9.1 Made by Mankind: "NATURAL" CONSTANTS
9.2 Absolutely absolute: TIME and SPACE
9.3 Universal Principles reveal the MEANING OF LIFE (will be published later)
9.4 By SURe: We have no FREE WILL (will be published later)
9.1 Made by Mankind: NATURAL CONSTANTS
Physicists defined physical constants to describe correlations of observed interactions. Nearly all interactions in universe are interactions of neutrinos. Examples are speed of light and all interactions concerning forces. Interaction with neutrinos depend on concentration of neutrinos. Concentrations of neutrinos have strong local differences and in most cases also periodic variations by time. Therefore the defined constants are not constant and not universal. Measurement of speed of light showed never reproducible results. The constant has been defined to be constant. Most defined physical constants are artificial mathematical normalization factors like the Planck constant for normalization of energy.
The only known universal constant is the total intrinsic energy of matter in universe, which is zero. Other universal but unknown constants are size of a FP, spin energy of a FP, spin velocity of a FP and total number of FPs. Values of these properties can be varied in wide ranges without relevant affect to universe. Therefore for computer simulations of the universe the universal constants can be normalized to 1.
All other currently defined “natural” constants are no universal constants and mostly no natural constants.
9.2 Absolute correct: TIME and SPACE
All observations in universe verify that time and space intervals are absolute and not relative or variable. Descriptions of physical observations mostly uses time intervals and space intervals like length, area and volume. If these would not be absolute there would be nearly not any valid formula for physical correlations.
All Rights: Dr. O. Vogel , J. Vogel , A. Vogel ; Unabhängige Forschungsgemeinschaft UFG/ Germany
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