Scientific Universal Reality (SURe) - New Physics


Volume C (Climate Errors)


Attention: Preliminary Worksheet


Chapters have to be ordered and revised, 

intended till end Jan. 2025


Added chapter at the end: Scientific measurements of absorption potentials of gases


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SURe – New Physics Vol C: CLIMATE ERRORS 1

C1 Current Impossibility to understand Climate 7

C1.1 Current Physics is not based on Physical Reality 7

C1.2 No Research to gain Knowledge of Reality 8

C1.3 The only Force in Universe has not been detected 9

C1.4 The Reason for the Non-Detection of the Reality of the Universe 10

C1.5 Basic Rules for Interactions 11

C1.6 Missing Knowledge of Structure of Atoms 12

C1.6.1 Physicists refuted the Existence of atomic Electrons 12

C1.6.2 Atoms would be empty Space 12

C1.6.3 Disproof of Excitation Theory of Absorption of Photons 13

C1.7 Missing Knowledge of the Omnipresent Photons 13

C1.7.1 Physicists admit that they know just 5% of matter. 13

C1.7.2 The Explanation of the high Amounts of emitted Photons 13

C1.7.3 How can huge Amounts of Photons be absorbed and emitted? 14

C1.8 The proofs of the Existence of Photon-Chains 15

C1.8.1 Atomic bondings can’t be explained 15

C1.8.2 Vibrations of Molecules can’t be explained 15

C1.8.3 Other unexplained Issues 16

C1.9 The disproofs that Absorption refers to Vibration Modes 16

C1.10 Missing Explanations of Thermodynamics 17

C2 Absorption in Atmosphere clearly causes Cooling of Climate 19

C2.1 The Explanation of Cooling Effect of Absorption 19

C2.2 The Verification of Elimination of Heat by Absorption 19

C2.2.1 Toxic Particles are eliminated by Absorption 19

C2.2.2 Hazardous UV-C Photons are eliminated by Absorption 19

C2.2.3 Elimination of the hazardous X-ray- photons by Absorption 20

C2.2.4 Elimination of Heat by Absorption of Infrared-Photons 20

C2.2.5 Elimination of Heat is measured by IR-Absorption-Spectroscopy 21

C2.2.6 Climate Experts show in TV that CO2 eliminates Heat 21

C2.2.7 Formerly the Cooling Effect by Absorption was taught in Schools 22

C2.2.8 NASA Scientists measured the Cooling Effect by Absorption 23

C2.3 A warming Effect is only possible by Emission of Heat 24

C2.3.1 Generation of Heat is caused by Emission of Infrared Photons 24

C2.3.2 Generation of Heat 24

C2.3.3 Interactions of photons are quite normal Reactions 25

C2.3.3 The absurd Statement about warming Effect of Absorption 25

C2.3.4 Physicist can state Absurdities without being criticized 25

C3 Photons are no Waves 26

C3.1 The statement of electromagnetic Waves are clearly Antiscience 26

C3.1.2 Electromagnetic Waves are not physically possible 27

C3.1.3 The Unit Frequency for Kinetic Energies has to be eliminated 28

C3.1.4 The Conversion Factor from Unit Frequency to Unit Joule 28

C3.2 Photons are not generated by “state jumping” of orbiting Electrons 28

C3.3 Above conclusions have been verified by Physicists 29

C3.6 The Explanation of Dependency to Temperature 29

C3.7 Why atoms emit also Electrons by Absorption of Photons? 30


C4 The physically impossible Greenhouse Theory 30

C4.1 The real Heating Effect of Greenhouses 30

C4.2 The Refutation of Greenhouse Theory by Greenhouses 31

C4.3 The effective Deception of the general Public to believe in absurd Theories 31

C4.4 Other antiscientific Statements used by Wikipedia 32

C5 The impossible statement of Back Radiation 32

C5.1 The only Argument of Greenhouse Theory: Back Radiation 32

C5.2 The blatant Fake of high Temperatures of Atmosphere 33

C5.3 Valid temperatures can even be measured in Space 34

C5.3 Ground Frost proves: Real Back Radiation is Cold Radiation 35

C5.4 There is no other Back Radiation than Cold Radiation 36

C5.5 Heat/Cold- Radiation can be shielded by a Sheet of Paper 36

C5.6 Ground Frost is originated by Sun 37

C5.7 Why does Cold Radiation reach the Earth Surface? 38

C5.8 The severe Error of Cooling by Emission of Heat 39

C5.9 Nature protects itself against Cold Radiation 39

C5.10 Cold Radiation was demonstrated already in 18th century 40

C5.11 The Denial of Cold Radiation is a blatant physical Error 40

C5.12 Explanation why Heat does not correlate to kinetic Energy 41

C5.13 Gas molecules in atmosphere can’t reflect Heat 42

C.5.14 The Measurement of the non-existing Heat of Backradiation 43

C6 Errors and Reality about Radiation of Heat 43

C6.1 Definiton and Overview about Heat Radiation 43

C6.2 Radiated IR-Photons are no Heat 44

C6.3 The major Factor for climate: Heating by Sun 45

C6.3.1 Why is the heating by Sun the major Factor 45

C7 The direct Heat Transfer by Heat Flow 49

C7.1 Heat Flow refers to Omnipresent Photons 49

C7.2 Heat Flow is the Result of Binding & Decay Reactions 49

C7.3 The wrong Statements of second Law of Thermodynamics 50

C7.3.1 Errors in Wikipedia marked yellow 50

C7.3.2 Heat Flow is not done spontaneously 50

C7.3.3 Examples for not existing spontaneous Interactions 51

C7.3.5 There is not only Heat Flow but also “Cold Flow” 52

C7.3.5 Heat Flow and Work are not comparable 52

C7.3.6 Statements of Entropy are physically impossible 52

C7.4 Heat flow to Space has no Influence on Earth Climate 53

C7.4.1 Instead of Heat Flow there is Cold Fow from Space to Earth 53

C7.4.2 Heat flow to Space has no Influence on earth climate 53

C7.5 The colder Climate by Altitude is not understood 54

C7.5.1 Colder Climate by Altitude is caused by Cold Flow from space 54

C7.5.2 Current Explanation of atmospheric Pressure is absurd 55

C7.5.3 Physicists know thr Reality of Pressure 56

C7.5.4 The first scientific Explanation of Pressure of Atmosphere 57

C7.5.5 The severe Error of Cooling by Expansion of Atmosphere 57

C7.5.6 It is not allowed to do a Statement based on a Correlation 57

C7.5.7 The real Temperature Increase by Pressure Increase 58

C7.6 Currently Weather is not understood 59

C7.6.1 Weather is described but not explained 59

C7.6.2 Scientific Explanation of Weather 60

C7.6.3 Circled Movements of Air- Streams are not done by Coriolis Force 61

C7.6 Measurements of Heat FlowDifference of Heat Radiation to Heat Flow 62

C7.6.1 Heat Flow is not done by Propagation of Photons 62

C7.6.2 Heat transfers by Heat Flow are “only” Heat Transfers 63

C7.6.3 Heat flow can‘t be measured by Spectroscopy 63

C8 The most relevant Factors for Climate 64

C8.1 Cooling of Earth by Cold Flow from Space 64

C8.2 Cooling by Absorption of molecules in Atmosphere 64

C8.3 Heating of Earth Surface by absorption of Heat from Sun 64

C8.4 The essential Maritime Climate 65

C8.5 The Support for balanced Climate by Wind 65

C8.5.1 Why do gases with higher Energy require more Space? 66

C8.6 Error of Climate Warming by Albedo-Effekt 66

C8.6.1 The Antiscience of Heat Reflection by Ice and Snow 66

C8.6.2 The Explanation of Reflection 67

C8.6.3 Absorption of photons to strong “ropes” of photon-chains. 67

C8.6.4 Why do only IR-Photons and no other Photons generate Heat? 68

C8.7 Not yet realized: The Climate Stabilization by Ice and Snow 68

C8.8 The underated general Climate Stabilization by latent Heat 69

C8.8.1 The Definition of latent Heat 69

C8.8.2 Currently latent Heat is not understood 69

C8.8.3 Scientific Definition of latent Heat by SURe – New Physics 70

C8.8.4 The scientific Explanation of Heat reactions by latent Heat 71

C8.8.5 Why is latent Heat a strong factor for Climate stabilization? 72

C8.9 The strong climate factor of Rain Forest 73

C8.7 The Important Climate Stabilization by latent Heat 73

C8.7.1 Currently latent heat is not understood (copy) 74

C7.6.3 Extremely important slow Propagation of omnipresent Photons 75

The scientific Explanation of constant Velocity of Photons 75

C6.3 Error and Reality of thermal Radiation 77

C6.2 Definition of Heat Flow 78

C6.4.2 The Mechanism of Heat Flow 78

C6.4.3 Heat Flow explains many Physical Rules and Observations 79

C6.4.4 Combination of Heat Flow with other Heat Transfers 79

C7.9 Wrong Formula for radiated Heat by Earth 80

C7.9.1 Result of Unscientific Experimentation: Stefan-Boltzmann Rule 80

C7.9.3 Absurd Data of Heat Radiation of Earth 81

C7.9.4 The reality of Measurements of Heat Flow 81

C4.3.2 Basic Knowledge about Reality of thermal Absorption 82

C2.5 Verification of Cold Radiation 83

C2.2 Examples for Eliminations of Particles by Absorption 83

C2.2.1 Absorption of toxic particles 83

C2.2.2 Absorption of the hazardous UV-C photons from radiation of sun 83

C2.2.3 Absorption of the hazardous X-ray photons from Radiation of Sun 84

C2.2.4 Absorption of Heat by photolysis of bound CO2- molecules 84

C2.2.5 The unbelievable Luck of Mankind 84

C2.3 The Error of Thermal Absorption and Emission 85

C2.3.1 The Difference between photolytic and thermal Absorption 85

C2.3.3 Why are there still Heat Losses by thermal Absorption? 86

C2.3.3 Other Heat Losses by thermal Absorptions and Emissions 86

C4.3.4: The Blatant Error that emitted photons do always Warming 87

C4.3.5 The Refutation of CO2 causing global Warming 88

C6 Error and Reality about Absorption Potential of CO2 89

C6.1 The Science-Fiction of the Super- Absorption Power of CO2 89

C6.2 Absorption of CO2 is proportional to its Concentration 89

C6.3 Thermodynamic properties should Absorption of CO2 is proportional to its Concentration 90

C6.3.3 The Requirements of Experience about IR Spectroscopy 90

C6.3.4 The Verifications of Photon Chains 91

C2.3.5 Experimental Verification of historic Knowledge 91

C2.3 The Definition of Absorption and Emission 92

C2.4 The Difference between thermic Absorption and Emission Spectra 92

C1.2 The Benefit of global Warming 92

C1.3 The Wonder of late Detection of the „Weltformel“ 93

C1.4 We have to stop “Digging our own Grave” 94

C1.6 Former Knowledge of Climate was replaced by Antiscience 95

C1.6 The Climate Change has been misused by Media for Profit 96

C1.7 The real Catastrophe: Climate Research 97

C2 Wrong Thermodynamics caused wrong Statement about Climate 100

C2.1 The wrong Definitions for Heat 100

C2.2 The wrong Definition of thermal Energy 100

C2.3 Wrong Definition of Temperature 101

C2.4 Scientific Definition of Heat, thermal Energy and Temperature 102

C2.5 The most appropriate Unit for Heat 103

C2.6 Heat does not correlate to kinetic Energy 104

C2.7 The Reason why Heat refers to omnipresent Photons 104

C2.8 Disproofs that Heat depends on Energy of atomic Particles 105

C2.9 Correlations of Heat to other properties 106

C2.9.1 Heat correlates to number of Bondings of Particles 106

C2.9.2 Inverse Correlation of Heat to Degree of Order 106

C2.9.3 Correlation of Heat to Volume and/or Pressure by Vibration 107

C2.9.4 Increase of pressure by Gases by increasing Temperature 107

C2.11.10 The Explanation of Expansion of Fluids and Gases by Heat 108

C2.11.11 The scientific Explanation of Pressure of Gases by Heat 108

C2.12 The first scientific Explanation of Evaporation 109

C2.13 Insufficient Fundamental physical Research 110

C3 The severe Errors of Absorption and Emission 111

C3.1 Basic wrong Understanding of Physics 111

C3.2 Basic wrong Understanding of Absorption and Emission 112

C3.3 Global Warming is determined by Emission Spectroscopy 112

C3.4 The Error of Excitation of Energies of Atoms 113

C3.6 The Catastrophe of totally wrong Actions against Climate Change 114

C3.7 The outrages faked Warming Effect by CO2 -Absorption 114

C3.8 Scientific Definition of Emission 115

C3.9 No Warming Effect by Emission of Infrared-photons in Atmosphere 116

C3.10 The outrages Fake of atmospheric Counter-Radiation 117

C3.11 The even more outrages Fake of Measurements of Counter-Radiation 117

C3.12 The Cooling Effect of different Gases 118

C3.13 The indirect Cooling Effect of CO2 119

C3.14 The blatant Error of thermal Absorption 119

C3.15 Examples for kinetic Absorption of Gases in Atmosphere 120

C4 The Errors of Heat Generation 121

C4.1 Criteria for Heat Generation 121

C4.4 Generation of Heat by a Star like Sun 121

C4.4.1 The fatal Error of Heat Generation by Sun 121

C4.4.2 The extremely extraordinaire Generation of Heat by Stars 122

C4.4.5 The fascinating Temperature Control of Stars 123

C4.4.6 No relevant Heat Increase by Sun in Earth Atmosphere 123

C4.4.7 Heat generation by Sun on Earth Ground 124

C4.4.8 Absorption of Heat rules the Climate on Earth 124

C4.5 Heat Generation in Earth 125

C4.5.1 Heat Generation of most celestial Bodies have same basis 125

C4.5.3 Heat Generation in core of Earth is not relevant for Climate 125

C4.6 Heat Generation by Phase Transitions 125

C4.6.1 Why don’t Physicist explain Phase Transitions? 126

C4.6.2 The Error of of Explanation by thermal Motion 126

C4.6.3 The Impossibility of Self- Assembly 127

C4.6.4 The first scientific Explanation of Phase Transitions 127

C4.6.5 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are not understood 128

C4.6.6 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are called latent Heat 129

C4.6.7 Latent Heat is a crucial Climate Factor 129

C4.6.8 The Climate Effect of Heat Capacity 130

C4.7 Why do only Infrared- Photons generate Heat? 130

C4.7.1 General Rules for Interactions 130

C4.7.2 The first Explanation why only IR-photons generate Heat 131

C4.7.4 The first Explanation why relative high Heat is generated 132

C4.7.5 Why is it possible to generate permanently Heat? 132

C4.7.6 The first Explanation of Reactions of visible Photons 133

C5 The Errors of Thermal Radiation 134

C5.1 Zero Understanding of Thermal Radiation 134

C5.2 Basic Error and Reality of thermal Radiation 135

C5.3 Requirements for Heat Generation by thermal Radiation 136

C5.4 Permanent Radiation is not explained 136

C5.8 Research should be done for useful applications 137

C6.5 Errors and Reality about Heat Conductivity 138

C6.5.1 Measurements of Heat Conductivity 138

C6.5.2 The wrong Interpretations of Heat Conductivity 138

C6.5.3 Repetition: Heat Generation 139

C6.6 Heat Conductivity of Gases 140

C6.6.1 The Mechanism for Heat Conductivity of Gases 140

C6.6.2 Measured Heat Conductivities verify Correlation to Mass Density 140

C6.6.3 Heat Conductivities of Gases reveal Error of Greenhouse Theory 141

C6.6.4 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum 141

C6.6.5 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum reveals Error of Climate 142

C6.8.3 Insulation of Windows 143

C6.8.4 Applied Gas for double-glazing reveals desastrous Error of Climate 143

C6.8.5 Why argon is used as Filling Gas 144

C6.9 Transfer of Heat by Convection 144

C6.9.1 Definition of Heat Convection 144

C6.10 Refutation of Greenhouse Theory 145

C6.10.1 Real Greenhouses work by Prevention of Convection 145

C6.10.2 Refutation of Greenhouse-Effect by a Greenhouse 145

C7 The severe Errors by Determination of Heat Balance of Earth 147

C7.1 Background of Heat Balance 147

C7.2 The Error Variance has not be considered 147

C7.3 Important Data do not refer to Heat but to Energies 147

C7.4 The Contribution of latent Heat is underrated 148

C7.5 The Contribution of heat losses by Absorption is underrated 149

C7.6 The Contribution of Heat losses by Reflections is overrated 149

C7.7 The severe Misunderstanding of Albedo-Effect 149

C7.8 Measurements by Satellite refutes the Greenhouse Theory 150

C7.10 Other Consideration for Budgeting Energy of Earth 151

C7.10.1 The Impossibility to budget Energy of Earth 151

C7.10.2 The positive Issue of the Data of Energy Balance of Earth 152

C7.10.3 The wrong Understanding of received Heat from Sun 153

C8 Additional Considerations about Vibration 153

C8.1 Impossible Statements about Climate and Vibrations 154

C8.2 The fatal Error of Vibration Modes of Molecules 155

C8.3 Absorption correlates to Heat Conductivity of gases 155

C8.4 Without Knowledge of Vibration no Statements should be done 155

C8.7 No Correlation between kinetic Energy, Heat and Vibration 156

C9 Incorrect Measurements of Temperature 156

C9.2 The Error of Temperatures in Space 156

C9.3 The Error of Temperature Measurements by Radiation 157

C9.4 Temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) 157

C9.5.1 The correct Temperatures of Atmosphere 157

C9.5.2 The wrong Temperatures of Atmosphere 158

C9.5.3 The Temperatures of Atmosphere violate physical Rules 159

C9.5.4 The Antiscience of measurements of Temperatures in Atmosphere 159

C.9.6 Other wrong Measurements of Heat and Absorption 160

C9.6.1 Fake - Measurements of Absorption Spectra from Satellite 160

C9.6.2 Logical Measurements to verify Greenhouse Effect. 160

C9.9 Incredible Fake - Measurements of Temperatures from Satellite 161

C9.10 Heat of Earth Ground can’t be measured over Distance 162

C9.11 Control of global Temperatur has to be simplified and improved 163

C10.2 Why is the Understanding of Heat important 163

C10.3 The wrong Understanding of Conservation of Energy and Heat 164

C10.4 The unsuitable current Measurement of Heat by Sun 165

C11 The most severe Errors of Heat 166

C11.1 The Nonsense of Heat being involved in Energy Conservation 166

C11.2 Non-understanding that Heat refers to Energy of omnipresent Photons 167

C12 Additional Considerations concerning Climate Change 168

C12.1 Former Knowledge of Reality of Climate and Thermodynamics 168

C12.2 School Knowledge 169

C12.3 Vibrations of Particles verify SURe – New Physics 170

C12.4 The real Climate Catastrophe: No Research 172

xx Why don’t visible photons transfer Heat 173

C12.5 SURe- New Physics of Climate Changes 173

C12.6 Climate Catastrophe: Mankind fights against Nature 175

C12.7 The Climate Catastrophe is made by Physics 177

C12.8 The absurd Antiscience of earth Heating by Clouds 178

C3.7 Explanation, why kinetic Energies do not correlate to Heat 179


C2.4 Absorption of heat is equivalent to Elimination of Heat 180

C2.2 The Non- Understanding of Absorption and Emission 180

C3.5 Overview of all Studies 181

C1.8 The real Cause for Climate Changes 183

C1.9 Past, actual and future Climate Changes are determinable 184

C1.10 Other causes for past Climate Changes can be excluded 184

C1.11 Theories of Climate refer to the most fatal Antiscience of physics 185

C6.1 The Cause of not being aware of Interactions of Heat 187

C1 The Detection of the real Cause for Global Warming 188

C1.6 My disastrous Error about CO2 – Effect on Climate 188

C1.7 My decision for real fighting against climate Change 189

C1.12 A Reduction of CO2 would be catastrophic for Mankind 189

C1.15 Donation of 50.000 EUR to prevent Climate Catastrophe 190

C1.6 The Advantages of Global Warming 191

C1.6 The Need for more Food 191

C1.7 A Reduction of CO2 will lead to a Catastrophe for Mankind 191

C1.7.1 Global Warming is no Catastrophe 191

C1.7.2 Reduction of CO2 would create disastrous famines. 192

C1.7.3 We have to stop fighting against mankind and Nature 192


C1 Current Impossibility to understand Climate


C1.1 Current Physics is not based on Physical Reality


Current physics is based on theories which are nearly all no physical reality.


The logical requirements for physical reality are:


- Everything in universe consists of objects (=matter), which occupy a 3-dimensional volume.

- All quantities refer to characteristics of objects.

- All objects like particles are well describable by a specific structure.

- Forces refer to the impacts of objects by collisions.

- All Interactions require collisions of objects.

- All interactions require a time span.

- All Interactions are observable and describable by changed states of objects by time.

- All objects have a concrete specific relative positions.

- All objects have a concrete specific relative kinetic energies.

- Relative positions and relative kinetic energies of objects can be measured by adequate detectors.

Physical reality is

- observable by adequate detectors.

- logical and thus very easy to understand. The only problem is that peoples brains have to get rid of nearly all current physical rules, biased descriptions and explanations. For these mostly magic science-fiction is used.

- irrefutable by unbiased observations.

- conform to unbiased observations.


All physical statements, which do not fulfill above requirements are not physical reality, but physically impossible and thus no physics.


Examples for physically impossible theories: Electromagnetic waves, charges, all current forces, quantities which do not refer to characteristics of objects like heat and many energies.



C1.2 No Research to gain Knowledge of Reality

To gain knowledge about the universe in order to understand all interactions in universe is there has to be done following, which has been defined as the historic version “scientific method”

1) Do observations of interactions in universe and describe these without any interpretation.

2) Try to find general physica rules which are valid for all observations.

Comment: Physical descriptions and rules are exclusively valid, when these refer to physical matter, which means to objects which occupy describable 3-dimensional space. Other descriptions and rules refer to magics and phantasm.

3) Do or use further observations by experiments and check if these are conform to the defined general rule.

4) If this is not the case , delete the rule and define a general rule which is valid for all observations.

Do 3) and 4) by as many observations as possible in order to define the most general rule of the universe.

5) You have understand the universe (=found the physical reality of the universe) when the most general rules, which are called fundamental laws of nature explain for all physical interactions why and how these occur.

(Attention: The historic scientific method has been changed to a current version which does not gain physical reality!)

By the historic scientific method the so called “Scientific Physical Reality (SURe) – New Physics” has been derived. SURe – New Physics has used for this nearly all experimental observations which were done since the beginning of physical research and of course in all areas of physics. The surprising result is that there are exclusively two “Fundamental Laws of Nature” which explain why and in detail how all interactions in universe occur. The final answer of all questions is: This is required by the Two Fundamental Laws of Nature.

C1.3 The only Force in Universe has not been detected

In universe there exists exclusively one single active force, which is the origin of all interactions in universe. As this force has not been detected till now, it is impossible for natural scientists that they have understood the universe. This means scientists could not explain any interaction in universe, because the final answer of the question “Why does this occur?” is missing.

The answer is: Because of the only fundamental active force, which is the force that matter in universe achieves lowest possible sum of spin-energies,.

A spin-energy is equivalent to an electron, which is the only fundamental particle in universe.

Reduction of spin energies is done by acceleration of colliding electrons to the superposition of lowest spin energy, which results to a bonding.

There has to be another force which works against the only active force and is the only passive force: The force of maintaining the total energy and by this velocity. This force causes that the electrons do vibrating movements around the position of lowest spin-energies. This results to breaking of bondings by too many bondings or high energetic collisions.

For permanent interactions both forces are essential, otherwise the universe would be “dead”.

So both forces are called the Two Fundamental Laws of Nature or “Weltformel” because the Two fundamental Laws of Nature can be expressed mathematically. The official English term is “Theory of everything”, but this is the contrary of a Weltformel. By the Weltformel all physical theories are eliminated.

Of course the Weltformel explains not only physical interactions but all interactions of natural sciences like chemical and biological (including medical) interactions.

C1.4 The Reason for the Non-Detection of the Reality of the Universe

The reason for the fact, that most current physical statements are no physical reality, is simply, that there was no research to gain knowledge of physical reality. For physical institutions it was sufficient to publicize physical theories. This publication of theories is still science, but by this all chapters, which are based on interpretations and particular physically impossible science fiction should have been marked. Only by this further research to gain knowledge of physical reality is induced.

But the finding of the reality would have taken lot of time and work and would not improve situation of getting public funding. For this mainly the number of publications counted and still counts.

Thus It was ignored that the published theories did not answer fundamental “why and how- questions”. It was even ignored, when the stated descriptions did not refer to concrete physical objects, but by abstract matter- less magics like electromagnetic waves. By this physics was converted to a spiritual science. As a natural science physics has to be called Pseudoscience.

(see SURe – New Physics Vol B = Pseudoscience of Physics).



C1.5 Basic Rules for Interactions

Chemists have found out the most important rules for interactions. These are the well known rules of reaction kinetics. There is no argument by observations that these rules are not valid for all particles, which means also for subatomic particles like photons.

Most significant rule is: When new particles are generated or disappear this is done by building and breaking of bondings of fundamental particles, so that the number of fundamental particles stay constant. Fundamental particles are particles which have no bondings and therefore can‘t be split to smaller samples.

Physicists have clearly identified already in the 1930 years by scientific observations of the decays of protons and gas molecules that all matter decay to electrons. The conclusion of this observation is that the only fundamental particle is the electron.

SURe - New Physics gained the knowledge of bonding structures of all particles in universe. By this all important reactions in universe have been derived.

Photons consists of 4 electrons. As an electron has 3 positions for mutual binding which are around the spin axis of the electron in equal distance. Thus all binding angles in universe are 120 degrees.


C1.6 Missing Knowledge of Structure of Atoms

C1.6.1 Physicists refuted the Existence of atomic Electrons

As physicists got aware that there can’t be orbiting electrons in an atom, they made up a theory with the statement that instead of electrons there are just mathematical wave functions. Of course this theory is even worse than orbiting electrons because this has nothing more to do with physical reality.

C1.6.2 Atoms would be empty Space

Measurements have shown that the diameter of an atomic nucleus is 20,000 – 150,000 times smaller than an atom. This results to the fact that the volume of an nucleus is about 10 to the power of 15 smaller than an atom. If there would be electrons around an atom, these would not significantly reduce this ratio, because electrons are much smaller than an atomic nucleus.

Thus there is no explanation for the observation that atomic matter has a strong pressure resistance against other atomic matter. According to current theories there should be almost no pressure resistance.

By the knowledge of the Weltformel you will get the knowledge, how the only fundamental particles (electrons) bind to photons, which are omnipresent because of their high stability, and how the omnipresent photons do mutual bondings to photon-chains and in addition several rigid bondings of photon chains to atomic nuclei. Photon chains bind atomic nuclei to molecules and adducts of molecules. This can also be calculated by a computer by the mathematical requirement to achieve bondings with lowest sum of spin energies.

C1.6.3 Disproof of Excitation Theory of Absorption of Photons


According to current theories spectroscopic absorption and emission lines should be generally be identical. Every expert in spectroscopy has the knowledge by experience that absorption lines are never the same as emission lines. Otherwise these refer to reflection and not to absorption and emission. The reason for this is that an energetic peak of absorbed photons refers to an activation energy of a reaction, whereas an emission line refers to the kinetic energy of a generated photons by the reaction.

For all observations concerning absorbed (=eliminated) and emitted (=generated) photons, SURe – New Physics has defined the corresponding reaction equation and structures of particles.

C1.7 Missing Knowledge of the Omnipresent Photons

C1.7.1 Physicists admit that they know just 5% of matter.

It has been claimed by most physicists already before 1900 that there is an omnipresent matter


C1.7.2 The Explanation of the high Amounts of emitted Photons


Chemists know that for generation of particles a reaction is required by which the particle is separated from a larger particle by break of a bonding. The high amounts of generated particles is very unusual for a chemical reaction. By laws of reaction-kinetics atoms have to consist of lots of bound photons which can be emitted by collisions nearly at the same time. This can be observed for example by explosions.


C1.7.3 How can huge Amounts of Photons be absorbed and emitted?

Already Max Planck and Kirchhoff have found out, that atomic matter does permanently emit and absorb photons. By this it can be concluded, that there are lots of bound photons in an atom. Even small bodies can permanently absorb and emit photons. Today it can be verified that this is even done in vacuum where all radiation is shielded. By this it is proved, that radiation is not involved in absorption and emission.

Physicists have the theory that there is an omnipresent matter. SURe – New Physics has concluded by required characteristics for omnipresent matter like extreme high stability and low energies, that omnipresent matter can exclusively be omnipresent photons. Contrary to radiated photons with directed movements, omnipresent photons do random movements by mutual collisions and binding & decay reactions. Photons have 3 mutual binding positions which are predestined to bind to chains of hexagons of photons. Atomic nuclei also have multiple binding positions, which are adequate to bindings of photons. Overall the boding structures of all atoms inclusive photon chains are exactly determined by the fundamental Laws of Nature ( =Weltformel). Photon chains can bind to the photon chains of other atomic nuclei, which explains the bondings of molecules. Currently it is not explained why and how atoms are bound to molecules. This is another example of the huge superiority of SURe-New Physics to current Physics.

Overall there are permanently bonding&emission reactions of omnipresent photons to photon chains of atomic matter.

All different areas of physics are generally particle mechanics. Thermodynamics specifically refers to refers to interactions of omnipresent particles.


C1.8 The proofs of the Existence of Photon-Chains


C1.8.1 Atomic bondings can’t be explained

According to current theory there are mostly electron pairs with fixed positions between atoms. There are lots of refutations for this statement, even by physicists. In addition it is physically impossible that electron pairs cause a binding between two atoms. Charges are nothing physical and thus do not exist and can:t cause bindings. The physical reality of chages are bindin positions. The building brick of all matter is an electron. An electron has three mutual bonding-positions, which are around the spin axis.


C1.8.2 Vibrations of Molecules can’t be explained

Currently the high absorption potential of CO2 is explained by different vibration modes. It is not explained why vibration modes cause the elimination of heat. It is also not explained how the different energies of vibration modes can occur,

The only physically possible vibration modes are symmetrical stretch vibration. Other modes are physically impossible brcaus these would need fixing of one or two atoms.

Also the hexagon rings of photon-chains do symmetric stretch vibrations with the difference that these cause alternating expansions or rings.


C1.8.3 Other unexplained Issues


Force of Emissions of Photons can’t be explained

Generation of Photons by Sun can’t be explained

Photons can be bound to larger Structures

C1.9 The disproofs that Absorption refers to Vibration Modes

Currently it is stated that the high heat absorption potential (= heat elimination potential) is caused by the high number of possibilities to change vibration modes of 3-atomic molecules like CO2. This clearly is a blatant desaster of current physics by following issues:

* mention aFor the this statement it is required to explain following forces.

- A magnetic force which is alternating to opposite directions.

- An electric force which is alternating to opposite directions.

- A Force of propagation of the wave front rectangular to the other forces.

* to mention the amplitude and the length of the waveBut not any force has been observed or explained. There is even no theory for this. It seems that physicists can create forces just by inventing a term for the forces.

Physicists also know that every change of vibration mode needs an additional energy which is consumed. So for changes of vibration modes there is no back reaction which generates energy or heat. Thus each new change of vibration mode consumes heat. Thus CO2 is a perfect gas for cooling of climate according to the current theory.

Physicists have in addition to explain which are the forces which do a sudden change of the 5 forces.

C1.10 Missing Explanations of Thermodynamics

* Absorption of high energetic infrared-photons:

When a high energetic infrared-photon from sun collides to a molecule of the atmosphere, the photon is often absorbed by the molecule, which means it is bound to a free bonding position to the photon chain of the molecule.

* Averaging process of vibration energies and thus of heat:

After each binding there is an averaging process of the vibration energies over all bondings.

* Separation between kinetic energy and heat;

The vibration mode of a photon chain is independent from vibration of the nuclei. It is a mode which occurs just in rings: The diameter of the ring alternately increases and decreases.

The vibration mode which refers to other particles: There is exclusively one mode possible: The symmetric stretching vibration. This vibration determines the relative kinetic energies.

* Origin of mass:

Mass is a correlation factor for acceleration.

Origin for acceleration is the increasing of vibration amplitudes of bondings- Therefore in New Physics there was an early statement that mass correlates to number of bondings of a body.

  1. But there was one problem which had to be solved. Physicists have found out that the mass completely refers to atomic nucleus. This agrees with above statement of New Physics. But new Physics was also aware that there are multiple chains of hexagon photon-chains in an atom. These do not contribute to the mass. The first theory by New Physics was that by New Physics was that this is caused by the fluctuating nature of the photon by bindings & emission. 5 years later in Sept, 2024, the real cause has been found by New Physics: The vibrations of bondings of photon rings go to all directions, which means the ring gets wider and tighter. Thus it has not to be adjusted to moving direction.

* Heat generation by absorption of infrared-photons

Infrared-photons absorb at the free bonding position of a photon-chains of a molecule. When an absorbed infrared photon has a higher kinetic energy than the vibration energy of the other photons molecule, the increased vibration is averaged with the other vibration energies of bondings. Therefore the average vibration energy of a photon chain of the molecule increases.

* By this the molecule gets the potential to emit photons with higher kinetic energies than before.

Above process is called temperature increase of the molecule.

* Higher temperature of a molecule does not mean increased kinetic energy of the molecule, because for the increase of kinetic energy the vibrations of the nucleus have to be increased.

* The molecule with increased temperature emits photons, which have higher energies than the omnipresent photons in the surroundings. This process is called heating.

* A sufficient difference of temperature of the emitted photon to the kinetic energies of omnipresent photons is an important requirement for the potential of the photon that it can radiate. Radiation means that the emitted photons moves to a specific direction, because it penetrates omnipresent photons without being absorbed.

* Without this potential, the emitted photon is integrated to the omnipresent photons. This means it does mutual collisions with these by which random movements to all directions occur. By this the heat can only flow and not radiate.

* Flow of heat means that the kinetic energy of an omnipresent photon ist transferred by bonding & decay reactions of omnipresent photons, by which there is just an averaging process of heat but which heat is slowly transferred from a warm environment to a cold environment.

* Emitted infrared photons from earth do not radiate but contribute to heat flow.



C2 Absorption in Atmosphere clearly causes Cooling of Climate

C2.1 The Explanation of Cooling Effect of Absorption


C2.2 The Verification of Elimination of Heat by Absorption

C2.2.1 Toxic Particles are eliminated by Absorption

Chemists know that all chemical reactions refer to elimination of particles by bonding and generation of new particles by breaking of bondings. When a body or particle binds another particle this is also called absorption and a break of bonding results to emission of the particle.

There are many observed examples for absorption:

* Toxic particles can be eliminated by binding of toxic particles to an absorbing substance.

* Moisture can be eliminated by a H2O absorbing material.

* Bad smelling molecules can be eliminated by an absorption material.

C2.2.2 Hazardous UV-C Photons are eliminated by Absorption

High energetic UV photons (= UV-C- photons) are the most hazardous photons emitted by sun. If these would not be nearly completely absorbed in atmosphere, the skin of living beings would be damaged with a high potential for getting cancer. Most leaves of trees and plants would be destroyed. UV-C photons are absorbed by oxygen and ozone molecules. By the bonding a UV-C photon an O=O bonding is broken.

A reaction by which a photon is bound parallel to the breaking of an atomic bonding is called photolysis.

C2.2.3 Elimination of the hazardous X-ray- photons by Absorption

Hazardous X-ray photons have sufficient energy to activate photolysis of nitrogen molecules. When these would not be nearly completely be eliminate these would als destroy the important nitrogen compounds in living beings. The remaining X-ray photons with other kinetic energies are not so critical for living beings.

C2.2.4 Elimination of Heat by Absorption of Infrared-Photons

This reaction is not fully accepted by physicists, but it is provable reality. All molecules do inter-molecular bondings particular in the colder regions of atmosphere. Molecules, which strongly prefer such inter-molecular bondings are CO2 and H2O. The breaking of these bondings need no strong activation energy. Therefore for photolysis already IR-photons (heat) are suitable.

It is well known that by increasing temperature of oceans very high amounts of CO2 are gassed out of the ocean, which strongly increase inter-molecular CO2- bondings and by this the elimination of heat in atmosphere. This is done exactly when it is needed: In order to reduce the speed of global warming.


C2.2.5 Elimination of Heat is measured by IR-Absorption-Spectroscopy

Experts of spectroscopy know that by absorption spectroscopy photons are eliminated. By infrared- absorption spectroscopy the reduced intensities of radiated infrared-photons (=heat) are measured.

They also know that in order to get knowledge, whether the absorption of heat causes emission of heat, emission spectroscopy has to be done. It is strange that no expert has clarified to the public, that the absorption potential of a molecule is the characteristic of a molecule, which represents the cooling of climate. The correct characteristic would be the emission potential after absorption. Emission of infrared photons is done to all directions so that the emitted intensities are measured by detectors at the side of the absorbing sample.

Emission spectroscopy of infrared-photons will show the reality: Radiated infrared photons are not generated by absorption.

Thus by infrared spectroscopy it is clearly verified that by absorption heat is eliminated.


C2.2.6 Climate Experts show in TV that CO2 eliminates Heat


The most known experiments have been shown on TV report “Terra X” , “7 Fakten zum menschengemachten Klimawandel | Terra X”

performed by a Atmosphere-Physicist:

A ) The thermal emission of a candle is measured by a specific infrared detector.

By putting a flask with CO2 between candle and detector, the heat is not observed any more by the detector.

By filling the flask with nitrogen the heat is observed again by the detector.

B) Infrared photons are radiated to a rotating body of about 20cm diameter simulating the earth. Around the equator of the body is positioned a black ring with about 6 cm diameter. By absorption the heat of the ring increased to about 80°C. The absorbed heat is measured on the back side of the radiated area by an infrared detector.

A cylinder between heat emitting body and detector is filled by CO2 gas. In the same moment the radiated signal of the detector drops to nearly zero.

The clear unbiased observation is:

* CO2 blocks directly emitted and radiated infrared photons.

* CO2 blocks emitted radiated IR-photons by a body after the body has absorbed heat of 80 °C.

The extremely unscientific action of the physicist is that he interpreted the observation to a totally different and physically impossible statement:

* CO2 – molecules block heat, which is the cause for global warming.


* Any absorption of heat in atmosphere contributes to the cooling of the earth.

* In order to get knowledge about a possible cause for global warming scientists have to define the possibilities how the absorption of heat was reduced in the last decades.

* Any action to reduce the absorption potential of the atmosphere by reducing the number of molecules like CO2 reinforces global warming.

C2.2.7 Formerly the Cooling Effect by Absorption was taught in Schools

Unfortunately in physics there was not any fundamental research for thermodynamics. By this in current physics there is no understanding about climate because of missing or wrong explanations for absorption, emission, heat, thermal energy and temperature.

Thus it was impossible for physicists to find the cause for the current climate warming. The stated cause by increasing absorption of heat by increasing CO2 concentration in atmosphere is exclusively based on the correlation of CO2 concentration to global warming. Scientists know the most important rule for a scientist:

An observed correlation is not allowed to serve as sole justification for a statement and any action.

There has to be done research to detect unambiguous observations which result to an unambiguous statement, particular when the statement is essential for mankind.

But instead of scientific research, research was done to manifest the physically impossible statement as physics, although there are nearly hundred unambiguous observations which clearly refute CO2 as cause for global warming. It is very easy to prove by simple experiments the reality. The increasing CO2 concentration in atmosphere has prevented by the increasing heat absorption that the current global temperature has increased to several degrees higher value. Every expert of absorption spectroscopy (like me) can calculate the effect which would have occurred without the increasing absorption by CO2: The shocking result is that the increasing CO2 concentration in atmosphere has prevented by the increasing heat absorption that the current global temperature has increased to several degrees higher values. The detailed calculation is presented later.


C2.2.8 NASA Scientists measured the Cooling Effect by Absorption

NASA Scientist have created a picture, which shall show the energy balance of earth. The errors of the apparent energy balance are explained in detail in later chapter. Basical reality are the data of received radiated energy on earth ground (= 163,3 W/m²) and the absorbed radiated energy by atmosphere (=77,1 W/m²). See under Wikipedia The-NASA-Earth's-Energy-Budget-Poster-Radiant-Energy-System-satellite-infrared-radiation-fluxes - Earth's energy budget - Wikipedia

It can be assumed in this case that the same relation is roughly valid for heat. Thus it is shown that the warming of earth would be 47 % stronger when there would not be the elimination of heat by absorption.

Thus NASA scientists have determined a very strong cooling effect by absorption.

C2.3 A warming Effect is only possible by Emission of Heat

C2.3.1 Generation of Heat is caused by Emission of Infrared Photons

Subsequent to thermal absorption of infrared-photons thermal emission of infrared photons occur. Another requirement for warming is that the absorbed IR-photons have higher kinetic energies than the surrounding omnipresent photons. This is by absorbed IR-photons from sun the case.

The special for emission of heat is that emission of IR-photons occur to all directions independent from movement whereas the emission of other particles depends on vibration direction, which is determined by direction of movement. The emission to all directions is the prove that photons are emitted by the hexagon rings of the photon-chains of atoms. Because these hexagons vibrate by alternating increasing and decreasing diameter of the hexagon and thus to all directions.

This is also the cause why heat does not correlate to kinetic energy of an atom of molecule: Contrary to photon-chains, atomic nuclei do symmetric strech-vibration, which have to be changed by accelerations and changes of movement direction.

The change of direction and strength of vibration is the origin of mass and explains, why mass correlates to vibration energie and number of bondings of an object.

C2.3.2 Generation of Heat

As elimination of heat refers to Absorption of IR-photons, generation of heat refers to emission of IR-photons. Nearly everyone knows that nearly all heat generation on earth results by emissions of IR-photons by sun. Thus the cause for global warming can either be an increasd emission of IR-photons by sun or a decreased absorption of IR-photons between earth and sun.

C2.3.3 Interactions of photons are quite normal Reactions

C2.3.3 The absurd Statement about warming Effect of Absorption

As physicists know well that absorption of heat in atmosphere results to cooling of earth climate, it is very strange that these state the contrary of their knowledhe, which physisists verified ba many measurements.

C2.3.4 Physicist can state Absurdities without being criticized

Physicists have such a high appreciation in public that they can claim any physical impossible statement they wants without fearing any contradictions from public people. Physicists are also loyal to each other so that they will not criticize any statement, which has been accepted for publication, as no physicist wants that his own publication is criticized. Scientific review process accept all publications which do not contradict former publications. By reviess of publications it is just checked if the publication is conform to earlier accepted publication. If this is the case the publication is accepted otherwise not.

Chemists know that reactions of atomic particles, by which new particles are generated, are done by breaking and building of bondings of fundamental particles without the change of numbers of fundamental particles. Thus the eliminations of particles by binding (=absorption) and the generation of particles by break of bondings are the most common reactions in universe.

Reactions of heat exclusively refer to binding and split of infrared photons. The different atoms mostly stay the same. Fundamental particles have to be always constant.


C3 Photons are no Waves

C3.1 The statement of electromagnetic Waves are clearly Antiscience

When statements are done despite being aware that these have been refuted by unambiguous observations this is the generally accepted definition of antiscience.

Meanwhile all scientists should have realized, that radiation does not refer to fictive electromagnetic waves but to particles. Most radiation is done by photons, but there are also other particles like electrons, electron-pairs or muons, which are all smaller than photons.

Already Albert Einstein got the Nobel Price for his detection that the reality of electromagnetic waves are particles which react with matter by collisions like all other particles. The observed reaction of Einstein was the reaction of photons which collide with high kinetic energy against a metallic plate. Einstein correctly concluded that collisions cannot be done by matter-less electromagnetic waves. Wrong was his interpretation that the photon hits an atomic electron, which orbits around an atomic nucleus, and that by this it is catapulted out of metallic plate.

The observation, that by high energetic collisions to atomic bodies emissions of electrons occur, is called photoelectric effect or atomic beta-decay.

Absorption of photons refer to elimination of photons by binding these.

Emission of photons refer to generation of photons by breaking of bondings.

SURe can list more than 30 unambiguous observations which refute that photons are electromagnetic waves. The only reason why physicists use physically impossible science-fiction as physics is, that physicists can tell lots of further physically impossible science- fiction which is done by the fictive not existing electromagnetic waves.

C3.1.2 Electromagnetic Waves are not physically possible

Everything, what exists in universe consists of well describable objects like particles out of matter, which occupies a 3-dimensional space and which do interactions, which all start by well describable collisions. All real waves like water waves or sonic waves consist of well describable particles which do wavelike movements by concrete forces. Electromagnetic waves can only be described by 2-dimensional pictures and not by particles. These are not observable and their fictive wavelike movements are done without any forces. It is not scientific to invent a term for a not known force like electromagnetic force, but there is not any electric or magnetic force.

In addition physicists know, that the energies of all real waves are proportional to the heights of amplitudes and not to frequencies. High frequencies of waves have generally lower energies. Another required characterisics of real waves is that these show interference. By interference real waves can superpose opposite amplitudes so that there is no wave anymore. This is clearly not possible and not observed by electromagnetic waves. Laser light clearly refutes electromagnetic waves as there is such a high density of waves, that all should have different energies, but theses have all same energies. The shown apparent interference patterns would be never possible by interference. The reality of these patterns are specific deflections of photons, which are logically explained in SURe-New Physics.

Overall every scientist should have been realized that electromagnetic waves is a product of physically impossible phantasm and very unscientific science-fiction.

All real waves have to be physically describable and there wavelike movements have to be explained by forces like it is done for water or sonic waves. For electromagnetic waves there are neither magnetic nor electrical forces which cause the wavelike movements.

C3.1.3 The Unit Frequency for Kinetic Energies has to be eliminated

The unit frequency does not make sense at all. Physicists know that energies of natural waves refer to amplitudes of waves. Frequencies of waves reduce by increasing energies. Current statement that energies increase by increasing frequencies of waves is absurd and shows that electromagnetic waves are no reality.

C3.1.4 The Conversion Factor from Unit Frequency to Unit Joule

The conversion factor from unit number per second to Joule was called Planck’s constant (h). Extremely unscientific is to call a conversion factor of two man-made units a natural constant. So when the universe was generated the “creator” already knew which data are assigned for second and energy. The creator of the universe also was aware that mankind define a unit for energy, which does not make sense at all.

C3.2 Photons are not generated by “state jumping” of orbiting Electrons


Physicists have detected several physically impossible issues, which are not conform to their statement that there are electrons, which orbit around an atom and generate electromagnetic waves. Therefore they made up the theory that instead of electrons there are just wave functions of the movements of electrons. This is even a much worse theory because electrons are physical but wave function are not physical, but abstract mathematics. So currently there is not any physically possible theory about atoms and about the emission of photons by atoms.



C3.3 Above conclusions have been verified by Physicists

G.R. Kirchhoff and Max Planck defined already in 19th century by observations the laws of thermal radiation which are in agreement with above conclusions. Findings are:

* Absorption and emission of thermal radiation (omnipresent photons) are done by every atomic matter /particle

* When a body is in thermal equilibrium, the absorbed and emitted infrared-photons are in the same range of kinetic energies.

* Kinetic energies of thermal absorption and emission depend exclusively on temperature.

* Planck: Radiation refers to “packages” of specific energies. (This observation can be regarded also as verification, that the reality of electromagnetic waves refer to particles (photons).

C3.6 The Explanation of Dependency to Temperature

Heat measured by temperature is defined as average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons. By this definition, by increasing temperature, the omnipresent photons which bind to a photon-chain have a higher kinetic energy and thus collision energy. The collision energy is transferred to vibration energy of bondings of photon-chains and by this the emitted photon chains have a higher kinetic energy.

C3.7 Why atoms emit also Electrons by Absorption of Photons?

This reaction exclusively occurs by high energetic photons, which penetrate the photon chains and bind to an atomic nucleus. By the high energy the vibration is so strong that one of the four electrons of the bound photon is emitted again.

This reaction has already been known by Einstein, who correctly concluded that such a reaction can exclusively occur by photons being particles and no electromagnetic waves.

But also an atomic beta-decay refers to this reaction, which verifies that spontaneous atomic decay are physically impossible.



C4 The physically impossible Greenhouse Theory

C4.1 The real Heating Effect of Greenhouses

It is an extremely unscientific action of physicists that they don’t tell to the public, that the warming effect of greenhouse effect is based on a complete different phenomenon than absorption, although most physicists should be aware of this. A greenhouse just prevents particular in nights that the warm air in the greenhouse is lost by convection to the air.

On the other side, the usual glass panes of greenhouses absorb heat and thus prevent that the plants suffer too high temperatures by radiation of sun.

In a greenhouse heat is not transferred to the outside by heat radiation but by heat flow, which takes just a bit longer by absorption. Thus over the complete day the heat reduction effect is much stronger. Heat flow is explained in a separate chapter.


C4.2 The Refutation of Greenhouse Theory by Greenhouses

There are glass panes available with significantly higher and lower absorption potential. So three identical greenhouses with the three differently absorbing glass panes will clearly show that by absorption of heat from sunshine there are significantly lower temperatures in a glass house.

At the same there are nearly no differences by reduction of temperature during the night.

Of course these experiments have already be performed, at least by greenhouse boxes, which are covered by differently absorbing glass cover.

But physicists believe in fictive theories and not in observations. This is the generally accepted definition of antiscience.

C4.3 The effective Deception of the general Public to believe in absurd Theories

As there is not any scientifically valid explanation of the heating effect of absorption, an effective, probably intentionally deception by using a wrong term by scientists was the only and most effective possibility to achieve that people believe in physically impossible science-fiction.

C4.4 Other antiscientific Statements used by Wikipedia

The greenhouse effect occurs when greenhouse gases in a planet's atmosphere insulate the planet from losing heat to space, raising its surface temperature “

A definition can hardly be more unscientific. It is the statement that insulation raises a temperature. Thus we can generate heat by insulation. That is a completely new idea. Also the expression “losing heat” is a new interaction of heat. Heat can get lost. It is interesting, how the word backradiation is avoided. In the picture it is replaced by redirected. So it is not stated any more that the emitted radiation from Greenhouse gases goes back to the earth surface. Another statement is: “ sunlight... becomes heat.”, although it is known since many years that exclusively the infrared photons from sun become heat.

Overall the reality is opposite to the assumptions of physicists. Whereas no statement of current physics is observed and is conform to physical laws, the reality of climate warming will be explained in detail in this chapter: Without the absorption potential of increased concentration of CO2, which causes reduction of heat radiation to earth surface, the average temperature would be several degrees warmer than now.


* In order to get knowledge about a possible cause for global warming scientists have to define the possibilities how the absorption of heat was reduced in the last decades.

* Any action to reduce the absorption potential of the atmosphere by reducing the number of molecules like CO2 reinforces global warming.

C5 The impossible statement of Back Radiation

C5.1 The only Argument of Greenhouse Theory: Back Radiation

Formerly the only argument for the greenhouse theory was, that by the huge absorption potential of the greenhouse gases the emitted heat from earth surface was stopped and radiated back to the earth surface. The corresponding radiation was called “back radiation”.

But there has been lots of criticism of other scientists against this statement because it violates the second law of thermodynamics. By this law it is required that heat exclusively flows to the colder region, which is the space. This law is in agreement with all observations.

So it seems that physicists have realized that “back radiation” or “counter radiation” is physically impossible so that they now avoid to use these terms. Now physicists have the problem that they have no any other valid argument for the greenhouse theory. This explains the chaotic unscientific descriptions of greenhouse theory in Wikipedia.

Thus the current status is that most physicists are aware that there is not any scientific argument (explanation) for the stated greenhouse theory. But of course they dare not to tell this to the public.

Comment: the requirement for calling a physical statement a physical effect is, that the reality of the statement has been unambiguously verified by unbiased observations. Before it has to be called theory. The greenhouse theory is a physically impossible theory.

C5.2 The blatant Fake of high Temperatures of Atmosphere

Back radiation has been changed now to “blocking of heat to escape the earth”, although this is not less pseudo-scientific than back radiation.

There is even an action which can be regarded as a fraud against mankind: They have assigned absurd temperatures to the upper atmosphere, which replaced suddenly the correct temperatures. This is an action, which does not make any sense, because there are just disadvantages for physicists. This falsifies the part of definition of temperature which is physical reality: “Temperature is a physical quantity that quantitatively expresses the attribute of hotness or coldness. Temperature is measured with a thermometer (from Wikipedia).

This raises the question if this is an action just to make the general public public believe that the high temperatures are caused by the CO2- increase.

When a scientist criticizes that the temperatures are far away from reality, physicists admit that these are no temperatures which refer to heat, but just to the assumption that there are a few molecules with high kinetic energies. This excuse is ridiculous. Even if there would be many molecules with high kinetic energy, these have not any influence on heat and temperature. All people know that, when there is a strong gust of wind, the temperature does not suddenly raise.

And of course there is no argument at all to stop the publications of the usual temperature measurements. Real temperatures in atmosphere further reduce by approaching the space. The conscious publication of wrong data is one of the most “anti-scientific” actions of scientists. Particular when the wrong data make the general public belief in a theory, which is a severe error, which can end up in a real catastrophe for mankind (explained latwer).

Positive aspects are that scientist do not mention, that the high temperatures have been caused by the apparent greenhouse effect and that they assigned so high temperatures to the upper atmosphere that nearly every physicist gets aware that these are no correct temperatures.

C5.3 Valid temperatures can even be measured in Space

Valid measurements of temperature can be done all over the atmosphere and even in space, as the particles, which refer to heat, are everywhere available: omnipresent photons. Measurement equipment like thermometer by electric resistance or bi-metal can be calibrated by very low temperatures.

The real temperatures in atmosphere verify former assumption, that the values of temperatures continuously decrease by increasing altitudes. Some deviations are well explainable mostly by convection or phase transitions of molecules at a specific pressure.

So the statements of physicists of high temperatures are unambiguously refuted by unbiased observations. Despite of this the clearly wrong measurements are not eliminated. According to generally accepted definition this is characterized to be antiscience.

Per definition also the statement of the existence of greenhouse effect of earth is clearly antiscience.

C5.3 Ground Frost proves: Real Back Radiation is Cold Radiation

Back radiation, which means the radiation of infrared photons from atmosphere to earth surface can well be observed by everyone:

The typical result of back radiation from atmosphere is ground frost.

Cold radiation is the only scientific explanation for the existence of ground frost.

In current physics all statements concerning ground frost are extremely unscientific. There is no scientific definition or description and mostly these are physically impossible. In Wikipedia the term ground frost refers to many other terms, which all have a different description.

In reality the cause for all described observations of the cooling of surfaces below the temperature of the surrounded air is radiation of “cold photons”. Most described effects of ground frost occur when the cold radiation is clearly below 0 ° C, while the surrounded air and the soil is in the range of 0°C to maximal 7 °C (air).

Here are some excerpts for descriptions of “ground frost” by Wikipedia:

Hoar frost, also hoarfrost, radiation frost, or pruina, refers to white ice crystals deposited on the ground or loosely attached to exposed objects, such as wires or leaves.[3] They form on cold, clear nights when conditions are such that heat radiates into outer space faster than it can be replaced from nearby warm objects or brought in by the wind. Under suitable circumstances, objects cool to below the frost point[4] of the surrounding air, well below the freezing point of water. Such freezing may be promoted by effects such as flood frost or frost pocket.[5] These occur when ground-level radiation cools air until it flows downhill and accumulates in pockets of very cold air in valleys and hollows. Hoar frost may freeze in such low-lying cold air even when the air temperature a few feet above ground is well above freezing.

A little bit more scientific description is an “Alternative definition”:

Ground frost may also refer to the condition when the temperature of the upper layer of the soil falls below the freezing point of water.[1]

C5.4 There is no other Back Radiation than Cold Radiation

The definition of thermal radiation is that infrared photons do a straight movement to one direction. By this radiation requires that radiating photons have a kinetic energy, which is sufficiently different than the kinetic energy of omnipresent photons. Only by this the radiating photons can penetrate omnipresent photons. All Infrared photons in the atmosphere which have energies equal to omnipresent photons are eliminated by absorption (binding) to omnipresent photons, which results by integration to omnipresent photons which have the actual temperature of the atmosphere at that altitude. This means there is also no thermal radiation from earth to atmosphere. Instead there is a slow heat flow. This is explained in a separate chapter.

The sun emits infrared photons which have much higher kinetic energy than omnipresent photons in atmosphere or space. Therefore these do radiation.

But all emitted photons from molecules which are in thermic equilibrium with the atmosphere are directly absorbed after emission. So living beings have luck that the atmosphere nearly completely prevents that cold radiation reaches the earth ground. As cold radiation can be up to -273 K, nearly no living being would survive on earth.

C5.5 Heat/Cold- Radiation can be shielded by a Sheet of Paper

Radiation can easily be differentiated to other heat transfers by shielding it by absorpting matter. Mostly a sheet of paper is adequate to shield radiation. If there is a sudden temperature change behind the paper by shielding then this refers to radiation, when not heat flow occurs. This can be demonstrated as well for heat from sun as also cold heat from sky. This test also works on earth: Sufficient heat like fires can be shielded. Also the cold heat of ice can be shielded in warmer air.

Heat from earth can’t be shielded, thus there is no heat radiation from earth. This is again a severe error, on which the unreal greenhouse theory is based.

Also clouds absorb as well heat radiation as also cold radiation. Reflection of infrared photons by clouds is not possible.

Physicists explain the observed warming effect by a sheet of paper, which in reality occurs by shielding of cold heat, by an other severe error: It is stated that the radiated heat of a person is reflected by the sheet of paper used for shielding. The error is that even if there would be radiation by human beings, this would not do reflection.


C5.6 Ground Frost is originated by Sun

By physical laws ground frost is not caused by radiation generated in atmosphere. All emitted photons by molecules which are in temperature equilibrium are absorbed by surrounding omnipresent photons.

Nevertheless a lot of cold radiation is generated in atmosphere. Only a very small part reaches the earth ground,

The only possible cause for ground frost is following mechamism:

* Infrared-photons from sun are absorbed by molecules in upper atmosphere.

* By the averaging process of photon bondings the bound photons of the corresponding photon-chain get significant higher energies than the omnipresent photons of the higher atmosphere.

* Thus by emission of these photons these can radiate because of sufficient difference to omnipresent photons.

The fact, that the cold radiation is originated by the sun is verified by the observation, that ground frost is generated in the morning as soon as the sun radiates the upper atmosphere. This is shortly before and after sun rise and not during the night although there might be identical temperatures.


C5.7 Why does Cold Radiation reach the Earth Surface?


Nearly all cold radiation, which is generated by above mechanism, is absorbed in a level of the atmosphere where omnipresent photons have equal temperatures and thus does not reach the earth surface.

So there has to be an atmospheric zone where there are relative few omnipresent photons in a specific energetic range.

This can be zones of a specific pressure. It is known, that all molecules including all gases do inter-molecular bindings depending on pressure and temperature. By building of inter-molecular bondings, infrared-photons with specific energies (heat) are generated. By breaking of inter-molecular bondings infrared-photons with specific kinetic energies are consumed. So mainly the second case is a scientific reason, why specific energies of omnipresent photons are not present.

Well known is the specific horizontal level of very strong wind streams, which probably is related to above phenomenon.

This would also explain, why there is an unusual tight range of temperatures of cold radiation.

Overall this are issues for further research by corresponding scientists.

I am not aware of any research about this interesting phenomenon. Seems that there are even no measurements of temperatures of cold radiation.

It has to be assumed that the measured temperatures below 0 °C of surfaces while surrounded air and ground is above 0 °C have not been published, because this would refute current theories.

C5.8 The severe Error of Cooling by Emission of Heat

Currently ground frost is explained by the wrong theory that cooling occurs by emission of heat.

Already Kirchhoff and Max Planck have found out that emission of heat represent always the temperature of the emitting atomic body. When there is a temperature equilibrium, thermal emission and thermal absorption is in equilibrium, which means that emitted radiation does not lead to cooling. Thus cooling of an object is exclusively possible by absorption of IR-photons which are colder than the temperature of the body. This makes sense and is conform to daily observation.

Current physics state that cooling is done by thermal emission of warmer infrared-photons then the temperature of the body. This is physically impossible.

Thus also the current explanation of ground frost (=cooling by radiation) is physically impossible. Cooling by radiation from sky can easily be verified by shielding the radiation by absorption, which already can be done by a sheet of paper.

C5.9 Nature protects itself against Cold Radiation

Cold radiation from atmosphere is much more critical for plants than usual low frost, because the temperature of cold radiation can be significantly below zero, there is a high potential that the cells of plants are damaged. This is avoided by the freezing of water at the surface of plants, because frozen water has mostly just 0°C.

An additional effect is, that by all mutual bindings of molecules, which is called freezing, the bindings replace bound infrared photons at same position. Emission of infrared photons is equivalent to generation of heat . The generation of heat explains the observation that the object which freezes doesn’t cool to lower temperatures as long as not all binding reactions have been completed.

Currently there is no explanation of the observation of heat generation by freezing and condensing or heat consumption by melting and evaporation.

Instead of doing research to find a scientific explanation, physicists invent a term for this: latent heat.

In later chapters it is shown that latent heat is also an important factor for the weakening of climate changes.

C5.10 Cold Radiation was demonstrated already in 18th century


IR-photons emitted by snow were focused by a metallic parabolic mirror. It could be clearly observed that, when the focused radiation hit a thermometer, the measured temperature reduced.

It is well known by corresponding studies, that IR-photons are well reflected by metallic surfaces, while the heat-reflectivity of other surfaces including ice and snow is not relevant. By this the “Albedo”- theory concerning self-reinforcememt of climate warming is refuted.

The reality is: Ice and snow absorb more heat than usual surface matter. There is nor relevant reflection of heat by ice and sow.

C5.11 The Denial of Cold Radiation is a blatant physical Error


Current statement, that cold radiation does not exist, demonstrates the blatant non-understanding of heat, thermal energy and by this thermodynamics. When there is a transfer of heat then heat as a qualitative property is not valid to consider. For this the heat per specific number of photons like number per mol, which is the thermal energy has to be considered. This is the case because the vibration energy of a newly bound IR-photon is average to all vibration energies of a photon- chain. This makes clear that by absorption of infrared photons with lower thermal energy the thermal energy and the heat of a body reduces, while by absorption of a hotter infrared photon the thermal energy and heat increases. By this knowledge it should be logical that heat radiation is at the same time cold radiation. It just depends on the temperature of absorbing matter:

When radiation is absorbed by atomic matter, which has a lower temperature than the radiated infrared-photons than the atomic matter is heated and the radiation is called heat radiation.

When the same radiation is absorbed by atomic matter, which has a higher temperature the temperature of the absorbing matter is cooled and the radiation is called cold radiation.

This is the same effect as pouring 30 °C hot water in a cup with colder water =a) and in a cup of warmer water (=b). The water in a) is heated and the water in b) is cooled.

C5.12 Explanation why Heat does not correlate to kinetic Energy

The statement of a correlation between heat and kinetic energy is a severe basic error of current physics. The description that “an atomic object has a temperature of ...” is a simplification. The scientific correct description is: “the omnipresent photons, which are in and around an atomic object have a temperature of ...”.

Objects with higher temperature just have photon-chains, which have higher vibration energies. Thus these emit infrared photons with higher kinetic energies, which is equivalent to emit heat.

The kinetic energy of an object is determined by vibration energies of bondings of the atomic nuclei, which are not influenced by the vibrations of photon- chains.

Vibrations of photon-chains do not affect vibrations of atomic nuclei, because of the basically different vibration modes: photon-chains vibrate by alternating diameters of the rings.

Vibration of usual bondings vibrate by mass-center symmetric vibrations, which determine the relative velocity.

This explains, why there is no correlation between heat and kinetic energy.

C5.13 Gas molecules in atmosphere can’t reflect Heat

In many illustrations of the greenhouse theory it looks like that greenhouse gases reflect heat to the earth surface. But this is no reality. All infrared-photons either just do binding (=absorption) or a binding with subsequent emission, called binding & emission by New Physics. Main difference is that by binding & emission there is an averaging of vibration energies before emission. This causes that the emitted infrared-photon has strongly changed kinetic energy, which is identical to the kinetic energies (=temperature) of the omnipresent photons in the surrounding (atmosphere).

By reflection there is normally no change of kinetic energy (temperature).

The definition of reflection is: Reflection occurs after collision and subsequent penetration, when the penetration movement is stopped and the movement turns to the opposite direction. This occurs when the spin energies of superposing electrons are increasing by penetration.

A well known example, where reflection and binding&emission are done at the same time are the reactions of visible photons on the surface of glass by specific angles of collisions: photons which are antimatter relative to surface are reflected. This explains why the reflected photons have same spin direction (polarization). The other photons do binding &emission to a deflected direction which depend on kinetic energy of visible photon.

Contrary to visible photons infrared photons nearly always do binding& emission reactions as these react with outer regions of photon chains where there are thousands of bonding possibilities.

Overall it can be excluded that infrared-photons interact with gas molecules by reflection.

This is different to visible photons, which cause scattering (= non-directed reflection).

By the averaging process of bonding energies the emitted photons always have the temperature very near to the emitting gas molecule.

In atmosphere nearly all gas-molecules are significantly colder than the earth ground. Thus nearly all emitted infrared-photons would cool the earth surface, when these radiate up to the surface. But this is only possible in rare cases like for ground frost.

The real result of greenhouse theory: If greenhouse-gases would cause radiation back to earth ground, this would strongly cool the earth surface. The earth would be a “snowball” without any living beings.

This is also the result of the findings by physicists like Kirchhoff and Planck!

C.5.14 The Measurement of the non-existing Heat of Backradiation



C6 Errors and Reality about Radiation of Heat

C6.1 Definiton and Overview about Heat Radiation



Radiation is the propagation of infrared photons to the direction of emission. This occurs when the there is a sufficient difference of the kinetic energy between emitted IR-photon and omnipresent photons.

Absorption of radiating IR-photons and subsequent emissions:

As molecules have photon chains with lots of different energies pf photons, molecules absorb a broad range of IR-radiation. By this all bondings of photon chains including the new bonding are averaged, so that the molecule mostly gets a higher average of bonded photons.

Emissions after absorption of radiating IR-Photons

When emission results to IR-photons with somewhat higher kinetic energies than surrounded omnipresent photons, this is called generation of heat.

In less frequent cases the emitted IR-photons have somewhat lower energies, which results to cooling .

No absorption after second emission

When the emitted infrared photons still have a high differnce of energies to omnipresent photons, these continue to radiate. But as the bound photons in photon chains are bound in all direction the enission causes radiation to various directions

C6.2 Radiated IR-Photons are no Heat


As radiating photons do not meet the requirement for heat, which are random novements, radiation is no heat. Heat is generated when emitted photons are absorbed by omnipresent photons.

Nearly all emitted IR-photons by sun are high-energetic, so these radiate. As near sun there are very few molecule, only few energies IR-photons are reduced by absorption to lowe energies, which might be heat. The causes that the temperatures around stars are near – 270 °C, which is required for the sun that it can “survive”.

C6.3 The major Factor for climate: Heating by Sun


C6.3.1 Why is the heating by Sun the major Factor

It has already been excluded by physicists that heat generation by nuclear reactions in center of earth are not relevant for earth surface. This is clearly proved by the pole regions. Thes would not be so cold, when there would be a significant heat contribution from earth. For other planets like Jupiter, the internal heat generation is the major factor for temperatures on surface.

Another possibility would be the heat generation by mankind. It is known that in center of big cities the temperatures are a bit warmer. But this does not increase the global temperature significantly. This is also the result of calculations by physicists.

C6.3.2 The Error that achieved Heat from Sun is constant

This is a statement of physicists which is based on a basically wrong thinking and in addition of an inadequate measurement method for received heat from sun.

Like it is stated in Wikipedia, physicists believe that visible light is converted to heat on earth. But there is not any explanation why and how this occurs. Reality is that this is physically impossible and has never been observed. Again this shows that before statements are done basic research concerning heat has to be done.

The measurement is done by a pyranometer which works by thermoelements. A thermoelement works well with temperature, but the suitability for radiation is doubtful. An influence by radiation of visible photons is very probable.

C6.3.3 The optimal Measurement method for received Heat

An optimal measurement copies the reality as much as possible. This means the intensity of heat radiation has to be measured by an increase of temperature and not by a temperature. The temperature measurement has to be measured by a well calibrated contact thermometer. As the most important heat receiving matter on earth is water, this should be used for measurement.

Thus an adequate measurement is for example to measure the time in which a sample of 200 ml water in a specific suitable vessel is heated from 15 °C to 17 °C.

By such a measurement we surely would have gained the knowledge that the receive heat on earth by sun has been significantly incrased contrarily to the received light.

We can’t remeasure historic data, but we should start to do a real control of variances of received heat intensity from sun as soon as possible.

Later it is shown, why the received heat intensity from sun has increased since over 150 years.

C6.4 The Error that Heat losses by Earth are a major climate Effect

By the thinking that no increase of received heat from sun occurred, the search for a cause for warming is exclusively based on heat losses by earth. Scientists know that heat loss of earh is a secondary effect which is determined by the primer effect, which is heating by sun. by climate in deserts it is well known that a strong increase of heat causes a strong decrease when the sun does not shine. It is very unscientific to argument with a secondary effect. It can be compared with the argumentation that people which have to pay high amounts of income tax are the poorest people.

Fact is that there is no other significant effect than a small reduction of heat losses by the high absorption potential of clouds. But also in case of the absorption effect of clouds, the cooling effect by absorption of heat from sun is much stronger than the reduced cooling effect at night.

According to physicists people have to fill their swimming pools with water when cloudy whether is forecasted, so that these rapidly warm up.

By the stated warming effect by absorption scientists make themselves ridiculous. That is new physics in the wrong direction.

I still remember the times when physicist told people without scruple the reality that clouds cause cooling because of heat absorption.


C6.5 Heat Generation by Sun

C6.5.1 Error of Heat Generation in sun

C6.5.2 Why is Heat Generation stable

Physicists know that by current theory of heat generation of sun there would be no stable temperature per time. As a stable temperature is the prerequisite that living beings have survived since a long time. Nearly everyone knows that it is extremely unusual that reactions like burning proceeds with same power as observed by stars. There is no research why and how this “wonder” is achieved. Logical is that there has to be a mechanism which controls generation of fuel by heat, which means that by increase of heat the generation of fuel is reduced. By current theories for nuclear fusion this is the contrary. SURe- New Physics clearly gained the knowledge that nuclear fusions like all bonding reactions are strongly favored by cold temperature. This is the explanation for freezing. By molecules with hydrogen, freezing always occur by nuclear fusion of protons. Stars consists of hydrogen. For hydrogen molecules there is no other possibility than for proton-proton- binding as the only photon chain is used for the bonding between two protons. But protons like photons have three bonding option which are in a plane separated symmetrically by by angles of 120 degrees. Freezing by proton-proton binding also occurs by water molecules. Only this explains the hexagon structure of snow crystals. The statement of physicist that the plane hexagon structure is achieved by bondings between H and O is a lie, which can easily be proved by models.

Overall by the temperature dependence of nuclear fusions (increase of nuclear fusion reaction by low temperature there is a contriol possible for nuclear fusion: nuclear fusion (freezung) decreases by higher temperature and increases by lower temperature.

C6.5.2 The fascinating Control of Heat of Sun

Another sure knowledge by SURe- New Physics is that in the next reaction step of nuclear fusion the photon chains are replaced by proton-proton bondings. So the step of

has been already probed easily be ptoved by a is a lie, that physicist say that water which Freezing often occurs by separation bewteemanaged. normChemissts and other scientist know that heat generations like all reaction do normally occur never be constant The fuel of the sun are magnetic fields, which are Nearly all emitted Infrared-photons are catapulted by When the kinetic energies of emitted photons have despite averaging a sufficient difference odfkinetic energys to omnipresent photons, there is no heat generation but instead again a radiation of the emitted photon occurs.

C6.5.3 The prevented Heat Generation analog to Stars

Successful technological developments could be achieved by unbiased observations although there are no scientific explanations of technologies.

Theories prevented that heat generation of sun has been achieved over 60 years ago.

C7 The direct Heat Transfer by Heat Flow


C7.1 Heat Flow refers to Omnipresent Photons

As heat is the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons, these are the carrier of heat. Omnipresent photons do no straight movements because these are absorbed by other omnipresent photons after very short travel distance, which is probably less than 1000 diameters of an electron. By collision to another omnipresent photon there is either an elastic collision which means reflection or an inelastic collisions which means binding to a diphoton with subsequent averaging of vibration energies of bondings. A short time later the diphoton decays back to two photons. These mutual reactions occur mostly within a short time and are called by SURe – New Physics binding & decay reactions. When there are large differences of sizes between the two interacting objects the reactions are called or binding & emission reactions.

Binding & decay reactions is the explanation why photons do random movements.

This is also the explanation for the observation that molecules in gases or liquids do random movements.

In current physics there is not any intention to do physical research to explain the observed random movements.

C7.2 Heat Flow is the Result of Binding & Decay Reactions

An important sub-interaction which always occurs subsequently to binding is that the vibration energies of the bound photons are averaged. Thus the significant result of a Binding & Decay Reaction is that two photons with different kinetic energies react to two photons with identical kinetic energies. This means heat flows from a warmer photon to the colder photon. So although photons do not move to a specific direction the heat flows to a specific direction.

C7.3 The wrong Statements of second Law of Thermodynamics

C7.3.1 Errors in Wikipedia marked yellow

According to Wikipedia following is valid:

The second law of thermodynamics is a physical law based on universal empirical observation concerning heat and energy interconversions. A simple statement of the law is that heat always flows spontaneously from hotter to colder regions of matter (or 'downhill' in terms of the temperature gradient). Another statement is: "Not all heat can be converted into work in a cyclic process."[1][2][3]The second law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of entropy as a physical property of a thermodynamic system.“

Following ist stated under “Entropy”:

Entropy is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of an isolated system left to spontaneous evolution cannot decrease with time.

In next chepters the errors are explained.



C7.3.2 Heat Flow is not done spontaneously

* All interactions in universe refer to accelerations.

* All accelerations in universe require energy.

* Energy can be provided to an object exclusively by collision between objects.

* Collision energy is equivalent to kinetic energy of colliding objects.


* All interactions in universe require activation energy by collisions!

* No interaction in universe is done spontaneously!

* Physicists violate one of the most important rules in physics!

C7.3.3 Examples for not existing spontaneous Interactions

Current statements concerning spontaneous interactions are physically impossible:

* Heat flow is activated by collisions of omnipresent photons.

(By this heat flow verifies omnipresent photons).

* Decay of particles which have a very short lifetime like many subatomic particles are activated by omnipresent photons.

(This verifies omnipresent photons).

Comment: Each particle would be stable for ever, if there would be no collision.

* Radioactive decays of atoms are activated by high energetic photons (mostly photons from sun).


- This has already and can unambiguously be verified by experiments.

- The activation works also by night, because high energetic photons penetrate through earth (well known by physicists).

- This explains the observed decay rate dependency.

* Lightnings are decays of photon-chains in atmosphere activated by high energetic cosmic protons.


Photon-chains are probably stabilized by oxygen and water molecules.

* “Spontaneous Emissions” of photons (many examples like Laser) are activated by photons with various specific energies.


- Activating photons have usually higher energies than emitted photons.

- Emission of photons or other particles occur nearly immediately after activation.

- Fluorescence or phosphorescence refer to emissions of photon-chains by first activation and a second activation for the decay of photon-chains to photons.

- Well known are activations of emissions of photons by collisions of electrons (electro heating, electrical lights, all other electrical applications)

- Well known are activations by chemical reactions.


C7.3.5 There is not only Heat Flow but also “Cold Flow”

The scientific mechanism of heat flow shows that there is at the same time a cold flow to warmer regions. In any case heat and cold flow goes to the direction to equal temperatures. This is the explanation for the observation why bodies which do no heat reaction will get the temperature of omnipresent photons in the surrounding. The larger heat reservoir decides if there is more cold or heat flow.

C7.3.5 Heat Flow and Work are not comparable

Heat flow and work are completely different physical issues and are not allowed to be combined in a formula. Both terms are not correctly defined and are currently not understood. Work is even expressed by a physically and mathematically impossible formula. Work has to be eliminated from physics. This is shown in detail in SURe – New Physics Vol. T = Thermodynamics.

C7.3.6 Statements of Entropy are physically impossible

The statement of entropy is that the universe has interactions which are irreversible. Thus there would be a preferred direction of interactions. This is physically impossible. Nearly all interactions in universe refer to building and breaking of bondings which are reversible. If this would be not the case the universe should be meanwhile “dead”, which means there would be no interactions any more.

Entropy is conpletely meaningless and has to be deleted from physics.

C7.4 Heat flow to Space has no Influence on Earth Climate

C7.4.1 Instead of Heat Flow there is Cold Fow from Space to Earth

As the space is a much larger heat reservoir than the earth surface, the main direction of heat flow is from cold space to earth surface. This is the scientific explanation for following observations:

* there is a continuous reduction of temperature from earth surface to space.

* the reduction of temperature is nearly independent from temperature on earth surface.

* At a relative low altitude there is no difference of temperature of the atmosphere despite strong differences near ground.

C7.4.2 Heat flow to Space has no Influence on earth climate


Conclusions of cold flow to Climate are:

* Heat flow form earth surface to space has no influence on climate.

* Climate is exclusively determined by generated heat by sun on earth surface.

The binding & decay reactions explain, why heat always flows to the cold region. But it has to be added that at the same time “cold” always flows to the hot region.

But binding & decay reactions are no fundamental explanation because there is still the question why do photons bonding & decay reactions and why do omnipresent photons exist.

The final fundamental explanation has to be done by Fundamental Laws of Nature (= Weltformel):

1. Bindings occur because the only fundamental particles (=electrons) are accelerated to the superposition with lowest spin energies (first Fundamental Law of Nature).

2. Break of bondings (which mostly results to decays or emissions) occur because of the maintaining of total energy (second Fundamental Law of Nature).

The two Fundamental Laws of Nature also explain that over 90% of all electrons are bound to photons, which occurred within few days after generation of electrons.

It is unscientific to stop physical research by a description of an observation, which is in this case the second law of thermodynamics. It is also unscientific to make further statements of an observed law, when this is not understood.


C7.5 The colder Climate by Altitude is not understood

C7.5.1 Colder Climate by Altitude is caused by Cold Flow from space

Currently the decreasing temperature in atmosphere by increasing altitude is explained by cooling of atmosphere by low pressure in higher altitudes. The unambiguous observation is that there is no general correlation of temperature to pressure. For example gases in pressurized bottles with different pressure have the same temperature.

Also the scientific definition of pressure is conform to the fact that there is no physically explainable correlation between temperature and pressure concerning atmosphere or other systems, which are open to atmosphere. (see next chapter).

It is just a correlation between temperature in atmosphere and pressure in atmosphere. But by this it is not allowed to do a statement concerning cause and effect. There have to be additional observations which either verify or refute the statement of cause and effect. Such an observation is:

* Observation: The density of the molecules in atmosphere decreases by increasing altitude.

* Explanation: This is an effect of the decreasing gravitational force.

* Conclusion: By the scientific definition of pressure and the calculation of pressure reduction by concentration, it can be proved that the reduction of pressure is caused by reduction of concentration of gas-molecules.

C7.5.2 Current Explanation of atmospheric Pressure is absurd

Current explanation for the decreasing atmospheric pressure by altitude is according to Wikipedia is:

In most circumstances, atmospheric pressure is closely approximated by the hydrostatic pressure caused by the weight of air above the measurement point. As elevation increases, there is less overlying atmospheric mass, so atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing elevation.”

This explanation is still in physics books, although everyone knows that the statement is physically impossible. It means that on average 17 tons of weight burdens us.

The main question which this claim raises is, how shall gas molecules manage to exert a force to body when these are far away from this body? This if pure magics and has nothing to do with science. Why do scientists tell such stories to people? This makes physics ridiculous.

Even worse is the explanation, why we are not squeezed to death: The same pressure is exerted within bodies to the outside. In principle the idea is not too bad as there has to be a counter-force. But the unscientific issue is, that physicist know that pressure is a surface effect and that there are mostly no surfaces in a body. So this is another physically impossible statement, which even does not need an experimental refutation. The impossibility of this statement is observed by everyone and daily.

Real science would be to state that pressure is a non-understood physical phenomenon, as it is the case for nearly all physical observations.

A real unbiased physical observation is that an impact or force to an object requires one or more collisions of other objects like particles. All statements which differ from this basic physical rule are physically impossible assumptions (theories).


C7.5.3 Physicists know thr Reality of Pressure

The absurd Explanation of atmospheric pressure is not eliminated although physicists have made up a logical theory, which logical explains all observations of pressure in gases and liquids. It is called the kinetic gas theory. When a theory is conform to all unbiased observations in universe it can be called physical reality. But instead of celebrating the finding of physical reality of pressure, physicists further call it a theory.

The real definition and by this physical reality of pressure in gases and liquids is:

Pressure is the force exerted by freely moving particles on surfaces of objects by collisions against this surface.

Thus the specific pressure is defined as force by the kinetic energies of momentarily colliding molecules to a specific surface area of 1 m².

Thus the specific pressure depends on 2 factors:

* Kinetic energy of colliding particles. Ekin = mv ( ½ mv² is a physically and mathematically impossible formula for kinetic energy of an object).

* Density of colliding particles.

C7.5.4 The first scientific Explanation of Pressure of Atmosphere


The atmospheric pressure decreases by increasing atmospheric altitude.


The decrease of pressure is nearly exclusively caused by decreased density of molecules.

The density of gas molecules decreases by decreasing gravitational force exerted by earth.

C7.5.5 The severe Error of Cooling by Expansion of Atmosphere

The correlation of decreasing pressure and decreasing temperature by altitude of atmosphere has caused the wrong statement that colder temperatures by altitude are caused by expansion of air. As the decreasing pressure in atmosphere is not caused by decreasing kinetic energies of molecules, there is no temperature effect by expansion.

As explained in other chapters, there is no correlation between kinetic energy of molecules to temperature or to heat.

C7.5.6 It is not allowed to do a Statement based on a Correlation

The Error of cooling by expansion in atmosphere again shows the most important rule for scientists:

A statement about cause and effect should never be bases exclusively on a correlation.

Catastrophic is that this fatal error has also been done by the statement that CO2 has caused global warming. There is not any other indication for the cause of climate warming than this correlation, which is even a correlation which does not fit sufficiently well. The not allowed and wrong conclusion was stated although many physicists know that cause and effect is the other way round: CO2 increases in atmosphere by global warming.

C7.5.7 The real Temperature Increase by Pressure Increase

When the pressure is increased by the increase of kinetic energy of randomly moving gas-molecules, then there are temperature effects by changes of pressure, like it is the case for the often mentioned example of heat generation by pressurizing of a tire.

The real physical rules for pressure change by the change of kinetic energy of randomly moving molecules are:

* Heat is generated by increase of kinetic energies of randomly moving molecules.

* Heat is consumed by decrease of kinetic energies of randomly moving molecules.

* As soon as the change of average kinetic energy is stopped, the heat generation or consumption stops and the heat flow causes that the temperature is adjusted to the temperature of surrounding.


* The conclusion of these rules concerning atmosphere is: Even if there would be atmospheric regions by altitudes with different kinetic energies these would not cause different temperatures, because there is no change of the average energies of the molecules. A continuous change of kinetic energies in the same volume of matter to same direction is physically impossible.

* Generation of heat by high pressure like this is stated for the center of stars is physically impossible.

C7.6 Currently Weather is not understood


C7.6.1 Weather is described but not explained

In current physics there are descriptions of observations concerning weather, but the observations can not dcientifically be explained because of missing or wrong knowledge.

Observations are:

* There are high pressure areas, which are related to sunny weather.

* There are low pressure areas, which are related with cloudy and rainy weather.

* In high pressure areas air moves to the earth ground.

* In high pressure areas air moves to higher altitudes.

* Air moves from high pressure to low pressure areas, by which the wind is deflected in a specific way.

* By rising of air, moisture in air tends to condense, thus low pressure areas refer to cloudy and rainy weather,

* By sinking air can take up moisture, which causes sunny weather.

* The density and the temperature correlate inversely to altitude.

Wrong statements which have already been mentioned:

* Atmospheric pressure is caused by weight of air.

* By sinking air gets warmer by higher pressure, by rising air gets cooler by lower pressure.

Other wrong and not explained statements:

* Air gets dryer by sinking (not possible)

* At earth ground the air is squeezed (not possible)

* Condensing of water causes that air sinks down? (Why?)

* High pressure areas are caused by subsidence? (Cause and effect?)

* The warming of air by sinking is an adiabatic process. (not possible)

Not clearly explained:

* Why is air sinking?

* Why is air rising?

Overall there is no scientific explanation of the generation of high and low pressure areas. Thus my best guess is following process.


C7.6.2 Scientific Explanation of Weather

Weather is explained by following two main factors:

* Heating of earth ground by sun.

* The earth ground is differently heated or cooled depending on clouds and of matter of ground like water, rock or land with plants.

* By different heat the density of air is different in different regions of earth ground : When there is a region with low density there is a low pressure area and when there is a region with higher density (colder) there is a high pressure area.

* By the different dendity areas on ground there occurs a movement on earth ground from high density to low density.

*When air streams from different high pressure regions are moving to the same low pressure region the air has to change the horizontal movememzt to a movement to higher altitudes of atmosphere.

*By this the air gets colder because of the colder surrounded air in higher altitudes.

* By cooling there is a high probability that water condense in the rising aur so that clouds or rain are generated.

* This is the explanation for the observations that when there is low pressure in a region there is nearly always cloudy and rainy weather.

* It is known that above low pressure regions there are nearly always high pressure regions. By this it can be assumed that the dry air above clouds has a higher density compared to surrounded air. It might also be that the upward movement is stopped by which the atmospheric area get denser.

* Overall by this there are horizontal movements of air from high pressure regions in upper atmosphere to regions with lower density in upper atmosphere.

* When these air streams come together they change their directions to downwards.

* By this the air gets warmer and can take up much additional moisture without condensation. Thus the weather gets bright.

* On earth ground the movement of high density air turns again to horizontal movement to low pressure regions.

* Overall weather is the result of circled movements of air.

C7.6.3 Circled Movements of Air- Streams are not done by Coriolis Force

It is observed that winds move in circles into a low pressure area. The circled wind movement, which is observes particularly strong in hurricanes is an issue of further research by SURe – New Physics, as current explanation by earth rotation (Coriolis force) is physically impossible. Earth rotation is a fixed movement and a circled movement is permanently changed.

A valid explanation would be that the circling is caused when air streams hit against each other from different directions.

C7.6 Measurements of Heat FlowDifference of Heat Radiation to Heat Flow


C7.6.1 Heat Flow is not done by Propagation of Photons

As already explained Heat radiation of a photon refers to straight propagation of infrared photon which occurs when there is a sufficient difference of kinetic energy between an emitted photon and the average kinetic energies of omnipresent photons, so that the emitted photon penetrates the omnipresent photons. The kinetic energy of a radiating infrared photon can be larger or smaller than the average energies of omnipresent photons. Thus radiation can have a warming or cooling effect.

When an emitted infrared-photon has a kinetic energy near the energy of omnipresent photons, there will occur binding and subsequent decay of the photon, which means the so called binding & decay reactions start. By this a photon does random movements without significant propagation to a preferred direction. It has to be taken into account that the density of omnipresent photons is so high that collisions occur within a very short distance which is much smaller than the diameter of an atom.

C7.6.2 Heat transfers by Heat Flow are “only” Heat Transfers




C7.6.3 Heat flow can‘t be measured by Spectroscopy

Physicist should know that the emitted heat from earth surface can’t be measured by spectroscopy. By spectroscopy only radiation can be measured, but emitted infrared photons from earth is no radiation. It is a valid excuse that physicist were not aware of this fact. But every researcher would have recorded first a reference spectrum of earth surface from earth. This is the required minimum information to make any statement of about a spectrum recorded from space. All attempts to record an absorption spectrum of low energetic infrared photons from earth would fail, which would clearly have proved that this is physically impossible.

Nevertheless three spectra from satellite have been recorded and published.

Physicists proudly announced that the spectra are the first experimental verification of the greenhouse effect. As an expert of spectroscopy I analyzed the data with the result that the spectra clearly refute that these refer to absorption from earth. This can be concluded by everyone who has seen real infrared absorption bands. These are similar to the emission spectra which have been illustrated by Max Planck: just one broad curve within a specific range. Small peaks do not refer to thermal radiation.

Positive is that scientists have realized this so that these did not do further studies. This is rather strange for the detection of the “first verification of the greenhouse theory”.

C7.7 The Measurements of heat Flo.3 Heat flows

C8 The most relevant Factors for Climate

C8.1 Cooling of Earth by Cold Flow from Space

As already mentioned the heat flow from earth to space is much less relevant as the cold flow from space to earth. The only factor which cause a significant delay of cold flow is the stored heat of clouds clouds in atmosphere. The atmosphere has no relevant effect because of the low heat capacity of gases. Cold flow from space causes the climate zones by altitude. Thus even on equator are cold climate zones in high mountains.

C8.2 Cooling by Absorption of molecules in Atmosphere

Each additional molecule between sun and earth increases cooling of earth. The absorption potential of a particle in atmosphere correlates to the mass of gas molecule. Thus solids and fluids have the strongest cooling potential. Concerning gases the heavy nobel gases have strongest ansorption potential and hydrogen and helium have lowest absorption potential. The other gases have no relevant differrences.

C8.3 Heating of Earth Surface by absorption of Heat from Sun

While absorption in atmosphere prevents that heat arrives on earth ground . By absorption of heat on earth surface causes that heat is bound and can be generated again by emission of infrared photons. The property which correlates with the storage potential of heat by absorption is the spezific heat capacity. The potential to store high amounts of heat is essential to reduce temperature differences by slowing down as well heat increase by sun on daytime as also slowing down temperature decrease at nighttime.

C8.4 The essential Maritime Climate

The equalizing effect by oceans is much stronger than by solid rocks or plants on surface of earth. This is not just the case brcause of the high hest caoacity but in addition that heat is not only generated and stored on the surfacr of oceans but also in deeper regions of oceans. Overall the high coverage of sea water is an essential climate factor. Cnimate with strong differences of temperature but same average temperatures are much more critical to nature than somewhat colder or warmer climate. Formerly the balancing characteristic potential between day and night as well between winter and summer was often presented as important climate factor. Currently climate scientists seem to have forgotten this knowledge so that the term is not used any more. This is another issue which shows the decline of physics as natural science like it is the case for the forgotten reality of absorption and other climate factors.

C8.5 The Support for balanced Climate by Wind

By exchange of infrared photons air adjusts its temperature to the earth ground. An increase of temperature decreases the density of air. This is explained by increased kinetic energy of omnipresent photons so that by collisions of omnipresent photons to air molecules the kinetic energy is transferred to kinetic energy of air molecules.

By the density difference wind is generated which moves from high density to low density. This is also the movement of cold air to direction of warm air, which causes the reduction of temperature differences.

C8.5.1 Why do gases with higher Energy require more Space?

The higher kinetic energy “pushes” neighbored molecules away. As it is the case for omnipresent photons, also molecules in gases and liquids do random movements to various directions by bonding & decay reactions.

Binding & decay reactions are the explanations for the fact that by this there is no consumption of energy. Usual deflections to other moving directions are acceleration which requires energy. The statement that this observation refers to elastic collisions is no explanation, it is just a made up term. “Binding & decay reaction” is a term which includes the explanation: Binding and decay are reverse reactions and reverse reactions consume same amount of energy than these generate, which can be explained by Weltformel. This is again an example which differentiates between scientific and pseudo-scientific statements.

C8.6 Error of Climate Warming by Albedo-Effekt

C8.6.1 The Antiscience of Heat Reflection by Ice and Snow

Another severe unreal statement of physicists is, that by melting of ice and snow on poles a self – reinforcing of the global warming occurs. This is explained by a strong refection potential of 90% by areas which are covered by ice and snow. By melting of ice and snow the reflection areas convert to areas which are heated by absorption. so that the warming of earth occur even quicker.

Meanwhile all physicists should have got knowledge of the experimental verified reality:
90% of infrared photons (heat) are not reflected by ice and snow, but absorbed. The rest of 10% are absorbed by air and omnipresent photons in near surrounding. Thus no heat from sun get lost by ice and snow. The historic thinking that IR-photons behave like visible photons is obsolete.

Already by logical thinking scientists should be sure that nature has not created any life- critical self-accelerating reaction. Otherwise there would be no life on earth. There have been lots of warm -age periods on earth.

Relevant reflection of heat is exclusively possible by blank metal, which can be explained by the surface structure, which does not consists of bound photon- chains.


C8.6.2 The Explanation of Reflection

Infrared-photons can only be reflected, when there are no bonding positions for infrared photons on surfaces of objects, otherwise these are absorbed (=bonded). Nearly all natural objects have these bonding positions because on all atomic nuclei are bound photon-chains on which additional photons can be bound or photons can be replaced.

Only blank metals, which have on surface extremely ordered atoms bonded by photons which are positioned in a perfect plain structure have no bonding positions rectangular to surface and reflect infrared -photons. An example of such a metal is non-magnetic steel.

C8.6.3 Absorption of photons to strong “ropes” of photon-chains.

An example for a metal, that does not reflect heat, is magnetic iron. The origin of magnetism is that there are lots of bonding positions to photons on one side of a body. On these bonding positions omnipresent photons bind to extremely strong and long ropes of parallel photon-chains. Such photon- structures are called magnetic fields. The parallel attached photon chains are called magnetic field lines and can be made visible by iron files which are bound in between these magnetic lines.

This is an example that everything in universe consists out of matter with a 3-dimensional structure(See SURe-New Physics Vol. M = MAGNETISM).

C8.6.4 Why do only IR-Photons and no other Photons generate Heat?

Heat is generated by emissions of IR-photons. Emissions of IR-photons occur nearly always subsequent to absorption of IR-photons.

The only found mechanismus, which is conform to all observations is following: * Photons with higher kinetic energies than IR-photons penetrate through bound photons, which have just two bondings to other photons, while these are stopped and absorbed by photons with 3 bondings to other photons.

* By this a part of a photon chain is emitted but no single photons.

*The broken photon-chains are regenerated again by absorption of omnipresent photons.

As their might be other possibilities, above statements have still to be called theory, which is at least near to reality when it is no reality.

C8.7 Not yet realized: The Climate Stabilization by Ice and Snow

Besides the Outgasing of CO2 by sea water there is another important stabilization factor against climate changes. These are the huge masses of ice on poles of earth. Every physical scientist know that high amounts of heat are consumed by melting of ice and high amounts of heat are generated by freezing of water. The ice on poles are already essential to moderate the temperatures between summer and winter.

Currently the increase of global temperature wouls be nucg stronger without the melting of ice on the poles.

Ice and snow have a very effective slowdown potential of climate changes even of daily or weekly changes of temperature.


C8.8 The underated general Climate Stabilization by latent Heat


C8.8.1 The Definition of latent Heat

* Latent heat refers to “non-thermal” reactions of infrared photons by which heat is generated or consumed.

* Thermal reactions of IR-photons are called reactions, which occur on photon chains. By this a bonding (absorption) is mostly directly by an emission of an IR-photon. Thus after consumption of heat, heat is generated.

* Non-thermal is a term used by SURe- New Physics for reactions with IR-photons, which do not fulfil the definition of thermal reactions, particular that there is no direct reverse reactions.

* Latent refer to non-thernal reactions by mutual intermolecular reactions like phase transitions.

C8.8.2 Currently latent Heat is not understood

Definition in Wikipeadia:

Latent heat can be understood as hidden energy which is supplied or extracted to change the state of a substance without changing its temperature or pressure”.

Nothing in this sentence can be understood. What is hidden energy? Why energy is used and not heat? How can energy be extracted or supplied? Who or what extracts or supplies energy? What means “change the state of a substance? Why is the temperature or pressure not changed?

Another description is: In contrast to latent heat, sensible heat is energy transferred as heat, with a resultant temperature change in a body.”

Normally every transfer of heat changes the heat of a body. Why does this only occur by sensible heat?

Correct is following statement about melting and evaporation:

In both cases the change is endothermic, meaning that the system absorbs energy.

This again shows that physicists well know that absorption refers to consumption or elimination of heat or energy.

It is rather unscientific to change just for climate-change the meaning of absorption of heat to generation of heat.


C8.8.3 Scientific Definition of latent Heat by SURe – New Physics

Latent Heat refers to all reactions of omnipresent or other IR-photons photons

with atomic matter, by which the concentration of inter-molecular or inter-atomic bondings changes.

When the density of inter-molecular bondings decreases (particular evaporation, melting, sublimation), heat is consumed (=IR-photons are absorbed).

When the density of inter-molecular bondings increases (particular freezing, condensation and resublimation), heat is generated (= IR-photons are emitted).

Reactions by which latent heat is generated or consumed are mainly the reactions from one major aggregate state of atomic matter to the other which means between gaseous, fluid and solid phase.

It is not required that the state change has to occur by same temperature, although this is often the case. But physicists should know that for example freezing can also cause temperature increase when water is super-cooled.

C8.8.4 The scientific Explanation of Heat reactions by latent Heat

Well known in physics is that the density of molecular bondings generally increase by decreasing temperature, which means from gas over liquid to solid.

Completely unknown is that all bondings in universe refer to the same phenomenon: the partly superposition of volumes of electrons and that electrons are equivalent to spin energies.

The reaction-mechanism of latent heat is:

A) Melting, evaporation and sublimation:

* By increasing temperature omnipresent IR-photons get higher kinetic energies.

* At specific temperatures these have sufficient energy to activate the breaking of a molecule- molecule bonding and to replace the bound molecule by a bound photon.

* As omnipresent photons with high kinetic energy are consumed, heat is consumed.

B) Freezing, condensing, re-sublimation:

* By decreasing temperature molecules get lower vibration energies. Thus the increasing vibration by new generated molecule-molecule bonding is low enough to remain stable.

* Thus a bound IR-photon is replaced by a inter-molecular bonding.

* As omnipresent photons with same or higher kinetic energy than surrounding omnipresent photons are generated, heat is stabilized or increases.


C8.8.5 Why is latent Heat a strong factor for Climate stabilization?

This has already been explained for melting and freezing of ice in chapter C8.7 Here it is explained by evaporation or sublimation and condensation or resublimation:

* Generated heat by sunshine is consumed by evaporation or sublimation. By this the temperature on earth surface does not increase so much as it would occur without evaporation. It can be estimated that the evaporation of moisture on earth cause a cooling by several degrees.

* The gases move to higher altitudes of atmosphere. As there are colder temperatures these condense by which heat is generated.

* The heat, which is generated in the weather region of the atmosphere does not have any significance to the temperature on earth surface. It might just cause that a very cold region upper atmosphere gets a bit less cold. Again the dominant effect is the cold flow from space. Which is very constant.

* On the other side the condensation to mist and clouds results to one of the strongest cooling effect of earth climate by heat absorption in atmosphere and the corresponding reduction of heat generation on earth surface.

Thus latent heat of water evaporation has a double effect on cooling of weather and climate of earth:

* heat consumption by evaporation of water and

* heat consumption by heat absorption in atmosphere by condensed water (mist, clouds).

By cooler weather or climate evaporation of water is strongly reduced. Thus the cooling by latent heat is much less significant.

According to the published data for the energy balance of earth about 50% of received heat from sun on earth surface is eliminated by latent heat.

C8.9 The strong climate factor of Rain Forest

Rain Forests are impressive demonstration that the nature has an immense benefit by global warming. Without mankind all regions with high heat received from sun would be rain forests, which means deserts would not exist. Deserts are nearly 100% man made by the felling of large areas of rain forests.

The generation of rain forests is relative simple but takes a long time, while deserts can be generated very quickly.

The steps for generation of rain forests is following:

* By high heat from sun the oceans are warmer which increases the evaporation of water out of oceans which first is concentrated on areas near oceans.

* The high evaporation potential of water by forests parallel to high water storage potential of earth ground in forests cause a slow expansion of areas covered by rain forests.

* Thus rain forest generate their own rain and reduce strongly temperatures. There is no need any more of water surfaces which have to be used for evaporation.

* Another positive effect of rain forests are that the differences between water area and land areas get smaller so that there are less hurricanes.

Overall the reforestation of rain forests is the only action mankind can do against the climate warming.




C8.7 The Important Climate Stabilization by latent Heat

C8.7.1 Currently latent heat is not understood (copy)

Another strong stabilization of climate is evaporation of water. By high water temperature the amounts of water which evaporates from sea water increases. This has two effects:

* A stronger absorption potential of the atmosphere (cooling effect) , because molecules in the atmosphere increase.

* A stronger cooling effect by consumption of heat by evaporation.

Many people are not aware that snow has a stronger cooling effect by evaporation, called by solids sublimation, as sublimation combines heat of melting and heat of evaporation. In addition the hat directly increases the air temperature on earth ground. All heat generations and consumption by phase transitions are called latent heat.

Without the heat consumption by melting of the huge amounts of ice, the current global warming would be much faster and stronger.

Why do physicist ignore the observed reality and believe in statements which are refuted by unambiguous observations. That is according to scientists antiscience.

It has to be mentioned again:

There is not any self-reinforcing effect on earth, which is significant for mankind. The nature has been created in a way that there are many compensatory effects in favor of mankind and all other nature.

This is also true for the current CO2 increase. how impotatntare watercause potential is the heat capacity, zhdas a By absorption on the ground

delay of cold flow






C7.6.3 Extremely important slow Propagation of omnipresent Photons

The earth and all other celestial bodies from moons to black holes emit more omnipresent photons than these absorb. Thus the emitted omnipresent photons do a slow movement away from earth. In all these celestial bodies except black holes the reaction for generation of omnipresent photons are nuclear fusions.

By this a stable concentration-gradient of omnipresent photons is generated around the celestial bodies.

The concentration gradient of omnipresent photons is the requirement for celestial bodies to exert gravitation.

The scientific Explanation of constant Velocity of Photons

It is well known that radiating photons do stable propagation velocities

But omnipresent photons have a significant effect on propagation velocity of radiating photons or other particles. The penetration needs additional time which reduces the speed of radiating photons. The speed reduction is proportional to the increasing kinetic energy of colliding photons. (For the last statement there are no observations, so it is still theory, which needs further research). But this is momentarily the only explanation for the observation that there is no change of propagation velocity by change of kinetic energy.

Like all particles in universe also omnipresent photons have at each time a specifc observable position and a specific observable relative kinetic energy.

* Biological sensor for heat are detectors (nerves) in our skin.

* Requirement for the radiation of infrared photons is that these and omnipresent photons penetrate each other. This is the case when there is an adequate difference of kinetic energies of infrared-photons.

* When the difference is not adequate the infrared photons collide and do binding&decay reactions.

* Binding& decay reactions is the explanation why omnipresent photons do random movements.

Comment: Also the random movements of gas molecules are based on binding&decay reactions.

* By the binding of two photons their vibrations are averaged.

* By the subsequent emission, which is in case of a bound dimer-particle a split or decay the two built separate omnipresent photons have same kinetic energies. This rule is also called quantum entanglement.

The mechanism above explains why heat differences are equalized, when no permanent generation or consumption occurs.

When there are two heat reservoirs in which nearly have stable temperatures, the omnipresent photons have inbeween the two resevoirs a stable temperature gradient from cold to warm heat reservoir.

* Overall there is no directed movement of omnipresent photons from cold to warm reservoir. Only the heat is transferred from one to the other photon and averaged. Averaging means that high heat flows to low heat, but at the same time cold heat flows to the warm heat.

* Concerning atmosphere the cold reservoir (space) is much bigger than the warm reservoir. By this the transfer of cold heat to earth is much larger than the transfer of warm heat to space.

* All heat transfers refer to absorption followed by an emission of infrared-photons.


C6.3 Error and Reality of thermal Radiation

As already mentioned in previous chapter thermal radiation is no transfer of heat from one position to the other. Thermal radiation refers to emitted infrared photons which do not meet the requirement for heat: random movements by collisions. Such photons are no heat, but generate heat, when these are absorbed.

Example: In the surroundings of sun the temperature is just 3 Kelvin.

It is not easy to measure the temperature near sun, because atomic devices mostly absorb radiated infrared photons, by which heat (=omnipresent photons) is generated. But later it is shown that heating of atomic matter near sun can be avoided by an adequate shielding (by absorption) of thermal radiation.

C6.2 Definition of Heat Flow


C 6.2.2 Basic issues of heat Flow

Heat flow is the usual real heat transfer between objects.

As heat flow is the most common heat transfer it will be handled in detail in C7. The misunderstanding of heat flow is the main cause for the wrong theory of greenhouse effect.

In current physics there is not only the physical impossible statement that heat is radiated from sun to earth (explained in previous chapter C6.3, but there is also the physical impossible statement that heat is radiated from earth surface to space. The second error refers to the fact that the transport of heat to space is correct, but this is not done by radiated photons but by the random movements and reactions of omnipresent photons. The difference is that the earth does not emit high energetic photons, which can penetrate through omnipresent photons. Thus the emitted photons do just Brownian movements all the way to space, which is caused by permanent collisions. By this a heat transfer occurs, which is completely different than assumed.

C6.4.2 The Mechanism of Heat Flow

Heat flow is based on reactions of omnipresent photons which results to transfers of energy between photons by which the energies of interacting omnipresent photons are averaged. The reaction mechanism is following:

* A photon binds to an other photon. This is the case by most collisions as each photon has three symmetric bonding positions. By a mutual bonding a Di-photon is generated.

* A binding is always followed by an adjustment to equal vibration energies.

* By an additional collisions the diphoton mostly decays again to two photons.

* The overall effect is that two photons with different kinetic energies become photons with same kinetic energies.


C6.4.3 Heat Flow explains many Physical Rules and Observations

The mechanism of heat flow explains following physical rules and observations:

* The second law of thermodynamics: heat always flows from a source heat generation to lower heat, which is at the end the space.

* Heat flow is not only a flow from high heat to low heat but at the same time a flow of low heat to high heat.

* the reservoir of low-heat photons (=space) is much larger than any source of heat generation, so this is the determining factor.

* As in the atmosphere there is no relevant heat source, there is nearly constant heat flow (=temperature gradient) between earth ground ans space.

* Heat flow can be slowed down but never stopped.

* A permanent heat flow is only possible when there is a source of permanent heat generation.


C6.4.4 Combination of Heat Flow with other Heat Transfers

The combination with heat conductivity is explained in chapter of heat conductivity (next chapter).

Usually there is also a combination with heat radiation: Often an emission of generated photons starts with radiation, because there is sufficiently high difference of kinetic energies, but when the absorbing matter is not far away from source of heat generation, the kinetic energies of omnipresent photons between source and absorbing matter increase which can result that the radiation changes to a heat flow.

This process is strongly supported by air molecules, which also increase the heat between emitter and a solid absorber of heat.

C7.9 Wrong Formula for radiated Heat by Earth


C7.9.1 Result of Unscientific Experimentation: Stefan-Boltzmann Rule

1879 J. Stefan did experimental tests by measuring the flux of radiation of metallic samples at different temperatures. He was not aware of the fact that the measured heat radiation goes to zero by reducing the temperature of the emitted device to the temperature of the detector. Thus the measured correlation to the temperature of the emitter does not make sense.

In addition in order to measure the flux of radiation energy the temperature increase by time has to be measured. For many detectors this is not the case.

When someone would have done scientific research, he would have done the measurements by different temperatures of surroundings, different gases in the surrounding, different masses of samples, different radiation sensors and different ranges of temperatures. By this he would have got the knowledge that there are totally different correlations. By the limited measurements Stefan found a correlation to the 4th power of the emission temperature. This correlation just suits to a single condition, but is not generally valid. A generally valid formula would require to cool the detector to zero temperature.

It might also be possible to get a meaningful correlation by measuring the radiated flux against a temperature difference.


C7.9.3 Absurd Data of Heat Radiation of Earth

By using the fake formula for calculations the physically impossible results should have been recognized to be wrong. Particular this is the case for the calculated value of radiation from earth, which is used to manipulate the general public to believe in the absurd green-house theory in form of a heat balance of earth. According to this value the earth radiates more than two times more heat to space than heat is received from sun. Reliable measurements of relative radiation intensities of heat can be done be our skin. Thus we should feel much more heat from earth than from sun.

How can scientist present these absurd data in physics book which are used for teaching? This is the summit of outrages antiscience.

C7.9.4 The reality of Measurements of Heat Flow

Measurements of heat flow can only be done relative by using a standard procedure, so that identical conditions are compared. Heat flow depends on material. Heat flow has already been measured by specific conductivity.

Heat flow shows in principle same dependency to temperature than thermal radiation, except that it is slower. Heat flow verifies that the heat transfer from emitter to absorbent depends on temperature difference, and that the flow is zero when there is no temperature difference.


C4.3.2 Basic Knowledge about Reality of thermal Absorption

Already Kirchhoff and Max Planck have defined the physical rules which describe above experience:

* In equilibrium the absorbed thermic radiation is identical to the emitted thermic radiation.

* Every atomic matter absorbs and emits thermal radiation.

* The thermal absorption and Emission depends exclusively on temperature.

This means that that thermal absorption it is quasi independent from atomic matter.

from heat to This agrees to the btheory that heat refers to the average kinetic energy of omnipresent infrared-photons.

(=kinetic ener physically impossiblr theories up approaching that after to spacecontinously reducing temperature with altheir earlier measurents of continouslLater when there is no that heat should always flow to the coldest temperature , which is space2 according to the seconnd law of greenhouse gasabsorbed heat emitted by earth is radiated back by “greenh re was a clear theory of back radiation, which has been the fundamental argument for the greenhouse theory. It seems that physicist have realized that back radiation is complete nondense. d have realized that they have was the major argu The theory stated that heat radiation from earth to atmosphere is absorbed by greenhouse gases and radiated back to earth. This has been the major argument for climate heating by grradiated back by greenhouse gases As back radiation was called back Radiation, which stated that heat is mean that heat, which is radiated from earth surface to is radiated




C2.5 Verification of Cold Radiation



C2.2 Examples for Eliminations of Particles by Absorption

C2.2.1 Absorption of toxic particles

A gas mask uses a filter on which toxic compounds are absorbed (=bound) and thus eliminated. Such filters are also used to eliminate hazardous particles in industrial exhausts.

C2.2.2 Absorption of the hazardous UV-C photons from radiation of sun

High energetic UV photons (= UV-C- photons) are the most hazardoes photons emitted by sun. If these would not be nearly completely absorbed in atmosphere, the skin of living beeings would be damaged with a high potential for getting cancer. Most leaves of trees and plants would be destroyed. UV-C photons are absorbed by oxygen and ozone molecules. By the bonding a UV-C photon an O=O bonding is broken.

A reaction by which a photon is bonded by breaking an atomic bonding is called photolysis.

C2.2.3 Absorption of the hazardous X-ray photons from Radiation of Sun

Hazardous X-ray photons have sufficient energy to activate photolysis of nitrogen molecules. When these would not be nearly completely be eliminate these would als destroy the important nitrogen compounds in living beings. The remaining X-ray photons with other kinetic energies are not so critical for living beings.

C2.2.4 Absorption of Heat by photolysis of bound CO2- molecules

All molecules do inter-molecular bondings particular in the colder regions of atmosphere. Molecules, which strongly prefer such inter-molecular bondings are CO2 and H2O. The breaking of these bondings need no strong activation energy. Therefore for photolysis already IR-photons (heat) are suitable.

It is well known that by increasing temperature of oceans very high amounts of CO2 are outgased out of the ocean, which strongly increase inter-molecular CO2- bondings and by this the elimination of heat in atmosphere. This is done exactly when it is needed: In order to reduce the speed of global warming.

C2.2.5 The unbelievable Luck of Mankind

An unbelievable luck of mankind is that scientist have not discovered many decades before, how the sun generates its high amounts of heat. Otherwise they would not have build power plants with ineffective and problematic burning of fossile fuels. Also power plants ny radioactive decays are very ineffective and problematic. Thus normally the time span for global warming would have been much tighter. Later it is presented that another issue would have been much more catastrophic than the global warming.

My personal thinking is that all the things in universe are exactly aimed at humam beings so that this can’t just be by luck, but exclusively by a supernatural force, what ever this is called.



C2.3 The Error of Thermal Absorption and Emission


C2.3.1 The Difference between photolytic and thermal Absorption

Thermal absorption and emission refers to building and breaking of bondings of IR-photons on atomic photon chains. These photon chains are „automatically“ generated by binding of omnipresent photons on atomic nuclei. Pure atomic nuclei without photon chains are called plasma. These can only survive by high kinetic energy.

When the kinetic energy of plasma is reduced, it is converted by bondings to omnipresent photons to usual atomic gas.

By a temperature equilibrium thermal absorption is equilibrium with thermal emission. Thus the major difference of thermal absorption compared to photolytic absorption is that also emissions of infrared photons occur. This is not the case for photolytic ansorption.

Over all this results to following rules for absorption and emission:

* The usual spectroscopic infra-red spectra show IR-photons which are completely eliminated which means a complete loss of heat.

* By the usually not measured thermal absorption the corresponding heat losses are reduced by parallel emissions of IR-photons.

C2.3.3 Why are there still Heat Losses by thermal Absorption?

The Heat losses of thermal emissions refer mainly to the heat losses for the earth. One reason for the loss is following:

* While IR photons are absorbed which are directed to the earth surface, the subsequent thermal emissions occur to all directions. Thus there is a heat loss of more than 50% for the earth surface.

The various emission directions of IR-photons prove of the existence of photon chains, because by the circled structure of photon chains, the bondings of photons are directed to all various directions. Normally emissions of particles occur to specific directions.

The various emission directions of IR-photons prove also the two step mechanism of bonding & decay, declared by SURe – New Physics: Absorption can occur at a different position than emission. When it is at the same position it is an axchange of particles at that position. After bonding first an avering of vibration energies occurs, which mostly results to too high vibrations and finally the emission.

C2.3.3 Other Heat Losses by thermal Absorptions and Emissions

Another cause for heat losses in atmosphere is following:

* Thermal absorption and emission in atmosphere do not occur under equilibrium conditions. The IR- photons from the sun have much more kinetic energy than the bound IR - photons of absorbing molecules.

Thermodynamic rules:

At thermal equilibrium the kinetic energy of an emitted photon is identical to the average kinetic energy of the surrounding omnipresent photons.

When the emitted photon is absorbed by a molecule with is located at a higher temperature (like earth surface) the radiation cools the absorbing molecule, which means cools the surrounding omnipresent photons.

Important conclusion:

Radiated photons from atmosphere to warmer earth surface cause cooling of earth surface.



C4.3.4: The Blatant Error that emitted photons do always Warming


Current explanation of cooling is another example that that there is nearly no knowledge of thermodynamics which would be necessary to explain climate.

Currently it is stated that cooling of a body occurs when a body emits infrared-photons (=heat).

The reality is that it is physically impossible for a body that it radiates IR-photons which do not refer to the actual kinetic energy of the body. A body cannot decide if it shall get warmer or cooler by its radiation. If a body gets warmer or cooler is exclusively determined by the absorbed heat and not by the emitted heat.

The physical rules are:

* When a body absorbs IR-photons which have more kinetic energy than the omnipresent photons of surroundings then the temperature rises.

* When a body absorbs IR-photons which have less kinetic energy than the omnipresent photons of surroundings then the temperature is reduced.

C4.3.5 The Refutation of CO2 causing global Warming


By the rules of thermodynamics an important argument for the current theory of greenhouse effect is refuted. Thus the only argumentation for the statement that increase of CO2 has caused the climate change turns to the opposite: each additional molecule of CO2 contributes to the reduction of climate warming by ansorption with subsequent emission oc cooling back radiation.

Thus also CO2 follows the rules of radiation of Kirchhoff and Max Planck:

The emission of any atomic matter is determined by the temperature of atomic matter.

This rule is based on observations of physicists, the heating of earth by back radiation of CO2 is based on pure science fiction.

C4.3.6 Also Temperatures of Atmosphere are based on Science Fiction

Concerning above rule it has to be mentioned that all stated temperatues of atmosphere above troposphere are wrong.

The well calibrated measurements of the temperature of atmosphere were stopped above troposphere without a reason. Above trposphere these were eithe not calibrated or calibrated by fictive temperaures, which are extremely far away from real temperature measurments. This was done although real measurements by contact thermometers van be done at all locations of the universe, which means also in space or vacuum on earth.

The well known rule of thermodynamis by observation is that the temperature in between a warm reservoir (earth surface, about 15°C) and a cold reservouir (space, about -270 °C ) sows a nearly linear gradient.

The major heat transfer goes from space to earth by cold photons and nearly no transfer from earth to space by warm photons.

C6 Error and Reality about Absorption Potential of CO2

C6.1 The Science-Fiction of the Super- Absorption Power of CO2


Unfortunately the reality is, that CO2 has no super-absorption potential. This finding has already been observed by Max Planck and other physicists, who set up the rule that each atomic matter has same absorption potential which just depends on temperature. In total opposition to Planck is the current fictive theory that CO2 has a 2500 times stronger potential of thermal absorption than the sum of other gases in atmosphere. If this never observed and physically impossible theory would be reality nankind could have stopped global warming within a relative short time by burning fossil fuels. If this would be reality mankind would have full control over the climate on earth just by the variation of CO2 in the atmosphere.

C6.2 Absorption of CO2 is proportional to its Concentration

Experts of spectroscopy know by mathematics and by quantitative measurements that by a low concentration of 0.04 % in atmosphere the absorption of CO2 is is nearly proportional to the concentration. This means that any effect by absorption would have changed in the last 100 years by nearly 50% as the concentration has increased by nearly 50%. By this the temperature should have changed much stronger than the 2 degrees.

When it is assumed that heat is propotional to the unit scale of Kelvin, there change of the fictive super-absorption would cause an increased temperature of about 150 Kelvin! Thus the existence of a super-absorption which affects temperature to a physically impossible direction (warmer) can be excluded.

The real absorption effect is according to Max Planck the increase of mass concentration of CO2 in atmosphere by about 0,02 % which refers to about 6 Kelvin, which is much more reliable.

Overall this would mean that without the cooling effect of the increased CO2 the current average temperature would be about 6 degrees warmer.


C6.3 Thermodynamic properties should Absorption of CO2 is proportional to its Concentration

When current theory about the super- absorption would be reality this would also be shown by extremely extraordinaire thermodynamic parameters particular concerning specific heat conductivity and speciic heat capacity, which both correlate well to thermal absorption.

The reality is that only the cooling potential by absorption by photolysis is provides a significant cooling effect on climate, but not the thermal absorption.


This means already by historic physical rules based on reliable observations there is no indication that CO2 has a stronger absorption potential than other gases in atmosphere like O2 and N2.


C6.3.3 The Requirements of Experience about IR Spectroscopy

It seems that only few scientists are aware that the measured IR spectra do not refer to thermal absorption or thermal emission. As theses provide no useful information these are canceled out by a parallel reference measurement. So the presented absorption bands have nothing to do with heat. These exclusively refer to reactions by phtoloysis. The question is, why experts of spectroscopy do not critize this error. Physicists should be aware of the rules for thermal absorption and emission by Kirchhoff and Planck which clearly state that these are the same for all atomic matter and depend exclusively on temperature.

Thermal absorption and emission is not useful to be measured as these are not specific for a substance. All spectra show the broad band of thermal absorption or thermal emission. These broad band can exclusively be explained by the emissions from photon chains

C6.3.4 The Verifications of Photon Chains

Only photon chains provide such a high number of photons with a broad variety of kinetic energies. Most wrong statements concerning absorption are a result of missing knowledge and missing experience about the definition of absorption and how it is measured in detail.

An important fact is that a meaningful measurement of absorption is always done relative to a reference sample, particular for infrared absorption. The reason is simple: As every matter has a broad band of thermal IR- absorption, it is not useful to measure the thermal IR – absorption, because it is not specific for a sample so that you can get no knowledge about the sample.

C2.3.5 Experimental Verification of historic Knowledge


When you measure the thermal absorption CO2, O2, N2 and other gases under vacuum, which means vacuum as reference, you get for all samples a broad absorption band without significant differences.

C2.3 The Definition of Absorption and Emission

Overall there are following definitions:

Absorption of a particle like photon is equivalent to the binding of a particle.

Emission of a particle like photon is equivalent to a split off of a particle.

Absorption or consumption of heat refers to binding of Infrared-photons.

Emission or generation of heat refers to split off of infrared-photons.


C2.4 The Difference between thermic Absorption and Emission Spectra

There are following rules when there are different kinetic energies or temperatures between absorbed IR-photons and absorbing sample:

When the temperature of the sample is lower than the temperature of IR-photons then the absorption of the IR- photons result to a temperature increase until there is an equilibrium. Before equilibrium the emitted photons have less kinetic energies than the absorbed infrared photons.

When the temperature of the sample is higher than the kinetic energy of IR-photons then the absorption of the IR- photons result to a temperature decrease until there is an equilibrium. Before equilibrium the emitted photons have higher kinetic energies than the absorbed infrared photons.

Important Conclusion: The emitted thermic infrared photons in the cold atmosphere have much less kinetic energy than the absorbed ones.


C1.2 The Benefit of global Warming

It is well known that in the periods of high temperature the population of mankind is strongly increasing. This is also observed in current warm period. It is also well known that the plant growth is nearly proportional to the CO2 concentration in atmosphere. If CO2 would not have increased by nearly 50%, there would have not occurred an increase a plant growth by arly the same order. This is clearly observed by all people who worked in their garden since 50 years, particular by cutting hedges. Crop situation is even at the present time rather critical. Without the man-made CO2 increase there would be severe famine catastrophes. Fertilizers would not help, because plant grows is limited by CO2 concentration. In order to meet the need for food, currently large areas of wood are converted to farmland, which has an extreme warming and dryness effect on climate because of the missing evaporation of water.

By the strongly reduced crop yields, the costs for food including meat will increase dramatically. Thus the percentage of people on earth which have to live clearly below the poverty line would have been probably multiplied. All people would have severe disadvantages. Also wildlife would have suffered from reduced plant growth and many animal species would have become extinct.

C1.3 The Wonder of late Detection of the „Weltformel“



Overall for me it is a great wonder that the Weltformel was not detected earlier, as the detection of the physical reality under normal conditions already would have been achieved by scientists before 1940, because it is very logical. By this energy would have been generated analog to sun without CO2 generation. The expensive and ineffective generation of energy by burning of fossils would never have been done.

I myself think that the non-detection of the Weltformel until now has such an extreme low probability that it can only be explained by the theory that this has been steered by a supernatural force, which I call god. In addition I have the theory about a friendly god, who prevents by this action that mankind experience all the catastrophic effects, which would have occurred without the increased CO2 concentration: significantly higher temperatures and severe famines.

C1.4 We have to stop “Digging our own Grave”

We have urgently to stop actions against mankind and nature by reducing CO2. Now we have got for the first time in history of science and mankind by the discloser of the “Weltformel” to get knowledge about the fundamental laws of nature which rules our universe in a way that these rules are extremely friendly for mankind. There is not any “run-away-effect” in nature, so that living beings are threatened to be completely eliminated. The CO2 increase by out- gassing from oceans and of frozen land. Later it is shown that also the melting and freezing of ice has an extreme important effect of slowing down the climate changes. The statement that the universe has been created with run-away effects is no reality and by this an affront against the “creator”.

Now the time has come that the knowledge of the real laws of nature has more advantages than disadvantages. Now we can use these to the developments of an incredible number of new technologies like extreme cheap and effective heat generation analog to sun. By the knowledge of the real cause for climate warming (separate chapter) further global warming will slow down. The climate will be stabilized by natural out- gassing of CO2 out of oceans.

We now urgently have to stop actions to reduce CO2. This would be the correct action to prevent the catastrophe which people want to prevent.

When I would not warn people to further do actions to reduce CO2, I would feel extreme guilty to commit a severe crime. Every scientists who reads this volume of SURe-New Physics gets aware of the physical reality of climate change and gets aware that he would commit a crime against mankind and against science by continuing actions in order to reduce CO2. It has to be considered that this is a heavy crime which causes the deaths of many people and an incredible damage to all living beings. By the knowledge of the Weltformel and understanding of basic physics it will get a conscious crime, before it was an unconscious crime.

C1.6 Former Knowledge of Climate was replaced by Antiscience

Before the made up physically impossible theory of global warming by the assumed greenhouse effect, the statements about climate were based on observations, which resulted to a very good and real understanding of climate, including the irrevocable observation that molecules in atmosphere cause cooling of climate by absorption of heat from sun. Making statements against reliable observations is the generally accepted definition of antiscience. Current physics does not care any more about unbiased experimental and natural observations, which have already recognized to be the basis of physical research since the 17th century and which has been documented as “scientific method”. I was shocked, when I recently became aware, that the “Scientific method” according to Wikipedia was revised by a text which widely opens the possibilities for verification of theories by interpretations and cyclic fallacies.

Lots of simple experimental tests concerning climate are possible and would have clearly verified former findings. Currently research institutions of physics have to publish as many theories as possible to get optimal chances to be funded. Thus there is no interest of testing reality. Corrections of accepted theories are quasi not allowed and have no chance to be published.

Instead of time consuming physical research to get scientific explanations and definitions, research has been done to make up theories with very high complexity, so that these appear to be scientific despite being far away from physical reality. It was too late to publish scientific explanations because many physically impossible theories were already accepted as reality, so that new findings of reality would contradict former theories. By this physicists had no other possibility than to work out additional physical impossible theories to “save” accepted physically impossible theories. The main rule for physical research is to do everything to manipulate the general public to believe that their magic illogical theories are reality to avoid any corrections and revisions of wrong statements.

The ignoring of former knowledge of climate was allowed, because ignoring is not noticed by general public.

Formerly observed statements about real climate influencing factors, which I got aware as school pupil were

* The earth atmosphere causes cooling by absorption of heat from sun.

* The sea water causes warming at nighttime by stored absorbed heat from sun at daytime.

* Explanation and verification of above statements by properties which are based on real measurements like

- real temperatures in atmosphere (currently all temperatures in higher atmosphere are wrongly measured)

- real measurements of heat absorption

- real specific heat capacities

- real specific heat conductivity of gases in atmosphere

The detailed explanations will be shown in later chapters.


C1.6 The Climate Change has been misused by Media for Profit

Natural scientist did lots of outstanding research, by which they got the reliable knowledge that there were extreme strong climate changes in the last 400,000 years with temperature changes up to 9 degrees C. It is clearly seen that the observed change of about 2 degrees on earth is in the normal range. Overall it would be strange and an issue to report, when since over 150 years currently there would be no climate change. Current climate change can be mentioned but would be no issue for long discussions and not at all a catastrophic situation. The alternative, which would have a much higher probability are several degrees lower average temperatures which would really be near to a “catastrophic” situation.

It is very unlikely that a scientist did the first statement of a climate catastrophe, which is definitely caused by CO2 increase. Each scientist knows that scientific statements should not be based on correlations, but that a correlation is an issue for detailed research. But this has never been done. The media do not want to wait for checking the cause and made a catastrophic reality out of a vague guess. It is like to hang up a suspect without any evidence.

Media only survive by reporting catastrophes. No one is interested in normality. So media converted the natural “positive” climate change to a catastrophe. But not only media have advantages:

* Generally life becomes more interesting. By converting normality to dangerous situations people have something important to communicate and discuss and can do common actions, by which they experience a feeling of satisfaction.

* Scientists do not tell the truth because they are aware that people would not like that. By the commitment to fight against the chosen evel they can strongly improve their reputation and respect concerning their job and in addition get many new tasks.

* Politicians can do “valuable” decisions to protect people from the apparent catastrophe and also get increased attention and appreciation.

C1.7 The real Catastrophe: Climate Research

Physicists and particular chemists should have communicated that there are much more indications against CO2 causing global warming than causing it. They should have explained that it is essential to do scientific research to find out the real cause for climate changes.

Physicists already got the reliable knowledge of two main issues which influence the heat input of sun to the earth surface, and by this the explanations for the temperature differences between morning or evening and noon:

1. The inclination angle of propagating photons from sun to earth surface

2. The propagation distance of photons through atmosphere.

Typical is that today the root cause for explanation 2 is not mentioned any more since the theory of greenhouse effect was made up: The reduction of heat by distance of propagation through atmosphere is caused by the absorption of IR photons from sun by gas molecules in atmosphere. Physicists avoided an explanation of this phenomenon because it would uncover the blatant error of greenhouse effect.

It would be extremely unscientific and an act of gross negligence if physicists did not have checked, which of both effects is stronger. The missing publication of this crucial knowledge is a clear indication that the effect of heat reduction (cooling) by absorption is much stronger than the heat reduction by inclination angle of sun-beams.

The comparison test is extremely simple because the angle effect can be eliminated by a heat detector which is do the measurements rectangular to sun.

Everybody can do this testing by using his face or a burning glass as heat sensor, (photo-diodes are no heat sensors). Thus everybody can easily get the knowledge that the cooling effect by atmospheric absorption is much stronger than the cooling by inclination angle.

Real” spectroscopic measurements clearly show that all gases in atmosphere have nearly same absorption potential for thermal radiation. This explains why in usual absorption measurements for identification of gases the thermal absorption has to be eliminated by air as a reference measurement. Why do experts of spectroscopy don’t mention this important fact?

Physicists have calculated that if there would only be the angle effect, the temperatures at poles during polar summer have to be significant higher than on equator because of the longer time period of sun shine. Why did I get aware of this valuable information just accidentally?

But there are dozens of other proofs, that absorption of gas molecules is the main cause for preventing high heat. For example the surface of the moon is quickly heated up over 100 degrees C shortly after the sun rises.

Overall by simple research physicists should have got following unambiguous reality:

Any increase of the number of molecules between sun and earth will reduce temperature on earth by absorption of heat.

Extremely unscientific is referring to an apparent heat- retaining effect by absorption at night. Every scientist should know:

* The apparent heat- retaining effect is caused by the high heat capacity of water molecules in clouds. Not any heat is retained by absorption of gas molecules.

* If there would be absorption effects this would be second order of the absorption effect of sun-shine. Thus these are canceled out.

Also clouds have a much stronger cooling effect on daytime than “warming” effect on nighttime.

* (Not yet known) Heat transfer from earth to space works not by radiation, but by a “flow” of heat caused by fluctuating mutual absorption of omnipresent photons. By this there is a continuous decrease of temperatures from earth surface to space.

Climate effect of clouds:

It is outrages that scientists dare not to state the former knowledge of scientist and of nearly all people that clouds cause cooling of earth surface by absorption of heat from Sun. They have to state that when the earth is completely covered by clouds this would quickly cause a disaster by overheating of surface. The reality is that this will quickly cause a much colder situation than by ice age.

C2 Wrong Thermodynamics caused wrong Statement about Climate


C2.1 The wrong Definitions for Heat

Current definitions copied from Wikipedia are:

Heat is the thermal energy which is transferred between two systems at different temperature that come into contact.”

This definition shows that there is no understanding of heat. The real difference between heat and thermal energy is that heat is a qualitative characteristic of matter determined by temperature, whereas thermal energy is a quantitative characteristic of matter determined by thermal energy per a specific number of particles. As number “mol” should be taken.

These definitions are consistent with the understanding of these terms by general public. Above definition makes no sense and causes that the general public gets confused about heat.

The correct definitions also show that heat describes a state of matter and no process, wheras for processes like heat transfers the thermal energy per particles is an adequate characteristic of matter. This is also the case for mixing of matter.

The scientific definition of heat is: Heat is the average kinetic energy of a macroscopic system of omnipresent photons. It can be determined by measurement of temperature, which is nearly proportional to thermal expansion of specific atomic matter. It is not proportional to thermal energy.

C2.2 The wrong Definition of thermal Energy

As for heat also for thermal energy there is no definition at all. There is not ven a description. There are just ubclear statements which are wrong.

The highly meaningless and unscientific statements concerning thermal energy in Wilipedia are:

The term thermal energy is used loosely in various contexts in physics and engineering, generally related to the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms in a substance. It can refer to several different physical concepts. These include the internal energy or enthalpy of a body of matter and radiation; heat, defined as a type of energy transfer (as is thermodynamic work); and the characteristic energy of a degree of freedom,  in a system that is described in terms of its microscopic particulate constituents (where  denotes temperature and  denotes the Boltzmann constant).

This is a typical text in physics. Not any sentence is a concrete statement. The text just expresses that in physics nothing is known about thermal energy. This might have been done because the most informative sentences are definitely wrong.: Thermal energy (and also heat) is not related to the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms in a substance, All listet “concepts” are far away from the reality of the universe. In SURe/ New Physic ther is no thermodynamics anymore because the reality of thermodynamics is “particle mechanics of omnipresent photons”.

C2.3 Wrong Definition of Temperature

According to Wikipedia there is following “definition”:

Temperature is a physical quantity that quantitatively expresses the attribute of hotness or coldness. Temperature is measured with a thermometer. It reflects the average kinetic energy of the vibrating and colliding atoms making up a substance.”

Again an example, thar explanations of a relative simple term are unclear, complicated and wrong. Clear statements like “Heat is…, Thermal energy is… or Temperature is … “are avoided.

Thermal energy and temperature seem to refer to a kinetic energy.

It seems that current physics regards temperature as the same property as thermal energy except that there is a different unit for measurement. But there should be another difference. Otherwise physicists would have determined the normalization constant to convert thermal energy and kinetic energy to temperature. The terms hotness and coolness for temperature express that temperature is a relative property, although it is measured by an absolute scale of temperature. This is more confusing than explaining. Everyone, who had a sound logic understanding about heat, thermal energy and temperature will lose this understanding by reading these definitions.


C2.4 Scientific Definition of Heat, thermal Energy and Temperature

Following definitions is generally valid for each location in universe:

Heat and temperature is the average value of kinetic energy of a macroscopic system of randomly moving and colliding omnipresent photons at the measured position.

Thermal energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of all omnipresent photons in a specific volume. It can also be defined as heat per specific number (like Mol) of omnipresent photons. It might be called specific heat or heat content.

By the random movements of billions of particles heat is an absolute property, which is contrary to the current statement. It is strange that in current physics movement and kinetic energy of a single object is regarded erroneously as an absolute property and heat, which is absolute, is regarded as relative property.

As it is a property of omnipresent photons, a value of heat can be assigned to any location in universe. Measurements can be done at any location, where a contact detector can be placed. Measurement of heat over distance is strongly restricted to surfaces of objects and calibrations by contact thermometers. Currently there are many statements of temperature data which are extremely far away from reality.

It has to be taken into account that a very small and constant portion (below 0,1%) of omnipresent photons decay to electron-neutrinos, which are called electron-pairs by SURe-New Physics. Electron-pairs are preferably generated and emitted by surfaces, which explain the indirect measurements of temperatures by radiation measurement of heat by radiation of electron-pairs.

But as radiated electron-pairs can also be generated by other reactions, their measurements, particular in atmosphere, caused completely wrong results.

C2.5 The most appropriate Unit for Heat

As there are already specific units for temperature, one of these should be generally used for heat and thermal energy. Most suitable is Kelvin, as for this the zero point of scale comes near to the real zero point.

For some cases Kelvin per Mol or Kelvin per volume can be used for thermal energy, but this is just useful for accurate quantitative comparisons or transfers.


Concentrations of omnipresent photons differ by distance to earth surface. This is proved by the measured values of light speed at different heights above N.N. Light speed in space is significant faster than C (which is the value on earth surface in vacuum). This can also be easily proved by speed measurements.

An accurate indirect measurement of density can be done by atomic clocks, because run times of atomic clocks correlate to density of omnipresent photons. The correlation is caused because run times of atomic clocks are erroneously “stabilized” by the kinetic energy of emitted photons of cesium. But the emission line is not stable but differs by density of omnipresent photons. The changed run times of atomic clocks have been misused by physicists to fake the verification of the physical impossible theory that time span changes (gravimetric time dilatation). It is absurd to state that the time runs differently when a clock runs differently.



C2.6 Heat does not correlate to kinetic Energy

While kinetic energy refers to one body/ particle, the kinetic energy of heat refers to an average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons which are multiple billions in a volume of an atom.

Because of the low mass of a photon the kinetic energy of a single heat photon (=infrared-photon) is one of the lowest energies in universe.

Comment: Even lower is the electric energy, which refers to the kinetic energy of an electron, which has a much lower mass than a photon (about 1/200).

Heat is the dominant energy in universe, because of the high number of particles (far over 99% of all particles).

There is no correlation between usual kinetic energy and heat:

- When an infrared photon is generated (=emitted) by a reaction with a molecule, kinetic energy of the molecule is consumed.

- When an infrared photon is consumed (=absorbed) by a reaction with a molecule, kinetic energy of a molecule is generated.

Contrary to usual kinetic energies of bodies, the average kinetic energy o randomly moving heat photons can be regarded as absolute and as a scalar.

It results to senseless formulas and data, when heat and kinetic energy are combined and not handled separately.

C2.7 The Reason why Heat refers to omnipresent Photons

The question is why exclusively the kinetic energy of omnipresent photons is heat and not the kinetic energy of other photons or atoms. So there must be something extraordinary concerning kinetic energy of omnipresent photons.

There are following reasons, why only omnipresent photons refer to heat:

* There are millions of omnipresent photons between two atoms which makes clear that their kinetic energies are the determining factor for heat.

* Omnipresent photons are absorbed by all matter and thus these can transfer heat to all matter.

* Molecules and atoms are often reflected at surfaces and are very rarely absorbed by other matter. Only by absorption of infrared photons heat is transferred.

* Only by omnipresent matter the flow of heat to cooler regions can be explained (Second law of thermodynamic).

Above issues explain why heat is exclusively transferred to other matter by omnipresent infrared photons. As this is an essential issue for human beings and animals, which need a specific energy level so that bio-molecules react as required these have a sensory organ for the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons, which is the skin.

C2.8 Disproofs that Heat depends on Energy of atomic Particles

There are many refutations that heat, thermal energy and temperature refers to the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms.

Examples for refutation are:

* Gas molecules in pressurized bottles which have strong differences of pressures between bottles have all at same conditions of surroundings the same temperature = heat = thermal energy, although these consists of molecules or atoms which have strongly different kinetic energies, number of collisions and strength of vibration. Thus heat, temperature and thermal energy are independent from pressure, which is equivalent to kinetic energies of gas molecules.

* A river does not increase its temperature by a waterfall, although vibrating energies, collision energies = kinetic energies, numbers of collisions and vibration energies of water molecules are strongly increased.

* Physicists have measured the temperature of vibrating and colliding omnipresent photons and omnipresent neutrinos in space (called Cosmic Microwave Background , CMB or 3-Kelvin-photons and Cosmic Neutrino background). These are no atoms.

Comment: As the measured energies of 3-K photons are nearly the same in all directions, these have to be omnipresent with random movements. 3-K-photons (= CMB) are definitely no radiated photons.


C2.9 Correlations of Heat to other properties

C2.9.1 Heat correlates to number of Bondings of Particles

By increasing heat the vibrations oe bondings of particles get stronger until these decay.

Overall at each temperature there is an equilibrium of building and breaking of bondings. The equilibrium goes to increasing bondings by reduced temperatures.


C2.9.2 Inverse Correlation of Heat to Degree of Order

According to last chapter temperature inversely correlates to ordered bondings, by which dependencies of thermal and electrical conductivity is explained. correlation to conductivity of electrons and heat is caused. Inverse correlation to electrical conductivity is used to measure heat. (see also chapter C11). Currently instead of electrical conductivity mostly the inverse electrical resistance is taken.

C2.9.3 Correlation of Heat to Volume and/or Pressure by Vibration

As increase of heat (=kin. Energy of omnipresent photons) causes increase of vibration energy of bondings of atomic matter. Increase of vibration energies means increase of vibration amplitudes, which means alternating movements of superposed electrons require additional space for the vibration movement. When additional space is not provided the increase of heat causes pressure.

Of course decrease of heat causes contraction of matter or reduction of pressure.

The increase of volume can cause very strong forces by pressure.

Like nearly all interactions in universe these are reversible, which means that cooling results to contraction or decrease of pressure.


C2.9.4 Increase of pressure by Gases by increasing Temperature

When the vibration of superposition of two electrons exceeds area of superposition, there is no force anymore to return to superposition and thus to direction of minimal spin energy, which results to the break of the bonding of electrons. The split parts of the bound particle are catapulted to opposite directions with the kinetic energy of the final vibration movement particles.

Two separate electrons occupy about nearly 50% more space than two separate electrons. By increase of temperatrure the most bondings break at phase transition temperatures, but some bondings also break between phase transitions, which increase the temperature dependency of volume of solids and fluids.

For gases the volume increase by heat is directly caused by the increased kinetic energies. Gas molecules in gas phase do random movements. When these collide with increasing kinetic this will mostly result to a short bound molecule-molecule bonding followed by a decay of the molecule-molecule bonding, which causes movement to opposite directions. When the gas is in a closed container the gass-molecules generate pressure to the container walls. The pressure increases by increasing heat (= increasing average kinetic energies of gas molecules). The kinetic energies of omnipresent photons generate no relevant pressure against the container walls, as these are mostly absorbed.


C2.11.10 The Explanation of Expansion of Fluids and Gases by Heat

Also in fluids and gases increasing temperature cause increased breakings of inter-molecular bonds.

Different to solids in fluids and gases by increasing temperature the increasing number of separate particles do significant random movements. In fluids this might contribute to expansion. In gases this case a quicker distribution by free movements.

The effect of contraction is only possible near complete crystallization.

C2.11.11 The scientific Explanation of Pressure of Gases by Heat

If the volume of gases, which are heated, is limited, the random movement of gas molecules cause pressure.

Although the kinetic energy per collision to a surface decrease by lower mass the increasing number of particles cause a higher total kinetic energy per time unit and thus a higher pressure. In current physics there is the wrong statement that the increasing pressure is just caused by increasing kinetic energy of same ber of particles. If this would be reality there would be a much smaller correlation. This is a basic difference to current theory, which states that increasing pressure is just caused by increasing kinetic energy of with of separate particles increase which do random movements with, which cause expansion and pressure to surfaces by their kinetic energies.


C2.12 The first scientific Explanation of Evaporation

Evaporation is vaporization below boiling temperature. The temperature at which a fluid converts completely and quick to the gas phase should be called boiling temperature and not evaporation temperature. Evaporation occurs within a broad span of temperatures. Evaporation of H2O even occurs below freezing temperature by ice, which is very common reaction.

The reaction for evaporation is:

Every collision to ice or water by for example air molecules, high energetic photons or cosmic particles can cause the break of a H2O-H2O bond. By this the vibration energy of the bond is equally transferred to the separated H2O and the “rest”, which causes emission of the separated H2O-molecule. Mutual collisions of H2O-molecules do not have the required kinetic energies for evaporation.

Relevance for climate:

Evaporation of water is a significant effect for climate cooling. This adds to the cooling effects by high heat absorption potential and high heat capacity of water.


C2.13 Insufficient Fundamental physical Research

I started to do physics because I am very curious about how the universe works. I recognized that nearly no physical phenomenon is explained by current physics. The Correlation of heat to volume and the explanations of vibrations are only two examples. When I checked vibrations and thermal expansion in Wikipedia I expected something like the last chapters. But following is presented what physcists have found out concerning thermal expansion:

Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to increase in lengtharea, or volume, changing its size and density, in response to an increase in temperature (usually excluding phase transitions).[1] Substances usually contract with decreasing temperature (thermal contraction), with rare exceptions within limited temperature ranges (negative thermal expansion).

Temperature is a monotonic function of the average molecular kinetic energy of a substance. As energy in particles increases, they start moving faster and faster, weakening the intermolecular forces between them and therefore expanding the substance. When a substance is heated, molecules begin to vibrate and move more, usually creating more distance between themselves.


This clearly shows that physics consists of lot of statements, but not any statement has a logical explanation. An explanation requires that all questions like „Why is that so?“ or „How is that done?“ is fully answered without creating new why- and how - questions. Non-understandable is, that no scientist seem to recognize that according to current physics nearly all physical statements are impossible like thermal expansion or vibrations. There are simply no forces for this. It is no explanation to invent a term for a specific force which causes exact the specific action which has to be explained. This has been done for all forces. Not any force in current physics can be logically described and explained. Most known examples are gravimetric force, magnetic force, electrical force weak force, strong force, weak force, forces of charges and so on.

A general rule for a valid explanation is that it has to be referred to a generally valid law of nature.


It would be much more scientific to admit that nearly nothing in universe can be explained than to do statements for apparent explanation which clearly are no explanations an/or are physically impossible.

Positive is that physicists admit that moste of the existing matter in universe is not known.





C3 The severe Errors of Absorption and Emission

C3.1 Basic wrong Understanding of Physics

Main problem of current physics is that everybody can decide whether

1. Physics is a natural science about observable physical matter in universe with the basic axiom that reality does exist.


2. Physics is a spiritual science (=science-fiction) with matter-less, non-observable phantom-like phenomenons with the basic axiom that reality does not exist.

Physics has manifested the equivalence of both totally opposite issues by the matter – wave dualism of photons, which is extremely unscientific and can be regarded as a recognition of the non-understanding of physics.

In current physics nearly all basic issues refer to the second option. Most descriptions and explanations of interactions are no physical reality.

In SURe – New Physics there are no options of physics. All interactions in universe are described and explained by option 1, which is by observed (=real) physics and should be, but is no more, the basic task of physical research.

Currently physical research by option 1 it is quasi prohibited, because by this the physical impossibilities of current fictive physics are revealed.

Concerning absorption and emission, heat and energy this results to:

* Absorption and emission refers to building and breaking of bondings of particles, including photons.

* Consumption and release of heat refers to building and breaking of bondings of omnipresent photons with kinetic energy in range of infrared.

* Consumption and release of energy refers to building and breaking of bondings of particles with kinetic energy.

C3.2 Basic wrong Understanding of Absorption and Emission

It is incredible that experts of spectroscopy were so strongly intimidated that they dare not to tell the truth about absorption and emissions of photons:

Absorption of a photons is equivalent to a bonding of a photon. By bonding of a photon the photon exist not any more. It is eliminated. By bonding of an IR-photon heat is eliminated.

By infrared absorption spectroscopy it is measured which kinetic energies the eliminated photons have, which means the amount of eliminated heat. When no heat is eliminated, the number of photons which propagate through the sample cell will be the same. If IR-photons are absorbed in the sample cell, these are not arriving at the detector, but these are also not in the sample cell, because these reacted to other particles. As these photons are no more “free” these cause no heat in the sample cell.


C3.3 Global Warming is determined by Emission Spectroscopy

Every expert of spectroscopy surely knows the reality, that absorption is the wrong property to determine gas molecules in atmosphere which cause global warming. It is very logical that exclusively gas molecules with a strong potential to emit IR-photons (= generate heat) refer to gas molecules which have the potential for climate warming. It is totally absurd to discuss and argue global warming by the potential for absorption. A strong absorption potential of particles in atmosphere refers to a strong cooling effect on climate. This can easily be verified by corresponding measurements.

C3.4 The Error of Excitation of Energies of Atoms

Current theory that absorption refers to excitation of a particle to a higher energy level would also result to the fact that energy is consumed and not generation by absorption. So it is the same conclusion that the potential of absorption refers to the potential to reduce energies or heat.

The first assumption of physicist was that photons are eliminated, when these cause a momentary change of the orbit of an atomic electron from a stable ground state where it has lowest orbiting energy to a state with a higher orbiting energy which has an increased distance to the atomic nucleus. Physicists have discovered many physical impossibilities of this theory and made up over 15 other completely different theories for generation and elimination (= emission and absorption) of photons, which all clearly can be proved to be physically impossible. This again shows the advantage of current physics that physically impossible theories, are not needed to be eliminated, even if these are falsified by current rules of physics.

Overall there is no physical possible description of an excited state, of a ground state and of the momentary changes of states.

This shows the disastrous state of physics, which is physically impossible science-fiction.


C3.6 The Catastrophe of totally wrong Actions against Climate Change

The mis- understanding of absorption caused the “catastrophic” physical error to do actions to reduce CO2, which clearly will speed up global warming, while the high CO2 concentration has prevented that we now have an even warmer climate.

It is a disaster of current science that no expert of spectroscopy has been involved to explain how spectroscopic measurements of absorption are done:

Absorption is measured by a beam of photons, which have a specific energetic range of continuous energies. Often the continuous range is spitted by dispersion to specific energies which pass through a sample cell in turn. By this photons with specific kinetic energies are absorbed by the sample solution in the cell. Absorption is simply equivalent to binding. Binding of a photon means that the photon is eliminated and thus can do no impact any more to other bodies. In case of an absorbed IR-photon in atmosphere this causes that the photon cannot anymore generate heat on earth because it has reacted to another particle. In case of absorption of IR-photons heat is eliminated. The heat detector behind the sample cell measures the losses of intensities of specific kinetic energies. Concerning IR-absorption spectroscopy the loss of heat is measured. The losses of photons occur because IR-photons are bound to the sample.

C3.7 The outrages faked Warming Effect by CO2 -Absorption

Although absorption of IR- photons in atmosphere clearly causes heat reduction and thus cooling of climate, physical scientist manipulate the general public to believe that absorption causes the global warming.

In TV and schools often the experiment is shown that when between an IR- emission source like a lamp or the Sun and a heat-detector there is CO2 then the detector shows no heat any more, thus it shows that all heat is eliminated by absorption. It is really a very bad joke that a professor explains this experiment as prove that CO2 causes by absorption (=elimination) of heat the global warming. The logical demonstrated reality is that CO2 has because of its absorption potential an unequivocal cooling effect on earth climate.

This shows that physicist misuse there high reputation to tell lies to the general public.

It is outrages that scientists do not perform experimental tests to show the observed reality, but do physical impossible conclusions, which are pure fictive interpretations, which have nothing to do with the performed tests.

This clearly shows the normal way of faked tests in current physics. Experimental tests have to be done to check whether observations are consistent to statements. Performing tests are non-sense and manipulation when by theses not the conformity of observations to statements are checked, but instead interpretations of observations are compared to statements. The worst and most anti-scientific faults of scientists have become normality for physicists.


C3.8 Scientific Definition of Emission


Correct statement is that for every reaction there is also a back- reaction. The back- reaction of binding is a break of bonding. Break of bonding results mostly to a decay of a particle. A decay of a particle is equivalent to an emission of a particle. The scientific definition for emission is:

Emission in physics is equivalent to the repulsion of a part of a particle by too strong vibration of a bonding which breaks by this.

Emission of an Infrared-photon is equivalent to heat generation.

Each emission reaction is activated by a collision. Often the colliding particle is bonded. A bonding reaction is always combined with a transfer of collision energy to vibration energy. In addition an averaging process over all bondings follows after a new bonding. This process explains that the re-emission of a photon generally results to the fact that the emitted kinetic energy is different than the kinetic energy of an absorbed photon.

C3.9 No Warming Effect by Emission of Infrared-photons in Atmosphere

There are two significant differences between absorbed IR-photons from sun and emitted IR-photons by molecules of atmosphere:

1. All absorbed IR-photons were on the way from sun to earth while the emission direction is randomly, which means is done to all directions including back to space.

2. But even more important is:

After absorption (binding) of an IR-photon from sun, an averaging over all bondings occurs. As there is only one new bonding with increased vibration energy but several thousands of bondings with very low vibration energies, the averaging process results to the fact that all bound photons to a molecule get just a very small higher vibration energy than before. By this any emitted photon has nearly same energy than the average of omnipresent photons in this area and much lower kinetic energy than the absorbed one from sun.

Overall absorption and emission of IR-photons in atmosphere result to following climate effects:

* Absorption of IR-photons by molecules causes a relevant cooling effect on climate by preventing that infrared-photons arrive at earth surface and thus increase temperatures.

* Emission of IR-photons causes no relevant effect on climate because these photons are much cooler than earth ground. If the photons would reach the earth ground these would have an additional cooling effect.

Later it will be shown that the emitted photons in atmosphere will always cause that heat flows to the coldest area which is the space with 3 Kelvin.

Any heat transfer to earth ground would violate the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics is reality because it can be derived from the two Fundamental Laws of Nature (=Weltformel).

By this the general physical rule concerning temperature and climate is:

Every additional molecule between sun and earth causes reduced temperatures on earth surface and by this participates to a cooler climate.


C3.10 The outrages Fake of atmospheric Counter-Radiation


It is not only extremely anti-scientific but it can be regarded as severe crime against general public to state that there is a heat transfer from cold atmosphere to warmer earth surface (about 15 °C), just to manipulate people to believe in the physical impossible theory that absorption of CO2 in atmosphere causes the fictive climate warming instead of the observed reality of cooling.

It would even much more probable to heat ones house by a radiator which has a colder temperature than the rooms.

As already mentioned reality is the second law of thermodynamics that heat always flows to regions with lower temperatures. But the disadvantage of current rules of thermodynamics are either no realty or not explained. Sure- new Physics explains in detail why the 2nd law is generally valid. Even radiation of heat is no exclusion because radiated infrared photons don’t have thermal energy (heat), but have the potential to generate heat.

C3.11 The even more outrages Fake of Measurements of Counter-Radiation

The summit of anti-science is that scientists even dared to state that they have build an equipment to measure counter-radiation, which means to measure something which does not exist.

It is very strange that physicist never had a look at this equipment, otherwise they should have recognized the fake, which is very obvious:

The real measured property is the temperature difference between 2 different materials (metal plate and polymer sheet) which are positionend one above the other with some space in between. Everyone knows that it is normality that two different materials have different temperatures also when the surroundings have equal temperatures.

The temperature difference is multiplied by a factor which results to the assumed fictive value of counter- radiation.

This is the usual way how in current physics physical impossibilities are verified.



C3.12 The Cooling Effect of different Gases

As Infrared-photons from Sun are absorbed by photon chains of molecules, the potential for absorption is determined by number and length of photon chains. Number of photon chains is roughly proportional to mass of molecules. Thus the mass density of atomic matter in atmosphere determines the absorption potential and by this the cooling potential of different gas molecules in atmosphere.

As the cooling potential of gases correlates with the specific heat conductivity it can be expected with high probability that a CO2 molecule has the same cooling potential on climate. But overall the differences between different atmospheric cases are small, so that the mass concentration determine tha absorption potential and by this the cooling potential.

Strongest cooling effect as specific particles have droplets of water (clouds) and aerosols (dusts). It is a clear sign of current non-understandings that absorption of IR-photons by aerosols is still accepted as cooling effect and absorption of clouds and gas-molecules are not any more accepted contrary to times before the statement of CO2-greenhouse effect. Different effects on climate by same property does not make sense at all.

C3.13 The indirect Cooling Effect of CO2

Unfortunately the absorption potential of CO2 is not much stronger than that of O2 and N2. Generally low concentrations have low influence on climate. A much stronger effect have additional molecules like it is the case for CO2. Also aerosols have a strong effect. Concerning areosols it has to be taken into account that also ice crystals or droplets of H2O and CO2 are aerosols.

The strongest effect of the increased CO2- concentration is caused by the increased plant growths by CO2. By this there is a significant indirect cooling effect by increased evaporation of moisture.


C3.14 The blatant Error of thermal Absorption

It is again the question, why experts of spectroscopy do not mention that by current infrared spectroscopy the absorption of heat (thermal absorption) is not measured, but exclusively kinetic absorption, which has nothing to do with heat. Thermal absorption is eliminated by a blind sample as reference. Thermal absorption is eliminated because these strongly superpose the relevant peaks of sprcific absorptions, by whivh substances can be identfied and quantified. Thermal absorption shows a broad range of continuous energies, which is nearly the same for all gases and has relative strong intensities. Thermal absorption bands look similar to thermal emission bands. Thermal emission is currently known as black body radiation All thermal absorption spectra of single gases are not of any relevance concerning climate..

In order to measure thermal absorption, vacuum has to be used as blind sample, which is a bit difficult. As hydrogen has the lowest absorption potential, also hydrogen can be used to get an impression of the bands of heat absorption.

Overall correct measurements of heat absorption clearly shows that there is no significant difference of heat absorption by current air and air with 4% CO2 or even higher concentration. Thus the concentration of CO2 can increase 100 times of current concentration without any effect on thermal absorption and climate.

C3.15 Examples for kinetic Absorption of Gases in Atmosphere

Scientist know that by absorption in atmosphere specific photons are eliminated by absorption. This shows that by absorption it is prevented that photons reach the earth surface. The corresponding reaction is called photolysis. Photolysis means that by bonding (absorption) of a photon a bonding in a molecule is broken. Well know examples are:

- By absorption of UV-C-photons O2 bondings are broken.

- By absorption of X-ray-photons N2 bondings are broken.

Examples for kinetic absorption of infrared photons (heat) are

- Breaking of H2O-H2O bondings.

- Breaking of CO2-CO2 bondings.

- Breaking of H2O-CO2 bondings.

Overall above interactions show the reality concerning climate change:

The man-made increase of CO2 molecules of nearly 50% has prevented that the current warm period of climate has not caused higher temperatures.



C4 The Errors of Heat Generation


C4.1 Criteria for Heat Generation

Heat generation is equivalent to a reaction by which omnipresent photons are generated. Criteria for omnipresent photons is that these do random movements by collisions. This is only possible, when the generated photons have kinetic energies which are not too different than the kinetic energies of omnipresent photons. Otherwise the generated photons would penetrate the omnipresent photons and thus are so called radiated photons. As omnipresent photons have kinetic energies of infrared photons the generated photons have to be IR-photons. Higher heat is generated when the generated Infrared-photons have higher average kinetic energies. If the kinetic energies are lower the temperature is reduced.

But by the definition of the unit for temperature and heat to be K/mol there is an increase of heat because most omnipresent photons have the kinetic energy of space which is near zero K/mol.




C4.4 Generation of Heat by a Star like Sun

C4.4.1 The fatal Error of Heat Generation by Sun

In core of a star nuclear fusion reactions of hydrogen occur because of the cold temperatures (less than 15K). By this the photon chain of the hydrogen atom breaks and is emitted. On the way to the surface many photon chains are bound to magnetic fields which are catapulted out of the surface of sun together with protons. Collisions of protons to magnetic fields cause the decay of magnetic fields to single photons. These have too high energies to be integrated to the omnipresent photons in the surrounding of the sun. Thus the surrounding of sun is not heated and remains at the usual space temperature of about 3 Kelvin. Therefore in the Sun generates thermal radiation in its atmosphere but no heat. Thermal radiation is no heat. (see next chapter). If stars would generate heat, stars would not exist as these would melt and evaporate to hydrogen.

C4.4.2 The extremely extraordinaire Generation of Heat by Stars

Normally heat is directly generated by decay of atomic photon chains of atomic matter. As mentioned above this is not possible by stars. It is incredibly overwhelming that in universe a something has been created which produce unimaginably high amounts of energy while conserving its own temperature near absolute zero. Even the high energetic ejection of the “fuel” is essential so that stars prevent significant heat generation. The ejection process is exclusively possible, because frozen hydrogen is bonded to a flexible membrane around surface of stars, which cause that the gas mixture of protons and magnetic fields is retained and builds high pressure until the membrane cracks and the “fuel” it is ejected out of the surface membrane. At the same time the high energetic ejections cause the ignition of the explosive fuel, which work without the normally required oxygen.

By my research for physical Reality I got knowledge of many of such unique wonders in universe, by which I got the clear believe in a supernatural force, which I call god.

C4.4.5 The fascinating Temperature Control of Stars


In the atmosphere of stars are no atomic particles, which is the explanation for the fact that besides in the core of stars also in the surrounding of stars temperatures are near zero. The emission direction of photons is mainly to space, which causes that also the heat generation on Sun surface by hydrogen is not critical. But some heating is essential for the spectacular temperature control of sun:

When the temperature of frozen hydrogen of stars increases, then less fusion of hydrogen occurs, by which less photon chains as fuel are generated, so that the heat generation is reduced.

Overall above control mechanism assures that the emitted intensities of infrared photon by Sun have a very good long term stability. It can be sure that the detected climate changes on earth have not been caused by variations of emitted infrared-photons ( “sunshine”).

C4.4.6 No relevant Heat Increase by Sun in Earth Atmosphere

The emitted infrared photons of Sun generate Heat when these are absorbed by atomic matter. This is done mainly at earth ground, but some infrared-photons are absorbed by molecules in atmosphere. By absorption of infrared photons in atmosphere the molecules in atmosphere are heated up. But as few absorbed high energetic photons are averaged over vibration energies with lots of low energetic photons the molecules in atmosphere will not experience a significant increase of kinetic energy. This means the emitted IR-photons by molecules in

After absorption of infrared- photons by atomic matter and averaging of energies, other photons are emitted. These emitted photons have much lower kinetic energies than the absorbed photons from sun. Therefore the IR-photons are incorporated to the colliding system of randomly moving omnipresent photons. But these cause not a relevant increase of average energies of omnipresent photons (= heat) in earth atmosphere.

The temperatures of earth atmosphere is determined by stable flow of heat from earth ground (about 288 K) to space (3 K) and thus a stable gradient to lower temperatures by distance to earth. (explained in later chapter).

Overall absorption of IR-photons in atmosphere prevents that this photon generates heat on earth surface.

Thus each molecule in earth atmosphere causes the cooling of climate on earth.

C4.4.7 Heat generation by Sun on Earth Ground

On earth surface there are much more molecules which absorb the emitted infrared-photons from sun. Therefore by time the temperatures of matter increases, by which the heat is stored. Particular the huge areas of water store high amounts of heat. This heat storage is the most important climate effect on earth, because together with the transfer of heat to areas of land by wind, this causes an effective balance between day and night.

C4.4.8 Absorption of Heat rules the Climate on Earth

Thus the temperatures on earth are mitigated by absorption:

* By absorption of infrared-photons (=heat) by gas- molecules in atmosphere the temperatures during sunshine are strongly reduced.

* By absorption of infrared -photons (=heat) by water -molecules the temperatures during sunshine are reduced.

* By strong heat capacity of water heat is transferred by wind to land and prevents strong cooling at night.


C4.5 Heat Generation in Earth

C4.5.1 Heat Generation of most celestial Bodies have same basis

Solid core in earth and in other celestial bodies are a strong indication that in core of earth molecules are nucleated to protonium like in stars. The statement that the core of earth consists of iron is nearly impossible, as this should be fluid.

In core of earth the nucleation is mainly activated by collisions under increased pressure instead of extreme low temperatures like in stars or hydrogene planets. This causes the reaction of atoms to protonium and to photon-chains in the outer area of the protonium core. The difference to stars is that the photon-chains already decay in earth by collisions to heavy atoms. Thus the inner part between solid core and solid crust is heated.


C4.5.3 Heat Generation in core of Earth is not relevant for Climate

Heat generation of earth is not relevant for climate, because temperature of earth surface is nearly completely determined by sunshine.

Only in polar winter of Antarctica the temperatures are partly stabilized by heat generated in earth. Otherwise the temperatures would be probably colder.

In Arctic the temperatures are stabilized by sea water and wind.


C4.6 Heat Generation by Phase Transitions

C4.6.1 Why don’t Physicist explain Phase Transitions?

It is well known that all molecules change completely their characteristics by changing the temperature and also by changing the pressure. Physicists call this phenomenon phase transition and did a detailed documentation by so called phase diagrams at which temperatures and pressures phase changes occur. This has been done for many substances.

But it seems that physicists are not allowed to tell the obvious explanation for phase transitions. This would explain that in Wikipedia just fake explanations are presented. As an example they explained phase transitions to a solid by nucleation and nucleation is explained by phase transition. Positive is, that in cases of phase transition physicists did not invent new magic forces like it is normally done for phenomenons for which the reality is either not known or prohibited to mention. So it is just mentioned that the new particles are results of a magic transformation of matter.

Nevertheless for me it was again surprising how rigorously physicist have to obey the main rule of physical institutions: A physicist can tell anything except the reality. The Reality is the greatest fear of physical institutions, because by the reality they they have to admit that complete physics is based on physical impossible theories.

C4.6.2 The Error of of Explanation by thermal Motion

Mostly it is stated that phase changes can be explained by changes of thermal motion. Thermal motion is differentiated by two complete different phenomenons:

1) Random linear movements with collisions, which is also called Brownian thermal motion.

2) Vibration of atoms.

It is correct that there is a correlation, but a correlation is no explanation.

In addition both above phenomenons have no or wrong explanations Thus already by this it is not possible to explain other issues by these.

In both cases there are changes of movement which need forces. So the first research task would be to define the forces which cause vibration and Brownian motion.


C4.6.3 The Impossibility of Self- Assembly

The theory of self- assembly has been made up to explain the symmetric order of atoms and molecules which is generated by solidification (=freezing) of many substances. Of course this is physically impossible, because every spontaneous interaction needs an activation energy and a force to occur.

A solid phase can not be an assembly of particles without without rigid bonds between particles.




C4.6.4 The first scientific Explanation of Phase Transitions

Reduced temperatures increase the stability of bonds between particles and thus also the number of bonds are increased by reducing the temperature.

All particles, even subatomic particles, have multiple positions in their structures where bonds are possible. Atomic nuclei of gases and fluids have more bonding possibilities than used at standard temperature. In solid bodies the number of bonds are mostly at maximum, but these can rearrange to lower spin energies at specific temperatures. By increasing temperature the number of bods in solids reduce until these react to fluids (melt) and gas phase.

The forces which cause phase changes are of course the force to achieve a state with lowest spin energy by superposition (bonds) by low temperatures and the force to conserve kinetic energy which causes break of bonds at high temperatures. There is one single type of bonds: partial vibrating superposition.

C4.6.5 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are not understood

It is well known that by freezing and condensation of many substances heat is generated and by melting and evaporation of these substances heat is consumed. In all cases thes phenomens cause o stabilization of the temperature as long as the phase transition is not finished. This is the only scientific explanation of stable temperature by phase transition. This has ro be done without overheating or undercooling. ofcases By reduction of temperature molecule-molecule bonds are built.

By the knowledge of the definition of heat it is clear and logical what is required for heat effects of phase transitions: By bonding of molecules infrared-photons have to be emitted (= heat generation) and by breaking of bondings infrared-photons have to be bonded. At all possible bonding options of particles there are bound photons. Most of these decay to IR-photons , in some cases also visible photons might be generated.

As the structures of many atoms and molecules are already known by SURe-New-Physics, it is known that protons have 3 double-bonds options, which explains why water has particular strong heat effects by phase transitions.

C4.6.6 Heat Effects by Phase Transitions are called latent Heat

Instead of making up new terms physicist should do research to find out scientific explanations. There is just heat, which can be transferred, generated or consumed. Terms like latent heat or the corresponding sensible heat result to the erroneous thinking that there are different heats. Even more scientific non-sense is created by combining heat with energy or work. These are completely different physical issues which do not correlate to each other: Generation of low energetic photons generate heat whereas generation of high energetic photons generate no heat. When visible photons would be generated by freezing instead of infrared photons there would be no stable temperature during phase transitions but usual cooling. In addition it is well known that a phase transition can also occur by changed temperature. This is the case when when a super-cooled liquid freezes. This clearly shows that freezing generates heat. The stable temperature of a freezing system is a result of consumption of heat by a cooling which is equal to the generation of heat by freezing.


C4.6.7 Latent Heat is a crucial Climate Factor

By the huge amounts of water on earth surface the heat effects by phasr transitions of ware play a very strong role on climate because of an essential temperature stabilization effect.

Particularly significant is the cooling effect by evaporation of water. By this a lot of heat is transferred to the atmosphere, where the latent heat is released again by condensation. But the condensation has a stronger cooling effect by the increased absorption of infrared-photons from sun than heating effect by condensation. In the weather zone of atmosphere and above the temperature is mainly determined by the “cold” photons from space. Changes of temperature at this height in atmosphere are not relevant for climate.

C4.6.8 The Climate Effect of Heat Capacity


Contrary to current theory latent heat refers not only to phase transitions but to all temperature changes. This means mutual H2O bindings occur by all temperature changes in gas and liquid phase of water and thus water can store much more heat than usually. This is the explanation for the extraordinaire heat capacity of water. Decays of bondings occur by every increase of temperature. Heat effects reverse to generation by bondings of molecules explains the terms: Water has a high latent heat potential and thus a high heat capacity. Heat capacity is caused

- by cooling of H2O many mutual H2O bondings are generated and thus many emissions of IR-photons occur, which means heat is generated. Overall the cooling to one degree lower temperature takes longer because of the latent heat.

- by heating of H2O many mutual H2O bondings break and thus IR-photons are bonded to H2O, which means heat is consumed . Overall the heating to one degree higher temperatures takes longer because of the latent heat.

C4.7 Why do only Infrared- Photons generate Heat?


C4.7.1 General Rules for Interactions

All interactions in universe by which new particles are generated are usual reactions. Also the generation of heat (omnipresent photons) is a usual reaction for which the general rules for reactions are valid. The rules concerning positions of reactions is newly discovered by New-Physics determined by Funfamental Laws of Nature (=Weltformel):

* The kinetic energy of a colliding particle determines on which position the colliding particle is stopped and breaks an existing bond by binding (absorption) itself to the collided particle.

* The kinetic energy of a particle is proportional to its penetration potential.

* When the kinetic energy of a colliding particle is significantly stronger than the binding energy of existing bonds of the collided particle, the positions of bonds are penetrated.

* When the kinetic energy is significantly smaller than the binding energy of existing bonds the colliding particle is not able to break the bonds at the corresponding position.

C4.7.2 The first Explanation why only IR-photons generate Heat

According to the definition of heat the requirement for photons to refer to heat is that these have nearly the same kinetic energy as the omnipresent photons. On the other side high energetic photons are required to do straight and fast movement though space by penetration through omnipresent photons without collisions. After propagation through space the high energetic infrared-photons have to react with photon chains of atoms, so that single photons with reduced kinetic energy are generated. Without the reduction of kinetic energy the infrared photons would penetrate the adequate positions of atomic photon chains. The finally emitted photons from photon-chains have still somewhat higher energy than omnipresent photons so that these will increase the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons which means generate heat.

C4.7.4 The first Explanation why relative high Heat is generated

The collision of an infrared- photon causes a breaking of the ring structure of the photon chain, by which multiple photons are generated. Each of these generated photons have sufficient kinetic energy that it can cause further breakings of photon rings. Thus this oftn results to a self-accelerating reaction. Thus one initial decay causes multiple thousands of single photons which increase the heat. Evan explosions can occur. A significant heat increase would not be possible when there would just be one or few emission steps per absorption according to current theory. Thus the creation of heat is a clear refutation of current theory of electromagnetic waves.

C4.7.5 Why is it possible to generate permanently Heat?

This is observed for example by the former light bulbs, which permanently generate heat and light by maintaining an electric current through the emitting filament.

Usually any reaction comes to an end, when the reaction product is emitted. Why this do not occur, is a very important questions, which requires explanation. The moving electrons in the filament of the light bulb just maintain the vibration energy of bondings of the material of the filament, but do not react to photons. Thus permanently photons are eliminated out of the physical system.

The only physically possible solution is that photons enter the physical system (light bulb), which are of course omnipresent photons. So this system is one of hundreds of verifications that there have to exist omnipresent photons.

An additional requirement is that the omnipresent photons build new bondings to rebuild the destroyed photon chains. This is possible, because these got in the bulb a high temperature and thus a sufficient high kinetic energy to bind to the strongly vibrating photon chains. Thus there is a usual reaction equation although permanently photons are emitted out of the system.

C4.7.6 The first Explanation of Reactions of visible Photons

Visible photons have a kinetic energy which suits to bind to a position where a photon of the chain has three bonds. This are the positions at which the rings of 6 photons are connected. When a photon binds to such a position, no single photon es emitted. The ring structures are still intact. Some of these can be emitted as ring structures, some are combined again by binding to omnipresent photons. Overall there is no generation of heat.

But it is not sure, whether the currently defined energy level which classifies the transition from infrared to visible photons suits exactly to generation or not generation of heat.



In solid phase there are no random movements of particles, by which there occur collisions to gas molecules.




C5 The Errors of Thermal Radiation

C5.1 Zero Understanding of Thermal Radiation

In the description of thermal radiation of Wikipedia there is not a single sentence which is physical reality or physically possible:

Part 1:

Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted by the thermal motion of particles in matter. Thermal radiation transmits as an electromagnetic wave through both matter and vacuum. When matter absorbs thermal radiation its temperature will tend to rise. All matter with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits thermal radiation.”

List of faults:

* Electromagnetic radiation is physically impossible and does not exist.

* Thermal radiation es equivalent exclusively to emitted infrared-photons and not to other photons..

* It is not emitted by thermal motion of substances.

* Thermal motion is only done by gases and fluids, but not by solids.

* Infrared - photons do not transmit through most matter.

* Vacuum does not exist.

* By absorption of thermal radiation, temperature can also go down.

* Not all matter emits thermal radiation. There are many requirements that thermal radiation occurs.

* Absolute zero has no scientific explanation.

Part 2 of description of Wikipedia

The emission of energy arises from a combination of electronic, molecular, and lattice oscillations in a material.[1] Kinetic energy is converted to electromagnetism due to charge-acceleration or dipole oscillation. At room temperature, most of the emission is in the infrared (IR) spectrum.[2]: 73–86  Thermal radiation is one of the fundamental mechanisms of heat transfer, along with conduction and convection.”

List of faults:

* Energy cannot be emitted; just particles can be emitted

* Oscillation does not cause emission of energy.

* The conversion of kinetic energy to electromagnetism is physically impossible.

* Charges are nothing physical (no describable structure), thus do not exist.

* At room temperature all emitted photons are IR-photons

* By thermal radiation heat is not transferred, but heat can be generated by thermal radiation.


C5.2 Basic Error and Reality of thermal Radiation

By definition of heat it is irrevocable that heat cannot be radiated. When infrared photons have so high kinetic energy that these penetrate omnipresent photons, these cannot increase the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons by absorption. Lots of emitted infrared-photons move in one single direction. By this these do not meet the requirements for heat, which are random movements caused by mutual collisions.

So thermal radiation does not mean that heat is transferred.

The definition of thermal radiation is: Thermal radiation refers to infrared photons, which have such a high kinetic energy that they penetrate omnipresent photons.

Thermal radiation is no heat but generate heat by absorption to atomic matter.

C5.3 Requirements for Heat Generation by thermal Radiation

The requirement for heat Generation by thermal radiation is that the radiated photons are IR-photons and that these can be absorbed by atomic matter or other matter which decays to single photons like magnetic or electric fields. The reason for this is that only by low energy theses do not penetrate the photon-chains. Kinetic energy es a relative energy which means penetration occurs above a specific difference of kinetic energies. When the omnipresent photons have high average kinetic energy (=temperature) the radiated photons can have higher kinetic energy to be absorbed.

C5.4 Permanent Radiation is not explained


The statement  “All matter with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits thermal radiation” is absolutely physically impossible and non-sense. This would be a permanent energy generation. Thus we would have no energy problems any more. As radiation refers to photons there would not only be continuous energy generation but also continuous particle generation.

Again an issue, where knowledge converted to antiscience. Formerly it has been stated that emission is in equilibrium with absorption, which correctly expresses that photons can only be emitted when other photons were absorbed (=bound) before.

So formerly the problem was that it could not be explained why photons are continuously absorbed.

Also the current statement The emission of energy arises from a combination of electronic, molecular, and lattice oscillations in a material . “ does not solve the energy problem, but adds a force problem, as all changes of movements require a force.





C5.8 Research should be done for useful applications

For climate control we would urgently a valid measurement of received heat from sun. Current data are not very reliable as these are influenced by energy data. The best way to control heat from sun is to measure the increase of temperature of a specific volume of water in a specific time starting at a5 degrees C.







C6.5 Errors and Reality about Heat Conductivity


C6.5.1 Measurements of Heat Conductivity

The usual measurement method is to measure the transferred thermal energy through a sample which is positioned between a hot and a cold temperature reservoir, in which the temperatures are held constant.

C6.5.2 The wrong Interpretations of Heat Conductivity

Heat conductivity is no conduction of heat. The apparent conduction of heat is just an illusion. There are two completely different mechanisms which describe the physical reality of heat conduction:

1. Mainly valid for solids and fluids:

The physical reality of heat conduction through a sample is the movement of positions within a solid body or a fluid, which emit omnipresent photons, which have higher kinetic energies than before.

2. Mainly valid for gases:

The physical reality of heat conduction is the movement of infrared photons from emission by a high heat reservoir through the sample until it is absorbed by a low heat reservoir.

No reality are following assumptions:

* Heat is carried by moving valence electrons.

SURe is: There are no free moving electrons moving around an atom. It is reality that some atoms (mostly metals) can emit electrons because all matter consists of bound electrons.

Electrons like all free moving particles or objects are characterized by their relative kinetic energies but thes do not have or carry thermal energies or heat.

* Heat conductivity is proportional to the temperature difference of the used heat reservoirs.

SURe is: The correlation depends on the sample. Mostly the correlation is exponential and not proportional. By using equal temperatures the results of conductivity are comparable, but the measured conductivity data are not valid for other temperatures.

C6.5.3 Repetition: Heat Generation

Generation of heat refers to emissions of omnipresent photons with increased kinetic energies by decay reactions.

Each atom consists of an atomic nucleus on which at specific positions photon-chains are bound. These photon-chains bind to photon chains of other atoms to molecules and also molecules have bound photon chains by which these can bind to of other molecules to bound molecules. Bondings break again as soon as the vibration energy is increased over the maximum vibration amplitude.,

Fluctuating binding and breaking of bondings occur permanently on all atomic particles. (Already discovered by Planck and Kirchhoff). These permanent bondings occur at the sides of the photon chains, so that the bonding by photon chains are not affected. When photons with higher kinetic energy than the surrounding omnipresent photons are bound, then also the emitted photons have higher energies and thus cause increase the average kinetic energy or omnipresent photons. This is equivalent to generation of heat.








C6.6 Heat Conductivity of Gases


C6.6.1 The Mechanism for Heat Conductivity of Gases

Gases do not conduct heat by vibration energies of bondings. By the usually performed measurement of heat conductivity infrared-photons are emitted which have to propagate through the gas sample. Of course the propagation is hindered because these are hindered by absorption of the gas molecules. Thus the heat conductivity is reduced by the absorption potential of gas molecules. The absorption potential correlates to the mass density of the gas sample.

C6.6.2 Measured Heat Conductivities verify Correlation to Mass Density


The measured heat conductivities of gas samples clearly verify that these correlate to mass density of gas samples. For example there is a clear dependency concerning noble gases from helium over neon, argon, krypton to xenon.


C6.6.3 Heat Conductivities of Gases reveal Error of Greenhouse Theory

Heat conductivities of gases correlate to absorption potential of gases. By the measurements of heat conductivities of gases physicist have verified following statements of SURe – New Physics, which are determined by the two Fundamental Laws of Nature:

* All gas molecules in atmosphere absorb infrared photons (=heat).

By this less heat arrives at earth surface and thus cools the climate.

* The absorption potential does not correlate to number of atoms of a molecule, but to mass density of atmosphere.

* There are no significant differences of absorption potential between CO2, Ar, O2 and N2, which can be verified by spectroscopic measurements.

* Each additional molecule between sun and earth surface contributes to a cooling effect of climate.

C6.6.4 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum


According to the heat conductivity measurements of gases, vacuum has a very high heat conductivity. It is extremely unscientific that physicist tell obvious lies to people and do not correct wrong statements in physics books. It is very strange that in current physics heat is matterless phenomenon, but for heat conductivity matter is required. That does not make sense. Most physicists are convinced that there is energy in vacuum, so why should there not be heat in vacuum.

If physicists would have done physical research, they would clearly have got the knowledge by temperature measurements, that there is not only radiation of heat photons in vacuum, but also a flow of heat photons. There would have been and still are a lot of very valuable research task like

* determine the temperature difference at which thermal conductivity goes over from flow to radiation which is the temperature difference which is required for penetration.

* determine the temperature gradient over a plate at different temperatures in vacuum

* determine the temperature gradient over the moon surface in sun and shadow-

* determine the cooling rate of warm body in vacuum.

* Determine the heating rate of a cold body in vacuum.


C6.6.5 Heat Conductivity of Vacuum reveals Error of Climate

Climate on earth is mainly influenced by heat conductivity of space.

There are following effects on climate by heat conductivity:

* The high heat conductivity of space concerning received heat from sun causes the warming of earth surface. Because of the long way already few molecules in the space of sun system causes climate cooling up to 10 degrees C, which means a severe ice age.

* The relative strong low-heat (=3K) conductivity by flow of low-heat from space to earth surface is the main factor for permanent cooling of earth. On moon this flow causes the decrease of temperatures without sunshine to minus 160°C.






C6.8.3 Insulation of Windows

For a good heat insulation of a house, particular insulated windows are important. The heat losses are reduced by following:

* Glass consists of single particles, so that the heat conductivity has a relative low level.

* By double glazing there is a surface effect.

* A coating, which reflects infrared photons.

* A suitable filling gas within the double glazing.

C6.8.4 Applied Gas for double-glazing reveals desastrous Error of Climate

Double glazing windows are not filled with CO2, which clearly proves that CO2 does not hold back heat. Instead of CO2 mostly argon is used as filling gas. Measured values for heat conductivity for argon is nearly the same as for CO2 or air. This verifies that concerning heat CO2 is not an exceptional “wonder”-molecule as currently stated. Engineers could have earned incredible amounts of money when CO2 would be capable to do the interactions which physicists stated.

The CO2 -greenhouse effect is the most desastrous theory for mankind and for nature, where physicists invented physical impossible science-fiction instead of doing physical research for some hours.

To get knowledge about the reality of CO2 (= cooling effect on climate) wouldn’t have needed spectacular experimentation, because basic experiments were already available.

C6.8.5 Why argon is used as Filling Gas

Mostly nobel gases are used as filling gases, particular argon. Argon has following advantages:

* Cheapest nobel gas.

Like the other nobel gases:

* Does not decay by UV-photons to aggressive molecules, like it is done for N2 and O2.

* Does no binding to unsuitable molecules.

* Inert gases improve sound-proving.

* Inert gases are reflected on surfaces.

C6.9 Transfer of Heat by Convection

C6.9.1 Definition of Heat Convection

Heat convection is defined as movement of high number of molecules to regions where there is a different temperature.

Forces for convection are mostly pressure differences, which are balanced by convection.

Convection of air in atmosphere plays a roll for climate on earth.


C6.10 Refutation of Greenhouse Theory

C6.10.1 Real Greenhouses work by Prevention of Convection

The term greenhouse-effect is currently wrongly used to manipulate the general public to belief that a heating effect by absorption exist. Everyone, who has an average scientific understanding knows that the heat increase in a greenhouse exclusively occurs by prevention of convection of hot air to the atmosphere. This shows that the terms greenhouse effect or greenhouse gas is consciously misused for manipulation of general public.

A scientifically term to express the climate effect of CO2 would be parasol-effect, because absorption of heat in atmosphere is a strong cooling effect on climate.

As there is not any scientific proof that CO2 causes global warming, physicist can only work with wrong terms to manipulate general public to believe in a statement which is not only physically impossible but is opposite to reality.

C6.10.2 Refutation of Greenhouse-Effect by a Greenhouse

Glassy materials can have strong differences of their potential for absorption of infrared photons (=heat).

When two identical greenhouses are build side by side with the only difference that one greenhouse is covered by glass with a higher absorption potential for IR-photons, the temperature in the greenhouse with low absorption potential will clearly by higher than in the other. Differentiated for day and night effect this is explained by:

* By sun shine the temperature increase is much smaller by heat absorbing glass than by less absorbing glass.


The radiated IR-photons are absorbed by the glass with high absorption potential. Thus instead of warming the air and ground in the greenhouse, the glass is warmed, but will quickly be cooled again by the outside air

* All the time: The temperature difference between within and outside the greenhouses is not so large that heat radiation occurs. This means that instead of heat radiation heat flow occurs by absorption-emission- mechanism of omnipresent photons. This process is nearly independent from the heat-absorption potential. This means: There will be continuously higher temperatures in the greenhouse, which is covered by glass with less IR-absorption.

The same can be done by a swimming pool.

With little boxes covered with glass this experiment has already be done over 100 years ago.

Scientists should believe in observed experiments and not in physically impossible science fiction.

Overall the experiments clearly show how a scientific refutation of the greenhouse theory has to be done and verifies that any absorption in atmosphere causes a cooling effect on climate.

C7 The severe Errors by Determination of Heat Balance of Earth


C7.1 Background of Heat Balance

Physicist tried to demonstrate the global warming by an input-output balance of heat on earth. The result is a demonstration that physicists have not only zero understanding about climate, but a totally wrong understandings about climate and physics. It is a demonstration that physics converted to antiscience. The determination of the required data to verify the expected discrepancy of heat radiation can be regarded as summit of outrages antiscience in Physics. Besides lots of other there are following major errors:

C7.2 The Error Variance has not be considered

Even, when the single values of contributing factors would be scientifically valid, their variances would result to a balance variance which is an a range of extreme high surplus of heat up to extremely high deficit of heat on earth. There will be no differences between regions of deserts and regions of permanent ice. It is extremely unscientific to manipulate people in their thinking by such an desastrous fault.

C7.3 Important Data do not refer to Heat but to Energies

As there is no correlation between heat and energy all components have clearly be differentiated between heat and energy. As the received heat from sun consists of received energy it is not possible to determine a meaningfil balance. This error has als caused the errorneous thinking, that the received heat from sun has been constant during the global warming period. The most urgent tasks of scientists would have been and still is to implement a measurement of received heat from sun to earth.

The most neaningful measurement is to measure the temperature increase of a specific watwer sample within specific time. By this it would have been clearly recognized that the received heat from sun has been significantly increased, which alone would have explained the global warming. Thus there would not be needed any other research to demonstrate the global warming and the root cause for global warming.

C7.4 The Contribution of latent Heat is underrated

Positive is that the latent heat has been included as a significant factor for heat balance. Of course the portion of contribution to climate cooling is not easy to determine. But by more accurate determination it can be estimated that it contributes stronger to climate cooling than the value of the constructed heat balance.

The nature friendly climate at equatorial zones is mainly due to reduction of heat by evaporation of water, which is stored by abundant tropical vegetation.

Thus the increase of heat from sun is strongly mitigated by primeval forest.

This shows the only major action which mankind can do against global warming: the extension of vegetation.

There is also an important natural process which works with this mitigation process of heat: Heat causes increase of CO2 in atmosphere by dissolutions out of ocean water by increasing water temperature.

Plant growths is nearly proportional to the CO2-concentration in atmosphere. This is an even more significant mcooling effect on climate besides the heat absorption effect.

Each molecule CO2 less in atmosphere contributes to global warming!

C7.5 The Contribution of heat losses by Absorption is underrated

Positive is that the heat losses by atmospheric absorption is included as significant factor in the heat balance.

But it is not taken into account that the absorption of absorbed infrared photons to all infrared photons is larger.

It is relative easy to measure the correct portion for this by a heat flux measurements in outer atmosphere and on earth surface.

C7.6 The Contribution of Heat losses by Reflections is overrated

Heat Losses by reflection of heat is much lower than assumed. Contrary to the very high reflection potential for visible photons, which are reflected by all surfaces which are not black at least partly, infrared photons are generally not reflected by most surfaces. IR-photons are mainly reflected on metallic surfaces, which is well known by physicists and is used for insulation. Measurements clearly have shown that snow reflects no more than 10% of heat. Current statement is that the reflection of heat is 90%.

Ignoring observations and believing in refuted statements is clear antiscience.

C7.7 The severe Misunderstanding of Albedo-Effect

Currently it is stated that the Albedo-effect (apparent reflection of heat by ice and snow) leads to a self-reinforcing global warming. Reality is the contrary. The Albedo effect is an effect of visible photons but not of infrared photons. . Thus the “Albedo”- effect is not relevant for global warming. This again shows that the nature does not work against living beings by uncontrolled self- reinforcing processes.

Ice and snow are important stabilization factors for climate because of its latent heat, which means the heat generation by freezing and the heat consumption by melting.

* The transfer of heat from earth surface to space is not done by radiation but by heat flow. It is simply impossible to determine the heat flow to space.

* A stronger factor than the heat flow from earth ground to space is the flow of 3K -photons from space to earth surface which is also impossible to determine.

C7.8 Measurements by Satellite refutes the Greenhouse Theory

Physicist have claimed claim, that the measured absorption from satellite at an radiation energy of earth surface temperature is the only indication of the verification of the greenhouse theory.

As there is no thermal radiation from earth to space it is impossible to measure the radiation of heat by a satellite from space. All measured data by satellite do not refer to heat. Most signals refer to neutrinos.

Greenhouse Theory is based on back- radiation of Heat from CO2-Molecules

Back-radiation or correct back-flow of heat from atmosphere to earth ground is physically impossible science fiction!

Nearly complete heat on earth surface has been generated by Sun. Only heat which has been generated on earth can flow back to the space Heat can only flow to space when heat has been generated on earth by Sun. Thus the sun is clearly the major determining factor for climate. The flow of heat from earth to space has some influence on weather because of slowing down by clouds but no significant influence on global climate on earth. This is an important knowledge concerning climate change.

C7.10 Other Consideration for Budgeting Energy of Earth

C7.10.1 The Impossibility to budget Energy of Earth

See Earth's energy budget - Wikipedia :

The apparent energetic imbalance is described by the well known diagram which is shown in the reference above. The diagram with data, by which the balance between emitted and received energy of Earth is described is pure pseudoscience, which has the only aim to manipulate the general public to believe in the absurd greenhouse theory. The diagram works with following major fakes, errors and impossibilities which violate natural laws. (There are many more basic errors than listed).

* Energy balance is mostly opposite to heat balance. But it is stated that the calculated energy difference is equivalent to heat balance. So there is not any meaningfulness of result.

* Stars and planets generate a lot of infrared photons in core by nuclear fusion, which are omnipresent photons (heat), which are emitted. Without theses the celestial bodies would exert no gravitation. Thus the emitted heat should be much higher than the received. This would result to cooling.

* It is not possible to determine the number of emitted IR-photons out of earth, which makes it impossible to define the emitted heat.

* Also the emitted number and kinetic energy of emitted visible photons cannot be determined

* The high energetic photons from UV to gamma photons from sun are not included in energy balance.

* The used Stefan-Boltzmann formula is definitively wrong.

* The used value for back radiation is antiscience. Back radiation is physically impossible.

* If there would be calculated an imbalance of heat, the accuracies of single data would be much worse than stated, so that the overall accuracy of the difference ranges from strongly positive to strongly negative.

* Radiation energy is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is no energy which can be balanced, as kinetic energy can be generated and consumed. The law of energy conservation is not valid for kinetic energy.


C7.10.2 The positive Issue of the Data of Energy Balance of Earth

There are also reliable data in this diagram, which are at the same time the most valuable data. These is the reduction of photons by absorption and reflection. Whereas reflection mainly refers to visible photon, absorption refers mainly to infrared -photons. Overall it can be estimated that at more than 30% of heat is absorbed by gas molecules, clouds and aerosols. Reflection and scattering refers mainly to visible photons. It has to be considered that most of heat absorption is not measured by current method, so the more exact value has still to be determined. But this shows that this is the main factor for cooling of earth.

Overall data for emission of heat by earth are currently mot available, but are also not relevant, because these do not have a relevant effect on climate. Instead most accurate control of climate data are the created heat on earth by radiation per second and area. This has to be done by a suitable method, which is the heating up of a water sample by a specific time. This would be much more accurate to control global warming better than current measurements, which are not very meaningful. These are not differentiated between heat and energy.


C7.10.3 The wrong Understanding of received Heat from Sun


The received heat on earth from sun is the main factor for global climate and global climate change. Therefore there has to be a good understanding about how the sun causes heat on earth.

The main wrong interpretation and thus understanding is that heat is transferred from sun to earth. This is physically impossible, because the sun is much colder than earth. The temperatures are below 15 K in core of sun and about 2,7 K in surrounding of sun. So no heat can be transferred.

SURe is that the heat is generated on earth by emitted IR-photons from sun by following process:

* The emitted IR-photons are absorbed by atomic matter.

* The vibration energies of other bound photons are increased by averaging process.

* The photon- bondings with lowest stability break and are emitted.

* The emitted photons have nearly almost somewhat higher kinetic energies than omnipresent photons.

* As theses do not have such a high energy that these penetrate omnipresent photons, they are incorporated process of random movements and collisions of omnipresent photons but increase the average kinetic energy.

* This process is equivalent to generation of heat.

C8 Additional Considerations about Vibration

C8.1 Impossible Statements about Climate and Vibrations

Current „greenhouse-gas “ theory of CO2 is based on three physically impossible statements:

1. CO2 causes a warming effect on climate because of its absorption potential for infrared photons.

2. Absorption is caused by the change of a low-energetic vibration mode to a high-energetic vibration mode.

3. CO2 has an extreme absorption potential, because CO2 has many possibilities to change its vibration mode as CO2 consists of 3 atoms and not two like O2 and N2.

SURe/ New Physics:

1. This statement is refuted in other chapters.

2. The SURe is: When a molecule or atom absorbs energy like heat its vibration amplitude increases. This causes that some bondings to high energetic photons break and thus are emitted, so that these change the average kinetic energy of the surrounding omnipresent photons. This is equivalent to the change of heat in the surrounding. In most cases the heat is increased.

There is no change of a vibration mode. There is even not a change of vibration frequency, but like it is for all energetic changes of vibrations these refer to changes of vibration amplitudes.

3. SURe is: All bondings in a bound particle have the same mode and direction of vibration: A symmetric stretching vibration. All particles consists of bound electrons, therefore also singe atoms do vibrations and can absorb heat.

The potential for absorption of heat is independent from number of atoms. It depends on number of photon chains, because absorption of heat is equivalent to the binding of infrared photons to a photon chain, which are bound to atomic nuclei.

C8.2 The fatal Error of Vibration Modes of Molecules

A typical model of a 3-atomic molecule, which consists of three balls connected by coil springs clearly shows that the only possible vibration mode is the symmetric stretching. All other modes would require that the center atom of a molecule has been fixed. Particular for gases this requirement is not met.

C8.3 Absorption correlates to Heat Conductivity of gases

The specific heat conductivity of gas molecules does also correlate to number of photon chains like absorption, as the flow of heat is reduced by absorption.

This can be verified by corresponding measurements. For example Argon as one atomic gas has the same absorption potential as CO2.

C8.4 Without Knowledge of Vibration no Statements should be done

For such an important issue like climate it is grossly negligent to make statements about vibrations of molecules without knowing how vibrations occur. There is not even a scientific theory which is physically possible.

The basic knowledge of physicists is that vibrations refer to accelerated movements and for accelerated movements to two directions alternating forces in two opposite directions are required. In addition an activation energy is required to start the vibration.

A suitable example is the vibration of a coil spring. The activation of an interaction is always done by the kinetic energy of the collision to another body. This is again an example which shows that the theory that photons can also be electromagnetic waves is completely non-sense.

An unsolvable problem for current physics is to define the alternating forces, which exert the atoms of to do the alternating movements. The only existing force which causes acceleration has not been detected till now in physics. Normally physicists therefore had to invent new forces when a specific force is needed, but in this case physicists did not do this because of the theory that there are „only“ four basic forces. So there is just an unexplained observation, which is physically impossible by current theories.


C8.7 No Correlation between kinetic Energy, Heat and Vibration

It has been already explained that there is no general correlation between these quantities.

Reality is that an increase or decrease of vibration amplitude can generate or consume heat, which refers to emission or binding of omnipresent photons.






C9 Incorrect Measurements of Temperature



C9.2 The Error of Temperatures in Space

A severe error is that heat in space or in higher regions of atmosphere refer to average kinetic energies of the known particles in these regions. According to this there would be extremely high values which would be of course non-sense. As physicists are aware of this they defined the temperatures in space to be 2,7 Kelvin. This value is reasonable but of course a definition and no measurement like the zero point.

Physicists are not aware that the normal contact measurements refer exclusively to omnipresent photons and not to any other particle. The advantage is that normal measurements of temperature can be done everywhere, which means also in space.

C9.3 The Error of Temperature Measurements by Radiation

By chance physicists measured particles, which they thought would be radiation of photons at a temperature of space which is near 3 Kelvin. In some cases they used the term 3-Kelvin-photons for the photons, but mostly they used the unscientific term Cosmic Microwave Background”, which makes no sense at all. As omnipresent photons are everywhere in space, heat can be measured directly by contact thermometers in space.

C9.4 Temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)



C9.5 Wrong Measurements of Temperatures of Atmosphere

C9.5.1 The correct Temperatures of Atmosphere

To control climate changes and to determine the cause for climate changes it is essential to do correct measurements of temperatures. Formerly nearly all temperatures have been correctly measured by contact thermometers. Contact thermometers were also used to measure the temperatures in atmosphere.

By these measurements physicists got the knowledge that the temperature of atmosphere decreases on average by 6,5 K per 1000 m.

C9.5.2 The wrong Temperatures of Atmosphere

Above troposphere physicists stop real measurements and go over to non-calibrated measurements, which are done without contact by radiation and resulted to increasing instead of decreasing temperatures in stratosphere. Increasing temperatures by increasing distance to earth surface are physically impossible. This violates the second law of thermodynamics, which correctly requires that heat always flow to colder regions. This unexplained rule is explained in detail by SURe – New Physics. The atmospheric layer of tropopause was “invented” to mark the transition from correct temperatures to wrong temperatures. The main physical effect in atmosphere by increasing distance to earth surface is the decreasing density of matter. The gradient of decrease of density is linear and not much different to decrease of heat over complete atmosphere. Based on this there is no reason and sense for the current separation of atmosphere to different layers. It is much clearer to use just the distance to earth surface or even better the temperature to express the location of any special interactions.

It is not necessary to use the inadequate measurement method by radiation at higher altitudes of atmosphere because the usual method by contact thermometers can be used everywhere in universe. According to the definition of heat, the requires omnipresent photons are everywhere in space and provide correct results by contact thermometers, which can be calibrated without any problem. By using the same measurement method like for troposphere it would have been realized that the temperature of atmosphere decreases continuously until 2,7 K. Contact thermometers by electrical resistance have already been calibrated up to -200 °C . It is no problem to construct accurate thermometers up to -270 °C.

C9.5.3 The Temperatures of Atmosphere violate physical Rules


Also without additional measurement it is known by physical rules that measurements above troposphere reduce by distance to surface of earth. According to the second law of thermodynamics there has to be a continuous flow of heat from the warm surface (about 288 K) to the space, which is 2,7 K. So physicists should have recognized that the stated measurements of increasing temperatures are physically impossible and caused by a wrong measurement (see next chapter). If the higher temperatures would be reality there would be flow of heat from upper atmospheric heights to earth ground. And when the temperature in the atmosphere is not going down, there has to be a continuous flow of heat from atmosphere to earth ground, which is multiple times stronger than the heat, which is received from sun to earth. The heating of gas molecules of atmosphere by sun is observed by the real measurements in atmosphere: In 10 km height the temperature is heated from 2,7K to about 218 K which is -55°C. Most of heating of sun is done indirectly by heating the earth surface and heat flow to space.


C9.5.4 The Antiscience of measurements of Temperatures in Atmosphere

It is extremely strange that physicist have not recognized the obviously wrong temperatures. It is highly probable that besides the wrong measurements there were also some correctly measured temperatures. These would have been required for calibration of the measurements by radiation.

All observations of temperatures between a warm and a cold temperature reservoir show a continuous gradient. The corresponding reservoirs for the atmosphere are particular large and very reliable to be stable: earth and space. All additional heatings by reactions in atmosphere are irrelevant.





C.9.6 Other wrong Measurements of Heat and Absorption

C9.6.1 Fake - Measurements of Absorption Spectra from Satellite

It is incredible that the only “verification” of greenhouse effect according to statements of physicists are three infrared-spectra, which were recorded in 1969 from Nimbus-3 satellite a) over Sahara, b) over Mediterranian and c) over Antarctic. These were the first and apparently at the same time nearly the last published infrared- spectra which according to statements of physicists prove greenhouse effect of CO2. There was one trial, which just showed that some physicists are still believing these fake measurements

The reality is that these spectra do not show anything which can be assigned to a thermal effects. These spectra are just used to manipulate the general public to believe in the absurd green-house effect. Even if it would be possible to measure the heat absorption of molecules like CO2 this would not be a verification that CO2 causes global warming but that CO2 has a cooling effect. Experts of spectroscopy well know that absorption of heat is equivalent to binding of IR-photons and binding of IR-photons is equivalent to elimination of heat.

C9.6.2 Logical Measurements to verify Greenhouse Effect.

The basic argumentation for the greenhouse effect is that after absorption of infrared photons by greenhouse- gases these emit the infrared photons again to earth. This is just partly correct. The reality is:

When the infrared reach the absorbing gas molecule by heat flow (no heat radiation) its kinetic energy has the same temperature as the gas molecule, which is generally much cooler than the earth ground. The gas molecule emits photons which have the same temperature as the molecule, but the emission is done to all directions. These are statements which are generally accepted by physicists. Overall it is physically impossible that green-house or any other gas molecule has a warming effect on climate by night and every gas ,olecule in atmosphere has a strong cooling effect on climate.

Statements about back radiation can be verified by emission spectra from atmosphere to earth ground.

The fact that there is not any measurable emission band of heat radiation from atmosphere to earth ground verifies that there is no back radiation of heat.


C9.9 Incredible Fake - Measurements of Temperatures from Satellite

It is incredible that the only “verification” of greenhouse effect, which is stated by physicists, are three infrared-spectra, which were recorded in 1969 from Nimbus-3 satellite a) over Sahara, b) over mediterranian and c) over ant-arctic. These were the first and at the same time the last infrared- spectra from radiation of surface of earth.

The statement that these spectra are a verification of the green-house effect can be regarded as an outrages fraud against science and mankind. It is a main factor that the general public was manipulated to believe in the absurd green-house effect. Even if there would be any peak, which would refer to radiated heat from earth, this would not be a verification of the greenhouse effect. Experts of spectroscopy would immediately be aware of the fact that these Reality is that there is not any peak which refer to heat. Experts of spectroscopy are aware by a short look to the spectra that thes have nothing to to with heat. Today no scientists would dare anymore to state that these spectra refer to radiation (= emitted photons) from earth surface. If this would be reality there would have been surely additional measurements in the last 45 years. The non-recording of further spectroscopic measurements is a prove that the only verification of greenhouse effect is a disastrous fake.

C9.10 Heat of Earth Ground can’t be measured over Distance

It is physically impossible to measure temperatures of earth ground and atmosphere from distance.

The reasons for this are:

* Emitted photons from earth ground have such a low kinetic energy that these can’t penetrate omnipresent photons, but are absorbed by these after few micro-meters.

* Even a calibration by emitted electron-pairs is not possible, as electron -pairs emitted by omnipresent photons have also low energies which are further reduced or absorbed by collisions over long distances.

* Emitted high energetic photons and electron-pairs from specific reactions can be measured but do not correlate to temperature of earth ground or atmosphere.

* Overall measurements of temperatures of earth ground or atmosphere from distance are not possible.

Currently satellites measure signals, which are specific kinetic energies of emitted electron-pairs and try to correlate these to known real temperature data by a mathematical adjustment. The only published data I have seen are changes of yearly average temperatures, which have a relative strong variance. When these data would refer to real temperatures these should have an extreme low variance which would be the advantage of measurements from satellite. The adjustment formula is adjusted every few years. Thus the published temperature trend by data of satellite show the real increase of temperatures with time. This surely would be not the case without the adjustments of adjustment formula.

It is extreme antiscience that by such manipulation of random data it is stated that also by satellite the global warming is verified.

These fake measurements are expensive and do not make any sense, because there are so many observations of global warming that it can be regarded as sure. Additionally it would be extremely unusual and unreliable when there would be no change of global climate, which naturally occurs since existence of earth.


C9.11 Control of global Temperatur has to be simplified and improved


Currently measured data have a too large variance and are much to many to achieve a useful global climate control.

Proposal for an improved and simplified global climate control are following properties:

* Real average temperature of atmosphere at about 9000 m height, which can be automatically recorded during normal flights.

* Real temperatures of sea water about 60 cm and 120 cm below surface. Might be that 40 global measurement stations at suitable positions are sufficient for detection of global climate change

* Cloud coverage, which can be done by satellites.


C10.2 Why is the Understanding of Heat important

As already mentioned, the clear definition of heat is the random kinetic energies of omnipresent photons in a macroscopic volume.

This means, that radiated photons and radiated electron-pairs do not refer to heat, temperature or thermal energy.

Therefore the assignment of temperature to radiated photons is not possible. This explains, why the temperatures of the space around the “burning” sun is the usual cold space temperature. When radiated electron-pairs are generated by omnipresent photons, it is possible to calibrate the kinetic energy of radiated electron-pairs to measured temperatures of omnipresent photons. Exclusively by this an indirect measurement by radiation is possible.

It has also to be mentioned again, that all other average kinetic energies of vibrating and colliding particles do not refer to heat, thermal energy and temperature.

Thus the impacts, which should be proportional to heat, can be used for valid calibrations of temperatures. This has always to be done by a contacting the position where temperatures shall be measured by a detector.

Well known detectors use impacts changes of volumes and changes of electrical conductivity.


C10.3 The wrong Understanding of Conservation of Energy and Heat

Above described process of heat generation is generally valid. It shows that heat generation is a real generation process, because before there was less heat in universe.

Thus heat is not involved in principle of conservation of energy. Also other “usual” kinetic energies of bodies are not involved in energy conservation. Because these kinetic energies are relative these have no determined absolute values.

Energy conservation refers to the only existing absolute kinetic energies, which are called vibration energies and spin energies and refer to electrons. These are at the same time inertial energies which means that these have no direct impact to other bodies.

Current definition of internal energy makes no sense at all. The statement that heat and work can change inertial energy and that there is a general correlation between heat and work is pure science fiction. Work is a term, which is completely unnecessary in physics and causes more confusion than knowledge. All interactions in universe can be described and explained by kinetic energies.


C10.4 The unsuitable current Measurement of Heat by Sun

In order to control the main factor for global climate it is essential to measure the generated heat on earth surface by sun. It would also be of high interest to compare the generated heat without atmosphere from satellite and the generated heat with atmosphere on earth ground. The measurement from satellöite shows the variation of climate by interstellar clouds, the second measurement can determine the effect of matter in atmosphere to climate change.

The generated heat in measurement equipment should be as near as possible to conditions of earth surface. The measurement method should measure received heat per time unit (s) and per area unit (m²).

Currently the received heat is measured with an electrical device which is called pyranometer which works by a thermo column.

Following issues create erroneous measurement data:

* The sensor consists of a black colored metal, which is very different than normal earth ground. Black metal probably absorbs photons with higher energy than earth ground, which means contrary to earth ground metals of completely black bodies might generate also heat by visible photons. It is important that all differences are tested. It is essential to do physical research before before making statements.

* If there are differences to natural conditions the difference must be eliminated, for example by a corresponding energetic filter, so that exclusively IR photons are measured.

* The sensor measures a signal which corresponds to temperature (=heat), which is a state of a physical system. But heat generation is a process and it is impossible to measure a process by a value of state. Thus it has to be measured and compared an increase in temperature by time.

Positive issue:

Physicist state openly, that they measure the intensities of energies of emitted photons from sun and not the generated heat per time unit and per area.

* The equipment measures not only photons which are received directly by sun, but also reflected and scattered photons received within an angle of 180 degrees. This causes measuring of heat, which is not originated from sun. For example there is always a random heat flow of omnipresent photons.


C11 The most severe Errors of Heat

C11.1 The Nonsense of Heat being involved in Energy Conservation

Heat and energy are very different physical issues. There is no specific correlation between heat and energy. Often the correlation is even inverse: When the kinetic energy of an omnipresent photon increases, it is not absorbed any more by omnipresent photons and becomes a radiating photon without increasing heat (= average value of kinetic energies of omnipresent IR-photons).

By increasing collision energies the generated heat might be reduced.

All high energetic photons from sun do not increase the temperature. The measured heat in core of sun is below about 15K and in surrounding of sun 2.7 K despite lots of explosions.

This severe error causes that concerning climate mostly the emitted energy of sun is measured but not the received head from sun.

By the published data of the global heat balance physicists make themselves very unscientific. This clearly shows that all data are faked to achieve the wanted difference to verify climate warming. The reality of climate warming is made to science fiction by such actions of physicists.

C11.2 Non-understanding that Heat refers to Energy of omnipresent Photons

Everything in universe can be described by matter, because all interactions and states refer to matter. Heat refers to omnipresent photons:

Generation of heat means chemical reactions by which omnipresent photons are generated.

Consumption of heat means chemical reactions by which omnipresent photons are bound (=absorbed) and thus are eliminated.

C12 Additional Considerations concerning Climate Change

C12.1 Former Knowledge of Reality of Climate and Thermodynamics

Valuable data are specific heat capacities of different matter. Matter with increase heat capacities on earth store heat by absorption and thus leads to the main effect, that heat is hold on earth surface at night. The seawater on earth has a very strong absorption potential and at the same time a very high heat capacity. By this the huge water areas on earth store heat when the sun shines and emits heat in night. This very important climate effect to reduce extreme high and extreme cold temperatures has been realized by former scientists and has been been cold sea water climate.

The absorption potential of atmosphere has also a strong effect on cooling but as physicist know gas molecules have a low heat capacity. Thus the warming effect is limited by wind near surface which transpots heat from water areas to land areas.

Former physicists were also well aware, that the climate is determined by temperatures near earth ground and not in higher atmosphere. In higher atmosphere the temperature does not change and is much colder than on earth.

On moon the temperatrure range is from 130 °C to -160 without sun. Even if there would be an atmosphere, there are no higher temperatures over water areas, which can be distributed by wind.

Final important knowledge by former observations are the data of heat conductions of different gases. Heat conductance is nearly proportional to masses, number of bound photons and and absorption potential of gases. Thus shows that there are no relevant differences by gas molecules in atmosphere. There is just a correlation to number absorbing molecules. Thus it was known, that main cooling effect is the lenegth of travel path of IR-photons from sun. This is the main effect of cooler temperatures in winter and when there is a relative flat angle of incident of sun beams. odistance which is which was increased by CO2. between s that heat absorption by atmosphere is the main effect of cooling. The absorption

to It is impossible to do Without Before any statement about climate should only be done without basic knowledge of the basic physical issues like:

Heat, matter of heat, thermal energy, other energies, temperature, generation of heat, transfer of heat, storage of heat, absorption, emission,

It would be no problem, when physics would have not any knowledge about these issues but it is a severe problem, when physics has a wrong knowledge by physically impossible theories, like it is the case and then tries to make statement which is based on physical impossible theories.

C12.2 School Knowledge

When I was in school there was still knowledge of climate based on observations, which was taught to pupils and was reality. But currently the reality of observations don’t count anything, pupils have to learn physical impossible science-fiction. I had the luck to be informed about the real main cause, why it is colder in winter than in summer and colder in the morning and evening than at noon. Currently physicists calculate that on poles in polar summer there must be higher temperatures than in equator regions as the sun shines day and night, which over-compensates the heat losses by angle of incidence. Formerly it was still allowed to tell the reality: Every molecule does absorb heat, by which the corresponding cooling of atmosphere which depends on travel length of photons through atmosphere. It is easy to prove that the cooling effect by increased travel length is stronger than the cooling effect by changed incident angle of photons. The heating up of a body has just to be done by measuring by maintaining the surface of body perpendicular to traveled photons. As far as I know it has already been proved that on moon there the effect of Sun incident concerning heat is much smaller than on earth because of the missing atmosphere.


C12.3 Vibrations of Particles verify SURe – New Physics

It is very strange that physicist postulate that molecules do vibrations by bonded atoms although they do not explain the forces which maintain vibrations. Vibrations are accelerated movements and physicists are well aware that all accelerated movements require a force. For a vibration two forces in opposite directions are required. Not even a theory about the two forces has been made up. In addition vibrations falsify current theory of bondings by charges. Bondings by charges is already falsified, because nearly all particles do bondings to every other particle, independent from assumed charges.

But charges would also not explain vibrations to directions which are not in bonding direction. Even unsymmetrical vibrations are done according to current physics.

So many additional forces have to be presented and explained. Explanation must be much more than the statement of excitation by physically not existing electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves would also need at least five different forces.


Current greenhouse theory is mainly based on following statements:

1) As CO2 is a molecule which consist of 3 atoms it has many vibration modes.

2) By this it has an extreme high absorption potential for IR-photons which is about 1000 times stronger than two-atomic O2 and N2 .

3) By the extremely high absorption CO2 holds the heat on Earth surface.

4) The increased CO2 concentration since industrialization caused the observed global warming.

The Reality is:

1. As only one vibration mode is physically and mathematically possible, every particle has exactly one vibraion mode: symmetric stretching to common mass center.

2. The absorption potential of heat for gas molecules in atmosphere are given by the relative concentration of mass. Thus CO2 paticipates just by 0,04% to the heat absorption of the atmosphere.

Comment: Educated experts for spectroscopy with many years experience (like me) know that by the usual IR-absorption measurements not any heat absorption is measured. As all gases show nearly the same heat absorption, which are characterized by very broad absorption bands, the heat absorption is uninteresting and is canceled out by using nitrogen as parallel reference. The effect is that spectra show specific peaks and not the general broad bands of heat absorption. The specific peaks show activation energies for specific reactions, but no heat effect..

Thus usual IR-spectra have nothing to do with heat effects!

Comment: Only the old models of IR-spectrometer work with heat sensors. Nearly all IR-spectrometer measure energies of electron-pairs, which are no heat.

o Verification: IR-absorption spectra has nothing to do with heat. But when you measure as well an air sample and a sample with air + 5% CO2 against H2, you will see the broad band of heat absorption and you will see that there is no increase of heat absorption by 5% CO2 in air.

3. There is not anything in atmosphere which can stop the heat flow to space. . Only by the relative high heat capacity of clouds the velocity of heat flow is reduced.

4. When CO2 would have an extreme high absorption effect, there would have been a significant cooling effect on climate in the last decades.

As this is an unambiguous and obvious wrong theory, this is the most severe error of current physics will end in a catastrophic desaster of mankind when physics will not turn to science again and the current, which cause the contrary which shall be achieved are stopped.

C12.4 The real Climate Catastrophe: No Research

The real catastrophic situation is not the current global warming, but that mankind has zero understanding about climate. It is outrageous that expensive and extensive actions against the physically impossible cause of climate change are done but not any basic scientific research is done to understand climate change.

For example in current physics there are no scientific explanations why in the middle of the day it is warmer than in the morning or evening and there is no scientific explanation why it is warmer in summer than in winter. It is very easy to find out that current main explanation, the angle of sun incidence, is wrong.

The real cause can be determined by temperature sensors rectangular to sun incidence. The main cause is the increase of absorption of IR-photons by extended transition path through atmosphere. This was formerly teaching material in school. But observed reality has been more and more replaced by physical impossible theories. Now a completely fictive and physically impossible theory of absorption has replaced the scientific experiments of former physicists.


The correlation of CO2 increase to warmer climate was at the beginning just an idea of some physicists which should be clarified by research. But media published this idea as a catastrophic reality to general public before any scientific research was done. Physicist had quasi no chance anymore to tell the truth by performed experiments. Thus current physics is done by popular media and not by scientific work.



xx Why don’t visible photons transfer Heat


A basic error of physicists is that the measured energy from sun refers to heat. Main part of measured energy refers to kinetic energy of visible photons, which don’ generate heat.

By this error the real variation of heat transfer from sun has not been measured up to now.

That visible photons do not transfer heat can easily be measured and is observed daily by LED light.


The reasons for this are:

* Photons with higher energies than IR penetrate the photon chains of atomic matter. Therefore they are not absorbed by photon chains and do not transfer energy to photon chains so that these emit no IR-photons by collisions of high energetic radiated photons.

* Many visible photons are reflected by surfaces. This is the explanation why living beings can detect surfaces by eyes.

* Other visible photons are absorbed by atomic nuclei and their energies are used to activate photolysis reactions. This means photons are bonded and causes a break of bonding which mostly results to decay to a particle other than photon.

The best method to measure exclusively the received heat on earth from sun, is to measure the temperature increase of a specific water sample. By any measurement it is not possible to get absolute values. But relative values are sufficient to detect of more or less heat is received from sun.



C12.5 SURe- New Physics of Climate Changes

There is just one main source of heat generation on earth. It is the transfer of heat by emitted IR-photons from sun.

Therfore there are just two possibilities for climate changes:

1. The sun emits less IR-photons.

2. Less IR-photons reach the earth surface.

The first possibility can be excluded except the 11 years periodic increase of intensities which are explained in detail in volume “Cosmos”, which will be published later.

Beside this the generation and emission of IR-photons are long-term stabilized by a very effective control mechanism, which will also published later.

Thus all major climate changes of the earth are caused by different intensities of IR-photons arriving on earth ground.

Current theories of changing movements of earth around the sun have an extremely low probability as these require collisions by celestial bodies with high mass. Precession of earth rotation is physically impossible. Physicists know that for precision there has to be a fixed point of one side of rotation axis., where there is an opposite force to gravitation.

Overall nearly all climate changes are caused by changes of heat absorption from sun. Current global warming is with extreme high probability caused by decrease of atomic matter between sun and earth by which heat from sun is less absorbed.

Possible causes for global warming of earth by reduced absorption.

The list is ordered by decreasing quota of warming effect.

1. It is the nature of galaxies, that there are different densities of interstellar clouds of molecules and magnetic fields. These clouds absorb more or less infrared radiation of suns during orbiting around the black hole of a galaxy. When crossing a spiral arm, in which clouds of very high densities are, there is a high probability for the generation of the so called snowball earth. The density of clouds can be measured with relative high accuracy, because the measurement is also done by absorption data. According to NASA currently there is an extraordinaire low densit of absorbing matter..

2. Deforestation in rain-forests which causes less moisture in atmosphere and less cooling by evaporation.

3. Cleaner air, less particular matter


C12.6 Climate Catastrophe: Mankind fights against Nature


There are lots of mechanisms of nature on earth which all work in favour to living beings. No mechanism has been identified which works as self accelerating interaction against the survival of living beings. If such a mechanisms would exist there would be no living beings on earth.

The main actions of nature which mitigate the consequences of climate changes by slowing these down are:

1) High amounts of ice and water. Both have an extraordinary high heat capacity, particularly for changing states of aggregation. This means water and ice generate heat by climate cooling and both consume heat by climate worming. This temperature mitigating effect works also by day and night and by summer and winter.

2) Increase of sea level is mitigated by Antarctica, because there the increased precipitation by warmer sea- temperature still goes down as snow which will not contribute to sea level increase.

3) All climate changes are mitigated by changing absorption potential of atmosphere by changes of solubility of CO2 in water. This means that CO2 is out-gassing from sea water by higher temperatures and increases the absorption of heat in atmosphere, which increases cooling. Scientists know by ice-core measurements that all last global warming periods were mitigated by the cooling effect of increased CO2 concentration in atmosphere.

4) All climate changes are mitigated by changing absorption potential of atmosphere by changes of moisture in atmosphere by changes of evaporation potential.

5) Increased moisture evaporation is also an additional indirect effect by increased CO2, which is much stronger than the direct cooling effect. It is wll known by nearly everybody that increased CO2 concentration increases nearly proportional plant growth. Increase plant growth cause increased moisture evaporation by plants.


Like a wonder for mankind was, that scientists have not detected the Weltformel more than 70 years earlier, which can be regarded as extremely unlikely. By this they used the very ineffective burning of fossil fuels instead of copying the cheap energy generation analog to sun.

But by this mankind increased the concentration of CO2 in atmosphere, which was needed to avoid severe hunger disasters of the increasing population of earth. It is well known that in all periods of high temperature the population is strongly increasing. The new technologies have supported this.

Despite the wonder of additional increase of CO2 concentration, currently large areas of jungle are converted to farmland to produce crop, which has a strong warming and dryness effect on climate.


In order to prevent a real man-made climate catastrophe in near future by actions which support the catastrophe concerning climate but also concerning health of mankind, it requires that physicists have to accept the reality of the universe as soon as possible.

We have to stop, to do further physical research against the Fundamental Laws of Nature instead by the Fundamental Laws of nature.


the warming up much quicker which would have caused catastrophic effects for mankind.


Thus current actions against CO2 can be called a heavy crime on mankind and a severe action against nature. By the knowledge of the Weltformel and understanding of physics it will get a conscious crime.



C12.7 The Climate Catastrophe is made by Physics


The real catastrophic situation is that because of the non-understanding concerning climate, complete wrong actions are done.

By knowledge of the Weltformel also the main cause for climate changes is known: It is the nature of the galaxies, which have different densities of interstellar clouds of molecules and magnetic fields. These clouds absorb more or less infrared radiation of suns by orbiting around the black hole of a galaxy. Increased absorbance between sun and earth in all cases cause cooling of climate because less heat arrives at the earth ground. When crossing a spiral arm in which clouds of very high densities are, there is a high probability for the generation of the so called snowball earth. The density of clouds can be measured with relative high accuracy, because the measurement is also done by absorption data. According to NASA currently there is an extraordinaire low density.

There are lots of mechanisms of the nature on our earth which all work in favour to living beings. No mechanism has been identified which works against the survival of living beings. If these mechanisms would exist there would be no living beings on earth. The main actions of nature which mitigate the consequences of climate changes by slowing these down are:

1) High amounts of ice and water. Both have an extraordinary high heat capacity, particularly for changing states of aggregation.

2) Increase of sea level is mitigated by Antarctica, because there the increased precipitation by warmer sea- temperature still goes down as snow which will not contribute to sea level increase.

3) Global warming is mitigated by increased absorption by higher concentration of water vapor in atmosphere.

4) Extremely important is the increase of CO2 in atmosphere by out-gassing from sea waterby increased temperatures. The direct cooling effect of CO2 by absorption is not very strong. Much stronger effect is the increase of plant growth and the cooling increased cooling effect by plants (wood).

5) In the periods of high temperature the population of mankind is strongly increasing. This is also observed in current warm period. If CO2 would not increase and by this the plant growth, severe hunger disasters would occur. In order to meet the need for food, currently large areas of jungle are converted to farmland, which has an extreme warming and dryness effect on climate.


Overall it is a wonder that the Weltformel was not detected earlier, as energy would have been generated analog to sun without CO2 generation. The expensive generation by burning would never have been done. Because of the lack of increased CO2 concentration the crop yields would be much lower, and the warming up much quicker which would have caused catastrophic effects for mankind.


Thus current actions against CO2 can be called a heavy crime on mankind and a severe action against nature. By the knowledge of the Weltformel and understanding of physics it will get a conscious crime.



C12.8 The absurd Antiscience of earth Heating by Clouds

According to physics we have to fill a swimming pool when the weather forecast announces that there will be many days of compact clouds, so that the swimming pool is rapidly heated. The observation and correct knowledge of former days were that the pool will faster warm up when there will be lots of sunny days.

This is just one example of numerous, how absurd the greenhouse theory is.

1b) Subsequent interaction: Averaging of vibrations

By high collision energy the vibration energy of the new bonding is momentarily greater than that of other bondings. But directly after bonding the vibration energies are averaged over all neighbored bondings of the particle.

2. Second reaction step: Emission

By increasing of bonding vibration beyond superposition, the corresponding bonding breaks. Thus in this case an electron is emitted.

The definition of emission is the that split parts by a broken bonding are catapulted in opposite direction with a velocity inversely proportional to mass.

Concerning the reaction of photoelectric effect the emitted electron takes all vibration energy as kinetic energy. The mass of the remaining bound body is so large, that it is not aacceleratied. there is not any acceleration by emission of the electron.




C3.7 Explanation, why kinetic Energies do not correlate to Heat

When high kinetic photons bind to an atomic nucleus the new bonding has a high energy which is averaged over all bondings of the nucleus, but not of the photon chains. Photon chains have a separate vibration mode. Because of there ring structure the vibration goes quasi to all direction by alternating variation of the diameter of the ring. This explains also why thermal photons are emitted to all directions.




C2.4 Absorption of heat is equivalent to Elimination of Heat

Chemist know that all interactions of particles which result to different particles are done by building or/and split of particles. Thus even when there are complete different particles the number of fundamental particles stay the same. This is also the case for thermodynamic reactions of bodies, which are building and split of bondings to infrared photons (heat). The only difference between thermodynamic and usual reactions is, that the reacting atomic matter does not change its character by bonding of an infrared photon besides a changed temperarure. But the absorbed infrared photons will be completely eliminated.

Thus the most important physical rules concerning climate on earth is:

All absorbed heat between sun and earth surface causes cooling of climate.

All atomic matter between sun an eearth surface causes cooling of climate.

In the next chapter observations are shown, which verify that by absorption a particle is eliminated.



C2.2 The Non- Understanding of Absorption and Emission

Interactions of particles are mostly chemical reactions. Absorption and emission are two of the 5 fundamental interactions in universe. Absorption is a pseudonym for building of a bonding and emission is equivalent to breaking of a bonding and the subsequent split of a particle to two pieces, which are catapulted to opposite directions by the vibration of the bonding.

By reaction kinetics it is clear that by a bonding of two particles the particles afterwards do not exist any more but a new particle has been generated, which mostly has different characteristics. Also for thermal absorption the bound Infrared.-photon (heat) exists any more. Heat is consumed. But for every reaction in the universe there is a reverse reaction. In this case it is the emission of a photon. The characteristics of the atomic particle will not be changed by thermal absorption as on photon- chains are millions of bonding-positions for additional photons, and there are permanent bindings and decays by omnipresent photons in the surrounding. But also in this case the absorbed particle (= infrared-photon or heat) does not exists anymore. The general physical rules are :

* Infrared photons (= heat) are eliminated (=consumed) by absorption of infrared photons(heat).

* Heat is generated by emission of infrared photons.

* All heat changes are done by thermal absorption and emission of infrared photons. Absorbed are mostly omnipresent photons, which is the only scientific explanation for the observation that absorption and emission of infrared-photons (heat) occur permanently.

* There are no other generation and consumption of heat in the universe than by absorption and emission of omnipresent photons.

C3.5 Overview of all Studies

The studies were done by a full-time hobby for over 7 years based on doctorate of Physical Chemistry with focus “Reaction kinetics” and 25 years expertise as leader of an analytical research laboratory at an international company with over 50,000 employees.

In following chapters it is explained why the fictive theories concerning warming effect by CO2 are physically impossible.

Overview of current physically impossible theories which are refuted by unambiguous observations:

C4 The totally wrong greenhouse theory by CO2.

C5 Theory that cold radiation does not exist

C6 Theory that IR-absorption spectra refer to thermal absorption

C7 Theory of ultra-high absorption potential of CO2.

C8 Theory of molecules without absorption potential.

C9 Theory of IR-absorption by changing vibration modes.

C10 Theory that earth surface radiates Heat.

C11 Theory that the formula for emitted heat is reality.

C12 Theory that heat or energy can be balanced.

C13 Theory of high temperatures of atmosphere.

C14 The Theory that measured radiation from sun refers to heat.

C15 The Theory of stable heat from sun.

C16 The theory of Albedo effect.

C17 The theories of climate changes by changing movements of earth.

C18 The theories of major climate factors

C19 Guaranteed reality of major cause for all climate changes: Absorption by different densities of molecular clouds in space.

C20 Other climate factors.

C21 The catastrophe for mankind by disastrous famines by reducing CO2.


C1.8 The real Cause for Climate Changes

By the knowledge that the sun system traverse different densities of interstellar clouds of molecules and magnetic fields, it is a logical conclusion that the changing density of these clouds is the basic reason for all climate changes. Only by this all observations can be explained, for example:

* There are no periodic but random changes! Any statement of specific periods is antiscience. Of course a computer can define lots of periods to make of each random event an “apparent periodic” event.

* Warm ages have an upper temperature limit, because of the natural limit of no clouds. Of course an extreme low density of molecules always remains in space.

According to actual measurements the density is extremely low, so that we can be sure that the temperature increase will not get much stronger.

* The situation of snowball earth is well explained by traversing of sun system through arm of galaxy, because there the density of molecules/ magnetic structures are strongly increased.

* Even the correlation of long time periods without the high 11 years activity periods of sun to a “little ice age” refers in reality to a somewhat higher intensity of interstellar clouds. This can be explained by the fact, that interstellar clouds prevent the dark spots of sun but not the high activity period of sun (increased number of coronal ejections of sun). (See SURe Vol. ASTROPHYSICS)

* According to current theory there should be runaway effects of warm and cold ages by the changes of CO2 concentrations. This has never been observed.

* Current warm period could be observed on each planet and moon of our Sun system, where observation is possible and where sunshine is relevant.

C1.9 Past, actual and future Climate Changes are determinable

Changes of density of clouds are measured by the light from stars behind the clouds, which means by the absorption potential of the cloud. The absorption by magnetic fields should be somewhat stronger than for molecules. Regular measurements are for example done by NASA. NASA has constructed a picture of measured clouds, the sun and other stars and the propagation directions.

Because of the known movements of stars and clouds absorption data can be (re)-constructed in past and future. Past data can probably be used to control the correlation to earth climate.

C1.10 Other causes for past Climate Changes can be excluded

Mostly it is stated that climate changes are caused by periodic changes of earth orbits around Sun and changes of earth axis relative to Sun. Such changes require strong impacts by collisions to relative large celestial bodies, which have an extremely low probability and therefore can be excluded.

As far as it is known there were never periodic climate changes, but the random climate changes were within a specific temperature range. This is a very important knowledge which scientists gained by outstanding research work. By this finding the real cause could be define by SURe- New Physics with an extremely high probability. It is a severe affront against the corresponding careful research that other physicists have converted this clear finding to the opposite and state that the climate changes occurred within various specific periods.

Volcanic activities can cause cold periods, but should not last so long as observed for cold periods.

Long-term changes of activity of sun can be excluded as the sun has a well working temperature control. (see SURe Vol. Astrophysics).

Heat generation by earth can be neglected compared to heat from sun.

Strong concerns would cause a cooling of climate because an approaching cold phase. By a cold phase it can be expected that over 30% of earth surface is covered by ice and thus uninhabitable and that the food resources reduce to less than half of current situation. There will be an extreme high potential of wars, because people will fight for the available resources to survive.

C1.11 Theories of Climate refer to the most fatal Antiscience of physics

Since beginning of 20th century physical institutions got funding and physicists got appreciation for physical impossible science-fiction (=theories), so that the scientific task of physics to gain knowledge of reality by unbiased observations were terminated and physics got more and more to anti-science, which means make up fictive statements which are not conform to unbiased observations, which means observations were interpreted instead of described.

There were following major steps until the current total doom of physics as natural science:

1. The theories of relativity.

2. The theories of quantum physics

3. The theories of particle physics.

4. The theories of thermodynamics. The last scientific descriptions of thermodynamics were eliminated by the theory of greenhouse effect.

Creating theories as first step of physical research is normality. But as next step the theories have to be converted to reality. This was not possible, because the physical research institutions had to publish already the theories as real physics to get public funding which was required to survive. They could not wait until the strongly time consuming finding of reality.

This problem has been solved by definition of the general axiom for physics: “Physics is no reality”. This axiom has been manifested by using the term “theoretical physics” and describing the universe by matterless, phantom-like, abstract terms instead of using concrete physical descriptions.

Examples are the use of electromagnetic waves, charges, heat, energy, force. Physics ought to be the natural science about the descriptions and explanations of interactions of lifeless matter in universe. But physics has not yet achieved to have a scientific definition of matter and there is no research to achieve this. Of course by the missing basis of physics there is no chance to describe the interactions in universe conform to reality. By finding of the origin of matter, all interactions can be described and explained by

* Chemical reactions = building and breaking of bondings after collision of particles or

* the only physical interations, which are penetration and deflection (including reflection).

All interactions are all ruled by just two Fundamental Laws of Nature. This is valid for the smallest and only fundamental partile, the electron up to the largest body with is a supermassive black hole.

All interactions need physical descriptions by matter: heat and energy are properties of matter. Properties cannot be generated, consumed, released, transferred, conducted. Only particles can be generated consumed by chemical reactions and of course transferred by usual movements which might be deflected by collisions. Thus all interactions can be well describable. Instead of fictive charges there are concrete specific positions at the structure of particles at which bindings can occur. By SURe – New Physics most structures have been defined, incl the structures of force fields, stars, neutron stars and black holes. Some structures of heavy atoms still have to be defined. By structures all characteristics can be explained.

Thus only by knowing the concrete structures of molecules and particles of heat (= omnipresent photons), all reactions can be determined, by whichthe particles of heat are generated or consumed. The clear result is, that the CO2 in atmosphere do reactions, which prevent that the emitted photons from sun (no heat particles) do reactions on earth which generate heat particles.

Of course any statement of SURe – New Physics can be verified by experiments. Not any statement can be refuted.

As the error of climate change by increased CO2 and the actions against CO2

C6.1 The Cause of not being aware of Interactions of Heat

The wrong and non-understanding concerning heat and all interactions of heat (=thermodynamics) was caused by the fact that physical research was not focused to fundamental knowledge of the reality of matter. Although physicists admit that they have no knowledge of 95% of matter in universe, there was little scientific research for the unknown matter. All real findings by experimental research were misused to verify physically impossible theories. It was quasi forbidden to use real findings to convert the real findings to convert physically impossible theories to reality.

A typical example is the detection that there has to be an omnipresent matter. Based on logic thinking many physicist got the correct idea that only photons (= formerly called myon-neutrinos) have the characteristics, which are required for an omnipresent matter. But physicists give up this idea, which is physical reality, because they wanted to verify their theory of gravitation, which still is extremely far away from physically possible and thus reality.

Later the omnipresent photons have been clearly observed by measurements by a horn antenna. Physicists even measured the kinetic energies (=temperature) of the measured photons and called these 3 Kelvin photons. But then it was decided to call the photons Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and misused these alleged verification of the physically impossible theories of Big-Bang and expansion of the universe. In reality CMB unambiguously refuted both theories.

Overall sure reality is that over 90 % of all particles in universe are low-energetic photons, which do random movements all over the space and even in the assumed “empty space” of atomic matter.



C1 The Detection of the real Cause for Global Warming

C1.6 My disastrous Error about CO2 – Effect on Climate

I actively fought against CO2 increase for about 30 years. I even published an e-book against CO2- increase. In 2018 I got the idea to check in detail the scientific arguments for the cause of climate change because I wanted to prove how valuable my efforts against CO2 increase are.

It has been already strange that this idea hit me very late, although I had all scientific knowledge and experience concerning the evaluation of the cause of greenhouse effect: I had lot of experience with spectroscopic measurements by working in an analytical research lab of a big international company. In addition by my research studies of physical chemistry with focus on kinetics at universities I was expert concerning characteristics of particles and their reactions.

After few days I was extremely shocked, because my knowledge, my experience and general observations clearly show that CO2 has no specific characteristics which can cause the observed climate warming. I even unambiguously could verify my learned knowledge at school that the absorption of infrared-photons in atmosphere has a significant cooling effect on climate.

So for me it is the greatest mystery of my life that I accepted a significant statement of physics against my own experience and knowledge. This clearly shows the extreme power of indoctrination of ones thinking by media. The manipulation of my mind by media has been even so strong that I don’t have realized that there are not any scientific proofs or explanation for the statement concerning CO2.

The strongest effect of mind manipulation to people has already been achieved by using the term “greenhouse-effect” although every scientist should know that the increase of heat in a greenhouse is a complete different process: It causes heat increase by preventing heat losses by air convection.

On the other site the absorption of heat from sun by glass has a well measurable cooling effect.

C1.7 My decision for real fighting against climate Change

In order to make up for my severe error, I decided to tell the world about the reality of greenhouse effect. Although I am not a good speaker I did this by producing You-tube videos. Thus I did the best without any experience by publishing my first 21 You-tube videos about the wrong and real cause for global warming on channel “Physik ohne Widersprüche”:

Very clear for me was since the begin of my studies that the global warming is reality. So this is no item to talk about.

The only thing to prove is the cause for global warming. Currently the global warming is based on a single assumption of physicists by which global warming has been and still is mainly caused by the increase of CO2 concentration in atmosphere and by the corresponding increase of absorption potential.

Therefore the first chapter deals with absorption.


C1.12 A Reduction of CO2 would be catastrophic for Mankind

The increase of CO2 to the current high level prevented even higher temperatures on earth. But even more important is that catastrophic famines Have been prevented because of the strongly increased plant growths by the nearly 50% increased CO2 concentration.

It is extreme important that we now have to accept SURe – New Physics and by this the reality of the Fundamental Laws of Nature, which rule the interactions of the universe.

As this is essential in order to guarantee an adequate standard of living for all people, I will do a donation of at least 50,000 Euro for the unambiguous refutation of the two Fundamental Laws of Nature.

Also the basic statement of SURe -New Physics about climate, that CO2 in atmosphere cools the climate is included in the guaranteed reality of the the statement that all physical interactions in universe are based on and steered by the two Fundamental Laws of Nature.


C1.15 Donation of 50.000 EUR to prevent Climate Catastrophe

My studies showed that the only and most effective action against climate warming is to support reforestation. In order to combine this with the stopping of actions against CO2 increase, I decided to spend 50.000 EUR as soon as a scientist has found a scientific refutation of my statement that by increase of CO2 in atmosphere the climate was cooled, which mans the global warming was reduced.

In order to demonstrate that my studies are physical reality, I will donate 50.000 EUR for the reforestation of rain forests, when my major statements are scientifically refuted. Statements are:

* CO2 increase in atmosphere contributes to cooling of climate.

* CO2 increase in atmosphere contributes strongly to plant growth.

In order to demonstrate that this is meant seriously, I can send in advance the money to a public institution

As temperatures in atmosphere are much colder than surface temperatures of earth, the rules of Planck & other clearly indicate that CO2 does the opposite than physicists assumed by fictive physically impossible theories.


C1.6 The Advantages of Global Warming


C1.6 The Need for more Food

C1.7 A Reduction of CO2 will lead to a Catastrophe for Mankind

C1.7.1 Global Warming is no Catastrophe

The catastrophe will not be, that the reduction of CO2 causes a reinforcement of global warming. The history has shown that mankind and all nature can adjust to this.

There are even many advantages for living beings and nature:

* Tropic climate has created by far the most biodiversity.

* In all former warm climate periods the number and prosperity of human beings strongly increased.

* The nature supports slowing down climate changes by CO2.

* But more significant is that the increased CO2 is strongly required , so that by the nearly proportional increasing crop yields are adjusted to the increasing population.

C1.7.2 Reduction of CO2 would create disastrous famines.

C1.7.3 We have to stop fighting against mankind and Nature


The responsible persons must stop fighting against mankind, they have to fight for mankind.


Added Chapter:  The scientifically measured Absorption Potentials

A valid measurement of the relative absorption potentials of gases are the measurements of specific conductivities of gases. The measurements are done by measuring the absorbed heat of a cool body which receives the emitted photons of hot body at a specific distance. By increased heat absorption potential of gas molecules the measured received heat by the cold body decreases. By this the calculated relative specific conductivity decreases.

The listed values verify the arguments in the first part of this chapter. See

Wärmeleitfähigkeit – Wikipedia

Findings of scientific measurements:

* The highest potential for heat absorption has hydrogen.

* Heat absorption of noble gases increases by mass: He< Ar< Kr< Xe.

* CO2 absorbs heat about 70% stronger than air.

* Argon absorbs heat nearly identical to CO2.