Background of research activities of main author (O.Vogel)
1983-1985 Doctorate in Physical Chemistry / kinetics (reaction mechanisms)
1985-1986 Scientific Consultant for waste water cleaning
1985-1987 Postdoctorial research about kinetics (University in GB).
1987-2014 Analytical Research and Process Research Chemist at a corporation with over 50,000 employees.
1988 Starting Physics as hobby
2014 Termination of job because of severe health problems.
2017 Publishing of e-book "Theory of Everything", later eliminated because of non-conformities to observations.
2018 Discovery of Universal Laws of Nature (Weltformel) *)
2018- 2022 Validation of Weltformel by applying it on about 500 natural and experimental observations in all areas of physics. *)
2019 Start documentations of new explanations of Physics on homepage, which was called New Physics/ SURe (Scientific Universal Reality).*)
2020 Presentation of parts of New Physics via YouTube, Channel "Physik ohne Widersprüche".
since 2023 Review of major parts of documentations on About two new observations per week could be explained by SURe-New-Physics, for which there was no scientific explanation before.
*) significantly supported by J.Vogel and A.Vogel who recognized the high potential for this work and also solved important parts of New Physics.
All Rights: Dr. O. Vogel , J. Vogel , A. Vogel ; Unabhängige Forschungsgemeinschaft UFG/ Germany
You-Tube Channel: (1) Physik ohne Widersprüche - YouTube