2.2 How to get Knowledge about Reality: SCIENTIFIC METHOD
2.3 How to explain the Universe: SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES
2.4 NO DISPUTES anymore about Physics
2.5 New Physics/SURe is the Result of the Work of ALL PHYSICISTS
2.6 The STORY of New Physics /SURe
2.7 The AUTOCRATIC BUSINESS SYSTEM of Physics suppressed Science
2.8 Unexpected Support: Spectacular INSIDER INFORMATION
2.9 The INDOCTRINATION of physical Theories by School System
2.10 Impossible: Discovery of physical Reality by Physicist
2.11 NATURE OF MANKIND severely hinders scientific Work
2.12 ROOT CAUSE for the late Discovery (will be published later)
2.13 GREAT PHYSICISTS will remain great Physicists
2.14 Its SURe: The Begin of a GOLDEN ERA for Physicists
2.15 By SURe: Numerous Patent Applications
2.16 FINAL CALL to come on Board
All Rights: Dr. O. Vogel , J. Vogel , A. Vogel ; Unabhängige Forschungsgemeinschaft UFG/ Germany
You-Tube Channel: (1) Physik ohne Widersprüche - YouTube
E-Mail: office@new-physics.org