Einstein Logic Test 4: Choice of conclusions or explanations of Sagnac effect:
A) The run length of the light beam will be shorter, when the light moves against the direction of equally moving detector and source and vice versa.
B) The light speed relative to detector and source will be higher, when the light moves against the direction of equally moving source and detector and vice versa.
C) The Sagnac effect is exclusively valid for motions which are rotations.
Answers of modern physics (generally accepted): __A), B) and C)
Answers of neoclassical physics (VTOE):_________ A) and B)
Answers A) and B) are equivalent. But B) is avoided in physics, because there is no valid physical explanation for this violation for constancy of light relative to arbitrary frame Systems (Special Relativity). The only possibility to save conformity to SR is to argue that the different light speeds can exclusively occur when the movements are rotations and that SR is exclusively valid for linear movements.
Answer C) has no scientific basis and is unexplainable. The light beam doesn't and cannot make differences how the detector or a mirror has approached when the beam hits it. Answers A) and B) are Independent from rotational or linear movement. A different mechanism for the propagation of light in vacuum is not scientificly explainable. There has not been any experiment, which has shown this difference. That means that there is no experiment which has shown that the Sagnac effect is not valid for linear movements.
To declare a rotational movement to be absolute is neither true nor valid to justify different light mechanisms.
On the other hand, it is hard to define a movement which cannot be handled as a rotational movement, because all celestial bodies do rotational movements. So the Sagnac effect is generally valid, which can be proved. The Sagnac effect is also valid for the popular examples of light beams in a moving train. Arriving times at end and front of the train can be determined and are valid for each observer. There is no relativity of simultaneity of time.
The only particularity for rotational movements is that effects of linear movements are eliminated.
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