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P0 Missing Knowledge about Matter prevented doing Physics 


P1 Generation of Matter and Energy 

P1.1 Theory and Reality of Generation of Matter 

P1.2 The first scientific explanation of Matter 

P1.3 There is only one elementary Particle 

P1.4 The Definition of the Universe 

P1.5 The Generation by SURe explains other observations 

P1.6 First Scientific Explanation of low Concentration of Antimatter 

P1.7 The physically impossible Big Bang Theory 


P2 The Evolution to bound Particles 

P2.1 Binding is the only active Force in Universe 

P2.2 There are no other Bindings in Universe 

P2.3 The Requirement for a second Force 

P2.4 Storage and Generation of usable Energy 


P3 The Characteristics of Matter 

P3.1 Occupation of Volume 

P3.2. Scientific Definition of Movement and kinetic Energy 

P3.3 The first Explanation of the Origin of Movement 

P3.4 The first scientific Definition of Mass 

P3.5 The first scientific Explanation of the low Mass of an Electron 


P4 The unbelievable true Story of Particle Research 

P4.1 The most significant but also last Particle Research in the 1930s 

P4.2 The findings of Proton decays 

P4.3 Electron has been verified to be the only elementary Particle 

P4.4 Decay - Reactions of Protons 

P4.5 The Believe in Charges is the Believe in Magics 


P5 The Conversion of Particle Physics to Anti-sciene 



P6.1 Elimination of current Classification 

P6.2 General Classifications of Particles 

P6.3 Classifications by SURe- New Physics 


P7 The Unbelievable Fake- Research by Colliders 

P7.1 Antiphysics instead of Verification of Reality 

P7.2 No publications of real findings 

P7.3 Essential pretests for collisions were not done 

P7.4 Research by Colliders could have been of great Value 

P7.5 No Determination of Activation Energies for Decays 

P7.6 The fatal Error of high energetic Collisions 

P7.7 Penetration of Particles is well known 

P7.8 Which Particles are generated at LHC? 

P7.9 Same Results by Collisions of other Particles 

P7.10 The Verification of non-occurring Particle-Collisions 

P7.11The real Origin of the observed Photons in LHC 

P7.12 The completely wrong theories of Photon Generation 


P7.13 Analyzers of LHC verified SURe – New-Physics 

P7.13.1 Analyzers of LHC are not very suitable and not valuable 

P7.13.2 Most observed particles are photons 

P7.13.2 Very rare pictures of detected Particles 

P7.13.3 Why showed all Particle Collisions same Results 

P7.13.4 Much worse than no Research: Misinterpretation

P7.13.5 Act of Desperation: The Fake of “Higgs” particles 


P7.14 The fatal Error of Dipolemagnets 

P7.14.1 Electromagnets for deflections in LHC are unnecessary 

P7.14.2 Totally wrong Understanding of Magnetism 

P7.15 The impossible Control of magnetic Strength at LHC 


P7.16 No Research of Speeds versus Kinetic Energies 

P7.16.1 The Non-Observance of Valuable Data 

P7.16.2 The physical Impossibility of a maximal Speed 

P7.16.3 First Explanation of the stable Speed of Photons 

P7.16.4 The expected Penetration effect on Protons 

P7.16.5 The unscientific Data-Policy at CERN 


P7.17 Wrong understanding of Acceleration 

P7.17.1 Correct Definition of Acceleration 

P7.17.2 No Understanding of Particle Accelerators 

P7.17.3 Wrong Formula for Acceleration 

P7.18 Final Considerations concerning physical Research 


P8 Basic Errors concerning Energies of Particles 

P8.1 The wrong Understanding of Energy of Particles 

P8.1.1 Missing Research for the most important Issue 

P8.1.2 The fatal Misinterpretation of Bonding Energy 

P8.1.3 The Reality of Bonding Energy 

P8.1.4 The wrong Understanding of Energy Conservation 

P8.1.5 The Reality about Energy Conservation and Generation 

P8.1.6 Kinetic Energies are more or less usable 

P8.2 Discrete Energies of Particles are not possible 

P8.3 The Activation of radioactive Decays by cosmic Particles 

P8.4 Without activation of decay Particles are stable for ever 


P9 Other Errors concerning Forces of particles 

P9.0 Definition of Force 

P9.1 Overview: The physical Reality of Magnetismus 

P9.1.2 The correct Explanation of a Ferromagnet 

P9.1.3 The explanation that Nails are fixed on a magnetic pole

P9.1.4 Why do Iron Filings align in Rows by Magnetism? 

P9.1.5 Why exert magnets Attraction and Repulsion of Objects? 

P9.2 The Antiscience of Lorentz Force 

P9.3 Specific Force Effects of Electromagnets 

P9.3.2 Generations of magnetic Fields by moving Electrons 

P9.3.3 First Explanation of magnetic Fields by straight moving Electrons 

P9.3.4 The first scientific Explanation of Teltron Tube 

P9.3.5 The first Explanation of spiral Circling of Electrons 

P9.3.6 The first Explanation of Circlings of Particles in LHC 

P.9.3.7 The first Explanation of the Conductor Swing Experiment 


P10 STRUCTURES of Particles 

P10.1 General Issues concerning Structures of Particles 

P10.1.1 All Structures are determined by Universal Laws 

P10.1.2 The importance of the Knowledge of Structures 

P10.1.3 Structures depend on Temperature. 

P10.1.4 Determination of Structures of Particles 

P10.2 The Structures of subatomic Particles 


P10.3 The Structures of atomic Particles 

P10.3.1 The Structure of Atoms is very special 

P10.3.2 The specific Bondings between Atoms 

P10.3.3 First scientific Definition of Atoms 

P10.3.4 First scientific Definition of Isotopes 

P10.3.5 No Sense of periodic Table of Atoms 

P10.3.6 The real Explanation of characteristics of Atoms 

P10.3.7 First scientific definition of Ions 

P10.3.8 First scientific explanation of Radicals 

P10.3.9 First scientific Explanation of Plasma 


P10.4 The specific Structure of Matter of celestial Bodies 

P10.5 Special Structures 

P10.5.1 Specific Structure Research 

P10.5.2 Many Theories to explain wrong Angle for H2O 

P10.5.3 Physicists have falsified theories for Structures 

P10.5.4 Daily Observations of real H2O Structure 

P10.5.5 The real structure of Oxygen Atom and H2O 

P10.5.6 The very specific Structure of Ice 

P10.6 Influence of Structures to Climate 

P10.6.1 Hexagon Structures of H2O rule our Climate

P10.6.2 The cause for Climate Change is the most fatal Error of Physics 

P10.6.3 SURe of global Warming: Reduced Absorption 


P11 Some specific Reactions of Particles 

P11.1 The decay of a Neutron 

P11.2 Half Life of Neutrons depends on Sun Activity 

P11.3 Wrong Interpretations of Beta-minus Decays of Atoms 

P11.4 Wrong Interpretations of Beta-plus Decays of Atoms 

P11.5 First scientific explanation of Alpha - decays of Atoms








 P0 Missing Knowledge about Matter prevented doing Physics



Physics and chemistry are two natural sciences which have two basic tasks:

1. Observe and describe the interactions of the lifeless matter in universe.

2. Derive the fundamental laws of nature which explain the observed interactions.

Physics completely failed to fulfill these tasks. Physical scientists have not even gained the knowledge about the scientific definition of matter. This would be the first task of physics in order to understand the universe.

Chemistry fulfilled the two tasks partly by observing interactions of atomic matter and deriving some scientific rules for these. But the knowledge of the fundamental definition of matter and the fundamental laws of nature for atomic interactions could also not be gained.

Without the knowledge about the reality of particles it is not possible to gain knowledge about the energies and forces which cause the interactions of particles. Overall it was not possible till now to do fundamental physical research. Instead of searching for descriptions and explanations which are physical possible, scientists had to explain observation by fictive theories which mostly are physically impossible. More than 80% of the universe is explained by science fiction. Thus physics is a spiritual science but not a natural science.

By elimination of all fictive physics like theories, hypotheses and interpretations and exclusively using clear observations as basis for physics, it was possible to derive two fundamental laws of nature, by which the real scientific descriptions and explanations of all interactions in universe can be derived. In the last 7 years this has been successfully done for more than 80% of all physical interactions.

The two fundamental laws of nature are called Universal Laws or Weltformel, which are guaranteed physical reality. Requirements for physical reality are physically, vividly describable, logical, unambiguous, consistent, irrefutable.




P1 Generation of Matter and Energy



P1.1 Theory and Reality of Generation of Matter


Generation of matter means generation out of “nothing”, which means that there was no matter and no energy before. Scientists know, that this can only occur by pairs of matter and antimatter particles. Unfortunately till now there is the wrong statement, that an antiparticle has opposite charges(+,-) than the corresponding particle.

Positive and negative charges are two of many terms in current physics and chemistry, which have no physical meaning. Everything which has no physical meaning, which means has no describable structure of matter, does physically not exist, which means is no physical reality or. So positive and negative charges have to be transferred to physical reality.

The physical reality of particles with positive and negative charges are particles with opposite directions of spin rotations (left round and right round self rotation). It is known in physics that forces or kinetic energies, which have equal amounts, cancel out when these have opposite directions (vectors) at the identical locations. This is the case when two spin-energies with opposite but same speed completely overlay each other concerning volume.

Thus a complete overlay of two opposite spin-energies will result to nothing. If this “nothing” of two opposite spin-energies separate themselves by opposite movements along the spin axes, this will result to two separate spin energies with opposite spin vectors. A picture is shown in the separate chapter “From Nothing to Universe”.

The separation of spin energies is done without needing any energy. Thus the total energy remains zero during this process. By the universal principle of total energy conservation this provides the knowledge that the total energy of the universe is still zero and remains zero for all times. This is one of the most important natural constants, because all interactions in universe are determined by this.

Overall this process describes the only physically possible process, how matter and energy in universe was generated. By this it is sure reality.




P1.2 The first scientific explanation of Matter



By the sure knowledge of the generation of matter you get the knowledge about the first and only scientific definition of matter:

Everything in universe is matter, which is equivalent to accumulations of spin energies.

Opposite single spin energies are called electrons and positrons. Electrons and positrons are identical particles, as a positron has just to turn upside down to get an electron. Therefore the term positron makes no sense and should not be used. Antiparticles do not exist. But later it will be shown that spin orientations determine specific interactions of particles. So in some rare cases it has to be mentioned when particles have opposite spin orientations.

Correct is current statement that the characteristics of matter are mass and occupation of volume. Unfortunately both characteristics are not scientifically understood. In addition there is another characteristics of matter, which is steady movement. The first scientific explanations of the characteristics are presented in chapters P2.



P1.3 There is only one elementary Particle



Theoretically it would be possible that different sizes or rotation speeds of particle pairs can be generated by separation. By observations it is known, that all generated spin energies have the same volume and spin energy. Already if there would be two particles with different sizes or energies there would be so many different combinations of interactions, that there would be no physical rules for interactions in universe.

Overall there is just a single elementary particle instead of 61 according to the fictive standard model of current physics. Everything in universe consist of electrons. which are bound to various different particles /objects. Only by the definition of matter as spin energies all observations in universe can be scientifically be explained. Explanation means to refer to a fundamental law of nature. The fundamental laws of nature were exclusively derived by verified descriptions of observations without any fictive theories. In chapter P3 it is shown that only two fundamental laws determine all interactions in universe.



P1.4 The Definition of the Universe


The described process of generation of matter and energy implies that the space of the universe and time was already availble. Without time there would be no interactions.

Provable is that there is a constant space in universe. When there would be a changing space, the density of matter and some physical rules like for gravity would be changing, which is not been observed. An infinite space is physically not possible. Thus the universe must have frontiers, which keeps the matter in the universe, in particular the omnipresent matter which is later explained. The matter of the frontier is with very high probability the same as the matter of black holes, which is also described scientifically later.

The task of physics is just to describe and explain our universe. It is not possible to get any informations what is beyond our universe. Everything is possible. To invet theories for this should not be done in a natural science.


So nowby this because otherwise the universe and thatre was space available s the only possibility, how matter can be generated from nothing without adding energy. This means that the possibility is 100% SURe (Scientific Universal Reality).

It is a separation of two opposite rotating axis- symmetric objects along their axes.

The initial state of the universe is that all over the fixed space of the universe there are generated spin energies, which have different spin rotations and do linear movements in different directions. Concerning a single pair of elementary particles these do movements in opposite directions.



In chapter “From Nothing to Universe” it is also described how the first state in universe evolved by interactions of the generated electrons to the known matter of the universe. All interactions occur conform to Universal Laws (Weltformel). All interactions are in addition determined by the initial state of the universe. This is also a requirement of the Universal Laws (Weltformel).








P1.5 The Generation by SURe explains other observations


Stop of Generation of Matter

It is important that there is a logical explanation, that the generation of electrons stopped as soon as the empty space in universe was filled with particles. This is done automatically as by further generation the separation needs energy by pushing other particles away from spot of generation. For this there is no energy available.

Homogeneity of universe

The observed homogeneity of the universe can only be explained by the fact, that the universe started with equally density of electrons, which means the generation occurs everywhere in the space of the universe, which has to have a fixed limited volume.


Only by the described generation of the universe there is no “Antimatter.-Problem” (see chapter below).

Spontaneous Reaction

The Separation of Spin energies can be explained as spontaneous event. This is possible as no energy is needed for this, although the process requires an acceleration and all accelerations of current particles require kinetic energy. Why first particles don’t needed energy for acceleration is scientifically explained later.

All other interactions in universe have to be activated by collision energy. Spontanous interactons are currently physically impossible.



P1.6 First Scientific Explanation of low Concentration of Antimatter


It has already been explained that antimatter does not exist. An “antiparticle” is identical to a particle, but all electrons of the antiparticle have opposite spin orientations relative to a non-antiparticle. It will be explained later that all bound electrons of a particle have the same orientations of spin rotations and by this also of spin axes. But spin orientations normally differ from one particle to the other. The turn of spin axes does need activation energy, which means it is not done spontaneously.

Thus there is still the question why most particles seem to have same orientations of spin axes. One explanation for this is, that all particles do continuously bonding and decay reactions. By bonding all electrons are aligned to same spin axes and by decay the spin axes remain their orientations. Thus a group of free moving particles with different spin axes, which was the environment condition directly after the generation of electrons, after some time will have same orientations of spin axes. The groups however mostly are relative small.

The other explanation is that the current thinking of asymmetry between matter and antimatter is just an illusion, because it is believed that antimatter is something special. Sometimes it is even stated that antimatter is highly reactive and dangerous. But this is science-fiction. The only difference is, which is well known, that in a magnetic field particles and antiparticles are deflected to opposite sides. So if deflected particles are measured at both possible sides of deflection, they mostly find same amounts on both sides. This has been verified by siver atoms (Stern-Gerlach experiment ) or by photons (Zeeman effect). Another unknown issue is, that the measured 50%/50% distribution of deflection does not mean that the particles had this distribution of opposite spin orientarions before these entered the magnetic field. In reality this means that the particles had all kind of random spin orientations. It is the magnetic field itself, which turns the random spin orientations to one of two opposite sides. The directions are equivalent to the directions of the magnetic field lines. The side of spin turns to the bonding side of the chain , which is nearer to a bonding possibility of the photon chain.

It is well known for non-magnetic iron, that spin orientations are aligned to same orientation in small volumes, which are called magnetic domains and that there are lots of magnetic domains with random spin orientation. The random spin domains can be aligned to same spin direction by another magnet. This process is called magnetization and verifies that normally in a solid there is no difference in concentrations of matter particles and antimatter particles.

In a magnetized iron bar all magnetic domains are aligned to same spin direction. Nevertheless you can’t say if the magnetic bar is matter or antimatter. Particles behave like a magnetic bar: If two particles are lying on a surface side by side with same spin rotation, these can bind at their touching sides. If these have contrary spin directions the particles can’t bind.

This means each particle has a bonding side and a not-bonding side and also a photon chain has a bonding side and a non bonding side. As explained in the volume “Magnetism” the physical reality of magnetic field lines are chain structures of bound photons. This is explained by the fact that in magnetic fields particles are aligned to the mbind to justAs there are continuous bonding and decay reactions all around the earth, there is a preferred spin orientation for all particles on earth. But on other celestial bodies the prferred spin orientation might be different.

Everythig in this chapter will be explained in more details in volume “Magnetism”.


P1.7 The physically impossible Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang theory does not describe the generation of the universe because it starts already with a universe and than describes the development of this to the known universe. Starting point is a physically impossible object, which is infinitely small and has an incredible high energy. Then it is stated that this object expands incredibly fast and cools down, although scientists know that this is not possible. If matter expands and cools down, in physics it can be logically explained how and why this is down. For the big bang theory there are no explanation at all. Cooling down mormally requires the transfer of heat or energy to other cooler matter. If there is no other matter, nothing can cool down. The same is true for transfer of energy. There are no explanations for the development to the different particles and for the different celestial bodies.

Physics by Scientific Universal Reality (SURe) describes every process in universe by a logical classical mechanism.






P2 The Evolution to bound Particles


P2.1 Binding is the only active Force in Universe


One of the two Universal Laws refers to the fact, that electrons have the intention to achieve lowest state of inner energy, which is lowest spin energy. This intention is cause for the force to accelerate electrons as soon as these touch to the position of lowest spin enery which is achieved by overlapping opposite spin energies until. This force can be also called the force of achieve the ground state. The ground state is the state of “nothing”, which means zero energy which equals no matter.


P2.2 There are no other Bindings in Universe


All bindings in Universe are done by the force of overlapping of electrons. All different theories of bindings by opposite charges are no reality. Charges do not exist. Charges are physically impossible science-fiction and cannot be observed. Thus everything in universe consists of bonded electrons. Each electron has three binding positions which go from spin axis in three symmetric directions, which have an angle of 120 degrees.



P2.3 The Requirement for a second Force


If there would be just the force for binding, interactions in universe would quickly end and there would be a “dead” universe. There has to exist something which causes the decay of electrons. This ensures that binding and decay interactions in universe get an everlasting equilibrium.

This is caused by the only passive force in universe: the force that objects intend to stay in there state of kinetic energy. Only the force of acceleration to the position of lowest spin energy can cause an acceleration. In practice both forces results to everlasting vibration of the bindings of electrons.

If a new bonding is build by a collision of particles the collision energy is transferred to the vibration energy of the new bonding. After that the additional vibration energy is averaged over all bindings. This can cause that a binding gets a vibration energy which is over the maximum vibration. By this a break of the bonding occurs, by which the two pats of the broken particle are catapulted to opposite direction. Bonding and decay of particles are equivalent to absorption and emission of particles.


P2.4 Storage and Generation of usable Energy


The most significant rules for mankind are:

* Every building of a binding consums usable kinetic energy and stores it as vibration energy of the binding. This is also true for each nuclear fusion reaction.

* Every decay of a binding generates usable kinetic energy by emission of broken parts to opposite direction. By emission the stored kinetic energy is released again.

Every electric battery works by these two rules. Batteries store and release electrons by absorption and emission of electrons (= binding and decay of electrons).

Nuclear fusion tests and the energy generation in suns are the most severe errors of mankind.



P3 The characteristics of Matter


P3.1 Occupation of Volume


Each single electron has a spherical volume with spin energy. Within this volume the spin energy exerts the only force in universe to minimize total spin energy by overlapping of contrary spin energies. The stable overlapped state at minimal spin energy is equivalent to a bonding. No matter can exert forces outside of the volume of spin energy. All matter has structures wich is exactly determined by temperature. pressure and concentration of matter.



P3.2. Scientific Definition of Movement and kinetic Energy


A severe scientific carelessness is that the misunderstanding of movement by earlier physicists has not been corrected, although nearly everyone knows the error. The error is that movement and kinetic energy in physic books is still regarded as property of an object (see definition of kinetic energy in Wikipedia). So objects are still characterized by velocity and kinetic energy. The reality is that kinetic energy is a relative vectorial property. So the velocity and kinetic energy of an object can not be defined. An object has all kind of velocities and kinetic energies. If you observe two objects it is impossible to determine, which of both has the higher velocity or kinetic energy. Whe a movement changes, it is impossible till today to determine if it is accelerated to higher velocity or to lower velocity. The same is valid for kinetic energy. This is a typical example that physics holds onto totally wrong former statements.

Also the obsolete formula of kinetic energy ½ mv² has not been corrected. It is well known by scientists that it is impossible that vectorial properties are expressed by a quadratic function. Instead of correcting the formula, the term “momentum” was used for calculation of the correct kinetic energy, but still not in all cases. This is done just to avoid admitting errors in public. Again an example that physics cannot be regarded as science. In science errors are normality.



P3.3 The first Explanation of the Origin of Movement


Movements and changes of movements are originated by the vibrations of the bondings of particles. Vibrations of bondings are always stable which means that these have to be harmonic. By collisions of particles the vibrations at the impacted bondings get in-harmonic. The bondings in a particle then are averaged to medium harmonic bondings over all bondings of a particle. By the resulting vibration strength (amplitudes) and vibration direction of bondings, the collided particles get changed velocities and new moving directions.

Thus the scientific property, which can be assigned to an object is the sum of the vectorial vibration energies, but never velocity or kinetic energy. Kinetic energy can be expressed as difference of vibration energies of two colliding particles.


P3.4 The first scientific Definition of Mass


Mass is a correlation factor for kinetic energy and acceleration. So mass just has the meaning that a particle has a resistance against movement changes. By the physical reality of movement and kinetic energy according to last chapter mass should correlate to bonding energies of an object. According to measurements the mass of an object has stable concrete values. By comparison of measured masses of different particles it seems that mass has a strong proportionality to the number of bondings which do not break by acceleration and a very weak proportionaliy to the number of bondings which break by acceleration. For example nearly all bondings to photons break by acceleration.

Overall this explains most measurements of masses. For mass measurements it has to be taken into account that these contain a factorization by charges. As charges are no reality the measured mass of particle has a very strong uncertainty. Currently whole numbers are assigned to charges. In reality charges represent the capability or strength to do bondings. This can be expressed of all natural values without besides zero and negative values. These still to have be determined which can only be done by empirical tests. As masses are mostly measured by deflection in magmetic fields, the bonding strength to magnetic fields are relevant and should be determined and used as charge.

A major requirement for the definition of mass is that it has to to explain the strong difference between mass of electron and mass of muon or mass of proton.


P3.5 The first scientific Explanation of the low Mass of an Electron


An important task for physical research would have been to explain the low mass of an electron (1 e) relative to a muon which consists of 3 electrons and a proton which consists of 13 electrons. By SURe- New Physics the small mass of an electron is explained by the fact that an electron has no bonding. It just has bondings to the magnetic field used for measurement. These bondings easily break by acceleration and don’t contribute significantly to resistance of acceleration.

By this most masses can be explBut as some matter has no resistance against acceleration, mass can’t be used to define matter. A correct requirement is that matter has a concrete volume (= 3 dimensions) with inner energy (=spin-energy).


P4 The unbelievable true Story of Particle Research


P4.1 The most significant but also last Particle Research in the 1930s


It is unbelievable but true that the most sinificant physical research concerning particles were performed in the years of the 1930s. Nearly all knowledge of the Scientific Universal Reality (Sure New Physics) have been derived from these early studies, whereas the 90 years of physical research after that time did not add any meaningful knowledge about particles. It was the contrary: Physicists degraded this scientific work of the 1930s by pure science fiction without any basis of observations. A physical theory for elementary particles of protons have been invented, which was physically impossible and clearly violated the unequivocal observations of the detected elementary particles of protons: electrons and positrons. Important detected particles which have been identified as intermediate decay products of protons until the final electrons have even deleted as finding in Wikipedia sinse the first time a have read the article about proton decays. So it was luck for me to hahe read the article before deletion. Othervise the detection of the physical reality would not be very probable.



P4.2 The findings of Proton decays


The findings of the early studies were to observe the successiv decay products of cosmic photons in different heights of the atmosphere and identify these. Chemists well know that decays nearly always occur successively by several decay reactions. At each successive reaction step mormally just two decay products are generated.

When a proton decays by the first particle collision it can be observed that there is mostly a decay to neutroms, kaons and pions. Thus in the highest atmospheric regions kaons and pions have been observed. In the next reaction step by collisions of kaons photons or pions and muons are generated, which are observed at somewhat lower atmospheric heights.

Photons are by far much more stable than kaons, pions and muons, so photons will mostly remain stable. The decay products of pions, muons and photons are electron- pairs, which finally decay to electrons.

At the time of experiments photons and electron-pairs were regarded as radiation instead of particles, later these were called muon-photon and electron-photon. Also it was not known that electrons and positrons are identical particles (see picture).



P4.3 Electron has been verified to be the only elementary Particle


Overall the studies of air showers have verified that electrons are the final and smallest decay products of proton which cannot decay to smaller particles. As it is known that neutrons decay to protons and atoms consists of neutrons, protons and electrons, all kind of matter decays to electrons. By the definition of elementary particles being the smallest decay products of matter, the knowledge of Scientific Universal Reality has been verified: Electrons are the only one elementary particles. This means, that all matter consist of electrons. Current standard modeL of elementary particles has to be eliminated.

Chemists know that all reactions are equilibria which can go also to the reverse direction. In chapter “from Nothing to Universe” it is shown, that the universe developed since generation by corresponding reactions to all matter of the universe.


P4.4 Decay - Reactions of Protons


By the identified particles of proton decays in atmosphere the successive reactions could be derived. This was supported by the stability data of particles. (e = electron)


Proton (13e) → Neutron (10e) + Myon (3e)

Proton (13 e) → Kaon/S (8e) + Pion (5e)

Proton (13 e) → Kaon/L (9e) + Photon (4e)

Kaon/S (9e) → Pion (5e) + Photon (4e)

Kaon/L (8e) → Pion (5e) + Muon (3e)

Kaon/0 (8e) → Photon (4e) + Photon(4e) ; photon = muon-neutrino

Pion(5e) → Muon (3e) + Electron-pair (2e) ; electron-pair = electron-neutrino

Photon (4e) → Electron-pair (2e) + Electron-pair (2e)

Muon (3e) → Electron-pair (2e) + Electron (e)

Electron-pair → Electron (e) + Electron (e)

(For kaons and pions different isomeric structures are possible)


P4.5 The Believe in Charges is the Believe in Magics


Many decays of above subatomic particles have been separately observed by research of physicists. But most findings were biased by the thinking that charges do exist and that the total charge has to be maintained by decay reactions.

Unfortunately physicists do not obey the most important rule in physics:

Physics must be physically real. There is nothing in the universe which works by magics. There are no magic particles which can impact other particles without touching these.

Such magics have never been observed. Human beings know that they can’t impact a change of matter without touching the matter with other matter. And when a magician does such things normal people are aware that this is just an illusion, which is no reality. Nearly all people know, that most particles are not visible by eyes. Physicists know that there are also many particles which are difficult to detect by sensors. The task of physicists is to describe and explain all interactions in universe by contacts of particles (or objects consisting of particles).

If there is a permanent space between a proton and an electron, which is much smaller than an electron nothing happens.

Repulsion or attraction of particles or other matter is physically impossible as long as there is space between matter.

In new physics there is exclusively one active force, which is the force that particles intend to achieve their energetic ground state. This is the only fundamental natural law besides the fundamental natural law of total conservation of total energy. Both fundamental laws are also postulated in current physics, although these are completely wrong interpreted.

Fundamental laws can’t be explained, but these explain all other physical laws.




P5 No Research to understand Energies of Particles


P5.1 Missing Research for the most important Issue for Mankind

The most important knowledge for mankind is the knowledge about energies of particles and the generation of usable energy for mankind. Till now physicists have not gained scientific knowledge about energies, as they stick on theories, which were based on wrong interpretations. Although physicists later did observations which clearly proved the reality, the research institutions did not accept publications of real findings. The rejection is commented by “the findings are not conform to accepted physics.“ So physicist had no interests to do research for real physics.


P5.2 The fatal Misinterpretation of Bonding Energy


Physicists observed that energy is needed to break a bonding and called the needed energy bonding energy. By this they draw the conclusion that the building of a bonding generates energy. Chemists know that all reactions need an activation energy, also reactions which generates high amounts of energy. Chemists also know that the complete activation energy for any reaction will be completely gained back by the reaction. Thus activation energy is not consumed but is just necessary to activate the reaction. All reactions have to be activated.

The general physical rule is:

There are no spontaneous interactions in universe. All interactions are activated by collisions.

The only reaction, which required no activation energy, was the generation of all matter in the universe from “nothing”.


P5.3 The Reality of Bonding Energy


The reality of bonding is obvious. It is known that all bondings do vibrations. This can be logically explained: When two particles collide and build a bonding, then

1. the spin-energy is reduced and the same amount of vibration energy of bonding is generated.

2. the collision energy, which is the free kinetic energy of particles is transferred to vibration energy of the bonding.

By 2. usable kinetic energy is consumed. This is valid for all buildings of bondings inclusive nuclear fusions.

The important physical rule is:

All formations of bondings including nuclear bondings consume kinetic energy, which is usable energy.



P5.4 The wrong Understanding of Energy Conservation


The Studies of air showers revealed that physicist have an incredibly wrong understanding of energy conservation. Physicists believe that conservation of energy is valid for kinetic energy in addition to total energy. They measured the energies of the decay particles which have been originated by the one single cosmic proton and believed and still believe that the kinetic energy of the cosmic proton has to be the same amount of energy as the sum of all kinetic energies of the decay products generated by the proton and finally reached earth ground.

Physicist believed this although they know that there is no natural event in the universe, which can generate such a high energy of a photon.


P5.5 The Reality about Energy Conservation and Generation


Energy Conservation is exclusively valid for total energy. There are many cases where kinetic energy is consumed or generated.

The general rule is that kinetic energy is exclusively generated by decay of particles. A decay is always in connection with a break of bonding. A break of a bonding occurs when the vibration is increased so that the vibration amplitude gets above maximum. By this the two separate parts of a particle are catapulted in opposite direction, each taking over 50 % of vibration energy as kinetic energy.

The increasing energies are the reason, why explosions occur. Explosions are exponentially occurring decay reaction, because each decay particle activates additional decays.

The same mechanism occurs for cosmic protons, which have many potencies lower kinetic energy than the sum of energies of decaying particles.

The general rule of Physics is that by decay of a bonding the bound vibration energy of bonding plus the collision energy is transferred to free kinetic energy of decay particles. As there are nearly always two decay particles each decay particle will get 50% kinetic energy from bonding and collision energy. The decay particles are emitted in opposite directions. Of course the movement directions of the former particle is added.


P5.6 Kinetic Energies are more or less usable


Low concentrations of generated particles can mostly not be used. Effectively usable are mostly exclusively particles by exponential chain reactions.

* By sudden generation of lots of particles pressure is generated, which drive internal conbustion engines like motors in cars and other vehicles.

* Steady generation is done in rockets and aerojets.

* Best usable energy refers to generation of heat. Heat is exclusively generated by decay of phozton chains to infrared-photons.

* Generated light is always and exclusively due to decay of photon chains of atoms to visible photons.decay

It is strange that no scientists wonders which reactions generate the incredible high number of photons in atoms. The explanation is that there are not any free moving electroms in atoms but instead there are chains of bound photons, which decay to uncountable single photons.





P6.1 Elimination of current Classification


Current hypotheses:

Particles can be classified in fermions, bosons, hadrons, leptons, baryons, mesons, quarks, gauge-bosons, Higgs-particles, hyperons, quasiparticles, exotic hadrons, quarkonia, antiparticles, hypothetical particles, virtual particles and many others.

SURe-New Physics:

Non of these classifications does make sense. The used criteria for classifications or the particles do not exist. Most of the criteria have been invented without a scientific basis:

Examples for particles, which do ot exist are:

quarks, gauge bosons, Higgs-particles, quasiparticles, exotic hadrons, quarkonia, phonon, plasmon, magnon, graviton, antiparticles.

Some particles have been invented to explain not understood phenomenons on physics. New Physics does not need virtual particles, because New Physics explains everything in universe by existing real particles. Characteristics for real particles are: must have a describable structure and must be observable. Observations can of course be done by sensors but have to be unambiguous All real particles do interactions by collisions. Only 4 different interactions are possible in universe.

Currently a severe fundamental error is, that energies represent particles.

All non-existing particles have to be eliminated as these cause inconsistencies and misunderstandings.



P6.2 General Classifications of Particles


New Physics defines particles as separate bound physical units. In order to include also large bound physical units these are called objects.

All objects in universe do the same fundamental interactions according to unique physical rules. Even objects like celestial bodies and large structures of particles like force fields do same interactions according to same physical rules than subatomic particles.

Thus the only differentiation of objects, which makes sense, is by average life-times and by structures.

Structures are differentiated by basic and complex structures.

Concerning life times of many particles are very short. New Physics shows that these are not relevant to explain observations in universe except that these are intermediates of reactions of particles. By this these are needed to explain some transformations of matter by decay or bonding reactions.

Irrelevant particles:

Particles with average life times below a second at usual conditions.




P6.3 Classifications by SURe- New Physics


Relevant (relative stable) subatomic particles:

  • electron,

  • electron pair (currently electron-neutrino),

  • photon (currently also muon-meutrino),

  • proton,

  • neutron,

  • alpha particle (=diproton)

Irrelevant (relative unstable) subatomic particles:

  • muon,

  • pion,

  • kaon

Complex bound photons:

  • electric fields,

  • magnetic fields,

  • gravitational fields,

Celestial bodies:

  • star (consists of bound hydrogen + bound protons),

  • neutron star (consists of bound protons (=protonium)),

  • black hole (consists of bound photons),

  • other like planets, asteroids ...(consists of various atoms)

Atomic particles:

  • atoms and bound atoms ,

  • molecules and bound molecules (molecules are bound various atoms)




P7 The Unbelievable Fake- Research by Colliders

P7.1 Antiphysics instead of Verification of Reality


With the newly built high energetic particle accelerators after 1950 it would have been very easy to verify the 8 different subatomic particles which have been detected in the 1930s years as decay products of protons and which are more than sufficient to explain all interactions in universe.

But the verification of known particles would be nothing new and this would not be appreciated and acknowledged as good performance. Particularly the high costs of the accelerators required absolutely new publications.

Therefore a completely new theory has been made-up in 1964. There would have been hundreds of theories which would have been nearer to reality, but physicist decided to create a theory which was very far from reality. It was not based on any observation. It just was pure science fiction. It is the theory that quarks and gluons are elementary particles, and it was stated that protons and neutrons consist out of these. A theory contrary to clear reliable observations is anti-science per definition. The anti- scientific research by particle accelerators is not a fault of the scientists, but the fault of the physical systems to do funding and acknowledgments for physical research work.



P7.2 No publications of real findings


Scientists do daily experiments to identify decay particles of protons and other particles. But it seems that they are not allowed to publish their findings. This is due to the fact that their daily findings are just the particles of the earlier experiments like mainly photons, but in addition muons, electron pairs and electrons. The searched gluons and quarks could not be found as these particles simply do not exist. In principle researcher exclusively tried to find a way how the detection of not existing fictive particles like bosons (W, Z, Higgs) could be published, so that this sounds scientifically. Physicists were not interested in research concermimg real particles.


P7.3 Essential pretests for collisions were not done


As first task every research scientist normally would do is to pretest to get an overview of the dependencies for interactions. Essential as pretests of collider experiments are for example to observe the interactions of particles in dependency to different energies of collisions.

By this the following fundamental general rules of interactions by the Universal Laws (Weltformel) would have been discovered:

Bindings of particles exclusively occur by relative low energetic collisions (or low temperatures).

This rule is verified by the observed knowledge that all particles first condense and then freeze by reducing the temperature. Condensing and freezing is equivalent to building bondings between molecules or other particles.

In the case of collisions of protons with very low collision energies two protons bind to a diproton, which is also called alpha-particle or Helium nucleus. By varying the collision energy it can be determined up to which kinetic energy bonding of protons occur. Beyond a specific energy level, the alpha particle is not generated any more. This level is equivalent to the activation energy of decay of alpha particles.


P7.4 Research by Colliders could have been of great Value


Above research result would have provided the information, why it is physically impossible to achieve nuclear fusions by high energetic collisions. More than 60 years of useless research and large sums of money could have been used for scientific research to copy the real energy generation of sun. Instead of nuclear fusion by extreme high temperatures the well observablr reality is the contrary: In extreme cold environment like it is also the case in sun each proton binds to three other protons by double bondings. A typical and fatal misinterpretation is that the sun is extreme hot, which is obviously physical impossible because it has been observed, that suns are generated out of a hydrogen clouds and that suns are solid objects because otherwise these would not be spherical. By the additional knowledge of the temperature in space there is a clear unambiguous conclusion: suns consists of frozen hydrogen. Heat has never been observed in the sun; but in the atmosphere of sun there are clear measurements of very high temperatures. Later it will be explained, that the extreme explosions in the corona of sun generate all energy of sun, which is emitted as photons. Of course emitted photons can only be generated by decay reactions and not by bonding reactions.



P7.5 No Determination of Activation Energies for Decays


Because of the relative high stability of protons there will be a big range of increasing collision energies of protons until these will decay by collisions. This data point is of interest for collider tests, because it is the lowest and by this the most effective kinetic energy to study the decay of protons. This energy level will be sufficient that decays up to electrons as final elementary particles occur. Higher energies are useless.

There are also some reaction paths which end up with photons. Only if it is of interest to do photon decays than higher kinetic energies are needed. But also without the additional knowledge of the activation energy level for photon decays, you get knowledge of all relevant decay reactions and all relevant subatomic particles in universe. The needed energy for proton decay will be several orders lower than the maximal energy of the large hadron collider (LHC) at CERN. This means already colliders with much lower energies should have given all informations about proton decays and the resulting knowledge that there is one single elementary particle.


P7.6 The fatal Error of high energetic Collisions


When the kinetic energy of colliding particles is further increased, a level will be reached where there are no collisions any more but penetration without interaction.

This again shows how essential pretest are. Every research scientist would have started with such dependency studies and would have gained clear knowledge about tests which are useful and which are not useful.

Above the kinetic energy of generating penetration absolutely nothing will change concerning proton-proton collisions. Thus the research by high energetic collisions got for many decades results which showed no relevant differences. The problem is that scientist dared not to publish this information.

As most measurement data are stored by computers, it is easy to verify that the collider measurements since many decades showed same data and are not of any value for physical research.


P7.7 Penetration of Particles is well known


Physicist should know that high kinetic energies are not suitable to study decays by collisions. For example by the LHC a penetration test has been done where the accelerated protons were directed against plates of 2 mm thick metal. Over 100 of these plates were penetrated until the protons were absorbed. This was only half the kinetic energy than used for experiments.

It is also known that high energetic cosmic (naturally accelerated) gamma – photons penetrate through the complete earth. Continuously penetration of these particles through living beings prove that there are no interactions by penetration. Dangerous organic reactions occur within living beings when the photons have less energy than high energetic gamma – photons. This is the case by photons in energetic range of UV-B, UV-C. X-ray and lower energetic gamma- photons.

The general rule according to SURe – New Physics is that increasing kinetic energies of particles need increasing sizes of atomic nuclei so that penetrating particles are stopped by absorption.

The incredible result is that all tests of high energetic particle – particle collisions over several decades were in reality no particle -particle collisions.



 P7.8 Which Particles are generated at LHC?


At the Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN mostly protons were used. CERN never published which particles they definitive detected. The only published information was that physicists hope to detect quarks and gluons. Of course they had nothing to publish because invented particles can’t be detected as these do not exist.

Nevertheless the non-detection of quarks and gluons would also be something that should have been published. Also interesting would have been, to list particles and concentrations which were generated and detected. According to SURe- New Physics these are the particles, which have also been detected in the 1930s years: mainly photons and much less electron pairs (=neutrinos), muons and electrons. It is also important to mention that kaons and pions have not been detected by high energetic collisions, which would have verified that no decays of protons occurred and that there were no proton-proton collisions. Small amounts of kaons and pions might be detected because of some unusual collisions of protons which might have slowed down some protons and thus could have done decay reactions.


P7.9 Same Results by Collisions of other Particles



Also collisions of lead atoms, “antiprotons” and electrons have been tested without relevant different results. The measurement of antiprotons verified that there is no difference between matter and antimatter. Antiprotons and electrons even did not show the expected opposite deflections compared to protons: All particles were and are deflected towards the inner circle of LHC. This is even independent from cycling direction. This shows that there were major construction problems of the LHC, mainly caused by the erroneous understanding of the used electromagnets for deflections.

It required intensive research over long times until I could find the scientific explanation for the unexpected deflections. The explanation is presented in chapter P9.1.


P7.10 The verification of non-occurring Particle-Collisions


This can be easily done by shut-down of one of the two accelerator rings. The only difference will be that the signal density is halved. This 100% sure proves that the observed particles are not generated by proton-proton collision. This has in addition been verified by the fact the first decay particles protons. Which are neutrons, kaons and pions are not found in analyzers of LHC.


P7.11 The real Origin of the observed Photons in LHC


Physicist have already detected the particles which are generated in the LHC. The particles are simply photons. Physicists called the generated photons Symchrotron radiation. They even use the photons for structure analysis, because these have a specific characteristics which made the photons ideal for this research task. The photons are perfectly polarized. SURe – New Physics got the knowledge that there is only one possible way how polarized photons are created in LHC: This is by collisions of high energetic particles against magnetic fields, which have been generated by strong electromagnets. The magnetic fields of electromagnets are tubular structures of bound photons. By collisions the bound photon structure decay to photons. Such magnets are used all around the particle pipe and also in the particle analyzers of the LHC. Thus the observed particles by LHC analyzers are photons which are generated in each partical conducting pipe separately. These are no particles which result from proton -proton collisions.


P7.12 The completely wrong theories of Photon Generation


In current physics there are over 30 different theories how photons are generated. All theories have in common that particles are excited to a higher energetic state and that when this state returns to a lower energetic state a photon is generated. In the case of emission of Synchrotron photons the excited energetic states should be a result of acceleration. In Vol.Q (Quantum Physics) it is proved that the theory of discrete states of energy is physically impossible.

Instead more than 30 physically impossible theories there is one rule by SURe -New Physics :

All apparently generated photons in the universe are emitted by breaks of photon bondings which are activated by collisions. (No particle including atoms can generate photons by change of energies.)




P7.13 Analyzers of LHC verified SURe – New-Physics



P7.13.1 Analyzers of LHC are not very suitable and not valuable


The reasons are

* All relevant and even irrelevant subatomic particles have already been identified in 1930s.

All relevant decay particles of subatomic particles have already been determined.

* The particles out of which all matter is built has been already detected.

* They analyzers are not suitable for analyzing successive particle decays.

* The analyzers are not suitable for clear characterization and thus clear identfication. Characterization would be stability, mass and kinetic energy of single particle, decay reactions by collisions of decay products

Instead many valuable tests can be done to get knowledge of iteractions of particles and new technologies (details will be presented after claiming of patents).

Unfortunately the analyzers could not be tested very much as until now no particle – particle collisions have been done.



P7.13.2 Most observed particles are photons



P7.13.3 Very rare pictures of detected Particles


Nearly the only found picture which refers to real measurements by ATLAS as main analyzer is under

Welt der Physik: Mit Photonen auf der Suche nach dem Higgs

The picture shows traces of particles in the first detector zone around the decay zone of ATLAS. The detector works with pixels of Si semiconductors. All traces of particles show the same deflection strength and are equally distributed to both sides. These can be assigned with very high probability to photons. Deflections of photons are normality by strong magnets (also seen as Zeeman effect). But there are also other clear indications: these are the most and the first decay products and are very stable. The next analyzer field works with electric excitation cells. These should detect muons. Electrons should be analyzed by 3rd detection layer. An outer separate muon detector layer detects high energetic muons, electron pairs and high energetic photons.

Thus It has been verified that besides photons there are decay particles of photons.



P7.13.4 Why showed all Particle Collisions same Results


All particle-particle collision tests had the problem that there did not occur particle-particle collisions but decay of magnetic fields to photons and further decays Decay to muons, electron-pairs and electrons. By high energetic collisions no bondings occur. Therefore there were no particles of higher masses than those from photons.

Collisions of electrons to omnipresent photons can also result to above decay products.

If there is target of atoms or atomic particles are accelerated to lower kinetic energy in addition alpha-particles, neutrons, kaons and pions are observed as decay particles. Also the known “radioactive” decays of atoms can be generated by collision



P7.13.5 Much worse than no Research: Misinterpretation


The flood of misinterpretations at collider collisions is much worse than no research. An example is the apparent observations of decay particles by electron-electron collisions which showed photons, muons and electron-pairs (= neutrinos). This misinterpretation caused that the clear experimental finding before of electron being the only fundamental particle and by this the building brick for all matter in the universe got apparently refuted.




P7.13.6 Act of Desperation: The Fake of “Higgs” particles


As the demand for funding the high energetic colliders was justified by the possibility to detect mew particles, physicists were forced to do fake detection as act of desperation: they misused measured energies as announcement. Every scientist know that this is pure scientific nonsense because of following:

* the measured energies result from lots of particles and cannot be assigned to a single particle.

* there is no correlation of collision energy to the detected energies.

* it is not possible to assigned missing energies to a non-detected particle.

* if it would be possible to measure the energies of decay products of one particle the energies of decay products are always much higher than the particle which decayed.

* There is no correlation of kinetic energy to mass. Particles with same mass can have a huge range of all kind of kinetic energies.

* Generated energy is not equivalent to reduced mass.

* Measured activation energy is not equivalent to a mass of a particle.

The fake of Higgs boson assured the continued financial support for the operationn of the LHC. Research scientists at CERN already had good experiences with fake detections of W and Z – bosons. Other examples were reared less spectacular a gluons, quarks and othe non existing particles.

Overall all particles for which no definitive structure can be presented or which has made an impact to the particle analyzer do not exist.




P7.14 The fatal Error of Dipolemagnets


P7.14.1 Electromagnets for deflections in LHC are unnecessary


The over 1200 huge electromagnets which shall keep the accelerated protons in the circle of the particle pipeline were very expensive and also their operation is very expensive because liquid helium is required for cooling in addition to high electricity.

The magnets are only needed to avoid that the high energetic collisions destroy the conducting tube for particles by penetration. As the high energies of protons are also much too high for studies of collisions the energies should be reduced which will at the same time make the magnets useless. By the reduced energy the particles are well conducted by reflections of the particle tube. For this it might be that another particle pipe system might be needed. A glass coating would prevent energy losses by surface collisions.


P7.14.2 Totally wrong Understanding of Magnetism


The electromagnets for the LHC are built as dipole-magnets. On the page LHC - Dipolmagnet ( is a picture of a permanent dipole-magnet with particles that are deflected perpendicular to the magnetic lines. This is one of the most severe errors of physics. The error has even got a name: It is called Lorentz force. A force perpendicular to the magnetic lines is physically impossible and has only been observed in very specific cases as an illusion without any reality. It seems that physicists at CERN have never worked with dipole-magnets. All dipole-magnets deflect particles to the directions parallel to the magnetic field lines. All people know for example that the magnetic field lines of the earth deflect cosmic particles to the poles and not to the equator.

But concerning dipolemagnets of the LHC there is a second severe error, which corrects the first error. The built magnets at CERN are called dipole-magnets but clearly are no dipole-magnets. Dipole- electromagnets must have relative tight windings of the electric coil, so that the coil can work as dipole magnet. But the built ones have long straight electric windings. This is particularon 2 sides, but that is sufficient that a magnet has been constructed with complete different magnetic characteristics. By these the generated magnetic fields nearly the same as those of straight current conduction wires. These generate pipe-like magnetic fields parallel to the electric conductor line. As the magnetic structure is very stable the pipe-like structure works like a pipe and by reflection at the inner pipe wall the accelerated particles follow automatically the circular pipe (see also chapter P9.1). If the magnets would be dipole-magnets, the protons would be deflected to the poles which would be up or down and would make no sense.

Overall there are two severe fundamental errors of magnetism and only by luck the errors canceled each other out.



P7.15 The impossible Control of magnetic Strength at LHC


It is stated that the deflection strength of magnets are continuously adjusted to the speed of accelerated particles. There are lots of problems to do this:

* The speeds of protons probably changes differently than the kinetic energy

* The strength of magnetic deflection has to be adjusted to kinetic energy and not to speed.

* The increase of kinetic energy per time is not stable.

* The increase of kinetic energy per time is unknown and can‘t be measured.

But as the used magnets for deflection are no dipole magnets the deflection is not controllable by magnetic strength. The magnetic field lines work here by reflection and not by deflections. The required stability of magnetic fields for reflection is in wide ranges independent from magnetic strength. Therefore an adjustment to kinetic energies is not needed and has no influence. The protons are conducted automatically along the magnetic field lines which are identical to the cyclic pipe line of particles. If an adjustment would have been required, this would not be feasible.


P7.16 No Research of Speeds versus Kinetic Energies


P7.16.1 The Non-Observance of Valuable Data


The LHC provides perfect capabilities for measuring the correlation between the speed and kinetic energy for different particles. This would be one of the most interesting research results, which would even be essential for the optimal operation of the LHC. It is incomprehensible that this has been ignored.

It is well known that photons have speeds which do not increase by increasing kinetic energy. This is one of the strangest observations in universe, because it is very different from nearly all other objects.

In order to find an explanation for this it is necessary to find out if this phenomenon is also valid for other particles like protons.

Currently it is stated that photons don’t increase their speed by increasing kinetic energy because their speed is at the maximal possible speed of all objects. In next chapter it is shown that a general maximal speed for particles is physically impossible. In addition a maximal speed would require a maximal kinetic energy which is not observed.



P7.16.2 The physical Impossibility of a maximal Speed


Every physicist should know that speed and kinetic energy are relative properties and therefore do not describe a property of an object. Speed and kinetic energy can have all values as long as an object stays stable. Both properties are not determinable. Only relative speeds and velocity can be determined. Even if a photon has a maximal relative speed of C to the earth ground, C can’t be an absolute maximal speed. When a photon is emitted from the headlight of a driving car, which has the speed V, then the photon has the speed C+V. A maximal relative light speed is physically impossible. The statement of Albert Einstein that this is reality is the worst error which can happen in physics, because it is obvious that this is impossible. Not Einsteins theory, but the acceptance of his statement as real Physics was the start of the conversion of physics to absurd science-fiction. As Albert Einstein got genius by absurd science fiction, lots of physicists tried to achieve this by the same way.




P7.16.3 First Explanation of the stable Speed of Photons


As the kinetic energies of photons increase but not the observed speed, the observed speed cannot be the “real” speed, which is the speed of photons which the photons would have when there would not be a speed which compensate the increase of speed. For this the origin of speed has to be known, which has been derives by SURe – New Physics: The movement of an object is originated by the sum of vibration energies of the object. Overall there is no other explanation of the observed phenomenon that the increase of “real” speed is compensated by a reduction of speed by the increased number of penetrations through omnipresent photons (separate chapters). This effect or reducing speed by penetration is observed for many phenomenens in universe. Even the speed variations of celestial bodies is caused by variations of densities of omnipresent photons, which are traversed. All these examples show that the speeds chamge but not the kinetic energies. Energies. One single explanation for lots of unusual and very different observations is reliable indication that the explanation is correct.



P7.16.4 The expected Penetration effect on Protons


Speed reduction of protons should be stronger than of photons because of the larger size of protons. Speed measurements of protons which arrive from sun to earth have significant lowerspeed, which is 10-20 % of the speed of photons. Protons need about 1 hour from sun to earth. Thus it would be interesting to know, if the speeds of protons increase by increasing kinetic energies or remain stable. Measurement at colliders should have be done to solve this questions.


P7.16.5 The unscientific data Policy at CERN


CERN published that the maximal accelerated protons reach speeds by the factor 0,999.999.990 of the speed of photons. If a research scientist hears about this published speed data, he instantly knows that this has nothing to do with the really observed speed. Real measurements of speed would have a variance and the variance would be added to data. Scientist know that when proton speeds of 10-20% are published like for protons that these are real measurements and reliable data contrary to the LHC data. It seems that the published speed was just assumed but not measured.

Questionable is whether the published accurate number of proton revolutions per second around the LHC-ring (11.245 per sec) can be exactly measured, which has to be the case for the calculation of the observed speed. When exact measurements are possible, why is there no published diagram of measured speeds against measured kinetic energies? These would be very valuable data to publish.

It seems that number of revolutions has been calculated by the assumed speed of protons. Overall there are no clear information which data are measured, which are calculated and which are assumed.

There is a high probability that maximal speed of protons is the same as the measured speed of protons from sun to earth.

Responsible persons at CERN should stop the unscientific and unreliable announcements of data. Of course this is not only a problem at CERN.



P7.17 Wrong understanding of Acceleration



P7.17.1 Correct Definition of Acceleration


It is well known that acceleration is the change of a movement of an object, which has to be done by the transfer of kinetic energy to the object. The acceleration is negative when the object transvers kinetic energy to another object. The transfer of kinetic energy or also the potential for this is called force (F). If there is a continuous constant force the acceleration (a) can be expressed as a = delta v/ sec and there is following dependency to mass (m):

a = F /m.


P7.17.2 No Understanding of Particle Accelerators


It is unscientific that physicist work with particle accelerators although they have not understood how the electric fields which are used for acceleration of particles transfer kinetic energy to the accelerated particles. The first scientific explanation of SURe – New Physic,which is physical reality by over 95 % is following mechanism:

Particles which are emitted in direction of photon chains of the electric field lines bind shortly between the photons of the photon chains, take up the bonding energy of the photon chains by averaging and then are emitted again with the additional energy of the bonding. The number of boding and decay interactions are increased by increased number of single chains of the electrical fields and by increased vibration energy of the photon chains. Both increase by increased electrical voltage of the generated electric fields. Electric fields have the same structures as the magnetic fields, which are generated by permanent magnets.


P17.3 Wrong Formula for Acceleration


Theory of current physics is that the energy which is transferred to an accelerated particle is proportional to the product of the elementary charge and the electrical voltage. There might be a linear dependency to electrical voltage versus acceleration but this has to be checked by empirical measurements.

But following issue has not been taken into account when using different particles like protons:

* An elementary charge does not exist. The reality of the charge of a particle is the strength of tendency of a particle to bind to photon chains. This can have all kind of values except 0, negative values and and values greater than 3 (estimated). Photons for example have a small value because these are very stable as single particle.

There is another theory that the kinetic energy of an accelerated particle is proportional or even equivalent to the acceleration energy.

This theory does not take the clear revers linearity to the mass of particle into account.

Overall it is not possible to assign kinetic energies to the accelerated protons. These have to be measured.



P7.18 Final Considerations concerning physical Research



This chapter shoes the disastrous global situation of physical research is impressively revealed in the case of the world’s largest research institution. Physicists arethe victims of this situation. They have got an immense technical capabilities by which they could do the most significant and the mosrt valuable researck work for the health of mankind, but they are not allowed to do this. Every research work they would do would discover the reality of the universe and by this the errors of former research work. But leading people at physical research institutions do not accept that by current highly improved and highly sophisticated analytical technologies we are able to observe much more physical interactions and thes much more accurate, so that it would be a big surprise if there would be no findings that are different than the findings fron years where only “mental experiments” could be done. But the autocratic system of Physics does not allow any corrections, because it fears to lose the myth of infallibility. Neither the research physicists nor the leader of research institutions have to be accused for the desaster of research. It is caused by the funding and acknoledgement system which developed in a way tat mainly research work to verify theories has been funded and acknowledged. If 70 years ago the finding of errors and revisiond would have been funded und recognized, the reality of the universe /SURe -New-Physics/ Weltformel would have been detected at least 50 years earlier. Essential for an effective research work is that errors and revisions are regarded as normality without any deevaluation or losses of reputation. Currently you have to fear to loose the job by this because the fear to fear thef infallibility and inviolability of the autocratic system. of Physics as it is known from the earlier autocratic system of the church. Victims are the Physicists, because it was prohibited for them to detect the exciting reality of SURe- New Physics.






P8 Basic Errors concerning Energies of Particles



P8.1 The wrong Understanding of Energy of Particles


The total energy of a particle/objects is the sum of spin energies of electrons plus the sum of vibration energies of bondings of electrons. Both are inner energies and by this absolute energies of movements. All energies of movements are vectors because movement is a vector.

As spin- and vibration energies have not any impacts to outside matter these energies can’t be determined. But because the energies exert no impacts the knowledge of their values are not of any interest.

A very important energy is the linear kinetic energy, which is equivalent to an impact or force. This is a relative energy to another object.


All other energies of objects are based on kinetic energies. This means there are no other energies.



P8.1.1 Missing Research for the most important Issue



The most important knowledge for mankind is the knowledge about energies of particles and the generation of usable energy for mankind. Till now physicists have not gained scientific knowledge about energies, as they stick on theories, which were based on wrong interpretations. Although physicists later did observations which clearly proved the reality, the research institutions did not accept publications of real findings. The rejection is commented by “the findings are not conform to accepted physics.“ So physicist had no interests to do research for real physics.


P8.1.2 The fatal Misinterpretation of Bonding Energy


Physicists observed that energy is needed to break a bonding and called the needed energy bonding energy. By this they draw the conclusion that the building of a bonding generates energy. Chemists know that all reactions need an activation energy, also reactions which generates high amounts of energy. Chemists also know that the complete activation energy for any reaction will be completely gained back by the reaction. Thus activation energy is not consumed but is just necessary to activate the reaction. All reactions have to be activated.

The general physical rule is:

There are no spontaneous interactions in universe. All interactions are activated by collisions.

The only reaction, which required no activation energy, was the generation of all matter in the universe from “nothing”.




P8.1.3 The Reality of Bonding Energy



The reality of bonding is obvious. It is known that all bondings do vibrations. This can be logically explained: When two particles collide and build a bonding, then

1. the spin-energy is reduced and the same amount of vibration energy of bonding is generated.

2. the collision energy, which is the free kinetic energy of particles is transferred to vibration energy of the bonding.

By 2. usable kinetic energy is consumed. This is valid for all buildings of bondings inclusive nuclear fusions.

The important physical rule is:

All formations of bondings including nuclear bondings consume kinetic energy, which is usable energy.




P8.1.4 The wrong Understanding of Energy Conservation


The Studies of air showers revealed that physicist have an incredibly wrong understanding of energy conservation. Physicists believe that conservation of energy is valid for kinetic energy in addition to total energy. They measured the energies of the decay particles which have been originated by the one single cosmic proton and believed and still believe that the kinetic energy of the cosmic proton has to be the same amount of energy as the sum of all kinetic energies of the decay products generated by the proton and finally reached earth ground.

Physicist believed this although they know that there is no natural event in the universe, which can generate such a high energy of a photon.


P8.1.5 The Reality about Energy Conservation and Generation


Energy Conservation is exclusively valid for total energy. There are many cases where kinetic energy is consumed or generated.

The general rule is that kinetic energy is exclusively generated by decay of particles. A decay is always in connection with a break of bonding. A break of a bonding occurs when the vibration is increased so that the vibration amplitude gets above maximum. By this the two separate parts of a particle are catapulted in opposite direction, each taking over 50 % of vibration energy as kinetic energy.

The increasing energies are the reason, why explosions occur. Explosions are exponentially occurring decay reaction, because each decay particle activates additional decays.

The same mechanism occurs for cosmic protons, which have many potencies lower kinetic energy than the sum of energies of decaying particles.

The general rule of Physics is that by decay of a bonding the bound vibration energy of bonding plus the collision energy is transferred to free kinetic energy of decay particles. As there are nearly always two decay particles each decay particle will get 50% kinetic energy from bonding and collision energy. The decay particles are emitted in opposite directions. Of course the movement directions of the former particle is added.



P8.1.6 Kinetic Energies are more or less usable



Low concentrations of generated particles can mostly not be used. Effectively usable are mostly exclusively particles by exponential chain reactions.

* By sudden generation of lots of particles pressure is generated, which drive internal conbustion engines like motors in cars and other vehicles.

* Steady generation is done in rockets and aerojets.

* Best usable energy refers to generation of heat. Heat is exclusively generated by decay of phozton chains to infrared-photons.

* Generated light is always and exclusively due to decay of photon chains of atoms to visible photons.decay

It is strange that no scientists wonders which reactions generate the incredible high number of photons in atoms. The explanation is that there are not any free moving electroms in atoms but instead there are chains of bound photons, which decay to uncountable single photons.





P8.2 Discrete Energies of Particles are not possible


As all particles have kinetic energies, which can have all natural values besides zero and negative values there are no particles which have discrete values. Each particle has a concrete specific energy which stays stable as long there is no collision to another particle.



P8.3 The Activation of radioactive Decays by cosmic Particles


The penetration of a high energetic cosmic particle (mostly photon or proton) is stopped by absorption, when it collides to an atomic nuclei and its kinetic energy is equivalent to the activation energy for a decay reaction of the atomic nuclei. As the intensities and the energy distribution of cosmic particles are relative stable, there is nearly a constant rate (= constant half life) for natural decays of atomic particles.

Measurements of half life of neutrons over several years clearly showed dependencies of decay rates (half lifes) to intensity of sun. Observable are for example a yearly maximum when the earth is at its nearest position to the sun and the periods of high activity of sun.

By this the physical law of SURe – New Physics is verified that spontaneous reactions are impossible in universe.

Also extreme short half lifes of relative instable particles are not caused by spontaneous decays. The first scientific explanation of very quick decays is that the activation energies are so low, that the activation is done by collisions to omnipresent photons. The life times of relative unstable particles are higher when gas molecules or other atomic matter is required for activation of decays.



P8.4 Without activation of decay Particles are stable for ever


Even when a particle is extremely unstable a collision is needed in order to activate the decay. Otherwise also an extremely unstable particle would be stable for ever.

By this generally valid rule it can be clearly concluded that there are omnipresent particles in universe. Omnipresent can only be a particle which has the highest stability in universe. That is the photon. There will be separate chapters about omnipresent photons. These are the most important particles in universe. More than 99% of all particles are photons.




P9 Other Errors concerning Forces of particles



P9.0 Definition of Force


Force is the potential of an object to transfer kinetic energy to another object.

The only force in universe is the potential to transfer spin-energy to kinetic energy in order to achieve a position of minimal spin-energy.




P9.1 Overview: The physical Reality of Magnetismus



P9.1.1 Magnetism is no Magics

Magnetic field lines and their forces can be made visible by magnetic particles like iron filings which will aligned in rows from one magnetic pole to the other when these are scattered over a sheet of paper which covers a magnet. Physicist should have explained this phenomenon by research. The explanation by a magical force is no physics but physical impossible science-fiction. It is the contrary to scientific research to invent a force, call it magnetic force and explain the observation by this magic force, which moves the particles into position which are aligned in rows without doing this manually. It is well known that you can do a lot of magic tricks by the magic magnetic force like hanging a nail at one pole of a magnet. The explanation by physical reality is not very difficult, because there is only one scientific explanation.



P9.1.2 The correct Explanation of a Ferromagnet


Physicist did successful research to find the correct scientific description of a ferromagnet: In a magnetic iron bar nearly all iron atoms are aligned to same spin direction, which is from one pole to the other. In normal iron there are only small volumes called magnetic domains in which the iron atoms are aligned to same direction, but each domain has a different direction of spin alignment. Iron can be made magnetic by alignment of all domains to the identical spin direction. This magnetization is done by bringing all parts of the non-magnetic iron in contact with magnetic iron by maintaining the direction of contacts.



P9.1.3 The explanation that Nails are fixed on a magnetic pole.


By the alignment of nearly all atoms in directions of the poles of a magnetic bar the poles have extreme many bonding positions to the direction outside the surface. The aligned bonding positions generates corresponding aligned bonding positions in the nail. This causes that the nail is bonded to the magnetic bar. It is a usual bonding like all bondings in the universe: the overlapping of contrary spin energies in order to minimize spin total energy. Thus there is no magnetic force. The only force in universe is, that matter is forced to get minimal spin energy by moving to the position where by partly overlapping of electrons the most possible minimal spin-energy is achieved.



P9.1.4 Why do Iron Filings align in Rows by Magnetism?


At poles of magnetic bars not only iron is bonded, but all matter which is magnetic and has suitable bonding positions. Very suitable bonding positions have photons. Thus lots of photons which are available everywhere as omnipresent photons are bonded to the magnetic poles. These quasi expand the iron magnet by binding to long chains of photons by photon-photon bondings. Thus the magnetic field lines are not something abstract but real physical matter of bound chains of photons. Iron filings are bound in-between these photon chains. By this the magnetic field lines, which are in reality photon chains, became visible.



P9.1.5 Why exert magnets Attraction and Repulsion of Objects?


The photon chains on the poles of a magnet are very stable so that these build up to other suitable magnetic matter in the surroundings. A photon chain between different objects consists of lots of single photon chains. A single photon chain is relative unstable because there are steady breaks and buildings of photon bondings.

The positive energetic effect by overlapping increases when the number of photons of the chain between two suitable magnetic objects are as small as possible. For this it has to be taken into account that the released photons of the chain do also bondings to other photons offside the chain, so a shorter chain does not mean that there are less energetic overlappings. Overall more photons break off from the photon chain than are build inbetween the chain. Thus the photon chain gets shorter and tears the magnetic objects together. It is well known that the direct bondings of two magnetic objects are much stronger than the bondings via chains of photons.

If there are two magnets lying together with pols to each other which does not suit for bondings of one to the other object. The photon chains between the poles build much more new bondings than breaks of bondings occur. Thus the increasing photon chains press non-suitable objects away.

Overall magnetic forces are in reality classical chemical reactions of photons ruled by the classical laws of reaction kinetics, which are ruled by the two Universal Laws (=Weltformel).

It also showed that photons do reactions/interactions by same rules than other particles or objects and in addition that photons occupy a specific volume and exert firces like pressure like all other particles. Because of exerting kinetic forces photons must have a well defined mass.



9.2 The Antiscience of Lorentz Force


The statement of Lorentz force is: Magnetic fields exert a force called Lorentz force which is perpendicular to magnetic field lines.

The statement of Lorentz force can be called the highest level of antiscience because it violates uncountable experimental research studies of physics and corresponding reliable observations.

A force which is seemingly exerted perpendicular to magnetic fields has been observed in specific cases in connection with very unusual magnetic fields, which are generated by the flow of electrons (current) in a conducting wire. Physicist already know that electrical wires have a magnetic field which is very different to a usual field of a magnetic dipole. The force by a dipole magnet is clearly exerted to the poles along or parallel to the magnetic field lines. The exact directions can be made visible by iron filings.

An absolute “no-go” in physical research is that no experimental research was done to find a scientific explanation for the apparent observation of the Lorentz force, which physicists should have recognized to be completely absurd (physically impossible). Even much worse is that instead research for reality the physically impossible Lorentz force has been generalized to nearly all magnetic interactions. This lead to extremely absurd and clearly wrong statements. Earlier real and logically findings and explanations were converted to real absurdity.

It has to admitted that it took a very long time and a very high research workload until the real (>95%) explanation of the observations has been found. The corresponding main observations/experiments are: teltron tube, spiralic deflections of electrons, LHC deflection magnets, conductor swing experiment (see also Vol. M Magnetism).



P9.3 Specific Force Effects of Electromagnets


P9.3.1 The Reactions of moving Electrons in a Conductor The general effect of moving electrons in a conductor is that electrons react with photons to pions and pions decay to muons and electron-pairs, which leave the conductor wire: Photon (4e) + Electron (e) = Pion (5e) = Muon(3e) + Electron-pair(2e) Above reactions are also the real basis and first scientific explanation for generation of radio radiation by transmitting antennas . The emitted electron-pairs are the only particles wich are suitable for data transfer over the atmosphere.



P9.3.2 Generations of magnetic Fields by moving Electrons



The emitted muons decay after some time. But before these bind to specific magnetic fields. In normal electric coils magnetic fields are generated which show similar effects as permanent dipole magnets, which means photon chains within the coil. The open ends of coils are similar to poles although the magnetic field lines go around the wound wires and thus are circles without poles. Real poles are generated when there is a bar of magnetic matter in the electric coil.


P9.3.3 First Explanation of magnetic Fields by straight moving Electrons


When there are no coils or when the coils have wide and few windings the muons bind to multiple pipe-like objects. The pipe- like surfaces have surfaces which can reflect particles, when the particles hit the surface by sharp angles. This is mostly the case by the inner surface of the pipe structures of photons.


P9.3.4 The first scientific Explanation of Teltron Tube


Electrons can enter the pipe by penetration because of wider colliding angles to the outer surface. Then in the pipe the electrons follow the inner surface by reflections. The tight cures of the inner pipe surface can only be done by electrons because of their low mass and spherical structure.

This is the only scientific explanation of the curving of electrons in Teltron tubes and the curving of electrons in magnetic fields which contains pipe-like structures by analyzing the movements of electrons by cloud chambers.

Only by this following can be scientifically explained:

- the stable circling by generation of stable pipe structure.

- all various movements by various conditions

- The tilt stable circling by same size when the start movement is tilt.

- why circling can only be done by electrons

- why the specific Helmholtz coils are needed: the two wide coils are needed to generate stable magnetic fields in between the coils. By a sinle electric coil the magnetic fields would move and get smaller by decay reactions.



P9.3.5 The first Explanation of spiral Circling of Electrons


The main difference to last experiment is that the generated magnetic fields move away from the generating source and get pipe diameter gets smaller by time because of decay reactions. The decay reaction thus explains the spiralic form of circles and that these disappear by completely decayed magnetic pipe structure.


P9.3.6 The first Explanation of Circlings of Particles in LHC


Non-understood is that all particles in LHC follow the circling into the direction to inner circle despite of opposite charges, which are in reality opposite spin rotations, and despite changing direction of circling.

Explanation: the strong electromagnets cause stable pipe-like magnetic fields, which hold the particles in the generated magnetic pipe like a usual conducting pipe by reflections at inner surface. Only by this can explained above observation and in addition:

- The change of magnetic strength has no influence on circling of particles.

- the change of kinetic energies and speeds of particles have no influence on circling.

- The wide curves of LHC ring can not only be followed by electrons, but also by protons and heavy atoms particularly when the rod like surface is very stable because of extreme strong electromagnets.


P.9.3.7 The first Explanation of the Conductor Swing Experiment


The conductor swing experiment is explained by quick movements to the direction where the overlay of chain-like magnetic field of the permanent dipole-magnet and pipe- like magnetic field of the ladder wire has the lowest spin energy. This also explains that the side of movement is changed by change of electric flow direction and by turning the dipole magnet upside down.



General Issues of Particles


  • All particles have fluctuating bondings to omnipresent photons.

  • All particles have locality and a specific structure.

  • Complete space in universe is filled with particles, mainly photons.–

  • Universal physical rules like universal CBD- mechanism have to be the same for all particles.





P10 STRUCTURES of Particles


P10.1 General Issues concerning Structures of Particles



P10.1.1 All Structures are determined by Universal Laws


The structure of every Particle is determined by Universal Laws of Nature (Weltformel). By this all structures are determined by bondings of electrons so that these have lowest spin energy. To fulfill this requirement all electrons in a particle are bonded in a flat plane in which all electrons in a bound particle have the same spin direction and all bondings build angles of 60 degrees. This results to the fact that all structures of relevant particles above 9 electrons have structures of attached hexagons because by ring building the structures are stabilized. Examples are neutron which ha 10 electrons which are bonded to two attached hexagons and proton with 13 electrons which are bonded to 3 attached hexagons. By the symmetric bonded 3 attached hexagons the proton is the most stable particle with more electron than the 4 of a photon. By the symmetric bondings of 4 electrons the photon is by far the most stable particle concerning decay. Photons are omnipresent and will be dealt with as omnipresent matter in separate chapters. Concerning building of bondings the photon is the most reactive particle. Photons also bind to hexagon- structures with 6 photons per ring. This structure is very reactive to attach further photon rings so that photon structures with fluctuating bondings can be generated which have the size of a galaxy. Bound photon structures explain the structured appearance of celestial bodies in universe like the formation of spiral galaxies.



P10.1.2 The importance of the Knowledge of Structures



By the observed properties of a particle the structure of the particle can be determined. On the other hand by the knowledge of the structure of a particle the properties of the particle can be determined.

Corresponding properties are:

- relative mass

- relative stability

- the most likely number of bondings

- the maximal bondings

- roughly the phase transition temperatures for atomic particles

- the possible reactions with other particles

- roughly thermodynamic properties


10.1.3 Structures depend on temperature.


Generally by decreasing temperature all bondings increase their stability. Therefore more bondings are built by decreasing temperature.

Every particle can bind to any other particle. Thus also identical particles bind to each other. This results mostly to complete different particles. Nevertheless the particles were called by same particle term. Instead using another name for changed particles, the different particles are called different states of aggregations. The reactions of different states of aggregations are reversible. Therefore it does make sense to stay with the same particle name.



P10.1.4 Determination of Structures of Particles


Current research situation for structures is a disaster. Positive is that it is known, by which experiments structure can be observed: These are collision experiments with smallest particles, which are electrons, electron-pairs, muons and photons. There are just very few measurements which have been published already before 1970 like from D. Wegener in “Elektronenstreuung und die Struktur des Protons”. Scattering experiments resulted in a granular structure with decreasing density from center to a spherical edge. Thus the measurements are another falsification of Theory of quarks and verified the research results of the air shower measurements many years earlier.

So this result would have required many more measurements with higher accuracy, but it seems that further experiments are not done or published in order to avoid that people get knowledge about the error about the false theory of quarks. That this theory is no reality has also been demonstrated be the fact that it has been forgotten to make up a theory to describe the structure of quarks.


In addition the structure of the smallest particles have been described as point-like although a point has no structure and therefore this is not physically possible.


P10.2 The Structures of subatomic Particles

will follow


P10.3 The Structures of atomic Particles



 (Listed by NAME of particle – number of electron - Number of bondings  - description of structure )

electron- 1- 0 – spherical (Fundamental particle)

electron-pair - 2- 1 - two electrons which superpose up to spin axes

muon – 3 – 2 - three linear electrons which superpose up to spin axes, by bondings to photons

photon – 4 – 3 Four electrons, one in center surrounded by 3 electrons superposed up to spin axis of center electron with angles of 120 degrees.

pion – 4 – 3 - Four linear electrons

charged pion – 5 – 4 - Five linear electrons

charged pion (isomeric structure)-5-4 – electron attached to photon

neutral kaon(s) – 8 – 8 hexagon with 2 attached electrons on opposite edges (is the dimer of a photon)

charged kaon – 9 – 9 hexagon with attached 3 electrons at 3 edges

neutral kaon (l) – 12 – 13 two hexagons with 2 electrons in semi-opposite edges (is the trimer of a photon)

neutron – 10 – 11 two attached hexagons

proton – 13 – 15 three attached hexagons with center-electron



Marked paricles are the only subatomic particles which are relevant for the universe

When omnipresent photons bind to linear structures these will become zic-zac bondings of 120 degrees.




P10.3.1 The structure of atoms is very special


The structures of atomic nuclei are also flat structures of hexagons of electrons. Most atomic nuclei consist of bonded protons. Thus atoms are normally differentiated by different structures of bonded protons. Isotopes refer to nuclei where the proton- structure has partly been changed by reaction, mostly by collisions with photons. By decay of nuclei following relevant particles are emitted from nuclei: electrons, electron-pairs, photons, neutrons, protons and diprotons (=alpha-particles). Nuclei do not consist of anyone of these emitted particles, like neutrons. Emission of electrons resulted to the erroneous theory that atomic nuclei are surrounded by electrons.


P10.3.2 The specific Bondings between Atoms


Atomic nuclei have specific positions, where omnipresent photons are bonded. The omnipresent photons then do photon-photon bondings to photon chains. These have a specific length which is determined by Weltformel. Each nuclei has a specific number of these bonded chains. The photon chains bind to chains of another nucleus. Direct bondings of atomic nuclei need very specific conditions and therefore under normally do not occur in nature. The number of photon chains determine the possible maximal bondings of an atomic nucleus.


P10.3.3 First scientific Definition of Atoms


Atoms are atomic nuclei which bonded to maximal number of photon chains under normal conditions. Sometimes it makes sense that only atoms are called atoms, which are very stable under normal natural conditions and to talk about “all atoms” to include also atoms which are relative unstable.

It make sense that atomic isotopes are also called atoms and regarded as separate atoms (see next chapter).

The term „atomic element“ is equivalent to atom. Therefore it does not make sense to use it.


P10.3.4 First scientific Definition of Isotopes


The current definition of atomic isotopes does not make sense. Isotopes cannot be defined as atoms with different numbers of neutrons, because atoms do not consist of neutrons. A definition which does make sense is that atomic isotopes refers to atoms which have unusual nuclei. Unusual in this case means that these don’t have the usual structures of bound protons. But overall isotopes have to be regarded as separate atoms.

Isotopes refer to atoms where the proton- structure of nuclei has partly been changed by reaction, mostly by decays after collisions with photons. By each decay reaction one or two of following relevant particles are emitted from nuclei: electrons, electron-pairs, photons, neutrons, protons and diprotons (=alpha-particles). Nuclei do not consist of anyone of these emitted particles, like neutrons.

Emission of electrons resulted to the erroneous theory that atomic nuclei are surrounded by electrons.



P10.3.5 No Sense of periodic Table of Atoms


Current periodic table of atomic elements was developed to find a systematic grouping of atoms with the same characteristics concerning stability and reactions and to find an explanation for this. The grouping was partly achieved, but the explanation for the different characteristics not. The theory, that “full shells of electrons” cause a high stability of atoms is no explanation besides the fact that it is physical impossible. Atoms cannot be differentiated by different numbers of neutrons and protons and number of protons is not the same as the number of separate electrons, which surrounds the nuclei. The simple reasons are:

* Atomic nuclei do not consist of neutrons.

* There are no electrons, which surround the nuclei as separate single particles. Physicists have already verified this by several arguments and therefore created new theories which however were also physically impossible. (see volume Q = Quantum Physics).

* There are no separate protons.

* The structure of atoms are completely made up and are not based on any unbiased observation.

* The erroneous structure of atoms is mainly caused by the erroneous theory of existence of charges. But even charges would have falsified the structures.

* By the made up structures not any characteristic of atoms can be scientifically explained.


P10.3.6 The real Explanation of characteristics of Atoms


Atomic nuclei have specific positions, where omnipresent photons are bonded to chain structures. Each nuclei has a specific number of these bonded chains. The photon chains bind to chains of another nucleus. Thus the number of photon chains refers to the maximal bondings of an atomic nucleus to the photon chains of other nuclei. The number of maximal bondings to other atoms is is the most important characteristics of an atom and thus the most important differentiation of atoms which is at the time explained by this.

Direct bondings of atomic nuclei need very specific conditions and therefore normally do not occur in nature.

Each atomic nuclei has a specific length of photon chains which is determined by Weltformel.




P10.3.7 First scientific definition of Ions


Ions are atomic nuclei with reactive photon chains which are not bonded to other nuclei. There is no differentiation between positive and negative ions, but an ion prefers bonding to that ion which provides optimal reductions of spin energy. Mostly there are just ions of same atoms in the surrounding. In this case bondings by photon chains are done between same ions. This verifies that the existence of positive and negative ions is no reality.


10.3.8 First scientific explanation of Radicals


Under conditions where atomic collisions with high energies occur the one or all photon chains break off from atomic nuclei and are emitted. By this atomic nuclei are very reactive to do bondings to nearly all other nuclei. An atomic nucleus with an emitted photon chain is called atomic radical.



10.3.9 First scientific Explanation of Plasma


Plasma is an area where there is a high concentration of radicals, which means particles with high kinetic energies and high reactivity. Plasma is always in a gas phase. By collisions of radicals of plasma to all kind of other matter there will be a transfer of kinetic energy to this matter. By less kinetic energy omnipresent photons are bonded to the radicals so that usual atoms are generated again.


P10.4 The specific Structure of Matter of celestial Bodies


The structures of all celestial bodies are well known by SURe- New Physics . These explain all characteristics of the different celestial bodies based on observations by astro-physicists. In volume C = Cosmos it is or or it will be shown that nearly all current descriptions and explanations of celestial bodies are wrong. So SURe- New Physics will provide the first scientific descriptions and explanations for following phenomenons (examples):

* Generation of stars.

* Energy generation by stars (sun)

* Control mechanism for stable energy generation by stars.

* Mechanism of supernovae.

* Mechanism of generation of all atoms by supernovae.

* First scientific explanations of

- neutron star

- pulsar

- magnetar

- white dwarf

- giant star

- quasar

- black hole

- galaxy

- galactic bulge

. spiral arms

- galactic jet

- accretion disk

- galactic gravitation

- anti-gravitation




- dark matter



P10.5 Special Structures


P10.5.1 Specific Structure Research


The lack of knowing particle structures is one of the main causes why most of current physics is no reality. Current research concerning structures shows the typical situation of physics: A lot of measurements are done, but all studies are misused to verify theories (science fiction) instead of publishing the reality, which refutes clearly the theory.

Thus for most bio-molecules experimental studies are done because there are no nonconformities to theories, but for many other structures like for the H2O molecule there are no published measurements because these would clearly show that current theories are no reality and physicists would have to admit to lots of errors of current theories.


P10.5.2 Many Theories to explain wrong Angle for H2O


For the structure of water molecule still the physically impossible theory is preserved that H2O has an angled structure. The imaginary theories for this non-observed statement sre:

* An oxygen atom of H2O is surrounded by 8 localized electrons.

* The 8 localized electrons generate four localized electron-pairs.

* The four electron-pairs occupy a shell area around the oxygen atom.

* By this the shell has got maximum electrons, which fit in this shell.

* Maximum electrons in a shell cause the stability of H2O molecule.

* The bondings to two hydrogen atoms result by two electron pairs, which each consists of one electron of a hydrogen atom and one electron from the oxygene atom.

* Two electron-pairs around oxygen are not used for bondings.

* Each electron-pair exerts a repulsion force to the three other electron pairs.

* The repulsion force of electron pairs which are not used for bonding is somewhat stronger than the repulsion force of the other electron-pairs.

* All above fictive theories result to the fictive theory that there is an angle of between the two hydrogen bondings of 104,45 degrees, which is near the tetrahedron angle.

* In addition there is a theory for the generation of intermolecular bondings for H2O which should occur by additional hydrogen bondings to oxygen.

Overall there was an extensive effort to work out science fiction.


P10.5.3 Physicists have falsified theories for Structures


Above theories theories are still in physic books, although physicists have already falsified these long time ago. They have found out that electrons cannot surround as single particles atomic nuclei. Therefore they made-up a new theory that instead of real electrons there are just mathematical functions which surround the atomic nuclei without any localization and called this a theory of quantum physics. By this and other theories of quantum physics physicists officially gave up the search for reality. The cause for this might be that for many years there was no progress and no success to find explanations, which are physically possible. Thus they converted physics consciously to spiritual science, which has the advantage that all interactions can officially be described and explained by physically impossible statements (see volume Q = quantum physics). At the same time physicists do not take quantum physics seriously because they still use statements with concrete locations of electrons which are required to explain structures like for H2O.



P10.5.4 Daily Observations of real H2O Structure


Although the knowledge of the real H2O structure would be very valuable, not any scientific research has been done for this. Physicists strictly avoid measurements of structure of H2O. It seems that physicists fear the finding that current theories of structures are wrong.

The error of the angular structure of H2O can be derived by observations of everyone, for example by observations of snow flakes: These clearly show flat 6-pointed star structures and angles of 60, 120 and 180 degrees. These observed angles cannot be explained by the current fictive angle of 104,45 degrees. In addition according to current theory the bondings between H2O molecules are not in same plane level, so it is impossible that flat structures are generated by freezing.


P10.5.5 The real Structure of frozen H2O


It is known that freezing means to build as many bondings between same particles as possible. It is known that the observed angles of 60 and 120 degrees in snow crystals result from attached hexagons. As an oxygen atom do no bondings with 60 degrees this can only by due to proton-proton bondings of H2O. In order to form stable proton-proton bondings, these are stabilized by binding to a cyclic ring of 6 protons. From each edge of the six edges of the hexagon of protons ther goes a chain to the outer area of the hexagon. The chain consist of photon chain – O – photon chain - P (proton). This results to the basic observed structure of a snow flake which is a 6 pointed star. The basic star structure binds to further linear H-O-H molecules to extend the points of the stars and to fill the space in-between the points by forming hexagons filled by 6 triangles. Each side of a triangle and by this also of the hexagons is a H-O-H molecule. There are very week bondings by overlay of the flat structures when most spin axis of electrons overlap. Thus also the thickness of the flat structures increases.



P10.5.6 The real structure of Oxygen Atom and H2O


The structure by which every interaction of oxygen atoms can be explained is a regular nuclei (no isotope) consisting of 6 bound protons as an unsymmetric cross. The maximal number of photon chains is two in opposite direction. This is conform to the observation that maximal number of bondings is two. In addition this explains that all bondings of oxygen are linear to opposite directions.

Therefore H2O is clearly a linear molecule.

As photon chains are consisting of attached hexagons of 6 bound photons it would be possible that the hexagons are attached to 6 different sides, but because of the fact that symmetric vibrations to one direction are energetically preferred in order to reduce spin energies, all hexagons are attached to one and the same side.



 P10.6 Influence of Structures to Climate



P10.6.1 Hexagon Structures of H2O rule our Climate



Honeycomb structures of H2O molecules do not only exist in ice, but also in water. Their concentration continuously decreases by increasing temperature.

The structure is the origin of the high heat capacity of water. High heat capacity of water is is equivalent to high absorption potential of IR-photons. Absorption of IR photons is equivalent to bonding of IR photons. The corresponding reaction is called photolysis: Bonding of a photon causes the break of an H20-H20 bonding, which is a break of a bonding of the hexagon structure of water. When water cools down in the hexagon structures are build again, by which the bonded IR-photons are emitted again.

General definition of generation of heat is emission of IR-photons.

General definition of consumption (reduction) of heat is absorption of IR-photons.

There are no other interactions in universe which generate or consume heat.

Photons with all kind of energies are permanently bonded and emitted by all particles of matter. But the hexagon structures of water are particularly suitable for IR-photons (=heat) an are the cause for the high heat capacity. High heat capacity is the cause for the strong mitigation of temperature changes of water.

The balancing of temperatures is nearly completely caused by the huge surface areas of water on earth. The transfer of heat from sea to land is done by movement of air (wind).

The balancing of temperatures are strongly supported by same bonding and decay reactions of the hexagon structure of water during phase transitions: Water causes strong heat generation by condensing and freezing and strong heat consumption by evaporation and melting, which supports balancing of temperatures on earth.

Balancing of climate by huge sea areas are the most essential characteristics of the climate on earth, because without this life on earth would hardly be possible.

A strong cooling effect for climate has the water evaporation by plants particularly trees, because heat from earth surface is transferred to higher areas of atmosphere and in heat from sun is blocked. .

By this tropical deforestation is the strongest man-made cause for global warming.

Details will be explained in Vol. T (Thermodynamics)




P10.6.2 The cause for Climate Change is the most fatal Error of Physics



The most fatal error is the explanation of global warming by the structure of some molecules in atmosphere. For this physicists made up following theories, which are mostly contrary to observations and physically impossible. Physicists should know that these are antiphysics:

1. Global warming is caused by gases in atmosphere which have a high absorption potential for Infrared photons.

2. A high absorption potential have molecules with 3 or more atoms.

3. Molecules with 3 bonded atoms have a very strong potential for IR absorption because these have many possibilities to be excited to different vibration modes.

4. An extreme strong potential for IR absorption has CO2.

5. After absorption the IR-photons are emitted again.

6. IR-absorption is measured by IR- spectroscopy.

SURe is following:

1. Absorption is known to be equivalent to bonding of particles. It is also known that over 99% of heat on earth is caused by emitted IR-photons from sun. Thus the conclusion is that absorption of heat from sun has a clear cooling effect. This is verified by lots of observations: cooling occurs to heat absorption by following particles/objects in atmosphere:

Clouds, other H2O like mist, fog, vapour, all particular matter like sand, soot, all molecules which is proved by spectroscopic measurements, the cooling effect by increased pathway of IR-photons through atmosphere (by same angle of heat detection)proves that all gas molecules absorb IR-photons; absorption by all molecules in atmosphere is also proved by heeting to 160 °C on moon, and of course cooling by parasol.

2. Spectroscopic measurements prove that Argon (1 atom) shows nearly same absorption potential than CO2.

3. This is falsified in chapter W18. It can easily be tested by a model of atoms bonded by a spring, that all bound atoms have one single vibration mode which is symmetric stretching and repulsion to the mass center of a molecule independent from number of atoms.

4. Scientists know that absorption by H2O is much stronger than by CO2. So the cooling effect of water is much stronger than the cooling effect of CO2.

5. Low energetic photons from earth ground have the same energy level of omnipresent photons and therefore do not penetrate these but are absorbed are absorbed by omnipresent photons and thus have a free path length much below 1 mm from and then are absorbed by an omnipresent photon. So these are not radiated but just flow by millions of absorption and decay reaction. By this heat is always transferred to cooler area. This is the explanation for the fact, that there is on average a nearly constant temperature gradient to cooler temperatures by distance to earth ground. The heat flow can only be slowed down by clouds.

6. In order to do a valid absorption measurement by infrared spectroscopy, you have to take a reference sample which do no absorption. Currently it is measured against air, which has also a strong absorption. So currently fake measurements are done. Each gas has to be measured against vacuum or against hydrogen as reference. If you measure different CO2 concentrations in air against hydrogen there will be no increased absorption peak up to about 5% of CO2. Thus concentrations of CO2 which are 100 times stronger than now have nearly the same cooling effect than air, O2 or N2.





P10.6.3 SURe of global Warming: Reduced Absorption



Absorption and emission of photons refers to bonding and decay of photons to photon chains of atoms . Therefore the absorption potential of a particle correlates to number of photon chains of the particles. Because all atomic matter has photon chains all atomic bodies permanently do absorptions and emissions of photons. Permanent bonding and absorption of matter has already been realized by Planck and other physicists. But till now there was no scientific explanation for this observation.

Overall there are following rules for climate on earth:

Each atomic particle between sun and earth ground reduces heat on earth by absorption.

Earth ground emits low energetic photons. These are absorbed by all particles, mainly by omnipresent photons.

This results to a steady flow of heat with a nearly constant heat gradient. Evan by convection by air there is in average no significant change of heat gradient.

There is not any possibility for a relevant backflow of heat.

The potential for heat absorption of a single particle correlates to number of photon chains of a particle.

Infrared absorption spectra don’t measure heat absorption of particles but exclusively photolysis reactions of photons. This means there is consumption of heat without any emission of heat.

Low energetic IR-photons can’t be measured by IR-spectroscopy, because these have a very short path length due to collisions to omnipresent photons. airs are measured. Since several years the NASA has measured an extraordinaire low concentration of particles in the clouds in our sun system, which is the main reason for current climate warming.

SURe of clpmate changes is also explained in Volume W (Weltformel) W18-W22.







 P11 Some specific Reactions of Particles


P11.1 The Decay of a Neutron


It has already mentioned, that the decay of a neutron is activated by a cosmic photon. In reality it is more a bonding to a proton than a decay. The reaction is:

Neutron (10e) + Photon (4e) = Proton (13e)n + Electron (e)

As the electron is emitted from the photon the kinetic energy of emitted electron depends on collision energy of the photon.



P11.2 Half Life of Neutrons depends on Sun Activity


The decay rate (half rate) depends on concentration of cosmic photons which mostly comes from suns. Therefore the half life depends on sun activity. This has been verified by two different observations:

1. The yearly increase of half life, when the sun is nearer to theeartth.

2. The periodic 11 years increase of sun activity.



P11.3 Wrong Interpretations of Beta-minus Decays of Atoms


All atomic nuclei have positions which react similar to a neutron decay. This means by collisions with a high energetic photon the particle is bonded to the nucleus and then an electron decays from this photon. The difference to neutron decay is that the photon replaces a photon chain. Thus a bonding option to another atom gets lost.

Experimental collisions of photons to atoms by which electrons are emitted resulted to the theory that electrons surround atomic nuclei. It has not been realized that it is the same reaction as the apparently spontaneous “radioactive” decay of nuclei which is activated by collision with cosmic photons.




P11.4 Wrong Interpretations of Beta-plus Decays of Atoms


Beta-plus decays can be activated by a high energetic photon of a proton, which is not bonded but increases the vibration energy by reflection. By this a myon decays from nucleus and the myon rapidly decays to an electron and an electron-pair. As the electron is emitted to the opposite side compared to beta-minus decay, it will be deflected to the opposite side in a magnetic field than the electron of beta-minus decay. This is wrongly interpretated that an positron is emitted.

The free bonding option on the nucleus is used by omnipresent photons to bind to a photon chain. Thus a new bonding option to another atom is generated.



P11.5 First scientific explanation of Alpha - decays of Atoms


All atomic nuclei consist of bound protons. Alpha Particles are two bound protons witch also can decay from the sides of a nucleus by a high energetic collision. By an alpha decay the bondings do exactly break, when maximal bonding energy is achieved. By this the emitted alpha particles take over the specific maximal vibration energy as kinetic energy. Thus the kinetic energies of alpha particles are specific for an atomic nucleus.