated that the calculated energy difference is equivalent to heat balance. So there is not any meaningfulness of result.

* Stars and planets generate a lot of infrared photons in core by nuclear fusion, which are omnipresent photons (heat), which are emitted. Without theses the celestial bodies would exert no gravitation. Thus the emitted heat should be much higher than the received. This would result to cooling.

* It is not possible to determine the number of emitted IR-photons out of earth, which makes it impossible to define the emitted heat.

* Also the emitted number and kinetic energy of emitted visible photons cannot be determined

* The high energetic photons from UV to gamma photons from sun are not included in energy balance.

* The used Stefan-Boltzmann formula is definitively wrong.

* The used value for back radiation is antiscience. Back radiation is physically impossible.

* If there would be calculated an imbalance of heat, the accuracies of single data would be much worse than stated, so that the overall accuracy of the difference ranges from strongly positive to strongly negative.

* Radiation energy is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is no energy which can be balanced, as kinetic energy can be generated and consumed. The law of energy conservation is not valid for kinetic energy.


T7.10.2 The positive Issue of the Data of Energy Balance of Earth

There are also reliable data in this diagram, which are at the same time the most valuable data. These is the reduction of photons by absorption and reflection. Whereas reflection mainly refers to visible photon, absorption refers mainly to infrared -photons. Overall it can be estimated that at more than 30% of heat is absorbed by gas molecules, clouds and aerosols. Reflection and scattering refers mainly to visible photons. It has to be considered that most of heat absorption is not measured by current method, so the more exact value has still to be determined. But this shows that this is the main factor for cooling of earth.

Overall data for emission of heat by earth are currently mot available, but are also not relevant, because these do not have a relevant effect on climate. Instead most accurate control of climate data are the created heat on earth by radiation per second and area. This has to be done by a suitable method, which is the heating up of a water sample by a specific time. This would be much more accurate to control global warming better than current measurements, which are not very meaningful. These are not differentiated between heat and energy.


T7.10.3 The wrong Understanding of received Heat from Sun


The received heat on earth from sun is the main factor for global climate and global climate change. Therefore there has to be a good understanding about how the sun causes heat on earth.

The main wrong interpretation and thus understanding is that heat is transferred from sun to earth. This is physically impossible, because the sun is much colder than earth. The temperatures are below 15 K in core of sun and about 2,7 K in surrounding of sun. So no heat can be transferred.

SURe is that the heat is generated on earth by emitted IR-photons from sun by following process:

* The emitted IR-photons are absorbed by atomic matter.

* The vibration energies of other bound photons are increased by averaging process.

* The photon- bondings with lowest stability break and are emitted.

* The emitted photons have nearly almost somewhat higher kinetic energies than omnipresent photons.

* As theses do not have such a high energy that these penetrate omnipresent photons, they are incorporated process of random movements and collisions of omnipresent photons but increase the average kinetic energy.

* This process is equivalent to generation of heat.

T8 Additional Considerations about Vibration

T8.1 Impossible Statements about Climate and Vibrations

Current „greenhouse-gas “ theory of CO2 is based on three physically impossible statements:

1. CO2 causes a warming effect on climate because of its absorption potential for infrared photons.

2. Absorption is caused by the change of a low-energetic vibration mode to a high-energetic vibration mode.

3. CO2 has an extreme absorption potential, because CO2 has many possibilities to change its vibration mode as CO2 consists of 3 atoms and not two like O2 and N2.

SURe/ New Physics:

1. This statement is refuted in other chapters.

2. The SURe is: When a molecule or atom absorbs energy like heat its vibration amplitude increases. This causes that some bondings to high energetic photons break and thus are emitted, so that these change the average kinetic energy of the surrounding omnipresent photons. This is equivalent to the change of heat in the surrounding. In most cases the heat is increased.

There is no change of a vibration mode. There is even not a change of vibration frequency, but like it is for all energetic changes of vibrations these refer to changes of vibration amplitudes.

3. SURe is: All bondings in a bound particle have the same mode and direction of vibration: A symmetric stretching vibration. All particles consists of bound electrons, therefore also singe atoms do vibrations and can absorb heat.

The potential for absorption of heat is independent from number of atoms. It depends on number of photon chains, because absorption of heat is equivalent to the binding of infrared photons to a photon chain, which are bound to atomic nuclei.

T8.2 The fatal Error of Vibration Modes of Molecules

A typical model of a 3-atomic molecule, which consists of three balls connected by coil springs clearly shows that the only possible vibration mode is the symmetric stretching. All other modes would require that the center atom of a molecule has been fixed. Particular for gases this requirement is not met.

T8.3 Absorption correlates to Heat Conductivity of gases

The specific heat conductivity of gas molecules does also correlate to number of photon chains like absorption, as the flow of heat is reduced by absorption.

This can be verified by corresponding measurements. For example Argon as one atomic gas has the same absorption potential as CO2.

T8.4 Without Knowledge of Vibration no Statements should be done

For such an important issue like climate it is grossly negligent to make statements about vibrations of molecules without knowing how vibrations occur. There is not even a scientific theory which is physically possible.

The basic knowledge of physicists is that vibrations refer to accelerated movements and for accelerated movements to two directions alternating forces in two opposite directions are required. In addition an activation energy is required to start the vibration.

A suitable example is the vibration of a coil spring. The activation of an interaction is always done by the kinetic energy of the collision to another body. This is again an example which shows that the theory that photons can also be electromagnetic waves is completely non-sense.

An unsolvable problem for current physics is to define the alternating forces, which exert the atoms of to do the alternating movements. The only existing force which causes acceleration has not been detected till now in physics. Normally physicists therefore had to invent new forces when a specific force is needed, but in this case physicists did not do this because of the theory that there are „only“ four basic forces. So there is just an unexplained observation, which is physically impossible by current theories.

T8.5 The first real Description and Explanation of Vibration

SURe- New Physics explains all interactions in universe by the Two Fundamental Laws of Nature. These fulfill the corresponding requirements for vibrations of all particles:

* First Fundamental Law of Nature: The force to be accelerated to the position of lowest spin energy in a bound particle.

* Second Fundamental Law of Nature: The force to maintain kinetic energy as long as possible.

* Alternating movements of electrons by these forces.

* No forces which cause damping of vibrations.

* Activation energy for vibrations are provided by collisions (kinetic energy).

* Changes of vibration (magnitude and/or direction) are done by a collision to another particle.

* Change of vibration causes change of movement. Movement is changed in a way so that vibration get symmetric again after collision.

Overall conclusions:

* There is just one single vibration mode of each particle: The symmetric stretching vibration to a common center.

* Absorption potential has nothing to do with vibration of atoms.

* Absorption potential in atmosphere does not differ significantly by type of molecule but by total mass of molecules.

* Already explained: Each additional atomic matter in earth atmosphere cools the climate on earth by increase of heat absorption.

T8.6 Vibrations refute the Existence of Charges

In current physics bondings are mainly explained by charges of particles. But charges do not explain the alternating forces, which are required for vibrations of bondings. In addition charges are not physical and already by this do not exist, but refer to science-fiction.


T8.7 No Correlation between kinetic Energy, Heat and Vibration

It has been already explained that there is no general correlation between these quantities.

Reality is that an increase or decrease of vibration amplitude can generate or consume heat, which refers to emission or binding of omnipresent photons.



T8.8 Vibrations also occur at absolute Zero

Current statement that bondings do not vibrate at absolute zero temperature is physically impossible. Bondings always reduce spin energy. The reduced spin energy is transferred to vibration energy.

Thus exclusively a single electron does not vibrate. But single state of an electron mostly does not last long, because of binding to omnipresent photons or other particles.


T9 Incorrect Measurements of Temperature


T9.1 The scientific Zero Point of Heat

Current zero point is a best guess of physicists but nothing which is physical reality. It is created by the assumption that an ideal gas (which is no reality) is condensed to zero volume (which is no reality).

A scientific zero point results by the definition of heat being the average energy of omnipresent photons. By this the zero point clearly refers to the freezing temperature of omnipresent photons, because frozen (=bound) photons have no kinetic energy. This occurs at about 2.7 Kelvin. Black holes consist of frozen photons and explain the stabilization of the temperature of space at 2.7 K.

But there might be colder temperatures by under-cooling, so that the scale of Kelvin can be used by knowing that temperatures below 2.7 K cannot be measured, because calibration is not possible.

T9.2 The Error of Temperatures in Space

A severe error is that heat in space or in higher regions of atmosphere refer to average kinetic energies of the known particles in these regions. According to this there would be extremely high values which would be of course non-sense. As physicists are aware of this they defined the temperatures in space to be 2,7 Kelvin. This value is reasonable but of course a definition and no measurement like the zero point.

Physicists are not aware that the normal contact measurements refer exclusively to omnipresent photons and not to any other particle. The advantage is that normal measurements of temperature can be done everywhere, which means also in space.

T9.3 The Error of Temperature Measurements by Radiation

By chance physicists measured particles, which they thought would be radiation of photons at a temperature of space which is near 3 Kelvin. In some cases they used the term 3-Kelvin-photons for the photons, but mostly they used the unscientific term Cosmic Microwave Background”, which makes no sense at all. As omnipresent photons are everywhere in space, heat can be measured directly by contact thermometers in space.

T9.4 Temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

T9.4.1 The Detection of particles called Cosmic Microwave Background

Physicist detected by experiments to measure radio radiation in the sky by a horn antenna that there are lots of very low energetic signals, which they could not explain. These could be measured in all directions of the sky. In order to explain this finding physicists assumed that these are relic photons from first radiation in universe, which lost their energy by the assumed expansion of the universe. Therefore the particles were called Cosmic Microwave Background. As they thought that their low energies refer to the temperature in space, these were also called 3-Kelvin- photons.

T9.4.2 Further CMB Measurements refute the assumed Explanation

Further very accurate CMB measurements were done in space by satellites. These were presented in a picture which demonstrates that the energies are in a very low range. Nevertheless the extremely small differences were marked by colored regions.

Not marked were stronger differences, which showed an ambiguous anisotropy of the energies. So the most interesting and most valuable scientific finding was not presented to the public. The probable reason is, that the anisotropy clearly refutes the theory of relic radiation shortly after generation of the universe.

T9.4.3 The real scientific Conclusions of CMB Measurements

The very narrow energetic range can only be explained, when the first radiation in universe completely stopped after a short time. This can clearly be excluded to be reality. Nearly all radiated photons are emitted by stars and the radiation from stars continuous since generation of stars till today. So relic-photons must have a broad range of energies.

Thus physicists have refuted their theory of the expansion of the universe, which is not only an unexplained theory but also a physically impossible theory.

All measured CMB data including the anisotropy are in agreement to the findings of SURe- New Physics: Low energetic photons have been generated by bindings of electrons few hours after generation of matter (=electrons) all over the space of the universe. As photons are extremely stable these fill complete universe for ever and thus can be called omnipresent photons.

T9.4.4 The measured particles by Radio Antenna can’t be Photons

Of the measured signals would be from omnipresent photons there would be millions more signals. In addition a detector of radio radiation is not adequate to measure photons. A detector for radio radiation is a very simple but effective detector, because it measures the electrons (electric current) which are generated by the decay of particles to electrons by collisions against the detector. Photons are so stable, that these do not decay by a simple radio detector. All used detectors for radio signals detect electron-pairs (=electron-neutrinos), which are allover the space with a much lower concentration as photons. These are generated by collisions of omnipresent photons:

Photon (=4e) ↔ 2 electron-pairs (= 2*2e)

Thus electron-pairs accompany photons by a ratio which is probably below 0,00001 % of photons.

Electron-pairs are perfectly suitable for measurements of kinetic energies, because these decay to 2 electrons by collisions to metal and thus to electric current. This unique characteristics is used for data transfer through atmosphere and space.

T9.4.5 Physicists detected their Error, but did not correct this.

Later physicists realized that Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) - measurements do not refer to radiated photons but to radio radiation, which is equivalent to electron-neutrinos. So the same finding was called Cosmic-Neutrino-Background (CNB). To cover up their earlier error they assigned a lower temperature to these with an average of 1,95 K, although the measured energies are identical and measurements are done by same detector.

Reality is that electron-pairs are not generating relevant heat and that energies do not correlate to heat.

A correct statement of physicists is that electron-pairs (= electron-neutrinos) have been generated in universe earlier than photons (=muon-neutrinos). which is according to SURe- New Physics obvious.

T9.4.6 Why is the Source of CMB SURe?

Radiated Electron-pairs are generated everywhere, where photons are generated, which means that there is also radiation from stars. But the differentiation can be done by their lower kinetic energies which results by the much lower mass of electron-pairs than of photons.

T9.5 Wrong Measurements of Temperatures of Atmosphere


T9.5.1 The correct Temperatures of Atmosphere

To control climate changes and to determine the cause for climate changes it is essential to do correct measurements of temperatures. Formerly nearly all temperatures have been correctly measured by contact thermometers. Contact thermometers were also used to measure the temperatures in atmosphere.

By these measurements physicists got the knowledge that the temperature of atmosphere decreases on average by 6,5 K per 1000 m.

T9.5.2 The wrong Temperatures of Atmosphere

Above troposphere physicists stop real measurements of temperatures and go over to non-calibrated measurements, which are done without contact by radiation and resulted to increasing instead of decreasing temperatures in stratosphere. Increasing temperatures by increasing distance to earth surface are physically impossible. This violates the second law of thermodynamics, which correctly requires that heat always flow to colder regions. This unexplained rule is explained in detail by SURe – New Physics. The atmospheric layer of tropopause was “invented” to mark the transition from correct temperatures to wrong temperatures. The main physical effect in atmosphere by increasing distance to earth surface is the decreasing density of matter. The gradient of decrease of density is linear and not much different to decrease of heat over complete atmosphere. Based on this there is no reason and sense for the current separation of atmosphere to different layers. It is much clearer to use just the distance to earth surface or even better the temperature to express the location of any special interactions.

It is not necessary to use the inadequate measurement method by radiation at higher altitudes of atmosphere because the usual method by contact thermometers can be used everywhere in universe. According to the definition of heat, the requires omnipresent photons are everywhere in space and provide correct results by contact thermometers, which can be calibrated without any problem. By using the same measurement method like for troposphere it would have been realized that the temperature of atmosphere decreases continuously until 2,7 K. Contact thermometers by electrical resistance have already been calibrated up to -200 °C . It is no problem to construct accurate thermometers up to -270 °C.

T9.5.3 The Temperatures of Atmosphere violate physical Rules


Also without additional measurement it is known by physical rules that measurements above troposphere reduce by distance to surface of earth. According to the second law of thermodynamics there has to be a continuous flow of heat from the warm surface (about 288 K) to the space, which is 2,7 K. So physicists should have recognized that the stated measurements of increasing temperatures are physically impossible and caused by a wrong measurement (see next chapter). If the higher temperatures would be reality there would be flow of heat from upper atmospheric heights to earth ground. And when the temperature in the atmosphere is not going down, there has to be a continuous flow of heat from atmosphere to earth ground, which is multiple times stronger than the heat, which is received from sun to earth. The heating of gas molecules of atmosphere by sun is observed by the real measurements in atmosphere: In 10 km height the temperature is heated from 2,7K to about 218 K which is -55°C. Most of heating of sun is done indirectly by heating the earth surface and heat flow to space.


T9.5.4 The Antiscience of measurements of Temperatures in Atmosphere

It is extremely strange that physicist have not recognized the obviously wrong temperatures. It is highly probable that besides the wrong measurements there were also some correctly measured temperatures. These would have been required for calibration of the measurements by radiation.

All observations of temperatures between a warm and a cold temperature reservoir show a continuous gradient. The corresponding reservoirs for the atmosphere are particular large and very reliable to be stable: earth and space. All additional heatings by reactions in atmosphere are irrelevant.

T9.5.5 Explanation of the real Temperatures of Atmosphere

There is a large reservoir of warm heat, which is represented by the generated omnipresent photons at the surface of earth and there is a much larger reservoir of colder heat with is the space.

According to known rules of thermodynamics and corresponding observations there is a nearly constant flow of heat from a warmer reservoir to a cooler reservoir and at the same time a “cold heat” flow from the colder reservoir to the warmer. By this is over a broad range a nearly constant temperature gradient to lower temperatures from earth surface to space, which is known to be about 3 Kelvin.

As the cooler reservoir is much larger than the warmer the main heat flow occurs from space to earth surface.

This explains the observation that the temperature above a rather low altitude does not depend any more on the temperature on earth surface.

The observation that the decrease of temperatures start above sea level clearly shows that the warm reservoir is represented by the oceans on the earth surface and not by the solid earth ground. This explains the observations of cooler climate zones by increasing altitudes.

Thus oceans are a main factor for climate, which was well known formerly. This was even taught as main climate factor in my school time, but in current physics the main factor has been banned and has been sacrificed in order to tell pseudoscience and science fiction to the people. (Details are presented in SURe -New Physics VOL C Reality of Climate).


T9.6 Other wrong Measurements of Heat and Absorption

T9.6.1 Fake - Measurements of Absorption Spectra from Satellite

It is incredible that the only “verification” of greenhouse effect according to statements of physicists are three infrared-spectra, which were recorded in 1969 from Nimbus-3 satellite a) over Sahara, b) over Mediterranian and c) over Antarctic. These were the first and apparently at the same time nearly the last published infrared- spectra which according to statements of physicists prove greenhouse effect of CO2. There was one trial, which just showed that some physicists are still believing these fake measurements

The reality is that these spectra do not show anything which can be assigned to a thermal effects. These spectra are just used to manipulate the general public to believe in the absurd green-house effect. Even if it would be possible to measure the heat absorption of molecules like CO2 this would not be a verification that CO2 causes global warming but that CO2 has a cooling effect. Experts of spectroscopy well know that absorption of heat is equivalent to binding of IR-photons and binding of IR-photons is equivalent to elimination of heat.



T9.6.2 Temperature of Earth Ground can’t be measured from Satellites

There are still satellites which apparently measure temperatures on earth ground and also in atmosphere. The receiving signals refer not to heat but to signals of emitted electron-pairs from earth-ground and from atmosphere. The correlation of electron-pairs emitted by different sources to temperatures is inadequate to calibrate to real temperatures.

The signals are even worse to correlate these to temperatures in atmosphere. That fact that the signals are not based on temperatures is demonstrated by the fact, that the measurements have not even detected the currently wrong measured temperatures which are extremely far away from reality,

Positive is that the responsible scientists admit that they have to do extensive efforts to manipulate the measured data in a way that these sound reasonable. In principle this might work. But you never have the guaranty that the data are real.

But it is understandable they don’t want to give up their expensive project.

The only published data I have seen are changes of yearly average temperatures, which have a relative strong variance. It can be expected that measurements of real temperatures have much better variances. In addition an “adjustment” to real temperatures measured on earth has to be done every few years. This makes clear that measurements by satellite are not useful.

It is extreme antiscience that by such manipulation of random data it is stated that also by satellite the global warming is verified.

These fake measurements are expensive and do not make any sense, because there are so many observations of global warming that it can be regarded as sure. Additionally it would be extremely unusual and unreliable when there would be no change of global climate, which naturally occurs since existence of earth.



T9.6.3 Logical Measurements to verify Greenhouse Effect.

The basic argumentation for the greenhouse effect is that after absorption of infrared photons by greenhouse- gases these emit the infrared photons again to earth. This is just partly correct. The reality is:

When the infrared reach the absorbing gas molecule by heat flow (no heat radiation) its kinetic energy has the same temperature as the gas molecule, which is generally much cooler than the earth ground. The gas molecule emits photons which have the same temperature as the molecule, but the emission is done to all directions. These are statements which are generally accepted by physicists. Overall it is physically impossible that green-house or any other gas molecule has a warming effect on climate by night and every gas ,olecule in atmosphere has a strong cooling effect on climate.

Statements about back radiation can be verified by emission spectra from atmosphere to earth ground.

The fact that there is not any measurable emission band of heat radiation from atmosphere to earth ground verifies that there is no back radiation of heat.

T9.6.4 The Fake Measurement of back Radiation

It can be regarded as severe conscious fraud against mankind that physicists have constructed a fake measurement of the non-existing back radiation. When no back radiation shows not any signal by a spectrometer, this is also not possible by other measurements.

But physicists had the idea to assign usual temperature differences of different materials which were positioned over the earthground at two different distances to refer to back radiation. When adequate materials are taken for this, you get a higher temperature at the upper material. By same materials it is mostly the opposite case. The next fake is to assign the temperature difference to the wished energy value of back radiation. There probable is not any action of a scientist with a higher level of antiscience.

T9.6.5 All Temperature Measurements have to be calibrated

Calibration of measurement equipments are mostly done by calibrated measurement equipment. Basic measurement equipment has to be calibrated by phase transition temperatures under specific conditions, because these normally do not change. In addition there has to be a reliable indication that the temperature change of measurement equipment is linear in a certain range, which then is the allowed range for accurate measurements.

Basic calibrations can be done for measurements by

* change of volume of a gas or liquid,

* different changes of volumes of different metals (bimetal)

* electric conductivity (resistance)

* reactions which depend on temperatures


Also the human skin is sensitive for kinetic energies of omnipresent photons (=heat). The reason: As many biological important reactions depend on temperature, some living beings have to get warning signals by unsuitable temperature of surroundings.

A temperature calibration of signals of radio radiation without reference to measured temperatures by contact thermometer is not valid.

Possible calibrations for radio-signals are possible by surfaces, because most electron-pairs are emitted by surfaces.

T9.6.6 Maximal possible Temperatures are below 5000 °C

Heat and temperature refer to the average kinetic energies of randomly moving photons. Random movements of omnipresent photons have to be supported by a macroscopic system of molecules at the same temperature as the photons. Otherwise the high energetic photons would leave the system and will get radiated photons. The hottest macroscopic systems are melts of compounds with have a very high melting point. The highest melting points are still below 5000 ° C.

All stated higher temperature have no scientific basis and are just assumptions without measurement. These are physically impossible. Temperature in sun is near absolute zero and also the high amounts of high energetic IR-protons around the sun are no heat. The radiated high energetic photons just can generate heat by generate high amounts of heat by absorption. Nearly all generated IR photons by sun are catapulted away from sun .

T9.7 The basic Error of Correlation of Heat to Energy


Nearly all wrong temperatures are based on the physically impossible theory that the temperature correlates to energies of emitted photons.

So physicists made many anti-scientific statements about temperatures because they do not believe in the clear observation that the kinetic energies of photons clearly increase in the row IR < visible < UV < X+ray < gamma-ray. Omnipresent photons are the photons with lowest kinetic energy of all photons. Microwave particles are no photons but electron-pairs, which have even lower kinetic energies as these have a mass which is about 1/3 of the mass of a photon.

Heat is generated when the average kinetic energy oe a group of colliding IR-photons are increased. If photons with higher kinetic energies are generated these do no collisions to omnipresent photons bur penetrate these and thus atre not able to increase heat.

This is also the reason, why there is not any increase of heat in upper atmospheric heights where ozone is generated. It is only an unreal theory that by generation of ozone heat is generated. This theory is even antiscience, as it is falsified by valid temperature measurements.

Scientific description and explanation of generation of ozone:

All processes, where particles are emitted or absorbed are chemical reactions. Thus the basic research of scientists is to define the reaction equations concerning ozone.

It is well known that oxygen and ozone react in a way so that emitted UV-A-photons from sun are absorbed. This is again an example for the known physical reality that absorption prevents that photons hit the earth surface, which is the same process which causes the less IR-photons reaches the earth surface by absorption, which results to climate cooling.

The reaction of molecules with photons has even got a special term called photolysis. The term already expresses that the collision of high-energetic photons to molecules causes a break of bonding and thus a decay reaction.

Overall there are following steps of reactions:

1. Photolysis by absorption of UV-photon:

UV-C-photon + O=O ↔ 2 O-photon (= O-radicals)

2. Bonding by emission of blue photon:

O + O=O ↔ O=O-O + blue photon

Remark: the blue color of the sky is clearly caused by generation of blue photons and not by scattering, which generate red colors.

3. Decay of very few blue photons by collisions:

blue photon ↔ 2 electron-pairs

As there are no generated IR-photons there is no generation of heat by interactions of ozone. The measured electron-pairs don’t refer to any heat.

A correlation to heat is impossible. There might be an increase of radio-signals by increase of intensities (=number) of emitted electron pairs or an increase of energies by UV-C photons which influence energies of electron- pairs.

T9.8 Control of global Temperatur has to be simplified and improved


Currently measured data have a too large variance and are much to many to achieve a useful global climate control.

Proposal for an improved and simplified global climate control are following properties:

* Real average temperature of atmosphere at about 9000 m height, which can be automatically recorded during normal flights.

* Real temperatures of sea water about 60 cm and 120 cm below surface. Might be that 40 global measurement stations at suitable positions are sufficient for detection of global climate change

* Cloud coverage, which can be done by satellites.

T9.9 The unsuitable current Measurement of Heat by Sun

In order to control the main factor for global climate it is essential to measure the generated heat on earth surface by sun. It would also be of high interest to compare the generated heat without atmosphere from satellite and the generated heat with atmosphere on earth ground. The measurement from satellöite shows the variation of climate by interstellar clouds, the second measurement can determine the effect of matter in atmosphere to climate change.

The generated heat in measurement equipment should be as near as possible to conditions of earth surface. The measurement method should measure received heat per time unit (s) and per area unit (m²).

Currently the received heat is measured with an electrical device which is called pyranometer which works by a thermo column.

Following issues create erroneous measurement data:

* The sensor consists of a black colored metal, which is very different than normal earth ground. Black metal probably absorbs photons with higher energy than earth ground, which means contrary to earth ground metals of completely black bodies might generate also heat by visible photons. It is important that all differences are tested. It is essential to do physical research before before making statements.

* If there are differences to natural conditions the difference must be eliminated, for example by a corresponding energetic filter, so that exclusively IR photons are measured.

* The sensor measures a signal which corresponds to temperature (=heat), which is a state of a physical system. But heat generation is a process and it is impossible to measure a process by a value of state. Thus it has to be measured and compared an increase in temperature by time.

Positive issue:

Physicist state openly, that they measure the intensities of energies of emitted photons from sun and not the generated heat per time unit and per area.

* The equipment measures not only photons which are received directly by sun, but also reflected and scattered photons received within an angle of 180 degrees. This causes measuring of heat, which is not originated from sun. For example there is always a random heat flow of omnipresent photons.

T9.10 The Nonsense of Heat being involved in Energy Conservation

Heat and energy are very different physical issues. There is no specific correlation between heat and energy. Often the correlation is even inverse: When the kinetic energy of an omnipresent photon increases, it is not absorbed any more by omnipresent photons and becomes a radiating photon without increasing heat (= average value of kinetic energies of omnipresent IR-photons).

By increasing collision energies the generated heat might be reduced.

All high energetic photons from sun do not increase the temperature. The measured heat in core of sun is below about 15K and in surrounding of sun 2.7 K despite lots of explosions.

This severe error causes that concerning climate mostly the emitted energy of sun is measured but not the received head from sun.

By the published data of the global heat balance physicists make themselves very unscientific. This clearly shows that all data are faked to achieve the wanted difference to verify climate warming. The reality of climate warming is made to science fiction by such actions of physicists.