SURe - New Physics Vol. C1+2
Catastrophe of Humanity and Physics
Attention: Premilary Worksheet planned to be revised in Feb. 25
Scientific Universal Reality (SURe) - New Physics 1
C1.2 The problem of the Capability of Thinking 2
C1.3 The human Characteristic to regard Errors as bad Research 2
C1.4 More than 200 versions of SURe -New Physics 3
C1.5 Thinkings of Human Beings can be manipulated 3
C1.6 My own Experience concerning Manipulation 3
C2.1 Physical Reality of the Universe has not been accepted 3
C2.2 The Definition of Physical Reality was not realized or ignored 5
C2.3 The Explanation for current physically impossible Physics 5
C2.4 No Laws of Scientists rules the Universe but Laws of Nature 6
C2.5 Example for a Law of Nature versus unreal Theory 6
C2.6 The two Fundamental Laws of Nature 7
C2.7 Every Interaction and State in Universe is Predetermined 8
C2.8 Other Conclusions of Physical Reality 8
C2.9 The missing basic Knowledge of Matter 9
C2.9.1 The last basic Research about Matter in the 1930s 9
C2.9.2 The disastrous Transition of Physics to Antiscience 9
C2.9.3 The missing Knowledge of Photons and Dark Matter 11
C2.9.4 The wrong Knowledge about Atoms 12
C2.9.5 Refutation of atomic Theories 12
C2.9.6 Scientific Reality of atomic Structure 13
C2.9.7 The Error of Existence of Charges or charged Particles 14
C2.9.8 The most suitable physical Meaning of „Charges“ 14
C2.10 The basic Errors of Interactions 15
C2.10.1 The wrong Knowledge of Interactions 15
C2.10.2 The Error of high-energetic Interactions of Particles 16
C2.10.3 Error of Attraction and Repulsion 17
ATTENTION: complete chapter is planned in Feb. 25
In next chapters the reasons will presented, why humanity has caused the following disasters by the statements that current climate warming is a catastrophe and requires actions to stop CO2 increase in atmosphere.
1) The unambiguous physical reality is that the additional heat absorption by the increased amount of CO2 in atmosphere has significantly reduced the global warming in the last centuries.
Mankind unconsciously contributed strongly to the natural mitigation effect of climate warming by burning of fossil matter.
This has been verfied by all experiments including experiments of Max Planck, Kirchhoff, Newton and experts of NASA. (see SURe - New Physics Vol G Greenhouse Disaster.
Also the natural weakening of climate-changes work by release of CO2 out of oceans by warm climate and solving of CO2 in oceans by cold climate.
Mankind can be sure that nature does nothing which causes a catastrophe for living beings. If there would be self-accelerated catastrophic processes as it is currently stated by CO2-greenhouse theory there would be no living beings any more on earth.
2) The stated physically impossible reasons for global warming prevented physical research in order to find out the real major reason: It is the fact, detected by measurements of NASA, that there is an exceptional low density of the local interstellar molecular cloud through which our sun system propagates since longer times. Because of the long way of sun beams through space, changes of density of clouds have a strong effect.
3) The by far most severe catastrophe is that by reduction of CO2 to the pre- industrial level has the nearly sure potential that 100 thousands of human beings would die by severe famines. It is well known by experiments that crop production id determined nearly proportional toCO2 concentration in atmosphere.
This is the main factor for the catastrophic situation of physics. The contrary is reality: If a researcher does nearly never publishes erroneous statements, this is a clear sign that he do errors without reporting these, or does not publishes Particular by research very often wi
The task of physical research is to gain knowledge about the physical reality of the universe. By me physical reality is called the Scientific Universal Reality (SURe). Without this axiom that physical reality exists research does not make sense. Current physics is based on the axiom that physical reality does not exist.
The essential characteristics for physical reality is that it can be observed by biological and technical detectors and thus can be physically described. The strongest fact, which has prevented that SURe has been detected much earlier is the capability of mankind to think in addition to observe. Thinking mostly causes that descriptions of observations are biased by adding fictive considerations, which are no reality. The best known examples is the apparent observation, that the sun orbits around the earth. It has lasted several centuries until the physical reality has been generally accepted by presenting additional observations. Unfortunately in current physics there are hundreds of incorrectly described observations (theories) which have been accepted as physics and have not been revised later, when unbiased unambiguous observation showed the physical reality. Examples are:
* Wrong theory: The sun is hot.
Comment: Observations, that the sun like all stars must have a temperature below freezing point of hydrogen have been ignored. Otherwise physicists would have got knowledge about the reality of energy generation by sun, which surely would have resulted to the constructions of very cheap power plants analog to sun since several decades.
* Wrong theory: Gravitation is caused by mass attraction.
Comment: This prevented the detection of dark matter to be omnipresent photons and that these are involved in nearly all important interactions in universe like magnetic and electric interactions.
* Wrong Theory: Current global warming is caused by CO2 increase in atmosphere.
Comment: This is the most disastrous theory, because it has the potential to cause a real catastrophe for mankind. The theory is exclusively based on a correlation and not on any observation. All spectroscopic measurements and findings of great physicists like Planck, Kirchhoff and experts at NASA clearly show the opposite: An increase of CO2 causes significant cooling of climate or in our case reduction of warming by absorption of heat from sun. There is even a natural increase of CO2, and we can be sure that nature works in favor of mankind and not against mankind. The additional CO2 increase by mankind can be regarded as incredible wonder, because of the non-detected energy generation of sun, which is very unusual.
In addition the absurd greenhouse theory prevented physical research for the real major cause for global warming, which could be identified by NASA research : The exceptional low density of the “local cloud” affecting our sun system . Not realized was that by this the usual heat absorption by sun is currently missing.
Major current problem is that following characteristics of physical reality are not realized:
* Everything in universe consists of objects which are accurate describable by 3-dimensional structures of a concrete number of bound electrons, by a concrete relative position and by a relative kinetic energy
* All statements have to be observable and consistent to observations and/or the two Fundamental Laws of Nature.
* Physical reality is unique
By above characterizations nearly every physical concrete statement can be clearly identified to be physical reality or no physical reality.
By the pressure to get public funding for physical research it was not possible for research institutions to wait until numerous experimental observations are done before the “apparent” physical descriptions have been revised to unequivocally physical reality by eliminations of all interpretations, hypotheses and theories. Therefore already theories have been published and were regarded as physics. Later physical institution avoided to admit that additional unbiased observations proved that the current theories are no physical reality.
Physicists mostly defined physical rules already based on one or few observations. The Reality of the universe is based on laws of nature. These have to be generally valid without any exceptions. The most general laws of nature are the fundamental laws of nature, either the fundamental law of nature is no physical reality.
By this in current physics not any physical law describes and explains the events in universe by fundamental laws of nature, which means by physical reality.
The observation that particles which do bindings seem to be systematic for two groups of particles has led to the thinking that the two groups of particles must possess a specific difference, which causes binding. Thus physicists assigned abstract terms to the particles, which were called plus and minus, without knowing the physical difference. Later physicists explained bindings by charges, although they should know that abstract terms can not explain physical events.
By time there were many observations which were not conform to the observations. Specific physical research would partly have shown the contrary; Electrons bind to electrons, but not to positrons, protons bind to protons but not to antiprotons.
In order to define laws of nature, scientist have to check physicists have to find generally valid rules.
It is generally known, that all observed particles show mutual binding reactions by reducing the temperature. The specific temperatures where mutual bindings occur are called condensation and freezing temperature.
Physicist also know, that all bondings break by high temperatures. Instead of high and low temperatures it is more scientific to talk about high and low collision energies of particles.
By adequate experiments it can be shown that above correlation is not only valid for atomic particles but also for subatomic particles. For example all unbiased observations of black holes can be described and explained by the reality that black holes are frozen omnipresent photons. There are no other possibilities for the reality of black holes. By this the observed nearly constant gravitational force by increasing distances can be explained and also the observed decreasing gravitation by decreasing distance to a black hole.
Therefore the natural laws are:
Bindings are done by decreasing temperatures or collision energies.
Breaking of bondings occur by increasing temperatures or collision energies.
But there are still no explanation. Explanations can exclusively be done by the most general laws of nature, which are the two Fundamental Laws of Nature.
The two fundamental Laws of Nature have been derived by the unbiased results of all relevant experiments ever done by physical scientists. Thus the Fundamental Laws of Nature would not have been detected without the research work of physicists.
Following is are the latest versions, which are a bit clearer than earlier versions, but all versions are in principle identical.
1. There is exclusively one active force in universe, which is the origin of all interactions: The force, that colliding electrons superpose and by this are accelerated to a position where these have the lowest sum of spin energies, which is achieved by superposition of opposite spin energies. A stable state of vibrating superposition of spin energies with minimal spin energy is called bound particle.
2. There is exclusively one passive force in universe, which determines, how interactions are done: The total energy (= sum of spin-energies + sum of vibration energies) of interacting particles has to be absolutely constant during all interactions
The universe requires at least two fundamental laws of nature, in order to get an equilibrium of interactions. If all interactions work towards one specific direction, the universe would sooner or later be dead, which means that there would be no interactions.
In other words: It is essential for a permanently existing universe with interactions that there are 2 major opposite interactions like it is fulfilled by the two Fundamental Laws of Nature: The building and breaking of bondings of spin-energies (=electrons).
As both laws can be expressed by mathematical formulas, the two Fundamental Laws of Nature are called Weltformel.
Physical Reality has to be unique. This requires that by knowing the basic properties of interacting particles the resulting properties after the interactions are known. No deviations are possible. Thus physical reality cannot be discussed. It has to be observed or calculated. In future computers will tell, what is physical reality and what is physically impossible just by programming of Weltformel.
Concerning the fact that determination allows no free will see SURe – Physical Reality Vol. “We are Robots”.
Other requirements for physical reality of universe and basic conclusions of the two Fundamental Natural Laws are:
* Space and time have absolutely constant dimensions.
* All matter in universe consists of objects which occupy a 3-dimensional space.
* All interactions of objects in universe require a time span.
* Matter and energies in universe have been generated out of nothing.
* The only elementary particles are electrons.
* Particles and antiparticles are identical.
* Electrons are equivalent to spin energies.
* As we can’t do observations behind our universe, the physical reality is just valid for our universe since generation of the space of the universe.
* There are very strong indications that there is a supernatural force outside our universe. The very likely theory is that the supernatural force has the capability to change probabilities of the occurrence of interactions in our universe without violating the two Fundamental Laws of Nature. The supernatural force might be called god. See SURe- New Physics Vol.: THE THEORY OF GOD.
In the 1930s years physicists detected that by collisions of cosmic protons to molecules in atmosphere a decay of the colliding particles occurs, which results to the smallest particles in universe, which are electrons and positrons. As known by chemists the decay occurs successively. The successively generated decay products could be identified in different heights of atmosphere:
Starting by the first decay particles, these are: neutrons and kaons –> pions and photons –> muons and neutrinos –> positrons and electrons.
The corresponding decay reactions including the structures of all particles could be determined by SURe- New Physics, which verified the findings. In addition it could be shown that besides the detected particles there are no other relevant sub-atomic particles.
This has been verified by the fact, that all further research about particles increased the unreality of physics.
1964 can be regarded as the year, in which physical science was finally converted to antiscience. The generally accepted definition of antiscience is to accept theories although the physical reality has been clearly defined. The corresponding theory has been invented by pure thinking without any observation or indication, thus by science-fiction. According to this theory protons consists of other particles than the clearly detected ones: quarks and gluons. The creators seem to know that quarks and gluons are no reality, because they state that these particles can’t be isolated as single particles and thus are not observable. Not observable is equivalent to the statement of no reality.
Nevertheless physical research institution accepted the theory as physics. Victims of this are all the numerous scientists for who it is not possible any more to do valuable physical research at particle collider facilities like at CERN. All real findings would falsify current physics, which is not allowed for being published. The real generated particles at CERN are mainly photons and few decay products of photons (muons, neutrinos = electron-pairs and electrons). Although it is easy to identify photons, this is not published, because it would falsify current theories. When the researcher would not being obliged to hold on to physically impossible theories they surely would have detected that particle colliders have the capability to generate energy the same way as the sun generates energy. Thus scientific research would have surely resulted to the construction of very effective power plants since several decades, which generate high amounts of cheap energy analog to sun: by emissions of photons. This refers to a relative simple reaction. The generated photons are already used at collider facilities for structure analysis of biological particles. But it was prevented that the real potential for the generation of high energetic IR-photons by adjusting collision energies to magnetic fields has been realized.
Without the fatal research restrictions every researcher would have done the generally accepted best practice done at start of research experiments: A “blind” measurement, with means running the ring collider with one single beam. This would have shown that by a single beam the same particles are generated by collisions as by running with two beams.
Another best practice is to determine the dependency of results by different collision energies. This would have clearly verified the fundamental laws of nature, which are for proton-proton-collisions:
* By low collision energies: Binding of two protons to an alpha particle.
* By medium collision energies: Decay of protons as observed in atmosphere in 1930s years.
* By high collision energies: Penetration without decay of protons.
In addition many other findings of SURe- New Physics can be verified, like the dependency on spin orientation, which solves the matter-antimatter-problem of current physics and that reaction products are independent from colliding
It can be assumed that nearly no physicist really believes that electromagnetic waves are physical reality. Electromagnetic waves does not fulfill any requirement for physical reality.
By SURe – New Physics it can be demonstrated that all natural and experimental interactions of photons falsify that photons are electromagnetic waves and verify that these are relative normal particles.
Contrary to the theory of electromagnetic waves the alternating movements of all real waves like sonic waves and water waves can be well explained by the alternating forces exerted to particles. The fact that this is not possible for electromagnetic waves is the proof that theses are physical impossible science-fiction.
As photons can travel nearly endless through space these have to be very stable, which can be explained by their compact symmetric structure. Because of their high stability there exist many more than 10 to the power of 10 photons in the volume of an atom. Therefore the proportion of number of photons to number of atoms is multiple times higher than above proportion. Nearly all photons are low-energetic IR-photons, which are omnipresent and do movements to all directions by mutual collisions and reflections.
Photons can only do mutual collisions when their kinetic energies are in a comparable range, otherwise these penetrate through each other.
All high-energetic photons move to one direction by penetration through low energetic IR-photons. As the penetration needs time proportional to the kinetic energy of high energetic photons, all propagating photons have a constant propagation speed despite strong differences of real velocities between the penetrations. The Kinetic energy of photons is proportional to the mass and the real velocity of a photon, like it is the case for all objects.
Photons always bind to other photons and to nuclei by double bondings. Like it is the case for electrons one photon can bind to three mutual bondings in a plane. This explains that hexagons of bound photons are built. The temperature determines the stability of bondings:
* by high temperatures or low concentrations binding to linear chains is preferred.
* by low temperatures or high concentration binding to plane structures is preferred.
* 3-dimensional crystallization occurs by very low temperatures and high concentrations to black holes.
Without above knowledge it was impossible for physicist to describe and explain the physical reality of the universe as photons and hexagon photon structures are involved in many reactions.
SURe – New Physics identified 2017 dark matter clearly as omnipresent low-energetic IR-photons. Physicist identified these already many years earlier by measurements, but called the omnipresent photons Cosmic Microwave Background.
There are multiple theories for the structure of atoms, but all consist of physically impossible statements like:
- Atomic nuclei consist of protons and neutrons.
- There are free moving electrons around atomic nuclei.
- The electrons move in specific volumes and in specific distance to nucleus.
- There are electron pairs at specific positions by which atoms are bound to molecules.
- There are often additional electron-pairs around a nucleus which do not bind, but which requires a specific volume.
As physicists are well aware that above statements are physically impossible, they made-up a theory without physically existing electrons. The new theory works with wave functions instead of real electrons. But wave functions are even more far away from physical reality than real electrons.
If an atom would exclusively consist of atomic nuclei and real electrons or abstract wave functions, the proportion of volume of matter to the total volume of an atom is about 10 to the power of -15. This means that an atom would consist of almost nothing. By this the current atomic theories are refuted by following observations:
* Atomic matter has a strong resistance against pressure.
* There are rigid bondings between atoms, which result to molecules.
* There are bondings between molecules, which result to rigid bodies.
* The bondings do vibrations.
* Atomic matter does reflections of visible photons on surface.
* Molecules have a significant potential for absorption (= binding) of other photons, particular infrared-photons.
All observations concerning atomic matter are conform to following physical reality:
* Atomic nuclei have been generated by nuclear fusion (= binding) of protons (= nucleus of hydrogen) in stars.
Comment: Like all bondings also nuclear fusions consume energy, which can be explained by the fact that usable kinetic energy of particles is transferred to non-usable vibration energy of bondings.
Thus generally atomic nuclei are bound protons. Physicists know that nuclei can decay to other nuclei, by which electrons, neutrons and alpha-particles (=diprotons) are emitted.
* There are no free electrons in or around an atom. Instead omnipresent photons bind to specific adequate positions to nuclei. The most essential characteristics of omnipresent photons is, that these do mutual bondings to huge chain-like structures of bound hexagons. Each photon-chain consists of billions of photons. The photon-chains bind to the chains of other atoms and thus generate molecules.
Charges are no physical objects and no properties of particles. In addition there is no physical meaning of charged particles. The characterization by “+” and “-” does not make sense, because there is no physical difference.
The thinking, that there are particles with positive charge that are attracted by particles with negative charge, which cause binding by attraction is not valid. It is refuted by numerous observations:
*Electrons bind to electrons but never to positrons.
* Atomic nuclei generally consists of bound protons. In some cases the nuclei decay to structures which appear to consists of neutrons.
* Two bound protons are called alpha-particle.
* Bound particles are new particles and mostly completely new characteristics.
It is well known by observations, that all particles do mutual bindings. The mutual bound particles are called frozen matter.
Thus there is following general law of nature:
*All particles do increasing number of bondings by decreasing temperature.
*For all particles by increasing temperatures increasing numbe of breaks of bondings occur.
* Increasing temperature of particles mostly correlates to increasing collision energies of particles.
Physical reality is that particles have a specific number of positions in their structures, where interactions by bondings or reflections are possible.
Particles including electrons have two possible states, which differentiate whether by superposition after collision a bonding (=absorption) or a reflection (re-emission) occurs:
When particles have nearly the same spin- orientation (=same spin rotation), the colliding areas have opposite rotation directions. This causes a decrease of spin-energies, which causes acceleration to a the superposition with lowest sum of spin energies which can result to binding.
When particles have nearly opposite spin- orientation (=opposite spin rotation), the colliding areas have same rotation directions. This causes an increase of spin-energies, which causes acceleration opposite to superposition, which means reflection.
Overall the physical reality of the theory of particles with “plus and minus charges” are particles with “spin up and spin down” or “matter- and antimatter – particles”.
This is verified by following observations:
* Electrons bind to electrons but not to positrons, verified by electron-pairs.
* Protons bind to protons but not to antiprotons, verified by diprotons, which are currently called alpha- particles.
* all decays of particles generate particles with identical spin orientations, verified by deflections in magnetic fields (magnetic field must have same orientation relative to movement direction, otherwise the deflections occur in opposite direction).
* all decays of particles generate entangled particles with entangled properties.
* every particle can bind to every other particle below a specific temperature. The specific temperature is call freezing or condensation temperature.
* as by high collision energies or multiple bindings the vibration exceeds the maximal value: every particle can decay to smaller particles except electrons.
There are five fundamental Interactions in universe:
1) Every interaction of an object starts with a collision of two moving objects, followed by one of following four major interactions:
2) Binding:
Binding is a result of by partly superposition of two spin energies (= electrons). There are no other bound states in universe than superposition of opposite rotating parts of an electron, which is forced to do in order to reduce total spin- energy to minimal spin-energy. By binding the kinetic energies of collided particles are transferred to the vibration energy of the bondings, which are averaged over all bondings of a particle.
3) Break of bonding:
When vibration energy of a particles gets over the maximal vibration amplitude, the bonding breaks, by which the bonding energy is transferred to kinetic energies of split particles, which are emitted to opposite directions.
4) Penetration
Penetration occurs, when the collision energy is so high that the movement of superposition is not stopped before end of superposition.
5) Reflection
When two objects with opposite spin directions collide, the first superposed area causes an increased spin-energy. Therefore, when the collision energy is lower than it is required for penetration the colliding particles are reflected.
This error has created several decades of very expensive but useless physical research by collider experiments, as already mentioned.
A clear law of nature is, that when particles collide with very high kinetic energy, neither bonding nor reflection occurs but exclusively penetration.
Thus the observed and analyzed particles by high energetic particle colliders are not generated by particle- particle collisions but by collisions to the very strong magnetic fields, which consist of extremely dense bound photon structures.
It is well observed that the magnetic fields in colliders decay to photons. As the magnetic fields have very regular structures, the emitted photons which are the decay products have a regular spin orientation, which is equivalent with being polarized. The photons are called Synchrotron radiation.
Thus the detected particles in the analyzer are photons which decay to myons, electron-pairs and electrons. These are independent from colliding particles, which means electrons, positrons, protons, antiprotons and lead.
This explains why the successive generated decay products of protons, which have been analyzed already in the 1930s years are not observed: these are neutrons and kaons → pions → muons → electron-pairs → electrons.
Particle-particle collisions can be used as perfect verification of the natural laws of interactions:
* By low energetic collisions of protons these bind to alpha-particles (=diprotons).
* By medium energetic collisions these decay to above listed particls.
* By high energetic collisions there occurs penetration.
It is extreme easy to verify that collisions to magnetic fields occur instead of collisions to particles: Scientists just have to shut down one conduction line and will analyze same particles as by both conduction lines (just less).
An essential law of nature is that there are no forces like attraction or repulsion between particles which have no direct contact.
By daily observations we know that all interactions require forces and forces can exclusively be exerted and experienced by direct contact of concrete objects. This is the explanation for the law of nature that all interactions in universe start with a collision. The corresponding force is the kinetic energy of one object relative to the kinetic energy of another object, which is the force of collision, which is equivalent to collision energy. We also know that the force exercising objects are often not visible by eyes:
* Windmills work by collisions of molecules of atmosphere.
* Rockets are accelerated by collisions of molecules generated by fuel explosion.
* Heat is generated by collisions of infrared photons.
* Steam engines move by collisions of gaseous water molecules
* Electromotors run by collisions of electrons.
Currently unknown is that most other interactions are exercised by collisions of omnipresent low-energetic infrared-photons, currently called dark matter. This is possible as in a volume of an atom there are more than 10 to the power of 15 omnipresent photons. These explain following forces:
* Gravitational force by collisions of different numbers of omnipresent photons: The increasing density by decreasing distance to celestial bodies cause that by the increased binding reactions objects are accelerated to the surface of celestial bodies.
* Magnetic force is generated by collisions of objects to magnetic field lines. Magnetic field lines are omnipresent photons which are bound to chain structures.
* Electric force is in principle identical to magnetic force.
* Weak and strong force refer to usual reactions by bindings and break of bondings after collisions of particles.
Overall any impact to an object without a collision by another object is physically impossible.
All current theories of forces are physically impossible science-fiction.
Science-fiction is no negative term, because science-fiction is created by thinking, whereas the detection of the Fundamental Laws of Nature can only be achieved when observations are described without any thinking. Everything which is observed by reliable detectors is physical reality. Exclusively thinking has the potential to convert reality to no reality.
All Rights: Dr. O. Vogel , J. Vogel , A. Vogel ; Unabhängige Forschungsgemeinschaft UFG/ Germany
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