Question Einstein Logic Test Item 8
What can be concluded by results of Hafele-Keating experiment?
Choice of answers of Einstein Logic Test
A) The results are conform to the existence of time dilatation according to Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity (answer of modern physics, generally accepted)
B) The results are conform to the second postulate of Special Relativity: Constancy of light speed to all inertial Frames (answer of modern physics, generally accepted)
C) The results are exclusively conform to classical and neoclassical physics (proved answer of VTOE).
Even with the postulate that the Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity is valid, the theory does not lead to different times of atomic clocks. In Special Relativity there are following Statements:
when the clock in the westward flying aeroplane is observed
a) in the aeroplane it has no velocity, thus the clock shows no time change
b) from earth surface the clock has the velocity of the aeroplane and the corresponding time change
c) from a eastward flying aeroplane it has the velocity of the sum of the speeds of aeroplanes and the corresponding time change
d) from the sun the clock has an average velocity of about 30 km/s and a corrsponding time change
e) from the center of the milky way the clock has a velocity of about 230 km/s and a corresponding time shift.
The mechanics and electronics of the clock does not see any velocity so according to Special Relativity it has always to run with the same frequency and show no time shift. The observed time shift therefore is the disproof of Special Relativity. There was nobody who checked the time of the clock from the inertial frame of the center of the earth. And if there would be someone who observed the clock from this frame system, how should the clock know this and change its run time?
Beside above misinterpretation of the Theory of Special Relativity, Einstein himself did a fatal error when he derived the conclusions from his postulates which he defined as basis for his theory. Instead of using the second postulate (constancy of light to all inertial systems) he used a complete different postulate: Speed of light is constant to two arbitrary chosen inertial systems, while the speed of light to all other inertial systems is not constant but classical relative. Only this irrational postulate can lead to time dilatation, length contraction or nonsimultanously of time. If you use the defined second postulate this will lead to the conclusion that length intervals do not exist (are zero) and time is not defined. That means the universe is something like a singularity.
The VTOE explains all results of the Hafele-Keating experiment. It is the only theory which is conform to the results.
All Rights: Dr. O. Vogel , J. Vogel , A. Vogel ; Unabhängige Forschungsgemeinschaft UFG/ Germany
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