Scientific Universal Reality (SURe) - New Physics


Volume W (Weltformel by SURe)


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Scientific Universal Reality (SURe) 

Weltformel by SURe Volume W 


W0 Definitions 


W1 The severe Problems of current Physics 


W1.1 No Awareness of the Task of a natural Science 

W1.2 No Itention to follow Scientific Method 

W1.3 Physics converted to a spiritual Science and worse 

W1.4 The Downfall of Physics is caused by public Funding 

W1.5 The Taboo of Corrections 

W1.6 Physical Scientists had no Chance to do scientific Research 

W1.7 Problems of Research resulted to Quantum Physics 

W1.8 No Accusation of Physicists and/or physical Institutions  

W1.9 Physical Scientists are the Victims of Antiscience of Physics       

W1.10 Continuing with Antiscience is a scientific and human Disaster 


W2 The results of prohibited physical Research 


W2.1 Physics is still Magics because of matter-less Phenomenons 

W2.2 No Attention of Requirements for physical Interactions 

W2.3 Severe Misunderstanding of basic Properties 

W2.4 Many Values of Properties are wrong 

W2.5 Misuse of Mathematics to verify impossible Theories 

W2.6 Many mathematical Errors 

W2.7 Severe mathematical Errors in Astrophysics 

W2.8 Many Units of Properties do not make Sense

W2.9 Physical Constants show Lack of physical Understanding 

W2.8 Violation of basic physical Principles 


W3 The Basis for Weltformel and SURe- New Physics 


W3.1 Axiom: The Universe is Physical Reality 

W3.2 The Requirements for Weltformel and SURe- New Physics 

W3.3 Weltformel is derived exclusively by Observations 

W3.4 Weltformel is the Result of all experimental physical Research 

W3.5 SURe- New Physics is based on the excellent Job of Engineers 


W4 Presentation of the Weltformel (guaranteed Reality) 


W4.1 The fundamental Axiom of the Weltformel 

W4.2 The First Fundamental Law of Nature (Weltformel, Part 1) 

W4.3 The Second Fundamental Law of Nature (Weltformel, Part 2) 

W4.4 The Universal Interactions of the Universe 


W5 Main Features of Weltformel and SURe- New Physics 


W5.1 The Weltformel and SURe are falsifiable

W5.2 Determinism of all Interactions and States 

W5.3 Extreme Simplicity 

W5.4 Nearly complete Physics refers to chemical Reactions 

W5.5 Chemical Reactions instead of magical Conversions 

W5.6 Weltformel reveals Reality of atomic Structure 

W5.7 SURe reveals other Errors concerning Atoms 

W5.8 Weltformel determines Characteristics of Particles 

W5.9 Faults can easily be detected (Example Angle of H2O) 

W5.10 The Weltformel eliminates magic Forces 

W5.11 The Weltformel clearly defines omnipresent Particles 

W5.12 Weltformel “reveals” all Findings of Reality of current Physics 

W5.13 The Weltformel will cause a Revolution in all natural Sciences 

W5.14 The huge new Research Potential for Chemistry 

W5.15 The huge new Research Potential for Biology 

W5.16 Weltformel can save mankind from Life threatening Danger 

W5.17 Clear basic physical Definitions 

W5.18 The Universal Force replaces all other Forces 

W5.19 No Disputes anymore about Physics 


W6 Explanations of desastrous State of current Physics


W6.1 Termination of Research before Finding any Result 

W6.2 Theories are accepted to be Physics 

W6.4 Non-scientific Verification of Theories 

W6.5 Physicists work on useless Research Tasks 

W6.6 Ignoring Falsification 

W6.7 Physical Reality is ignored (Example Interference) 

W6.8 Contra-productive Acknowledgment Policy 

W6.9 Indoctrination of physically impossible Sciene-fiction 

W6.10 No awareness of missing Explanations and Non-Understandings 

W6.11 Findings of Reality are quasi impossible to publish 

W6.12 Nature of Mankind severely hinders scientific Work 

W6.13 Is there a Root Cause for the late Discovery of Reality? 


W7. Examples of Conversion of Physics to Antiscience 


W7.1 Acceptance of the physically impossible Theories of Relativity 

W7.2 From Reality to highest Level of Absurdity of Relativity 

W7.3 Atomic Clocks are misused to verify Time Dilation 

W7.4 Reality of Run Times of Atomic Clock

W7.5 Since Einstein got genius Antiscience got genius   

W7.6 The Antiscience of Lorentz-Transformation and Spacetime 

W7.7 (=P4.1) The most significant Particle Research in the 1930s 

W7.8 (=P4.2) The findings of Proton Decays 

W7.9 (=P4.3) Electron has been verified as only elementary Particle 

W7.10 (=P7.1) Anti-physics instead of Verification of Reality 

W7.11 (=P4.4) Decay - Reactions of Protons 

W7.12 No publications of real findings 


W8. Examples of Activities against Findings of Reality 


W8.1 Einstein was “prohibited” to correct his own Theory 

W8.2 Defamation of clear Finding of AnIsitropy of Speed of Light 

W8.3 Punishment for proving Neutrinos being faster than Light 

W8.4 Faked Falsification of the Falsification of spontaneous Reactions 


W9 Physicists are forced to do Anti-Research 


W9.1 Definition of Anti-Research 

W9.2 The unscientific Tasks of Collider Experiments 

W9.3 The Basis for Knowledge of SURe-New Physics 

W9.4 The gained knowledge by over 50 Years of Collider Research 

W9.5 High energetic Particle Collisions are physically impossible 

W9.6 Missing basic Research for Collision-Tests. 

W9.7 Falsification of Particle Collisions in LHC - Collider 

W9.8 Real Observations by Colliders verify Weltformel 

W9.9 The Reality of Synchrotron Radiation 

W9.10 Why are Synchrotron Photons polarized? 

W9.11 Why don’t bound Photons have Mass? (Definition of Mass

W9.12 Einstein’s E = mc² is falsified by scientific Definition of Mass 

W9.13 The Reality of Collisions to magnetic fields (bound Photons) 

W9.14 The Reality of Colliders was experienced by Accident 

W9.15 Over 60 Years the same Research Results 

W9.16 Over 60 Years of useless Research 

W9.17 Analyzers of LHC needs to be improved 

W9.18 Real Particles according to current Theory 

W9.19 List of other severe Errors at CERN 

W9.20 Verification of Electron being Fundamental Particle 

W9.21 The fictional Detection of W-, Z- and Higgs - Bosons 

W9.22 The exorbitant Value of Collider Research 


W10 Most fatal Misinterpretations 


   W10.1 Descriptions must be without Interpretations 

W10.2 The Misinterpretation of a hot Sun 

W10.3 The reality of Energy Generation of Sun 

W10.4 The fatal Misinterptretation of binding Energy 

W10.5 Wrong Interpretation of the quick Growth of Black Holes 


W11 The Theory of a Supernatural Power (God) 


W11.1 Theory and Observation: God is not almighty 

W11.2 Theory of Control by incomplete Determinism 

W11.3 Free Will requires incomplete Determinism 

W11.4 The Theory of a friendly God 

W11.5 The extreme low Probability of Creation of the Universe 

W11.6 The extremely unlikely Conversion of Physics to Antiscience 


W12 An earlier Detection of the Weltformel would be a Catastrophe 


W12.1 The Chaos by Explosion of new Technologies 

W12.2 The right Time for Revelation of Weltformel has come 

W12.3 Now the Conversion to Reality is urgently required 

W12.4 Another crucial Reason for the delay of Physical Reality 


W13 The long and winding Road to Physical Reality 


W13.1 The Story of Detection of the “Theory of Everything” 

W13.2 The Discovery that Physics can be explained by Kinetics 

W13.3 Valuable Research Support by my Daughters 

W13.4 Ability to avoid Bias- Problem of “good Ideas” 

W13.5 Findings causing high workload for Corrections 

W13.6 Issues of further Research 

W13.7 Falsifications of SURe- New Physics are appreciated 

W13.8 Donations of 60,000 EURO for Falsification of SURe- New Physics 

W13.9 Example for a Falsification 

W13.10 Other Falsifications of SURe- New Physics by Penetration 

13.11. For detection of Weltformel just Luck is needed 

W13.12 The great Advantage of independent Research 

W13.13 The urgently overdue Liberation of physical Research 

W13.14 The urgently overdue Conversion of Physics to a natural Science.


W14. Other Considerations for Conversion to physical Reality 


W14.1 Announcement of Weltformel and SURe - New Physics 

   W14.2 Premises and first Tasks for Conversion 

   W14.3 Further Extension of SURe- New Physics 

   W14.4 The new Research Tasks for physical Scientists 

W14.5 Great Physicists will remain great Physicists 

14.6 Its SURe: The Begin of a golden era for Physicists 

W14.7 Patent Applications 

   W14.8 The high Risk for Disasters for Mankind and Science 

W14.9 The urgent Request and “final Call” to come on Board 






Scientific Universal Reality (SURe)

Weltformel by SURe Volume W


W0 Definitions



consists of one axiom and two fundamental laws of nature, which describe and explain all interactions and states in universe by physical reality.

The English term “Theory of Everything” doesn’t suit. Weltformel is the opposite. It is the “Physical reality of Everything”.



A statement which is taken to be reality although it is not observed. A valid axiom is conform to all observations. The axiom of Weltformel is: The matter in universe is generated out of “Nothing” (=no matter, no energy).


SURe = Scientific universal reality

SURe- New Physics

is the scientific description and explanation of all interactions and states in universe by Weltformel without any inconsistencies.

SURe- New Physics is not complete, but covers all major interactions. SURe- New Physics is continuously checked for errors (inconsistencies) and revised.



is the natural Science of non-living Matter



According to Wikipedia the definition is: “Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within the universe, as opposed to that which is only imaginary nonexistent or nonactual.


Physical Reality:

In SURe- New Physics some additional requirements are defined compared to definition of reality above:

Physical reality is everything in universe, which can be unequivocally observed by physical interaction of physical objects and/or is conform to physical knowledge which is based on unequivocal observations.


Physical Reality (SURe) is valid for all natural sciences.



3-dimensional  space with fixed limits which is exclusively filled with matter. That means nothing exists, which is no matter. 


Matter (see also definition below)

Matter are physical objects like particles or bodies. All objects are observable by their interactions and everything which can be observed (by technical and natural sensors)is reality. An important characteristic of matter is 3-dimensional locality.


Objects like particles or bodies

All objects consists of partlially superposed spin-energies, which are equivalent to bound electrons or single electrons. There are no other elementary (=fundamental) particles than electrons. 


Objects are differentiated by

  • Six relevant non-atomic particles: (Electron (e), electron-pair (2e), muon (3e) photon (4e), neutron (10e), proton, 13e)

  • Irrelevant (all other) non-atomic particles.

  • Atomic particles: nuclei, atoms, molecules.

  • Large units of bound particles (celestial bodies)

  • Large structures of bound photons (electric fields, magnetic fields, gravitational fields, black holes)


All interactions of our universe

Everything, which has happened, happens and will happen in our universe.


The two Fundamental Laws of Nature

Scientific rules which has highest level of generalization. All other rules can be explained by the Two Fundamental Laws of Nature, whereas the Fundamental Laws are not explainable.


Scientific principle

Scientific principles are conclusions of Fundamental Laws of Nature. 



 Description of an event (= limited number of interdependent interactions in universe). Interdependent interactions occur naturally or are generated by experiments)

 Observations have to be unbiased (= described without using interpretations).


Systematic description

 Defines groups of related observations which can be described by common mechanisms.


Theory, model, hypothesis. interpretation

 Fictive descriptions and explanations of observations (=science fiction)


Scientifically sound theory

 is consistent and conform to scientific principles and thus might be physical reality.



= axiom, see above


Scientific Method (Original)

Describes how fictive explanations of theories have to be converted to physical reality:

Fictive theories have to be eliminated step by step by additional observations and definition of more general rules until the rules are completely based on irrevocable observations without any imaginary statement like theory, hypothesis, model or interpretation.



Descriptions and explanations of observations which have been checked and will be further checked, if there are non- conformities ( inconsistencies) to observation or physical rules, which are based on observations.



Statements of science which are fictive and not based on observations.



Statements of science which clearly are falsified by observations.



Statements of physics which are based on matterless phenomemons (= physically impossible).



Claiming that something is reality although it cannot be observed and it violates physical laws (examples: quarks, non-locality, superposition of properties, atomic orbital model, wave-particle duality, vacuum fluctuation, singularity, big bang, expansion of space) 




Observation:  Observable are just interactions of matter, which are always transfers of kinetic energy from one physical object to another by collisions..

Particle: Stable state of a specific number of bound fundamental particles at a minimum of average spin-energy.

Action/ Interaction: Transfers of kinetic energies between physical objects. Comment: exclusively occur by direct contact of particles (=collision); there are no actions/ interactions (no forces) over a distance; there are no other interactions than defined here.


Types of energy: All types of energy are energies of movements of particles and thus vectors. spin-energy is the only intrinsic type of energy Vibration energy is the only additional intrinsic type of energy of bound and can be regarded as sub-type of spin-energy (oscillation of spin-energy). Kinetic energy is relative and thus cannot be determined as property of an object. Total energy of a physical system is sum of spin and vibration energy, which is constant.


Superposing of spin-energies

Is the vectorial addition of spin-energies which refer to the same volume


Fundamental particles: Equivalent to spin-energies. Basic physical units which are the building brick of all matter of our universe and can't be divided to smaller particles. The only fundamental particle is an unbound electron, which is identical to an unbound positron.




W1 The severe Problems of current Physics




W1.1 No Awareness of the Task of a natural Science


The general task of a natural science is

to do research in order to get knowledge of the physical rules, by which all interactions and states in universe can be described and explained. The rules which highest generality are the fundamental laws of nature, which also can be called Weltformel.



W1.2 No Itention to follow Scientific Method


The detailed process of consecutive tasks in order to gain knowledge of physical reality have already been defined by philosophers in 17th century like Rene Descartes and called Scientific Method.


Basic requirement is that exclusively clear observations are allowed to define the physical reality. Thus for detection of Weltformel following process has been used:


1. Do experimental and natural observations.

2. Do detailed descriptions of observations.

3. Check descriptions if these are done by interpretations and eliminate all interpretations from descriptions.

4. Propose explanation of observation by a general rule. For explanation as few as possible imaginary statements (theories, models, hypotheses) should be used..

5. Define rules with highest generality by being conform to a high number of observations and explanations

6. Search for non- conformities to other observations (= falsification of defined rules).

7. Eliminate found non- conformities by defining new general laws.

8. Repeat 6. and 7. step-wise until the defined general laws are conform to all available observations and are not based on any imaginary statement.

9) Check, if the defined laws can be combined to to a physical laws with higher generality.

10) The rules with highest universality by being clearly conform to all available observations are fundamental laws of nature (=Weltformel) and by this scientific universal reality.


Continuous task:


11) describe and explain all further observations by the Weltformel and document the result by adding new observation and explanation in SURe- New Physics .


The disadvantage of this process is that it took over 30 years extensive studies until the Weltformel has been derived.


SURe- New Physics has meanwhile explained over 600 relevant physical observations of all areas of Physics by Weltformel and have not found any observation, which could not be explained by Weltformel.



W1.3 Physics converted to a spiritual Science and worse


As long as physics and physical research had the intention to detect the physical reality of the universe, physics has been a natural science. But since many decades physics terminates physical research already at the state of theories and hypotheses, which is fictive science, also called science fiction. There is no intention

anymore to detect the physical reality.



As current physics has even declared theories to be physics , which is clearly expressed by the term theoretical physics, physics has become pseudoscience.



Later theories are not eliminated from physics despite being falsified by irrevocable observations. By this physics converted to antiscience according to the generally accepted definition of antiscience.



W1.4 The Downfall of Physics is caused by public Funding


There is a simple explanation of the desastrous state of physics.


Fundamental physics is generally not supported by business companies. So research institutions have to apply for public funding.


There is a strong competition for public money among research institutions. Research institutions with most published papers are preferred for funding.

Therefore in order to survive research facilities are forced to publish as many research studies as possible and cannot wait for finding scientific explanations of physical observations, which are physical reality.

I needed more than 30 years of extensive physical work until I had achieved the task of physics: the irrevocable definition of the two only Fundamental Laws of Nature, which describes and explains the universal physical reality.


This shows, that there was and is no other chance to maintain a research facility than by publication of theories.




W1.5 The Taboo of Corrections


A very important element of scientific research is the search for errors and do corrections and revisions. The opinion of physics and physicists that corrections of statements is a sign for poor quality of research is the strongest factor which caused the desastrous situation of physics and has to be eliminated . When there are nearly no corrections of theories because of errors or by new findings, this is a clear sign that a research group does no scientific research at all. It is extremely unlikely that a theory is physical reality. There are dozens of different theories which can explain a physical interaction, but only one is reality. My experience is that also the new or modified theory with eliminated inconsistencies often still contained other inconsistencies or errors are detected by new findings, so that theories have normally to be revised multiple times.

Overall more than 80 % of my research work in over 30 years were required to detect and correct own errors. Each correction was a step to the Weltformel.


Of course for research institutions and professional physicists it is quasi impossible to report every month a new theory although it is an improved theory. Research institutions have to fear that corrections are regarded as negative concerning reputation and thus also for funding.


Therefore corrections and revisions of as real accepted theories were almost banned from publication. Typical is also that research tasks of physicists are nearly always verification of theories but no falsification of theories.




W1.6 Physical Scientists had no Chance to do scientific Research


Any finding of physical reality would have revealed many severe errors of physics. Physical institutions have a great fear that by falsifications of accepted theories there will be significant loss of reputation and thus loss of public funding. Therefore publications of real findings of scientific research are clearly rejected with the justification, that these do not correspond to the current state of physics.


As physicists were aware of this, they did not try to find the reality by their research work, but just did apparent verification of accepted theories. Mostly the verification of theories are done by theories, which means by fallacies. But no fallacy was detected. SURe- New Physics show many examples of fallacies, mostly circular fallacies.


To avoid problems no scientific tests of theories have been done. Probably the fear of falsification was too high. Thus there has not been any control, whether the imaginary explanations of the published theories are conform to observations, which means conform to reality.


As the theories of physicists could not be scientifically explained, there are no scientifically sound explanations of the theories.


Currently the main research tasks of physics seem to be to do everything to prevent that the physical reality is detected. Physics should be flawless without any falsified theory.


If there occurred an „accidental“ publication of a real finding, there are strong activities against findings and finder (examples later).


W1.7 Problems of Research resulted to Quantum Physics


By the restricted research physicists were not able to find explanations which were physically possible. Therefore they seem to get so frustrated that they found no other solution than the open statement that there is no physical reality. This is in principle the same idea like that of Albert Einstein, who was highly appreciated by this new approach of science. The new area of physics which demonstrative works with physically impossible theories was called quantum physics. Quantum physics is the confession of physicists that physics is no naturally science anymore. It was the only possibility that physicists had something which was accepted to be published. By calling something quantum mechanics even the most obvious and most absurd anti-scientific science-fiction was allowed and was accepted as physics without any questioning. Examples are:

Particles notice before passing through a slit that they have to convert to a matter-less wave function within the slit. Then the wave functions have to find other wave-functions in order to interfere with these although it is stated that wave functions have no locality. After superposition of unknown amplitudes of waves have done (definition of interference) the superimposed wave functions get aware that these have to do a collapse by which they are converted back to particles. Falsification by experimental observations of quantum physics was not possible by the very intelligent statement: When a statement of quantum physics is observed it converts to reality. This statement allowed physicist to do any science-fiction they want.

Another example is the classical reality of that two decayed particles have entangled properties (= values of property of one particle is determined by the value of the entangled particle) was explained by the statements:

* When an entangled property is measured the entangled particle gets information of the value.

* Then the entangled particle communicates the measured value to the other entangled particle although this might by miles away at another location.

*When the entangled partner particle achieves the information, it gets knowledge of the value which it has to show when it is measured.

* Before this knowledge the partner particle has all kind of values, but by getting informed by the other particle calculates which value it should show by measurement.

The the value of the property converts to the value, which is determined by reality of laws of nature.

* The communication, calculation and conversion to the correct value are done momentarily, thus the maximal speed (speed of light) is not valid for these actions.


Overall by quantum physics physics is not determined by laws of nature but by conscience and communication of particles.

(see SURe – New Physics Vol. The end of QUANTUM PHYSICS)




W1.8 No Accusation of Physicists and/or physical Institutions


It has to be clearly emphasized that the disastrous state of physics happened by unfortunate circumstances, so that all research work of physical scientists has still to be highly valued and there should be not any criticism and blame.




W1.9 Physical Scientists are the Victims of Antiscience of Physics


The victims of current antiscience of physics are physical scientists because these have had no chances to use there high level of intelligence to define a scientifically sound basis for engineers so that they can use this basis to develop new technologies. Mankind had lost at least 60 years of technical developments with the result that engineers had to develop new techniques by try and error without understanding the technique. This is the case foe nearly all techniques like electronic devices including motors, data transfer, magnetic devices, all equipment for spectroscopy, laser, interferometer, photo diodes, heat pump, power plants, planes and so on. spectroscopic

Engineers would not constructed ineffective power plants by burning of fossils or nuclear decay reactions, but would have constructed power plants which work analog to Sun.




W1.10 Continuing with Antiscience is a scientific and human Disaster


As already mentioned the current disastrous state of physics has to regarded as an unfortunate accident, for which nobody is responsible.


But after getting aware of the physical reality of the universe by SURe – New-Physics and Weltformel, continuing doing antiscience would not only reveal a person to be no scientist but also would be a global scientific and human disaster.


Particular in current times we need physical reality to manage current threatening events so that mankind can survive in future.

By SURe – New Physics generation of clean and very inexpensive energy analog to Sun and implement optimal actions against climate change can be achieved in short time.




W2 The results of prohibited physical Research


W2.1 Physics is still Magics because of matter-less Phenomenons


A perfect example of reality and a fictive theory of magics is the particle-wave dualism of photons. Although already Einstein has clearly found out that the reality of electromagnetic waves are particles (photons), he dared not to state that by this electromagnetic waves are clearly falsified and no reality.


All observed waves consists of particles like water or sonic waves and thus are reality. Electromagnetic waves do not consist of particles. These have no mass, no concrete structure and no concrete location and thus do not exist. Matter-less phenomenons are called magics, occultism or ghost apparitions. These have nothing to do with physics.


Other examples of imaginary and non-existing phenomenons are gravitational waves, most elementary particles, all current forces, charges, magnetic moments and force fields.


Photons are well observable as particles, for example by eyes. Eyes measure the concrete location on the retina where a photon collides to an optic nerve. At the same time the kinetic energy of the photon is measured. Both data are conducted as specific energies of electrons to the brain for evaluation. As photons have kinetic energy these also have a concrete mass, which is about 200 times larger than the mass of an electron.





W2.2 No Attention of Requirements for physical Interactions


Physicists should have studied real waves like water waves to get knowledge of the physical requirements to generate a wave. Easiest wave generation is the drop of a stone onto the surface of a quiet pond:

* Water molecules are accelerated by kinetic energy to deeper water level.

* In order to adjust pressure to same level adjacent water molecules are accelerated to the surface. Until the water molecules are stopped by gravitational force they have a level higher than the normal surface.

* Gravitational force causes that water molecules are accelerated to a level below the normal surface.

Overall at least two forces are needed so that two opposite movements are done by particles! An additional force has to be exerted for the longitudinal movement of a wave:

* Water molecules do fluctuating bondings to their neighbors to all sides. By this the up and down movements are transferred with delay to the neighbored molecules at outer side. . At the side of the originated wave the forces of movements have opposite direction, which causes that the wave movements at this side are terminated.

* This explains that the up-and down -movement is expands to all sides and terminates in center area, which appears as a moving wave in a cycle to outer areas of water level.

* As the available energy for up- and down movements is distributed to increasing number of molecules, this results to decreasing amplitudes of waves.


Energy of waves:

* The energy of a wave is always represented by height of wave amplitude, but not by frequency!






W2.3 Severe Misunderstanding of basic Properties


Even basic properties are not described by matter like energy, force and heat and many others. The current definitions of these properties are that these are “released” from and “transferred” to bodies. It is not defined how the release and transfer is physically done. Released and transferred can only be physical objects but no property. The emitted particle can have an impact to another body by a collision. A property can do no collision. This shows a serious non-understanding of current physics.

Not only yecause of the fact above there is no basic property which has a clearly unequivocally definition. Many properties even have a clearly wrong definition.


Clear unambiguous definitions of all basic properties are listed in chapter W6.18.

All definitions are conform to Weltformel and all observations. Most current properties, which are not listed and are not the result of real unbiased measurements have to be eliminated like many thermodynamic properties.



W2.4 Many Values of Properties are wrong


Many values of properties are wrong, because these do not result from valid unbiased measurements, but from measurements biased by physical impossible theories or by calculation formulas which were derived by physical impossible science fiction without any measurement. Many calculation formulas are not generally valid and thus the restrictions have to be specified.

A clear sign for wrong data is, when the stated values have a high accuracy- Examples are all masses of particles.


W2.5 Misuse of Mathematics to verify impossible Theories


Most physicists do not accept SURe – New Physics because of the missing complicated formulas of mathematics and therefore declare SURe – New Physics as unscientific trashy stuff, which is worthless to read.

First answer is that SURe – New physics is completely based on mathematics. Next answer is that all interactions in universe are determined by just two mathematical formulas. That the universe works by very simple mathematics is no problem of Sure-New Physics but the problem is that the complicated mathematics, which is used in current physics, is mostly used to describe physically impossible theories (science fiction). Only formulas which are conform to the fundamental formulas of the Weltformel describe reality.


The use of complicated mathematics is a clear indication that the universe and mathematics has not been understood. Every mathematician knows that by mathematics nothing can be explained. Thus the most important physical task cannot be done by mathematics.

But it is even much worse: Physicists seem to know that mathematics is a perfect tool to do a fake- verification of physically impossible science fiction. This explains why mathematics is nearly always included in physical publication.

After first extensive scientific checks I realized that mathematics was used in each checked publication to fake reality, so that I decided to declare all publications with mathematics to be science fiction. The process of faked reality is mostly the same: First a theory (science fiction) is expressed as mathematical formula. Then the mathematical formula is changed by mathematically transformations. But every mathematician knows that by valid mathematically transformations you get no valid statements when there were no valid statements at the beginning of transformations. Sometimes the theory is incorporated in between the calculations.

Such procedures are normally known as severe errors by fallacies, often circular fallacies.



W2.6 Many mathematical Errors


A typical example of a circular fallacy is the fake verification by mathematical derivation of kinetic energy = ½ mv². This also shows that physicists don’t realize such a blatant error because they are blinded by habit.

But also without the detection of the fallacy the nonsense of ½ mv² is clearly obvious by the general knowledge that kinetic energy and velocity are relative values. And mathematicians know that squared velocities are mathematically and physically impossible to express relative properties.


A useful applications for mathematics is to define a general description of observed proportionalities. For example by experiments it can be clearly seen that the impact of a moving object is proportional to the mass of the object and the velocity of the object. So by this the real kinetic energy of an object is Ekin = mass x velocity (mv). It is extreme unscientific that the wrong formula has not been eliminated in all these years.


A severe logical error occurred for the absurd formula of work = force x distance. Details see SURe- New Physics Vol. PARTICLE MECHANICS.


Normally the universe works with very simple relations. A bit less simple are derivations of functions. Physicists should know that a change of a property which is inverse proportional to a quadratic term results to the inverse proportionality of the linear term. Examples for these mathematical errors are that gravitation and luminosity are proportional to 1/r and not to 1/r² (r= distance).

Thus there are no correct formula for the most important properties in universe. Of course these basic errors caused numerous other errors.




W2.7 Severe mathematical Errors in Astrophysics


The most severe mathematical errors concern movements of celestial bodies (see SURe- New Physics VOL. ASTROPHYSICS)

There are just two forces, which determine all movements of celestial bodies:

1. The force that bodies are accelerated to position with lowest sum of spin-energies (also called gravitational force).

2. The force that bodies maintain their kinetic energy.


Comment: A centrifugal force does not exist in universe.


Thus basic movements are mathematically determined by vector addition of the two forces.

Stable orbitals require that both forces have the same value and are perpendicular.


* The error of elliptical orbits


Normally vector addition of forces of stable orbitals results to circular orbitals.

Observations show that nearly all orbitals differ from a circle. This shows that the two forces are affected by modifications, so that the forces are not stable over time but cause a stable periodic orbit movement.

Attentive scientists should have noticed that velocities of orbiting planets are always reduced when these traverse the plane of Sun system. When the orbital is nearly identical to plane of Sun system like for earth the velocity is nearly stable and therefore the orbital of earth is nearly circular.

By SURe the explanation for this could be identified: The kinetic energies of planets are reduced by penetration effect, when planets traverse the increased concentrations of omnipresent photons in the plane of sun. In addition this affects the gravitational force when entering and leaving the plane.

But not any orbital gets elliptical by the changed forces.





* The severe error of the existence of binary stars


Current physics assumes 70% of all star systems are binary and by this orbit each other or are affected by exerting mutual gravitational forces. Not any scientist dares to mention, that mutual orbiting of a binary orbital system is mathematically and physically impossible.

It is incredible that one of the most simplest mathematical and physical tasks in universe was made incorrectly: the vector addition of two forces. Mathematical computer models will clearly show, that by mutual gravitational forces of two celestial bodies, there will occur a deflection which either results to a fly-by or a collision of two celestial bodies, but never to a stable mutual orbital. In addition this has never been observed. It is pure physically impossible science fiction.

As already mentioned a stable orbit requires that the orbiting celestial body experiences a stable gravitational force and a stable kinetic force which is perpendicular and has the same value than the gravitational force. By the assumed binary systems the kinetic force relative to the orbited celestial body is zero. Thus there are just the two mutual forces of gravitation, which causes a movement to each other (direct attraction).

Another physically and mathematically error is that by mutual gravitation the force vectors are multiplied.

I am not aware of any case where force vectors are multiplied, force vectors are always added by the well known rules of vector addition. Thus there are basic errors of the formula of gravitation by Newton. Masses are not multiplied and have to be divided by distance and not by squared distance.

To do scientific work is to check for errors and not to take over errors without thinking. In the case of Newton, the wrong and physically impossible formula is contradicted by his own rules of forces. In addition the error is very obvious as the resulting unit does not make sense at all.



Overall the results is:

In stable orbit systems the gravitation to all orbiting celestial bodies is exclusively exerted by orbited celestial body. This means stars do not affect other orbiting stars, planets do not effect other planets or stars, and moons do not affect other moons, planets or stars.


* By wrong formulas of kinetic energy and gravitation there are wrong data of orbits (inclusive planets of earth).







W2.8 Many Units of Properties do not make Sense


A unit for a property has to be explainable. The unit Joule = kg * m² / s² as well as the corresponding formula are not explainable and make no sense.

Kinetic energy is correctly defined as energy which a body of mass m and velocity v relative to a body has and can transfer maximal by collision to another body.

As already explained the correct formula for kinetic energy is

Ekin = m * delta(v) and by this the unit is kg * (m/s).


The unit for velocity must be clearly identified as unit for velocity and therefore has to be bracketed, because often there are different meanings for time spans.

A unit always depends on the definition of the property.

The property force has the same definitions as kinetic energy. Thus the unit force has to be identical to the unit of kinetic energy. The same is valid for all other energies and forces.

A force can have another definition than the force of a body. For example in the formula F = m * a, where a is the change of velocity per time unit F cannot be a force of a body , because an acceleration is done by exertion of a force of a body and after that the body has reduced its force. In addition this causes a single step to velocity increase but not to a velocity increase by time unit. This shows that a formula has first to be explained before the formula give meaningful results, which are understood.

The explanation for F in this formula is:

F (specific) = the sum of forces per time unit which is exerted ( transferred) by a high number of particles to a body of mass m so that this results to a constant acceleration per time unit of a.

Important is that you have to define a specific force in a way so that the basic force has the same general unit. On the other hand by checking the units of a formula, you get knowledge about the real property which is calculated by the formula or/and if the formula is correct.

Nearly same definition as above has the exerted force = transferred kinetic energy by pressure by gas molecules and gravitation by omnipresent particles.




W2.9 Physical Constants show Lack of physical Understanding


None of in current physics defines physical constants are reality or make sense. None is a natural constant. All are man-made.

Maximal speed of light light in vaccuum

Light speed is extreme various. It depends on gravitational force (already stated by Albert Einstein, but also on wind of Ether (omnipresent photons). Already known is that light speed depends on travel medium, and thus, as vacuum consists of different concentrations of omnipresent photons there is nearly no medium where the light speed is constant. The light speed in space is significant faster than the measured value in vacuum of earth surface.

Actual measurements in vacuum have already falsified that light speed is constant and maximal.

Boltzmann constant

There is not any correlation between temperature, which is a measurement unit for Heat to energy. Energy is often correlates inversely to temperature.

Planck constant

it is a man-made normation factor of units between Joule and frequency. But both units are no correct units for kinetic energy.

Elementary Charge

Charge is nothing, which can be physically described and thus has no physical reality. By this the same is valid for elementary charge. If it is a property there is no definition and explanation of this property. There are many unexplained questions : Why are there many other charges which are completely different, What has an electron, which is negative and why has a proton the same but positive. Negative has no physical description. What are the explanation of different numbers.

The unit Coulomb makes no sense and has no explanation.

An electron is the only elementary particle and interacts like all particles. An electron is an object with kinetic energy and has an impact by kinetic energy.


Gravitational constant

This is just a normalization constant to same unit of force. But this is not generally valid for gravitation. By this it has limited use for calculations. Another problem is that Physicists can‘t explain gravitation and can‘t explain the values of gravitation. In addition there is a wrong dependency of gravitation to distance.

Most other constants have not any scientific basis and cannot be explained. A clear indication for an unscientific constant is its calculation by a formula with other constants, which is just a fake – formula, which is not explainable and just a try- and- error -play with apparent constants without any sense. .

Also the physically impossible accuracies of the claimed values are extremely unscientific, which makes physics to a farce and shows that there is no understanding of science.


Examples for constants, which make partly senses are :

Bohr radius

can be measured although this is very difficult. Thus there is a high propability that measurement has not scientifically be done. Bohr radius would be of interest when compared to other radii of particles . The calculation formula makes it unscientific and not reliable.


Is a man-made definition of a unit, which expresses a high number of particles, which is useful to calculate masses of educts and products for reactions.


A real natural, very important and extreme accurate contant is:

Total energy of the universe = 0 (zero)





W2.8 Violation of basic physical Principles


This is just a short overview. Details are explained in other volumes. Some have been already mentioned-


* Principle of Relativity was violated by

- Theories of relativity

- Lorentz-tranformations


* Principle of conservation of energy has been violated by

- Spontaneous reactions

- Tunneling effective-


W3 The Basis for Weltformel and SURe- New Physics


W3.1 Axiom: The Universe is Physical Reality


The fundamental axiom for the universe is:



Physical reality means:

Everything in universe is clearly describable by objects of matter which have structure, mass, concrete relative position ,3-dimensional structure, kinetic energy

In addition physical reality must be unambiguous, logical, conform to all observations and irrefutable.



W3.2 The Requirements for Weltformel and SURe- New Physics


Requirements for the Weltformel and for SURe- New Physic are:

The Weltformel consists of most general laws which explain all physical interactions and physical states in universe.

SURe- New Physics describe in detail each specific interaction and state in universe by physical reality and how these are explained by Weltformel.

All descriptions and explanations are physical reality.



W3.3 Weltformel is derived exclusively by Observations


Weltformel is derived exclusively by reliable observations without interpretations.

Basis for SURe- New Physics is exclusively the Weltformel. Not any theory, hypothesis or assumption has been used.


W3.4 Weltformel is the Result of all experimental physical Research



All performed experiments in Physics are physical reality. It has to be emphasized that the Weltformel and SURe- New Physics was exclusively derived from the great experimental research work of all physicists. Nearly all available experimental studies from all areas of physicists were necessary and were used for the detection of the Scientific Universal Reality (SURe). Thus SURe - New Physics is the basic achievement of all physicists since beginning of physical research.

We now have to acknowledge this great work of physics and accept the real results of physical research by converting from physics of fictive theories to physics of observed reality, which is equivalent to SURe – New Physics.



W3.5 SURe- New Physics is based on the excellent Job of Engineers


Every technique is physical reality. Thus the most knowledge used for deriving SURe- New Physics was provided by excellent work physical engineers.

Physical engineers did a demanding job, because they developed and constructed many valuable technologies despite wrong explanations and understandings. In other volumes of SURe- New Physics examples are shown which clearly show the wrong understandings of constructed techniques like: Laser, interferometer, spectrometer, magnet, data transfer, heat pump, accelerator, atomic clock and many more.


A very important information revealed by work of engineers is the falsification of greenhouse effect. Otherwise insulating glass would not be filled with CO2 according to the greenhouse motto: heat comes in and does not go out.

But the real effect of CO2 is: heat is prevented to come in by absorption of radiated IR-photons , but can easily go out by heat flow of omnipresent IR-photons.

Engineers know that holding the heat in a room is best by using argon to fill window insulation glass: Argon is a one-atomic molecule!


SURe falsifies the greenhouse-warming effect of CO2 by at least 20 clear observations and errors of current physics. One falsification or basic error would be sufficient.


Of course the physically impossible theories strongly hindered technical progress. Engineers would have surely constructed already before the 1960s years extreme effective power plants for “clean” and cheap energy by getting knowledge of energy generation by Sun.






W4 Presentation of the Weltformel (guaranteed Reality)


W4.1 The fundamental Axiom of the Weltformel


The only and fundamental axiom for the universe is:

Matter and energy in universe were generated out of “Nothing”.


The fundamental axiom results to the definition and understanding of matter:


The only possibility for generation of matter is that pairs of matter- and antimatter- particles were generated. This is conform to a corresponding  theory of current physics. But in current physics the physical property was not defined, which has to be opposite so that it results to nothing. The property can’t be charge, because charge is not physically describable and thus is no reality. In addition also plus and minus of a charge is not a describable physical difference of particles which results to nothing. (Later it is shown, that charges also can’t be used for the physical explanation of bondings).

Well known physical properties which can be canceled out, are force and kinetic energy by opposite directions.

Finally only one conclusion leads to the physical reality of matter and antimatter-particles:

Antimatter and matter particles are opposite directions of spin rotations, so that by complete superposing the energies are compensated to “nothing”. The only scientific explanation of generation of matter and energy in the universe is the separation of cyclically symmetrical opposite rotating spin-energies along their common spin axis. Thus the reality of matter is spin-energies. Only by this knowledge not only the generation of the universe can be explained but every interaction and state in the universe can be explained. Separated spin-energies must have identical size and energy. (Picture is shown under page “From nothing to universe”). For generation of matter in universe this occurred spontaneously at all empty spaces of the volume of the universe. This was the only possible spontaneous interaction in the universe as the acceleration for separation did not require energy. The generated opposite rotating spin-energies are called electrons and positrons.


The first generated electrons and positrons had no mass, because otherwise their acceleration to do movements to separate themselves would have needed energy. It is well known that currently the electrons and positrons have a mass. So the masses of particles were generated later. By this knowledge the origin of mass can logically be defined, which is presented in SURe – New Physics, Vol. PARTICLE PHYSICS .




W4.2 The First Fundamental Law of Nature (Weltformel, Part 1)


Comment: the two fundamental laws of nature are called by SURe- New Physics First and Second Fundamental Law of Nature or just First and Second Fundamental Law.


The First Fundamental Law describes the origin of all interactions in universe:


1. All interactions in universe are driven by one single force, which causes that collided electrons are accelerated to the direction of highest gradient of decreasing spin-energy by superposing of opposite rotating spin volumes.


The position of minimal spin-energy can be calculated and is a bit beyond the two spin axes. The spin axes are always aligned parallel by superposing. By the alignment of spin axes the spin-energies turn to same rotating directions. The result is that nearly all spin-energies turn to electrons. Anyway the differentiation between particles and antiparticles does not make sense as these are always identical particles. These just have to turn upside down.

Thus the superposed spin-energies are equivalent to bound electrons. Overall the first fundamental natural law leads to the following knowledge:


* Everything in universe consists of bound electrons.


* All bondings in universe are done by superposing of electrons to position of minimal spin-energies.


The First Fundamental Law can also be expressed by:


The matter in universe intends to achieve its ground state witch is “nothing”.



W4.3 The Second Fundamental Law of Nature (Weltformel, Part 2)



The Second Fundamental Law describes the fundamental requirement for an interaction:


2. All interactions occur in a way that total energy of interacting objects stays permanently constant.


This requirement reduces strongly the possibilities for interactions, so that the end states of interacting particles are always determined by the states before interaction.

Determination means that:

The end states of interacting particles can be mathematically calculated by the start states.


Therefore the two Fundamental Laws are also called “Weltformel” = formula of the universe. The English expression “Theory of everything” should not be used because the Weltformel it is no theory but the reality of everything.

By Weltformel the properties of objects are fully determined at any time. So there is no uncertainty or non-locality in universe.


The Second Fundamental Law results to the only fundamental constant of nature with a known value:

The total energy of matter in universe is zero at all times.




W4.4 The Universal Interactions of the Universe


By axiom of physics everything in universe is matter, which consists of electrons. The interactions of electrons are ruled by two Fundamental Laws by which only following interactions of electrons are allowed:



which is required for any interaction in universe to provide the necessary kinetic energy (activation energy) for subsequent interactions.

Further interactions are determined by

- value of kinetic energy (=collision energy)

- vector of kinetic energy

- at which positions of bodies the collision occurs 

- spin direction of electrons at colliding position

Following properties have no direct influence on the interaction of two particles, because these are average properties of a group of particles and refer not to single particles:

- heat 

- pressure 

- gravity 

- density of particles

- properties of surrounded particles


By a collision always a  SUPERPOSITION of electrons (spin energies) at the collided position of objects occur.


All other interactions:




Binding occurs when the movement of superposition first accelerates and then stops, because the superposition results to increased sum of spin energies.

Because of the force to maintain kinetic energy the superposition movement is alternating decreasing and increasing in opposite directions, which results to VIBRATIONS of bonded electrons.

The reduction of spin- energies results to an increase of vibration energies. 

An ADJUSTMENT over all vibrations of a bonded object occurs so that overall spin energies are minimal. Vibration energies are averaged as far as possibble by the adjustment process.

How this process of adjustments of vibrations works in detail is still subject of further research.


Binding is equivalent to absorption. By binding kinetic energy (= collision energy) is consumed.





When by a binding the vibration energy of the new or another bonding exceeds its maximum, a BREAK OF BONDING between two electrons occurs, mostly followed by DECAY, by which the vibration energy of broken bonding is transferred equally to kinetic energies of decayed particles, which are by this emitted to opposite directions.

The resulting EMISSION of a particle is equivalent to generation of kinetic energy.



Simultaneous binding and emission:


Often a simultaneous binding of the colliding particle and emission of a bound part of particle occurs parallel. 




of the colliding objects (bodies, particles). This occurs when the movement of superposition is not stopped. 


During complete penetration a DEFLECTION  to position of minimal spin energy can occur. 






is the most difficult interaction as there are multiple mechanism:

3a) Reflection of colliding particles occur, when there is a total increase of spin-energy since start of penetration. This is for example always done when an antiparticle collides to a particle.

3b) Reflections are done by BONDING and direct RE-EMISSION of the same particle. On very regular crystallized matter there are photon chains on the surface of a body which are perpendicular to surface. These reflect particularly visible photons by bonding and re-emission.

3c) Some fluids like water, glass and liquid hydrogen bind to a tight net of molecules by forming structures of attached hexagons, which cover particular also surfaces. By this refection is done analog to a trampoline effect.

3d) Reflections by scattering on irregular surfaces, which causes multiple angles of re-emission.

3e) Reflections by scattering of photons by collisions to small particles, so that photons can transfer some kinetic energy from or to the particle.


Additional combinations of interactions:

* Reflections with transfer of kinetic energy which leads to decay and emission without previous binding interaction.

* Deformation, which occurs mostly by bodies and is a result of various reflections, decays and bondings.

* Other combinations


Issues for further research:

It is not known how long the process of adjustments of vibrations take.

All transfers of energy require time. Also during penetration energies are transferred, for which the needed time per unit of transferred energy should be determined.



An Emission always includes the averaging process of vibrations by prior collisions and binding, which means by decays ACCELERATIONS and/or DEFLECTIONS of the prior bonded particles occur.




W5 Main Features of Weltformel and SURe- New Physics


W5.1 The Weltformel and SURe are falsifiable


A falsifiable statement is a statements for which test procedures can be described by which it would be possible to falsify the statement. Statements of physics must be falsifiable, otherwise these would be no physics but science fiction. For example a statement of the existence of a matter-less phenomenon like an electromagnetic wave or charge can’t be falsified by any test equipment and thus it is no reality but physically impossible science fiction.

As the statements of Weltformel and SURe- New Physics refer to interactions and states of bodies, consisting of particles these are falsifiable. This means can be falsified if this would be possible.

It is expected that there are still false statements concerning SURe- New Physics . Therefore falsifications are appreciated so that SURe- New Physics can be corrected. I myself falsified 3 years ago about one statement per week. Currently I falsify about 1 statement per 3 months. Because of elimination of falsified statements and inclusion of new observations SURe- New Physics will be continuously revised.




W5.2 Determinism of all Interactions and States


By Weltformel all actual states of a group of interacting particles are determined by prior states of same group of interacting particles. Thus the current appearance of the universe is determined by the states of electrons directly after generation.


There is no freedom any more to do any creative fictive work in physics.

If the Weltformel would be programmed in a powerful computer, the computer can calculate everything which is going on in universe. Thus you get for example knowledge about the cosmos without observations. The complete development from generation of matter until current appearance of the universe can be calculated.


One of the easier tasks are the calculations of the structure of all existing particles in universe. The detailed structures of all relevant subatomic particles and many atoms have already been defined by me without computer. There are still extensive studies required.

By the structures all properties of atoms can be predicted like: Relative stability, all possible reactions, masses, aggregation states.




W5.3 Extreme Simplicity


The universe is described and explained by


* one fundamental particle (electron = spin-energy)

* seven relevant subatomic particles (electron / 1e , electron-pair / 2e , muon / 3e , photon / 4e , neutron / 10e , proton / 13e)

* one active and one passive force (described by the two Fundamental Laws.

* two simple axioms

* all energies are energies of movement:

- two absolute energies (spin-energy and vibration-energy)

- one relative energy of movement (kinetic energy)

* five basic interactions of bodies/particles: (collision, bonding, break of bonding & decay, complete penetration, reflection)

* simple mathematics


W5.4 Nearly complete Physics refers to chemical Reactions


All interactions in universe are activated by collisions of objects followed by few various possibilities of penetration (superposition of spin-energies = electrons). Besides complete penetration by high energetic collisions, there might occur reflections and chemical reactions by building and breaking of bondings. A bonding is a vibrating partial superposition of electrons. Thus physics is mainly determined by rules of chemical reactions (= kinetics).


Physics can be grouped by different reaction products:


Thermodynamics = Interactions of omnipresent photons

Optics = Interactions of emitted visible photons

Electricity = Interactions of electrons

Magnetism = Interaction of bound photons

Gravity = Interactions of omnipresent photons generated by celestial bodies

Astrophysics = Interactions of celestial bodies

Cosmology = Reactions of first generated electrons to celestial bodies

Plasma physics = Interactions of particles which were generated by high energetic decay reactions, mainly atoms with missing photon-chains

Relativity = completely physically impossible science fiction

Quantum physics = completely physically impossible science fiction



W5.5 Chemical Reactions instead of magical Conversions


By Weltformel particles are not converted to other particles by magics with the help of imaginary non-existing particles like bosons, but exclusively by chemical reactions determined by scientific rules of kinetics:


* Particles are converted to other particles by bindings of electrons or/and by break of bondings of electrons.

* Conversions are described by a reaction equation of educts and products.

* Number of fundamental particles (electrons) don’t change by conversions

* Reactions go to both sides of the equation, at the equilibrium the speeds of reactions to both side are the same

* All reactions have to be activated by collisions.

* Speed of reactions are determined by product of concentrations of reacting particles.


Rules of chemical kinetics reveal following basic Errors of Physics:


* There are no spontaneous reactions like radioactive decays. Instead radioactive decays are mostly activated by collisions of high energetic photons.


* Instead of the decay of a neutron, there is following reaction:

neutron (10e) + photon (4e) = proton (13 e) + electron (1e)


* Instead of magic conversions of neutrinos there is following reaction:

photon (4e) + (collision) = 2 electron-pairs (2x2e)

( muon-neutrino) (2 electron-neutrinos)

The term neutrino is not used anymore by SURe-New-Physics


* Instead of proton-proton- bindings (nuclear fusions) occur by high collision- energies, these occur by nearly zero collision-energy at 14K (=freezing of hydrogen)

Proton (13 e) + Proton (13e) = Di-proton (26 e)

Di-proton is identical to alpha-particle

There are not any neutrons or electrons in atoms. Neutrons and electrons are just decay products of atoms.


High-energetic collisions are physically impossible because of penetration.

By high energies of particle collision experiments there occur not any particle-particle collision, but penetration.

= guaranteed reality, can simply be tested by shut down of one acceleration tube of the two particle tubes.


* The reaction which describes the data- transfer through air/space:

1) Data-sequences by kinetic energies of electrons are generated.

2) The sequence of electrons collide in transmitting- antennas to omnipresent photons and bind to pions, which decay to muons and electron pairs.

3) The electron-pairs are emitted with the same sequence of energies and in addition muons out of the antenna.

4) In receiving antennas the emitted electron-pairs decay to electrons again.

5) The muons bind to magnetic fields.

A) electron (e) + photon (4e) = pion (5e) = muon (3e) + electron-pair (2e)

B) electron-pair (2e) = electron + electron

Comment: Same reaction describes generation of magnetic- fields by electric-magnets, because muons also bind to photon-structures.!



W5.6 Weltformel reveals Reality of atomic Structure


Currently there at multiple theories (models) for atomic structure. None of these is reality. The structures of atoms is important as exclusively these explain all characteristics of atoms.


An atom consists of a nuclei with a specific number of bound protons and a specific number of chains of bound photons, which are bound to atomic nuclei. (There are no neutrons and no free electrons!)




Examples of atoms

Picture of structures will be shown in


Atom      No.     No. photon-

          Protons    chains

H            1            1

He          2            0

Be          3            2

Li           3            1

B            4           2

N            4           3

C            6           4

O            6           2

F            6            1

Ne          6            0

Na          7            1

Mg          8           2



Reactions to molecules:


Atoms can react to molecules by bindings of the photon chains of one atom to a photon chain of another atom. Photon chains are differentiated by their stabilities. Photon chains with high stability build bondings between atoms at standard conditions.

Only by bonding with photon chains bondings and vibration of bondings can be physically explained.

Without the bondings by photon chains atoms would have nearly no matter and other matter would go through atomic matter without resistance. Atomic matter would have a very low stability.




W5.7 SURe reveals other Errors concerning Atoms


1. Atomic weights are no reality.

Masses correlate to number of stable bondings and have to be determined by observations of reactions and not by science fiction.


2. Reality of generation of nuclear isomers by beta-minus decay:


An atomic nucleus can react at several positions of the bound protons with colliding high-energetic photons by decay to an electron, which are emitted.

This reaction has been completely misunderstood because of the reacting photons as educts have not been taken into account. The reality of this 2-step- reaction:

1. The high energetic photon binds to nucleus and replaces a photon chain, which is emitted from nucleus.

2. The strong collision energy causes increase of vibration energies, so that an Electron decays from the bound high-energetic photon.


Error a: The emitted electron does not decay from the atom but from bound photon. So the conclusion that the atom consists of free electrons is wrong.

Error b: The emitted electrons have continuous kinetic energies because the collision energies of photons are continues in a specific range. Thus there is no requirement to meet energy conservation by the hypothesis that another particle (neutrino) is emitted. No neutrino is emitted.

Error c: The decay of a photon chain causes that a bonding possibility is missing in the generated nucleus. There is no missing proton in the new atom. Atoms, which result from reactions of the bound protons are called atomic isomers.


3. Error of Ionization:

When a collision to a nucleus just causes the decay of a photon chain, the reactive position on nucleus is still available for bondings of photons to a new chain. This reaction is called ionization of an atom. An Ion is an atom with a missing (emitted) photon chain.


4. Reality of generation of nuclear isomers by beta-plus decay:


There are following reaction steps for beta-plus decays:


4a) Atom collides to particles which do no bondings to atomic nucleus (mostly anti-particles):

4b) Increased vibration energies by collision cause break of bondings at positions on nucleus, which don’t have bonding possibilities.

4c) Break of bondings causes that a muon is emitted.

4d) The muon quickly decays to an electron and an electron-pair, formerly called electron-neutrino.

Error of generated positron: The electron has an opposite direction of emission compared to that from beta minus decay, so that it has in a magnetic field an opposite deflection direction and appears to be a positron.

Error of generated proton: . There is no conversion of a neutron to a proton. Reality is nearly the contrary: By the decay of a proton unit an additional bonding position for photons is generated, which means omnipresent photons build an additional photon chain, which can bind to other atoms.

Error of emitted photon: The Beta minus decay or decay of muons (3e) to electron-pairs (2e) = neutrinos and not to photons. These neutrinos have been used at CERN (OPERA-TEAM) to falsify maximal speed of light. Electron- pairs (electron-neutrinos) are faster because these are smaller than photons, which causes that penetration needs less time.


Comment as example for the rigorous fight of current physics against detection of reality:

The team leader of OPERA team would have clearly earned a Nobel Price by this important detection and one other price for his courage to publish this. Instead he was forced to declare the published detection as faulty and as far as I know he was urged to quit his job.





W5.8 Weltformel determines Characteristics of Particles


By Weltformel all structures of particles are determined.

By structures all characteristics of particles are determined.

As all bondings of a particle are planar in same plane, there are no tetrahedral structures of molecules.


Examples of Explanations by structures:


* Why an alpha-particle (Di-proton) has low intention to react to He

* Why He4 and He3 are super-fluid.

* Why O=O is relative unstable and decays to photons (heat, light)

* Why CO2 is very stable and does not decay to photons

* Why CO2 does not build a fluid by cooling down but directly a solid.

* Why C can do planar triple- bondings

* Why N=N do just double bondings

* Why only particles with specific structures are deflected by slits

* Why photons can build huge bound structures with size of a galaxy.

* All the special properties of H2O, which is a linear molecule.



W5.9 Faults can easily be detected (Example Angle of H2O)


By Weltformel all errors and faults can easily be detected without need of experimental falsifications, because everything which does not comply to Weltformel is no physical reality. Of course experimental falsification can be done additionally, if physicist do not believe in the two Fundamental Laws.


Also clear lies can be clearly detected. This is for example the case for the statement that H2O is an angled molecule. By Weltformel most particles have an unambiguous structure as the structure has to meet the requirement of lowest sum of spin-energies and sufficient stability of bondings. For H2O this clearly requires that H2O is a linear molecule with O bonded in opposite direction over a photon chain to proton. The proton has three bonding options, which are in a plane with distances of angles of 120 degrees. This structure ensures that plane hexagonal structures are build by proton -proton- bondings. Bondings are always done by reduction of temperature. The nuclear bonding process is called freezing. Other bondings except proton- proton-bondings are not possible by H2O. The plane hexagonal structures with angles of 120 and 60 degrees can be observed by snow-flakes. Of course the Weltformel can also explain why the snow-flakes are often perfectly symmetrical: this is required by stability.

As physicists are aware that they should also have an explanation for structure of snow-flakes they have no scruple to tell a lie to general public, that by the angled molecule the hexagonal structure of snow-flakes can be explained. This is an affront against science. There are pictures of physicists, how structures by current theory of H2O-H2O- bondings look like. These structures are far away from any similarity to snow flakes. Telling lies to general public has become normality in physics in order to stick to physically impossible science fiction.


Of course all other characteristics of water can exclusively be explained by linear structure and the bondings to hexagonic structures which already occur in fluid H2O:

* high surface tension

* reflections by surface

* High heat capacity

* High heat of freezing and condensation

* Expansion by freezing




W5.10 The Weltformel eliminates magic Forces



None of currently defined forces have a physical definition, which means that these are not physically described.

All interactions like changes of movements need forces by kinetic energy, which can exclusively be done by collisions of objects like particles.

Thus the definition of the physical force is: Force is the potential of a physical system of particles (object) to transfer kinetic energy to another physical system by collision.

The physical force is equivalent to the kinetic energy of an object.

The universal force according to First Fundamental Law has the meaning of force to do something without transfer of kinetic energy from another particles. By this it is an unexplainable force. The universal force causes that touching particles are forced to be accelerated to the strongest negative gradient of spin-energies.


In any case all forces require collisions of particles. So physicists have the tasks to define the colliding particles for forces. It is known that many particles which exert forces by collisions can’t be seen by eyes. For example a windmill works by collisions and thus by kinetic energy of gas molecules. If the colliding particles are not seen by eyes it is no science to invent magic forces like magnetic force and gravitational force. Physicists have the task to do research to find out the particles which cause these forces, which only can be omnipresent particles




W5.11 The Weltformel clearly defines omnipresent Particles



Nearly all physicists before 1900 were aware that for several interactions omnipresent matter is required and called this ether. Just one single scientists (Albert Einstein) managed that the logical postulate of ether was abandoned.

Later physicists have detected the omnipresent ether to be omnipresent photons. But physicist did not clearly report the detection of omnipresent matter. In very rare cases they used the term “3-Kelvin-photons”, but mostly they called the omnipresent matter “cosmic microwave background, CMB” , because they interpreted the finding wrongly as remnant radiation. By this they misused the finding to be the final radiation from the first generated radiation after “Big Bang”. For this statement there are lots of falsifications. One falsification was done some time later by physicists. Physicists have detected that CMB are no photons but neutrinos. But instead of admitting the error of photons they pretended that there are two different observations. This is extremely unscientific and makes research ridiculous. It is already an affront against science that physicists are still using the physically impossible magic electromagnetic waves and don’t use the term omnipresent. When particles are observed in all directions it should be logical that these do random movements to all directions, which is difficult to explain by electromagnetic waves. Positive is that the phenomenon is now called “cosmic neutrino background” and not microwave background. As they don’ differentiate any more between electron-neutrino and muon- neutrino, it seems that physicists got the knowledge that muon-neutrinos are photons, but this has also “been forgotten” to report.

The reality by SURe-New Physics:

Omnipresent neutrinos (=electron-pairs) and omnipresent photons (4e) have been generated by bonding of electrons within few hours after generation of matter. Thus omnipresent photons and /electron-pairs are in universe quasi since generation of matter. Expanding of universe is physically impossible and falsified by constant concentration of omnipresent particles.

As photons are the most stable particles, the equilibrium concentration of electron-pairs is very low (probably less than 0,001% ). Because of the majority of photons SURe- New Physics uses the term omnipresent photons. Whereas measurement of low energetic photons are very difficult, the measurement of electron-pairs is very simple as these directly decay to two electrons (electric current) by collision to metallic detectors (=radio-detector). All particles by radio-detectors are electron-pairs and all measurements of “cosmic background” have been done by radio-detectors. Thus there are no measurements of photons.

Still lots of measurements have to be done to get more information.



W5.12 Weltformel “reveals” all Findings of Reality of current Physics



Detection of an-isotropy of light by CMB measurements as example:

Concerning CMB till now very few measurements have been done. The most significant observation is that omnipresent photons show besides random movements a linear movement, which is equal to earth rotation on earth and to velocity of Sun orbit in space.

The linear movement of an omnipresent matter, which causes an-isotropy of light, was subject of research since 19th century (Michelson-Morley experiment). Despite the immense significance of the findings by CMB measurements: “ether-wind” and by this the anisotropy of light, were tried to keep secret from general public by reporting a meaningless Doppler effect and eliminating the an-isotropy from data pictures. The reason is clear: The detected finding falsifies all “0-results of an-isotropy measurements of light speed.

That the found “0-results” of modern measurements have been clearly faked has already been reported by SURe – New Physics (Vol. END OF RELATIVITY).

Another example that Valuable research findings were not allowed to be published. Another example of the fact that physicists are “indirectly” forced to do anti-science.




W5.13 The Weltformel will cause a Revolution in all natural Sciences


All natural sciences work by the two Fundamental laws of Nature and thus by the 5 interactions determined by the Weltformel. Thus in principle there is no difference of scientific research of all natural sciences. Main research of all natural sciences refer to particle reactions. By the strong restrictions to just 5 interactions, it should be much easier to find the explanations for observations. There will be many new and improved technologies for observations. An extreme high number of additional research scientist will be needed after the Weltformel has been detected because of highly increase possibilities to do successful research with valuable findings. Funding of research will mainly taken over by industry, as research will mostly refer to new valuable applications for mankind.




W5.14 The huge new Research Potential for Chemistry


As by Weltformel the basic rules for structures of atoms and molecules are known, all possible reactions are known without testing these. Also the optimal conditions for reactions are known. Concerning atoms the structures still have to be determined for heavy atoms.

As for determination of atomic structures mainly time is needed and just basic knowledge about characteristics of different elements, my daughter Janika took over this task and still works on this. Latest achievement was the determination of the structure of gold.

The knowledge of the real structures and by the knowledge of the real possible reactions by which elements can be converted to other elements, this opens unimagined possibilities to generate valuable atoms by industrial manufacturing out of non-valuable atoms without mining.


Also energy generation works by reactions and thus by basic chemistry. All rules of chemical reactions comply to Weltformel. As already mentioned this includes also the absolutely wrong theory that by nuclear fusion energy is generated. Instead of bonding reaction, decay reaction have to be used.

Accidentally the conditions for decay reactions were correct: for decay reactions high energies are required. Not correct was the used “fuel” for energy generation: Instead of a fuel plasma was used, which can be regarded as the ash of fuel, because plasma are decayed atoms and thus completely burned -out. Normally the ash must get out of the burning chamber and not hold with by extremely expensive magnets in the burning chamber. (burning means here energy generation). The cheapest fuel is water. Decay of photons from water is also the heat generation of nuclear fission plants. But nuclear fission is the worst reaction to generate high energetic particles( in this case neutrons) for the decay of water or other molecules. In fusion test facilities decay reactions of neutral molecules are already used for preheating of test chamber. Thus the only action to be done is to inject these neutral molecules (fuel) permanently instead of extreme short start phase of real energy generation.



W5.15 The huge new Research Potential for Biology


Scientific research for biology is much more challenging than for physics as there are much more chemical reactions and much more complex structures of particles. Therefore many additional observations have to be done in order to define the mechanisms of interactions.

But the Weltformel should be a strong help for this. In addition it can be expected that in near future by SURe many highly improved technologies can be developed so that the experimental observations can be extended to new areas and accuracies which will offer uncredible sophisticated analytical possibilities.



W5.16 Weltformel can save mankind from Life threatening Danger


For medicine the same is valid as for biology. Of course research for medicine is of higher value than of other natural sciences.


But because by SURe all chemical reactions in technological equipment are known mankind get knowledge about possible health dangers of already applied and new technologies. It should not happen something like for X-ray photons, which have been applied after their detection without being aware of any health danger.


The same has occurred for many other new technologies. Nearly all technologies have been developed just by observations of effects without any scientific background, which means that there are no scientific explanations of the technologies. No one knows what really happens by these technologies. Basic knowledge should be the chemical reactions, which occur by running new techniques. Only by this there can be checked if the released particles can be harmful for the health of mankind.

Below just two examples are described: microwave oven and smart-phone (radio-radiation).


Unchecked hazards of microwave oven


I have to admit that until today I don’t understand how a microwave oven works. But this is just because I did not take the time to get the full knowledge of technical details.

My actual knowledge is: By a microwave oven electron-pairs are generated and emitted, which have a specific kinetic energy. The electron-pairs react with mainly water-molecules so that these emit low-energetic photons (=heat).

Health hazards might be possible, because of insufficient shielding of the equipment against release of electron- pairs. Another problem is that by decays of photon-chains from H2O, oxygen radicals are generated. Thus the research concerning oxygen radicals and their reaction products have to be intensified for food from microwave oven.



Unchecked hazards from radio radiation


Radio radiations (emitted electron-pairs) have similar characteristics than X-ray- photons. These penetrate living matter except heavy nuclei. The health danger of X-ray photons is a result of absorption by specific molecules in living beings by which mutations can occur and thus cancer.

It is known that electron-pairs are absorbed by antenna, which means by iron. Iron is in blood and thus there is a clear potential for health danger by absorption of electron-pairs by blood. Current testing procedure is insufficient because by this just the generated magnetic field is measured, which should be no hazard. Magnet fields are “by products” of electron-pairs, which ware generated by reaction of electrons with photons in electrical conductors.

Measurement of magnetic strength just leads to a false sense of security against possibly dangerous particle radiation.

Overall the testing is now done involuntary by all people and nobody can escape from this test. The result of the test is not clear up to now.

Such a situation that mankind is used as Guinea pig should not happen and will not happen by support of Weltformel.

Thus Weltformel must be urgently accepted by physicists.

We now live with the possibility that by a special energy (currently called frequency) red blood cells decay so that we can‘t get oxygen anymore. It is very simple to determine if there is a frequency at which this is reality.


Thus a simple action determined by Weltformel might save mankind from dying out.


Also ALS might be caused by radio radiation as ALS results by a malfunction of a molecule which can absorb radio radiation and thus might be destroyed.







W5.17 Clear basic physical Definitions



consists of bound spin-energies = bound electrons.


ENERGY of a body

is the sum of spin-energies + sum of vibration energies.


KINETIC ENERGY = FORCE of a body (relative and vectorial)

is the potential to transfer maximal the value of all relative kinetic energy of a body to another body by collision.

Both is proportional to mass and velocity of a body.


The Universal FORCE

is the force to be accelerated to position of lowest spin-energies (First Fundamental Law of Nature).



is the average kinetic energy of randomly moving omnipresent photons.



is the chosen measurement unit for heat and thermal energy



is exclusively done by breaks of bondings to photons/particle and the resulting emission of IR-photons/particles, which increase the average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons/particles.



is exclusively done after collisions by absorption of omnipresent photons/particles..



refers to a decay of a particle by collision.



refers to binding of colliding particles.


DECAY of a collided particle

results by breaking of a bonding, by which the vibration energy is transferred (50%/50%) to kinetic energy of decay products.


BINDING of a collided particle

is the partial superposition of contrarily rotating electrons

causes that the kinetic energy of the collided particle is transferred to vibration energy of the new particle so that a harmonic stretching vibration is generated.



refers always to symmetric stretching movements of bonded electrons of a particle..



causes change of movement of a particle by collision (acceleration).


MOVEMENT, VELOCITY of a body (always relative and a vector)

Can exclusively be described by changed distance per time to another body,

is no property of a body; change of velocity is proportional to change of average vibration energies



is resistance against acceleration and is proportional to the number of not-decaying bondings of a body.


PRESSURE (of gases)

refers to sum of collision energies (=kinetic energies) of molecules to a surface area.






W5.18 The Universal Force replaces all other Forces


The Universal Force eliminates all current theories about other forces.

The Universal Force is described by First Fundamental Law..

Another description is: The force of collided spin-energies (electrons) to move to or to escape from a position of superposition depending on decrease or increase of spin-energies by superposition.

A stable superposition of electrons is called bonding. A bonding does always symmetric stretching vibration which results by the Second Fundamental Law (conservation of energy).

The force of a body, which is a result of maintaining the movement of the body should be called kinetic energy to do a clear differentiation between force and kinetic energy.




W5.19 No Disputes anymore about Physics



Validity (=physical reality) of assumptions, interpretations, hypotheses and theories can be discussed by different argumentation, whether these are reality or not. But as physical reality is unique it can not be discussed. The physical reality of the Weltformel has an extremely high probability as it is based on about 600 physical observations without interpretations which are always physical reality. SURe – New Physics should also be physical reality but it can be expected that some statements might be no reality. As all statements of SURe- New Physics are falsifiable, these should not be discussed, but tests should be arranged and performed to falsify the statement. When there is already an alternative statement for physical reality this should be falsified by an experimental test.








W6 Explanations of desastrous State of current Physics


W6.1 Termination of Research before Finding any Result


Physics research is a long process from explaining the universe by imaginary theories until finding the physical reality by observations. Main research task is to eliminate all imaginary statements like theories, models, hypotheses and interpretations. Current physical research is terminated already by defining a theory, which is just the starting action of physical research.

There are several reasons, why physics decided to quit any research to find scientific descriptions and explanations of the universe, which are listed below.





W6.2 Theories are accepted to be Physics


Instead of clearly describing imaginary theories as preliminary stage of physics these are accepted to be physics. There has even been defined a separate area of physics, which was called theoretical physics. Theoretical physics is identical to science-fiction of physics. By Weltformel it can be shown that nearly all theories, which have been accepted as physics are physically impossible science-fiction. Nearly all fundamental physical phenomenons like energy, heat, movement, mass, absorption, emission have either no or wrong scientific definition and scientific explanation.



W6.4 Non-scientific Verification of Theories


A large part of current scientific research consists of experimental verification of theories. Every experimental observation is extreme valuable research work to test the reality of a theory (incl. model, hypothesis, interpretation, statement). But it is very unscientific to declare the verification of theory as a valuable research task, as it is currently done. By this the experimental work is made worthless, because a theory cannot be verified. A theory can only be falsified (negative test result).

Extremely unscientific is, that only positive test results are acknowledged as excellent research work, whereas a negative result of an experimental test is regarded as a negative research result, although this is an extreme valuable finding of research. As negative test results are mostly ignored or are refused to be published, physicist did lots of unscientific work, so that it seems that the theory is verified. SURe has clearly revealed these fake- verifications, which are shown in the different chapters.



W6.5 Physicists work on useless Research Tasks


As research tasks only falsification (negative tests) of theories make sense.

One single falsification of a statement in a theory is sufficient to declare the theory as unreal, so that it has to be eliminated from physics. Contrary to a negative test a positive test result (=verification) provides no information about reality of the theory. By a clear falsification you know that exclusively elimination makes sense and further tests can concentrate on findings of reality. By verifications endless further testing is required without getting a definite answer about reality.


If physical research institutions would announce today that they acknowledge every falsification of a theory as excellent research performance, physical scientist would clearly falsify within about two months nearly complete physics.

I have needed of course a longer time for this task.



But the main task for me was also to falsify my own new made-up theories, which replaced the falsified theories by a theory with less contradictions. . Thus over 90% of my work was falsification and revision of my own theories.

So I know that the falsification of own theories, which took lots of hours to be worked out, is a strong mental problem and it took many years until I could regard many hundreds of eliminated sheets of written papers as normality of research work without any frustration.




W6.6 Ignoring Falsification


Typical for current physics that falsifications are mostly ignored, not published or hidden by non-understandable descriptions, mostly by mathematics.


A simple example for just ignoring falsification and not reporting the falsification of a statement is the statement that every particles can convert to electromagnetic wave and by this can interfere. This statement is clearly independent from particle as only the frequency of wave differs by different particles.


There were extensive research work, the statement was verified by less than about 20 particles covered a huge range of size, mass and thus frequency.

But the statement is falsified by many more particles, which are all particles which were not reported to generate interference patterns.

One falsification is sufficient to be sure that a statement is wrong. But the clearly falsified statement is still a statement of physics. Again an example that physics is clearly antiscience. .


Particular unscientific is that by the falsifications the researcher clearly got the information that for generation of interference patterns the particles have to be highly symmetrically. Also this finding is not reported, because of the clear falsification of the theory of interference.


For interference there are more than about 20 experiments which would clearly falsify current theory of interference of electromagnetic waves and would verify that interference is done by deflections of particles according to Weltformel.

This shows that most physical research is prohibited in physics, because most experiments falsify current physical theories and can’t only be reported, when physicists can manage to hide the falsification from detection.



W6.7 Physical Reality is ignored (Example Interference)


There are only very few physical items, which have a partly correct description in current physics. One of theses items is classical interference.

As expected quantum physics and relativity converts the reality of interference to physical impossible science fiction. But that is the characteristics of quantum physics and relativity. The basis for quantum physics and relativity is that physical reality does not exist.

The classical real definition of interference is:

Interference is the result of superposition (=addition) of energies; energies of real waves are proportional to amplitudes of waves.

As electromagnetic waves do not exist these have no energies or amplitudes to be added. Apparent interference patterns of photons are not due to interference as the positions of patterns are caused by changes of intensities (=number of photons) and not by energies of photons. The reality of photons are determined by Weltformel: patterns of intensities are clearly caused by deflections of photons by collisions to photon chains which are bound rectangular to all surfaces so also between slits. This explains why all surfaces of atomic matter show patterns by different specific deflections of photons.


(See Youtube

playlist Optik.





W6.8 Contra-productive Acknowledgment Policy


The worst issue for scientific work is that only a verification of a theory is acknowledged as excellent performance of a physicist but the much more valuable falsification of a theory is not only ignored, but physicists had to fear severe consequences by this.

When it would be possible to publish falsifications of the existence of electromagnetic waves and this would be appreciated as a valuable finding of physical research there would be a high number of different experiments within short time which clearly falsify that electromagnetic waves exist and that all experimental results are conform to the reality that electromagnetic waves are particles, nearly always emitted photons.




W6.9 Indoctrination of physically impossible Sciene-fiction


Most physical scientists are not aware that current theoretical physics consists of physically impossible science-fiction.

The missing awareness is caused by learning antiscientific physics in schools and universities. Physical scientists would not get a university degree in physics, if they would not accept physically impossible science fiction.


W6.10 No awareness of missing Explanations and Non-Understandings


Because of teaching and learning current “physics in schools and universities people don’t think scientifically about physics and do not notice that there are no scientific explanations but mostly explanations by physically impossible science-fiction and magics.


Sure physical reality are

* all unbiased descriptions of observations.

* all scientific explanations of physical phenomenons, which are conform to Weltformel.


Probably more than 90% of current theoretical physics can be falsified by observations or Fundamental Laws. More than about 75% has already been falsified by SURe.



W6.11 Findings of Reality are quasi impossible to publish


Currently not any scientific explanation of a physical observation would be accepted for publishing. Such a publication is rejected with the reason that it does not correspond to the actual accepted state of physics.

As this is well known by physicists they do not do any research to find physical reality. Later there will be shown examples which consequences they have to fear by publishing the real results of their scientific research.


W6.12 Nature of Mankind severely hinders scientific Work


The most severe problem of science is that human beings have many characteristics , which cause that scientific work is nearly impossible:


Errors are perceived to be negative:

Nobody likes to admit own personal errors and many people chuckle about errors of colleagues. Particularly scientists are confronted with such behavior. This attitude has urgently to be changed. It has to be realized that doing errors and admitting errors are important characteristics for scientific research. When a scientists does theoretical scientific research by scientific method, over 80% of his work are falsifications of own personal errors.

This is at at least my experience of my physical research. Before I achieved a final statement of SURe-New Physics I had to do an average nearly 4 revisions of this statement because of errors. So I did and admitted up to thousand physical errors, which surely are more errors than in any research facility has officially been done. The probability that already the first explanation of an observations is reality is very low.


Not anyone should diminish others because of errors. If someone claims that he is a good scientists because he had never done errors than it is sure that he did never do successful scientific research.


The probability to do errors will dramatically reduce when there is a sure scientific basis by Weltformel and SURe.


Human beings are interested in anomalies:

This is an important characteristic to assure survival of living beings. Everything which is normal is no threat for mankind. But everything which is abnormal can mean danger. So it is natural that we all are interested in everything which is abnormal and thus might harm us. We don’t buy magazines with headlines like “Everything works fine”, but we buy magazines when there are headlines like “abnormal phenomenon discovered”. For science this means if a new physical finding is explained by a general scientific rule, nobody takes notice of this, but if a new physical finding is explained by a violation of a general scientific rule, then it will be of great interest.


Human beings want to get acknowledgment

If a scientist explains a new finding by a general scientific rule he has no chance to get acknowledgment. If the same finding is explained by a specific physical theory contrary to observation he has a high chance to get acknowledgment because it is something special.


Human beings think that the use of complex mathematics is an indication for an excellent physicist:

Mathematics is exclusively useful to describe physical correlations, which have to be described before by valid mechanisms. Reality can be described by very basic mathematics. Complex mathematics is a clear indication for unreal science fiction. All anti-scientific theories and most fallacies of physics are due to mathematics. Mathematics is a tool to hide inconsistencies and fallacies.


Many human beings like to be in a group of like-minded people with a strong leadership and as strong company:

This often leads to autocratic systems and the mentioned negative effects of such systems.



W6.13 Is there a Root Cause for the late Discovery of Reality?


My personal thinking is that the desastrous state of physics and the late discovery of physical reality have such a low probability to occur that there must be another basic explanation. Also other events in universe have such a low probability so that these can’t be explained, like the evolution to living beings. .

Events with extreme low probability can’t be explained by physical reality, so that there has to be a theory, which is only possible by a supernatural force which is exerted from outside the universe. Mostly such a supernatural force is called god.

In short: I believe in a supernatural force/ god, who has directed that the physical reality of the universe has not been detected earlier. And I believe that this was done in favor of mankind. This will be explained in chapter W13.


By this believe we should not look back and try to define explanations for the inability to detect physical reality of the universe. We should just say that there was a long time period where human beings had not the capability/ allowance to realize reality and that we now have got the capability/ allowance to realize reality.

I myself was not excluded. I did not manage to discover SURe- New Physics for over 30 years despite searching for it all the time. I also suffered several personal drawbacks, which caused me that I had to pause my physical work: burnout by extreme workload, severe heart attack, cancer and dead of my wife and three brain strokes. After each event I thought that this was a sign, that the supernatural force does not want that the physical reality is disclosed. I would have stopped my physical work forever, when I would not have had in the time of pausing the strange experience that I got overnight ideas which solved important physical non- conformities. This subconscious experience I interpreted as sign to continue my work. But I lived steadily with the fear that my “work and ability of thinking” might experience a sudden complete termination because the way how the universe works should be kept as a secret for ever.


It can be assumed that there is a considerable reason that the disclosure of the universal physical reality happened now and not earlier or later. We should consider the detection of the Fundamental Laws of Nature as a divine gift for all of us. Now we all have to stick together and do what we ought to do. Every scientist has an extreme high responsibility now to lead us through the new age of physical knowledge.



W7. Examples of Conversion of Physics to Antiscience


W7.1 Acceptance of the physically impossible Theories of Relativity


The acceptance of theories of relativity as physics is the first unexplainable event in history of physics, which prevented the detection of Weltformel and SURe.


Before 1900 nearly all physicists recognized that there has to be an omnipresent matter which is required for scientific explanations of the universe particular for the observations of forces in space and light.

There were a lot of research activities to define the omnipresent matter. As there over longer times bo ether could be detected , physics accepted the extremely illogical theory of relativity of Albert Einstein, which worked without an omnipresent matter.


Albert Einstein used for his theories two axioms /postulates:


Principle of Relativity

The first axiom was, that physics has to be identical for each observer and is called principle of relativity. This axiom is identical to the axiom used by SURe – New Physics for the universe: The universe is irrevocable physical reality.


Constancy of light speed

The second axiom was, that the speed of light is constant and maximal for all observers, independent from the velocity of the observer or from source. This axiom is one of the most severe scientific faults in physics as this shows the complete misunderstanding of velocity: Velocity is no property of an object including photons, because it is a relative property. A relative property must be expressed relative to another object. Every physicist knows that speeds are relative and can only be constant to objects, which have a constant velocity. Thus physical research has to define the object to which light is constant. The only possible answer by logical thinking is that light is constant to an omnipresent matter. Even when this matter is not known, it is impossible that light is constant to objects which have different velocities. So by logic thinking every physicist was aware that there has to be an omnipresent matter, which detemines the constant speed of light in this matter. This is supported by the clear observation that light speed differs by density of the matter in which light propagates.

The next result by logical thinking is that the light speed has to differ relative to objects with different speeds. The statement of constancy to all objects severely violates the principle of relativity and by this there would not be a physical reality.


So the two axioms of Einstein which he used for his theories are clearly contradictory. This already shows that all statements of theories of relativity are physical impossible science-fiction. In current times measurements of llight velocity are so accurate, that the statements of light velocity can clearly be falsified. In reality these have already been falsified by physicists, which was of course not clearly reported. Instead lots of research work has been done to develop experiments by which faked verification is possible. All these measurements verify in reality the Weltformel, but falsify theories of relativity. (see SURe-New Physics Vol. THE END OF RELATIVITY).


Einstein himself got aware of his paradox axioms. Thus he did a faked verification by mathematics so that most physicists believed that axioms are conform. As Einstein has published his “verification” every scientist can get aware, that his verification is done by a cyclical fallacy, which is the most severe fallacy because every scientists should know this.



Typical of current physics is, that although physicists can easily falsify all statements of theories of relativity and although there are clear mathematical and physical errors of Einstein, physicists do everything to save this physically impossible science-fiction, which has already become anti-science.

Physicists seem to know that not only these theories are wrong but complete theoretical physics.


That this nonsense could survive until today shows the great power near to omnipotence of physical institutions.





W7.2 From Reality to highest Level of Absurdity of Relativity


Einstein has based his theories on the correctly defined principle of relativity: The reality of the universe is unique for each observer.

But later he made the most absurd statement about relativity and thus reality: The reality of the universe is depending on thinking of a person. Everyone can chose what he wants what is reality, he just need to chose a corresponding inertial system.

He presented several examples for this. The most popular example are following statements:

When a person is thinking that he is in a moving train he sees light velocities differently than someone who thinks that he observes the light from outside of a moving train.

Of course by Weltformel the is a concrete formula which is the speed of light, which is identical for all observers.



W7.3 Atomic Clocks are misused to verify Time Dilation


Another example of anti-scientific statements of Einstein’s theory are:

When there is a clock in the moving train , the clock has different run times for persons who think to be in the train than for persons who think to be outside the train.


Later tests have been done where run times of atomic clocks in passenger jets have been compared. The clear finding was that the run times of atomic clocks depend on velocity of atomic clocks and of height of atomic clocks above sea level.


Typical for physicist is that they use this observations for the statement to have verified time dilation according to Einstein. In reality the finding falsified Time dilation: In all cases the atomic clocks were observed in the same reference system of observer and atomic clocks. This means according to Einstein there should be same run times and not different run times.


This shows that physicist don’t shy away from anything by their fight against detection of reality. This can be regarded as scientific fraud against mankind:


* They modified significantly clear statements of Einstein

* They use wrong statements for modification

* They ignored extremely valuable findings of their research

*Measurement data have been adjusted to formula of Einstein

* They didn’t repeat the test, because this would show that the data have been adjusted.



W7.4 Reality of Run Times of Atomic Clocks


Without the antiscience of theories of relativity there would have been scientific research to explain the fact that atomic clocks and no other clocks are influenced to go wrong. The cause can only be an interaction the omnipresent matter.

Physicist know, that the specific difference of atomic clocks is that the crystal oscillator is adjusted by the mostly constant emission line of an atom, here caesium. Experts in spectroscopy might know, that emission lines are not stable. By Weltformel it is known that different number of collisions of omnipresent photons change the kinetic energy of emitted atomic photons. Number of collisions are increase by increased velocity and decreased distance to sea level. This explains why both parameters change the run time of atomic clocks.

Thus instead of science fiction of time dilatation there is boring chemical kinetic, which causes that atomic clocks go wrong. So an atomic clocks can be called a faulty constrution.


This also shows that defining time by emitted kinetic energies of caesium is not a good idea, because this has nothing to do with frequency and time.







W7.5 Since Einstein got genius Antiscience got genius  


As physicists realized the success of Einstein’s anti-scientific theorie without any logic, there was a deep cut in scientific physical research.




W7.6 The Antiscience of Lorentz-Transformation and Spacetime


The transformation from one inertial frame to another does not make much sense as by principle of relativity there is no change of physics and physical descriptions by correctly done transformations. If a transformation causes different physics like Lorentz- transformation the transformation is not allowed. The fault of Lorentz-transformation is the use of absolute velocities for transformations.


The combination of the 3 dimensions of space with the dimension of time makes no sense as this has more disadvantages than advantages. Depictions of space-time are very complicated so that errors can hardly be seen. Currently space-time is just used in order to minimize the detection of physical and mathematical errors of physical impossible science-fiction.

On the other side when space-time is used to explain something, one can be sure that the explained issue is physical impossible science-fiction.




W7.7 (=P4.1) The most significant Particle Research in the 1930s


It is unbelievable but true that the most significant physical research concerning particles were performed in the years of the 1930s. Nearly all knowledge of the Scientific Universal Reality (SURe- New Physics ) has been derived from these early studies, whereas the 90 years of physical research after that time did not add any significant knowledge about particles. It was the contrary: Physicists degraded the extreme valuable scientific work of the 1930s by replacing it by pure physically impossible theory without any basis of observations. The theory violated the unequivocal observations of the realy detected elementary particles of protons, which are electrons and positrons. Kaons as important products of the first decay step of protons have even deleted as finding in Wikipedia since the first time a have read the article about proton decays. So it was luck for me to have read the article before deletion. Otherwise the detection of the physical reality would not be very probable.



W7.8 (=P4.2) The findings of Proton Decays


The early findings of successive decay steps of protons were achieved by identification of generated particles resulting from decay of cosmic photons in different heights of the atmosphere. Chemists well know that decays nearly always occur successively by several decay reactions. At each successive reaction step normally just two decay products are generated.

When a proton decays by the first particle-collision, it can be observed that there is mostly a decay to kaons and pions. Thus in the highest atmospheric regions kaons have been observed. In the next reaction step by collisions of kaons photons, pions and then muons are generated, which are observed at somewhat lower atmospheric heights.

Photons are by far much more stable than kaons, pions and muons, so photons will mostly remain stable. The decay products of pions, muons and photons are electron- pairs, which finally decay to electrons.

At the time of experiments photons and electron-pairs were regarded as radiation instead of particles, later these were called muon-neutrinos and electron- neutrinos. It was also still not known that electrons and positrons are identical particles (see picture at end of document).




W7.9 (=P4.3) Electron has been verified as only elementary Particle


Overall the studies of air showers have verified that electrons are the final and smallest decay products of proton which cannot decay to smaller particles. As it is known that neutrons decay to protons and atoms consists of neutrons, protons and electrons, all kind of matter decays to electrons. By the definition of elementary particles being the smallest decay products of matter, the knowledge of Scientific Universal Reality has been verified: Electrons are the only elementary particles. This means, that all matter consist of electrons. Current standard model of elementary particles has to be eliminated.




P7 The Unbelievable Anti-Research by Colliders



W7.10 (=P7.1) Anti-physics instead of Verification of Reality


With the newly built high energetic particle accelerators after 1950 it would have been very easy to verify the 8 different subatomic particles which have been detected in the 1930s years as decay products of protons and which are more than sufficient to explain all interactions in universe.

But the verification of known particles would be nothing new and this would not be appreciated and acknowledged as good performance. Particularly the high costs of the accelerators required absolutely new publications.

Therefore a completely new theory has been made-up in 1964. There would have been hundreds of theories which would have been nearer to reality, but physicist decided to create a theory which was very far from reality. It was not based on any observation. It just was pure science fiction. It is the theory that quarks and gluons are elementary particles, and it was stated that protons and neutrons consist of three of these.

A theory contrary to clear reliable observations is anti-science per definition. The anti- scientific research by particle accelerators is not a fault of the scientists, but the fault of the physical systems to do funding and acknowledgments for physical research work.


Chemists know that all reactions are equilibria which can go also to the reverse direction. In chapter “from Nothing to Universe” it is shown, that the universe developed since generation by corresponding reactions to all matter of the universe.



W7.11 (=P4.4) Decay - Reactions of Protons


By the identified particles of proton decays in atmosphere the successive reactions could be derived. This was supported by the stability data of particles. (e = electron)


Proton (13e) → Neutron (10e) + Muon (3e)

Proton (13 e) → Kaon/S (8e) + Pion (5e)

Proton (13 e) → Kaon/L (9e) + Photon (4e)

Kaon/S (9e) → Pion (5e) + Photon (4e)

Kaon/L (8e) → Pion (5e) + Muon (3e)

Kaon/0 (8e) → Photon (4e) + Photon(4e), photon = muon-neutrino

Pion(5e) → Muon (3e) + Electron-pair (2e) ; electron-pair = electron-neutrino

Photon (4e) → Electron-pair (2e) + Electron-pair (2e)

Muon (3e) → Electron-pair (2e) + Electron (e)

Electron-pair → Electron (e) + Electron (e)


(For kaons and pions different isomeric structures are possible)




W7.12 No publications of real findings


Scientists do daily experiments to identify decay particles of protons and other particles. But it seems that they are not allowed to publish their findings. This is due to the fact that their daily findings are just the particles of the earlier experiments like mainly photons, but in addition muons, electron pairs and electrons. The searched gluons and quarks could not be found as these particles simply do not exist.





W8. Examples of Activities against Findings of Reality


W8.1 Einstein was “prohibited” to correct his own Theory


Einstein realized that his theory of special relativity is not correct and corrected it by a publication in 1911 where he showed that the speed of light varies by gravitational force (physical reality). So Einstein was a real great scientist because he had the courage to revise his own obsolete theory. But unfortunately this was not the case for the autocratic System of Physics, which did not want to show “weakness” by admitting the erroneous acceptance of Einstein’s theory. His revised theory was ignored and criticized which forced Einstein to continue with antiscience.


As in current time the accuracy of measurement should have improved, it should be very simple and inexpensive to verify the dependency of light speed to gravitation. Already a lot of measurements of light speed have been done. There was a comparison of light speed data which were done in many different cities. There has just a correlation to be done of measurement values to height above N.N. to do a first check if this already shows the dependency to gravitational force.

Also the light speed to the moon is significantly faster than C. Of course the correct distance to moon has to be taken for this. The correct distance is measured by trigonometry.



W8.2 Defamation of clear Finding of AnIsitropy of Speed of Light


1933 Dayton Miller published a paper where he showed that by high number of measurements he could improve measurement accuracy of anisotropy measurements by interferometer.

His measurements clearly showed that there is a significant influence by ether wind on light to different directions. The effect is conform to ether which is dragged by earth without rotation.

The significance was proved by the fact, that the anisotropy effect showed higher values with a periodic dependency to celestial time, which was conform to times when the surface of earth faces the movement through galaxy.


Einstein realized, that the results of Miller are a falsification of special relativity. Therefore he arranged that a colleague (R. Shankland) brought the experiments of Miller in discredit by arguing that these have systematic errors although he did not have any scientific argument. As he knew that Miller had good arguments against this defamation, he waited until Miller was dead, so that Miller couldn't defend himself any more.


Much later physicist verified anisotropy of light speed by CMB measurements. By this the speed of earth in the galaxy could be determined.

Despite numerous falsifications the theories of relativity still are regarded as being physics. See SURe – New Physics „The End of Relativity“.


W8.3 Punishment for proving Neutrinos being faster than Light


 OPERA research team at CERN falsified the limit of propagation speed of light by thorough experiments which showed a significant higher speed of high energetic neutrinos. (Ref.: search under “OPERA neutrino anomaly”). The team was forced to invent a measurement error and was severely criticized and mobbed for their publication.

 New Physics/SURe:

 Neutrinos are high -energetic electron-pairs. It would be a big surprise when electron-pairs would have the same maximal speed than photons. As electron-pairs are smaller than photons the penetration time of omnipresent photons should be quicker, so that these with extreme high probability have a maximal speed somewhat higher than photons.

It is known that the speeds of photons through matter of earth is significantly reduced compared to speed in vacuum. It is very unscientific that nobody mention this. When the OPERA-team was forced to correct their value just to C, neutrinos are still significantly faster than photons.

On the other side the stated maximal speed of protons in LHC near C would also be an incredible wonder. That this is science fiction and no reality is already shown by the accuracy of stated value.


Overall there is no doubt that the OPERA team did correct measurements. The required faked measurement error by improper cable connection is ridiculous.



W8.4 Faked Falsification of the Falsification of spontaneous Reactions


The most basic physical law, which is accepted by current physics is the law of energy conservation: In a physical system the total energy remains constant by time. This law is equivalent to: Spontaneous interactions are physically impossible. This is also valid for radioactive decays. So there should have been research work to explain radioactive decays.


A significant correlation of rates of radioactivity versus Sun activity by yearly variation of earth distance have clearly be observed over multiple years. (Ref.:,the%20mechanism%20of%20this%20fluctuation.

Also correlations to Sun activity has been detected. These finding verifies that radioactive decays are not spontaneous but activated by emitted particles from Sun, mainly high energetic photons.

The “control organization of Physics” realized that this finding would have led in short time to the discovery of physical reality. To prevent this, measurements were arranged by a much less sensitive equipment. By the low sensitivity it was not possible to measure any variation because of the inadequate measurements. The inadequate measurements were ”sold” to public as falsification of the measurements with high sensitivity.


The postulate of spontaneous reactions is an example where the error of physics is so obvious and the knowledge of reality is so sure that it can be assumed that there is no physicists, who really believes in spontaneous reactions. That this and the other physically impossible statements are still in books of physics shows the great fear of physical scientists to tell the truth about physics.


Also nearly all violations of principles of symmetry are caused by the fixed direction of reacting particles from Sun.

But an apparently detected and stated violation of a law of nature is one of the surest way to receive a Nobel Price in current physics.



W9 Physicists are forced to do Anti-Research


W9.1 Definition of Anti-Research


Definition: Scientists do anti-research when their research has not the aim to find out the physical reality of the universe but the aim to hide findings of physical reality from general public.

Thus observations, which are clear falsifications of current theories are not or wrongly reported. Often faked verification of current theories are done. This makes only sense when physicists fear severe personal harm and disadvantages by management, when they falsify theories which have been accepted as reality by physics. The result is that more and more physical interactions have been described and explained by physically impossible theories.

Otherwise physicists would have detected the Weltformel already before more than 50 years.

It can be assumed that physicists are so intelligent that most are aware of the errors of physics and by this of the desastrous situation of physics.


The most anti-scientific research is done in the large research institutions like CERN. As the issues are presented in detail in SURe – New Physics Vol. PARTICLE MECHANICS, here is just a short overview.


W9.2 The unscientific Tasks of Collider Experiments


Physicist mainly justified the extreme high ongoing research costs and the costs of the construction of a new collider of more than 3,000 billion Euro by the testing of theories like the standard model, the theory of quarks and gluons and the theory of Higgs-boson.


The defined tasks already show that the money is spent in order to prevent that general public gets aware of the scientific reality, which physicists have detected already in the 1930s by scientific experimental research. Otherwise they would have defined as research task to test the already found reality about particles and to extend the available knowledge about real particle physics.

The available knowledge at this time was that cosmic protons decay by collisions to molecules in air successively to electrons and positrons. As intermediates following subatomic particles could be identified kaons, pions, and muons. In addition stable photons were generated.


The logical definition of current physics is that elementary particles are the smallest decay products of all matter. As protons decay to electrons and positrons and it is known that neutron decay to protons it should be irrevocable that also all atoms and molecules decay to electrons and positrons as smallest particles and by this it can be assumed that the same is valid for all matter. SURe – New Physics has explained that the physical reality of + and – charges are opposite spin rotation, which results to the fact that electrons are identical to positrons. Thus all matter in universe consists of bound electrons.



W9.3 The Basis for Knowledge of SURe-New Physics


The Weltformel and nearly complete reality of particle physics could be derived from the very reliable measurements of successive decays of protons in atmosphere from 1930s. This includes all relevant subatomic particles incl. structures, all atoms and molecules incl. structures, the reaction equations which describe nearly all interactions incl. interactions in space like generation of celestial bodies incl. Black Holes and the decay of stars to atoms and molecules (supernovae).

Without the incredible ignorance towards real physical research the physical reality by Weltformel would surely have been detected already around 1950.




W9.4 The gained knowledge by over 50 Years of Collider Research



The only additional knowledge gained by more than 50 years of experimental research by high energetic colliders were following:

* High-energetic protons penetrate about 20 cm metal.

* There are no differences of decay products by different particles like lead-ions, protons, antiprotons, electrons and positrons and by a large range of energies of colliding particles.

* Electron-neutrinos are additional decay products.

* Interactions of accelerated particles with magnetic fields generate high amounts of photons (called Synchrotron radiation).


By this observed knowledge many statements of current physics could be falsified.



W9.5 High energetic Particle Collisions are physically impossible


Most important falsification by scientific measurements at CERN is that the colliders are run with much too high energies, so that no particle- particle collisions occur. The fact that penetration increases by increasing energies is well known by physicist. One example is the increasing penetration potential from infrared over visible, UV, X-ray up to gamma-photons. Physicists at CERN showed that high energetic electron-neutrinos penetrate through matter of earth without any losses of energy, also muons can hardly be stopped by absorption and do no collisions to other particles

But I also have to admit that if accusations are done these can particularly also made against me, because for a long time I also was not aware of penetration and only when my daughter in a discussion about interactions of particles told me that there should be also complete penetration when there is penetration by bonding I recognized this as important interaction. So I had to revise many own wrong theories.




W9.6 Missing basic Research for Collision-Tests.


There is a high probability that physicists at CERN already know, that they do not any particle-particle collision.

Normally all research projects start with variations of experimental conditions in order to gain basic knowledge about impacts to results. This means a wide range of different collision energies should have been tested. By this the following important knowledge would have been gained:

* From which collision energy (=kinetic energy) onward there is no collision any more.

* Below which kinetic energy there is no decay anymore, which results to the activation energy of decay.

* Below which collision energy colliding protons bind to di-protons which are identical to alpha-particles. This reaction is called proton- proton reaction and is the nuclear fusion reaction in stars or, which is identical to the reaction by which stars are generated. Nuclear fusion reactions of a bulk of gas or liquid molecules are equivalent to solidification by freezing. (See Sure-New-physics Vol. ASTRO-PHYSICS)

Of course the generation of alpha-particles can easily be verified by comparison to alpha particles by atomic decays.

Thus a very simple collider test with low energy could give the information of the result of a proton-proton -collisions, so that also the research physicists at the nuclear fusion tests would have gained the reality about nuclear fusion.


Thus by sound scientific research physicists at CERN and other collider facilities

would have gained the knowledge that the colliding particles have energies, which are many powers too high, for collisions, that means collision energies are very far away away from the maximal energy by which collisions occur.


W9.7 Falsification of Particle Collisions in LHC - Collider


There is another reason, why physicists at CERN surely know that no particle- particle collisions occur.

A research scientist always starts an experiment with a new equipment by doing a so called blind tests in order to gain knowledge about the signal, which is generated by the equipment and not by the observed interaction.

For LHC collision experiments this is very simple. The LHC just has to run with one single particle beam.

This would have clearly revealed that all observed decay particles by collider tests are not generated by collisions of particles but by collisions to equipment.


This falsification by observing same decay products in a single beam pipe has even been well reported. Of course the observation was described as an additional interaction besides particle-particle collisions. The generation of the real decay particles in a collider is called generation of synchrotron radiation. Physicists got also the knowledge that magnetic fields are required to generate synchrotron radiation.

As magnetic fields are also in the colliding and analyzer chamber physicists should well know that all generated particles by a collider facility are photons. This explains also why all accelerated particles (electrons, positrons, protons, antiprotons, lead- ions) generate same particles ( mainly photons and somewhat less decay products of photons).



W9.8 Real Observations by Colliders verify Weltformel


The reality is that physicists observe collisions to magnetic fields by which the bound photons (=magnetic structures) decay to photons. As everything, which really exists in universe, consists of matter, also magnetic fields consists of matter with well observable and describable structures. Magnetic fields are identical to structures of bound omnipresent photons. The same is valid for electrical or electromagnetic fields. This is very logical because there are no other possibilities.

Colliders work with electric-magnets which generate particular magnetic structures which are planar structures instead of the normal string structures of permanent magnets. By Weltformel it is known that the plane of bound photons in the most dense matter in the universe. Because of this these cannot be penetrated by high energetic particles. A probable requirement for collisions is that the angle between colliding particle and plane of photons has to be small. This has to be tested.

Instead of being penetrated the bound photons (magnetic structures) decay to single photons which are emitted.



W9.9 The Reality of Synchrotron Radiation


Radiation is equivalent to emitted particles. Mostly the particles are photons. The term radiation should be eliminated as it leads to wrong understanding of physics. Instead of about 20 different theories of generation of radiation there is just one unique reality:

Emitted photons are generated exclusively by break of bondings to photons activated by collisions, followed by emissions of multiple photons .


This is also valid for synchrotron radiation. All current theories are based on physically impossible science fiction and can be falsified by many experiments.


Currently there is not any scientific explanation of generation of radiation. Not only the radiation has to be explained, but also the characteristics of emitted photons like the fact that synchrotron photons are polarized.





W9.10 Why are Synchrotron Photons polarized?


In current physics the explanation and description of polarization is no reality. Photons are polarized when the plane structures of emitted photons are parallel to each other. Most particles have plane structures because there are three bonding options of electrons in a plane. Also photons have three bonding options in a plane.

Following three interactions cause that emitted photons are or get polarized:

1. The decay of magnetic fields, because in the bound structure of magnetic field most bondings are in the same plane.

2. Emissions by laser because there are multiple collisions of photons in a plane, by which the photons are adjusted to the plane of collisions (polarized). The process for this occurs by bonding-adjustment of bondings -decay (called BAD – mechanism by SURe- New Physics).

3. Magnetic fields adjust photons to same polarization direction by BAD mechanism of photons.

4. Polarizer adjust photons to same polarization by BAD of photons with photon chains between slits.


By 3 and 4 random polarization directions are adjusted to same direction.

This is no measurement of polarization direction! The same is valid for spin direction.


Thus naturally generated polarized photons are always a result of decay of magnetic fields!



W9.11 Why don’t bound Photons have Mass? (Definition of Mass)


Photons do fluctuating bondings, which means these do steady bondings and decays of bondings. By this photon bondings are called weak bondings. For example The bondings of photon chains to atomic nuclei Photon brake when these are accelerated. This is the explanation for the fact that the bound photon chains on nuclei have no mass. This results and complies to the first scientific definition by SURe- New Physics ..

Definition of mass:

By SURe- New Physics mass has a scientific logical definition which is at the same time the explanation and origin of mass:

The mass of a bound particle is the resistance against acceleration by collisions to an other particle.

The cause for resistance against acceleration is, that all bondings which survive collisions have to be adjusted to new vibration amplitude and/or vibration direction.

Thus mass is nearly proportional to number of bondings of a particle without bondings which break by collisions.


Example: Bound photon chains of atoms decay as soon these are accelerated, but mostly are built new as soon as there is no acceleration any more. Thus atomic mass is equal to mass of nucleus.



When the collision energies are so high that the nucleus has so strong vibration- energies, that stable photon -bindings are not possible, the atomic nuclei are called plasma.



W9.12 Einstein’s E = mc² is falsified by scientific Definition of Mass


The Reality of mass falsifies also the physically and mathematically impossible statement of E = mc²: Energy can be generated and consumed without change of mass.

The formula has been derived by mathematical and physical errors and can’t be explained. The unit does not make sense.

There are also falsifications by meassurements of masses of products and educts.




W9.13 The Reality of Collisions to magnetic fields (bound Photons)


Photon- bondings of structures of bound photons break at the collided position. By low energetic collisions this does not result to a decay of photons because there are other bondings which remain stable. The broken bonding is builtup again by omnipresent photons.

This is the explanation for the observation that there are no overall interactions by low-energetic collisions to magnetic fields and why magnetic fields do no significant interactions with living beings. This means we feel not any resistance by moving through magnetic fields.


When there are high energetic collisions the building up of a resistance by bondings is quicker than the decay of photons. By this many vibration energies of photon- bondings are increased before all corresponding bondings break, which result to decay of bondings. Before new bondings are build there are many decays of photons because emitted photons cause breaks of other photon - bondings.


Comment: Last two chapters are the newest findings of SURe – New Physics. First documentation was done on 8-Jun-24, but there has to be done a revision already on 23-Jun-24. Although the explanations are very logical, I have searched for these explanations for many hours. This shows that the basis for SURe – New Physics is to look for unexplained physical issues and try to find a scientific explanation by Weltformel.



W9.14 The Reality of Colliders was experienced by Accident


In 1978 an accident occurred at a soviet collider facility. A physicist got his head in the high accelerated proton beam. The only “observed” interaction refers to absorption of photons: high intensities of visible photons (light).

At the day after the accident the typical damage of skin by UV – photons appeared. Later health problems are probably a result of X-ray-photons.

When the beam would just have been protons not anything would have happened to the physicist.

The accident verifies the logical statement of SURe – New Physics that visible photons are not seen by eyes when these don’t move directly into our eyes.



W9.15 Over 60 Years the same Research Results


As by high energetic collider experiments always a decay of magnetic structures occurs, the observed decay products are always the same:

* mainly photons

As the proton beams consist of more photons than protons and the photons have all kind of energies in a broad range, there should be photons which do not penetrate but collide. By this decay products of photons are observed in particle analyzers of colliders, which are :

* muons, electron-pairs and electrons

Finally by decays of magnetic fields some oligomers of photons like dimers and trimers can be generated-.

Many tests have to be done to clarify all infornation about interactions of collisions.

Overall the results of collider tests are independent from the accelerated particle. Tests covered electron, positron, proton, antiproton, lead-ion.

When decays of protons = antiprotons would be reality there would be in addition kaons and pions as decay products. The non-detection of kaons and pions clearly proves that there are no particle-particle collisions.

Of course electrons (= positrons) do not any decay.


No physicist has dared to report that nearly all observed particles are photons. It would be extremely unreliable that many physicist are not aware that the observed particles in the analyzer are mainly photons. The identification of photons is relative simple. But as photons are not conform to theories, publication of this finding is “prohibited”.


As far as I know, physicists did also not dare to publicize that nearly all generated particles in colliders are quarks and gluons and that these are no photons. The reporting of quarks and gluons would be a problem, because of the earlier theory that quarks cannot convert to single particles and that gluons are just virtual particles. Otherwise physicist would have to determine the ratio of concentration between the different quarks and between quarks to gluons.

Physicists avoided concrete statements of what is observed in detail and how this can be explained.

The only concrete statement is that they need higher energies to do concrete statements.




W9.16 Over 60 Years of useless Research


Physical research should at least result to unbiased descriptions of experimental observations. Concerning collider experiments this was not done, because this would reveal that descriptions would have been the same for every collision since over 60 years.

Measured data by colliders are:

* Sum of kinetic energies of decay particle by a collision event.

As can be expected the sum of kinetic energies depend on number and average collision energy of colliding particles. Number of decay particles can only be estimated and has a statistic distribution around an average. The same is valid for the sum of measured kinetic energies.

* Kinetic energy of a single decay particle.

As expected these will have a distribution around an average as it is known by emission peaks and bands in spectroscopy. The distribution can also be non-symmetric.

By this the knowledge will be gained that there are no significant differences between all collision experiments.

* Trace of first generated decay particles by collisions by a trace analyzer.

These can be only analyzed by computer. The directions of traces are random.

Collisions, which activate further reactions occur randomly.

By the trace the degree of deflection of each particle can be calculated.

This is usually specific for each particle. Thus the number and portion of different decay particles can be determined by computer for each collision event. These can even be separated by first and second reaction step.

I have never seen a report of these valuable data. Are these reports not published, because it is “prohibited” to publish the reality, that there is just one major decay particle: a photon with a broad range of different energies?

Remark: Also photons are affected by slight deflections.

* By computer a complete trace analysis of a collision event is stored. Mostly this is done exclusively in cases when the observed traces have a stronger deviation from average than most others.

This storage is not meaningful as there are always more or less deviations from random collisions. No two collision events will be absolutely identical.


Overall the “allowed” published data at collider facilities are either not of interest or not conform to reality, which means false. Even the only admitted decay- products, which are muon and electron-pair are not explained by a reaction equilibrium. For muon there are earlier published data which shows the reality: A muon decays to an electron and an electron-pair, currently called electron-neutrino.


Valuable research at by LHC at CERN refer to structure analyses by scattering, for which the generated polarized synchrotron radiation can be perfectly used.


By SURe – New- Physics all interactions of generations of new particles are described by an reaction equation. Nearly all interactions in universe refer to emission or absorption of particles and thus are described by reaction equations.




W9.17 Analyzers of LHC needs to be improved


Currently analyzer generates many data which are not useful. By the data pictures of decaying particles are calculated. As picture are just 2-dimensional these causes wrong impressions of the 3-dimensional reality of colliding particles particular concerning the values of deflection angles. Gained knowledge would be much clearer, when emitted particles are just measured in one single direction with a small range of angles This can be done continuous collisions. By this it can be ensured that all particles are deflected by a very homogeneous magnetic field, which is the requirement for detection of number of different particles. Different particles have also different angles of deflections. By calibration with known particles the decay particles can be identified. For each deflected particle the corresponding kinetic energy can be measured. By observation over a long distance the successive decay reactions can be determined.




W9.18 Real Particles according to current Theory


For The decay particles of protons there are two theories. Besides the theories of non-observable imaginary quarks and gluons there is a theory about real particles, which are generated by high energetic collisions of protons: This is the theory of proton- proton reaction. The reaction is called reaction although it is no valid reaction, but a chemically impossible magic conversion, which means science- fiction.


The first made-up conversion step by high energetic collision is the binding of colliding protons to a deuteron and a simultaneous decay of a positron and a neutrino.

The statements of second and third conversion step refer to collisions of deuterons with protons, by which binding to helium -3 and helium-4 occurs and simultaneously photons are generated.

By the observations of collider experiments the proton-proton-theory has been clearly falsified.

It is a severe disaster of science that despite of the falsification of nuclear fusion by high energetic collisions physicists spent huge amounts of money in order to achieve magic conversions, which are known to be not possible.





W9.19 List of other severe Errors at CERN


Following errors are explained in detail in Vol. PARTICLE MECHANICS:


* No understanding of constructed magnets. These are no dipole magnets as stated.

* By above error physicist did not understand why all particles are deflected to center area independent of moving direction and independent of imaginary “charge”. Of course this very important finding is concealed and not reported, because it falsifies theories off magnetic interactions.

* Publication of CERN shows a physically impossible magnet:

By this particles can be deflected against the force vectors of magnets. This is a scientific catastrophe.

* Physicist were not aware that the expensive deflection magnets are not needed to do collision experiments.

* Energies of collisions are much lower than stated, because energy consumed for acceleration is mostly not equivalent to energy which is used for acceleration.

* Velocities of accelerated protons are much lower than stated velocities, which are physically impossible.

* It is extremely unscientific to report an accurate number of cyclings.




W9.20 Verification of Electron being Fundamental Particle


If there would be smaller particles than electrons, these would have been detected by collision experiments. Measured masses of all real particles are clearly larger than that of an electron.

The second lowest measured mass is the mass of a muon, which is about 200 times larger than mass of electron.

As no matter has been found till now, which decays not to electrons as final decay step, this can be regarded as verification that electron is the smallest particle in universe, which means the only elementary particle.



W9.21 The fictional Detection of W-, Z- and Higgs - Bosons


W-, Z-and Higgs boson are purely fictional particles which were made up by physicists in order to avoid admitting, that they have not found a scientific explanation for physical phenomenons. W- and Z- bosons are used as “magic sticks” for the magic conversions of particles. The scientific reality of the magic conversions are chemical reactions.

The theory of Higgs uses the Higgs boson as magic stick to explain the mass of particles. The scientific reality of mass is the resistance against acceleration because vibration movements of bondings have to be changed. Thus physics do not need these fictional particles any more.

As it was prohibited to do scientific research to convert fictional theories to reality, physicists at CERN could not publish anything for many years. In order to get further funding they had to work out a fictional detection of the fictional particles.

Thus they made-up the definition that the measured sum of kinetic energies, which is measured by one unusual pattern of the totally random decay patterns refers to the mass of a fictional particle.

Also without the many violations of the Weltformel physicists should have had realized that this is nonsense. It is for example scientifically impossible that by a decay of a proton particles with larger particles than protons can be generated. This can be compared to building a larger house by blowing the smaller house up by explosives.

But the physically impossible nonsense was successful.






W9.22 The exorbitant Value of Collider Research


There is an exorbitant value of collider research: The observed generation of lots of emitted photons is exactly the process, how the Sun generates its energy: by collisions of high energetic protons to magnetic structures, causing the decay of magnetic structures to photons.


By collider tests the optimal conditions for energy generation can be determined. The required energies for energy generation can be strongly reduced compared to current consumption of energy. The process can also be simplified by using cheap matter like water instead of magnetic fields. Each atom can emit heat by decay of photon chains. The activation needs high energy, but activation energy always will be released again by emitted photons.

Also conditions for continuous energy generation can be defined.


So after the acceptance of SURe- New Physics there soon power plants will be planned and constructed which work analog to Sun. In principle every atomic matter is usable as fuel. Thus the “fuel “ will be extremely inexpensive and available nearly everywhere. There will be not be any shortage or struggles concerning fuel.





W10 Most fatal Misinterpretations


W10.1 Descriptions must be without Interpretations


Most errors of current physics are caused by using interpretations in description for observation. This error is also called biased description of observation. Avoiding interpretations for descriptions is very easy, because you just have to describe what you really see and not what you think to see. Unfortunately even many scientists use biased descriptions of observations. Such descriptions can’t be used any more for deriving physical rules.

For deriving the Weltformel and SURe – New Physics a major task was besides elimination of theories the elimination of interpretations.

A well known wrongly described observation is that the Sun orbits around the earth. The unbiased observation is: The Sun is seen as if it is moving from east to west over the sky during the day.

It lasted nearly 2000 years until the misinterpretation of the Sun orbit could be eliminated.



W10.2 The Misinterpretation of a hot Sun


A misinterpretation with fatal consequences for mankind is the wrong description that the Sun is an extremely hot plasma-ball or fire-ball. This caused the error that by nuclear fusion energy is generated. Physicists are convinced of the Sun being an extreme hot plasma ball although it is obvious that this is physically impossible statement which is paradox. All people know that all observed ball-like bodies are solid bodies, in which the ball-like shape is generated by bondings of matter. Physicists know that the main characteristic of plasma is that this consists of separate particles without bondings between particles. There are even less bondings as for gases, therefore plasma is called the fourth aggregation state in the row solid- fluid- gas- plasma. Also the dependency to temperature is well observed: All matter evaporates above a specific heat.

Although nearly every physicist on earth should know that the Sun has to be a solid and a hot plasma ball is physically impossible, no one dares to tell the reality. This is not the only example that 99,7% of all physicists are indoctrinated by absurd anti-science or dare not to tell the truth. This is the case for nearly complete physics.

The unbiased scientific observation concerning Sun is: The Sun emits huge amounts of infrared -photons which generate heat when these are absorbed by atomic matter like earth surface. All other descriptions are interpretations (science-fiction).


Nobody has measured the temperatures of Sun. Even the currently stated measurement of temperature being 6000 degrees Celsius on surface of Sun is science-fiction, because the stated temperature is based on multiple errors:


* The error of correlation between temperature on Sun surface to observed color. There is a real correlation between emitted photons to color, but the emitted photons and real color is the same for all stars. The different colors are created by absorption of photons between stars and earth. Thus you can determine the distance but not the temperature of a star by color of star. The absorption of photons by earth atmosphere is well known by color of Sun observed from space or moon. (The error of color should have not occurred because on these reliable observations)


* The error that high-energetic photons are emitted out of Sun surface.

SURe is that high energetic photons are emitted in atmosphere of Sun, which is observed by corona of Sun.


* The error that heat is generated by generation and emission of IR-photons. This was also an error of SURe- New Physics for long time. The reality was found by my daughter based on my definitions of heat and heat transfer: Emitted IR-photons are no heat by definition of heat. Even in surface of Sun no heat is generated. Heat is generated by absorption of high energetic IR-photons by atomic matter and the subsequent emission of IR-photons in medium-energetic range, so that these transfer to omnipresent photons.


Overall there is just minor heat generated on Sun by heating up the surface of Sun by few Kelvin. The temperature of core of Sun has to be below melting point of Sun which is about 14K, otherwise the Sun and other stars would not exist. Physicist should be aware of this because the Sun consists mainly out of hydrogen and hydrogen has to be frozen to solid state to form the Sun.


Finally the difference between the stated fictive Sun temperature of above several millions Kelvin and the real Sun temperature of below 14 Kelvin shows that the prognosis by current theories is not very good.


It is very essential for living beings on earth that the emitted energy of Sun and the heat of Sun is very stable over time. It is very impressive that the Sun (and other stars) work by a sensitive mechanism by which generated energy and heat are regulated in a tight range (see SURe- New Physics Vol. ASTROPHYSICS). Normally constant heat generation requires a technical control.


It is a pity that people on earth are not aware of the high number of “wonders” of physics in the universe. Even physicists regard many phenomenons as normality and don’t ask themselves how the nature can manage these wonders.




W10.3 The reality of Energy Generation of Sun


Description of hydrogen:

Hydrogen consists of two protons which are bound by a chain of bound photons. Every proton has three bonding-options by double- bondings to another proton or photon.


* Hydrogen first gets fluid and forms clouds of water droplets; after that hydrogen completely freezes by mutual bondings of protons.

* Further mutual proton-proton bondings are done. These bondings replace bondings to photon-chains. Photon-chains break off and are emitted.

* Photon-chains diffuse through the core of Sun in direction to surface. By this they bind to other photon chains to very long photon chains which are called magnetic field lines.

*Magnetic field lines are stopped by a flexible membrane of frozen hydrogen around the surface.

* Magnetic field lines mix with protons/hydrogen to a gas.

* By increasing pressure the membrane cracks and the gas mixture of magnetic structures and protons are catapulted into space

* Protons collide to magnetic fields, by which these decay to photons, which are emitted.

* The emission direction of photons is the same direction as movement by catapulting, which is mostly away from Sun and towards space. Therefore there is just a low heating of surface matter of Sun

* When IR-photons collide to molecules these are absorbed by which the energy is transferred to photon-chains of molecules.

* By increasing vibration of photon bondings these break. The emitted IR-photons form atoms are in a range that these can interact with omnipresent photons, so that the average energies of omnipresent photons are increased.

* Increase of average kinetic energies of omnipresent photons is equivalent to heat generation. Thus to understand heat generation, there has to be a valid definition of heat: Average kinetic energy of omnipresent photons.

* By definition of heat the space around the Sun has despite lots of explosions a temperature of 2,7 K and cools the body of the Sun below melt temperature.

* Emitted IR-Photons are no heat!



W10.4 The fatal Misinterptretation of binding Energy


The break of a bonding needs a high activation energy by collisions.

This resulted to the misinterpretation: When break of bondings consumes energy then building of bonding generates energy.

The well known rules of chemical reactions are:

* Every reaction requires a specific activation energy.

* The consumed activation energy for a building of bonding is released again by the break of bonding, which means, that the activation energy is added to

generated kinetic energy by transfer of vibration energy of bonding to kinetic energy (=usable energy) of decaying particles.

Building of bonding always consumes usable energy: Collision energy and spin-energy is transferred to vibration energy of bonding (= non-usable energy.)

Break of bonding always generates usable energy:

Collision energy and vibration energy are transferred to kinetic energy (= usable energy) of emitted particles.



W10.5 Wrong Interpretation of the quick Growth of Black Holes


This quick growth of super-massive black hole (SMBH) is a misinterpretation which caused a completely wrong understanding of cosmos.


SURe is:

Nearly all particles can bind to solid 3-dimensional structures. Binding is preferred by low temperatures which should be logic, because of lower vibration energy. Bonding of a physical system with same type of matter is called freezing.

Omnipresent photons were frozen shortly after generation of matter to the first and most simplest celestial bodies in the universe:

These are called Black Holes.

Matter of black holes have the highest density (mass per volume) which can be shown by the structure. Thus matter of black holes has the highest concentration of bondings and thus are bodies with the lowest spin-energy in universe. This already shows that in the core of black hole not any forces can be generated, because the only force in universe is the force to minimize sum of spin-energies. There are only two interactions of a black hole:


1. Emissions of low energetic omnipresent photons.

This shows the extreme unscientific statement of current physics that radiation cannot be emitted. The emitted low energetic photons can even well be observed by huge bubbles and plumes around a SMBH. Such huge volumes can only consists of photons.

The emissions of low energetic photons, which get to omnipresent photons is the most important interaction in the universe, because gravitation is caused by emissions of omnipresent photons. Thus gravitation can exclusively be done by black holes, stars, planets and moons.

The emission of omnipresent photons has to be very stable in order to ensure that there is stable gravitation in universe.


2. Absorption of high energetic photons.

The stable emission is achieved by following:

* In order to do a stable emission there has to be a stable absorption as there has to be an equilibrium of the two reactions.

* The stable absorption of photons is ensured by the galactic bulge, which is a hollow sphere around the black hole with billions of stars. The huge number of stars prevents that there are instabilities by a supernova of a star.


The existence of the galactic bulge is caused by the observed fact that gravitation starts at the inner limit of the hollow sphere. After that limit gravitation increases exponentially. This ensures that stars can have lot of different velocities to orbit within the bulge. The increase of gravitation has been well observed by physicists. It is even marked as observed in a diagram showing the curve of orbit velocities of different stars to distance to black hole.

Orbit velocities are inverse proportional to gravitation.

The observed decrease of gravitation by approaching SMBH shows the anti-scientific theory of current physics, that the gravitational force is strongly increasing by decreased distance to black hole.


There is an extreme high probability that there is even anti-gravitation between black hole and galactic bulge, because the omnipresent photons near black hole should have still so many mutual bondings that the gravitational force still goes in direction to space.

This is also necessary to ensure stability by prevention of supernovae near SMBH or collisions of large celestial bodies to SMBH.


Overall it is very impressive how perfect the universe works by just one single active force and by 5 interactions.


Of course all “horrible stories of cannibalistic” actions in order to explain the growth of SMBH are physically impossible science-fiction. All black holes have been quickly generated within short time. By generation of galaxies the mechanism of stabilization of SMBH was also generated.

Since generation of galaxies there was probably no significant change of mass of SMBH, which is necessary for the stability of galaxy.


Nearly all current descriptions of black holes are physically impossible science fiction like extreme high gravitation, jets, other outbursts of energy, accretion discs, collisions to other celestial bodies, singularity, Schwartzschild radius, event horizon.


Pictures of black holes

The two pictures of the Black Holes of the Milky Way and M87 clearly show that the pictures are constructed according to physically impossible science fiction by a computer. Particularly the similarity of physically impossible “accretion discs” and the same resolution despite different distances clearly shows the fake.

(see SURe- New Physics – New Physics Vol. ASTROPHYSICS)



W11 The Theory of a Supernatural Power (God)


W11.1 Theory and Observation: God is not almighty



There is no theory allowed to describe and explain the universe- In the universe everything is determined by the two Fundamental Laws of Nature.

We can gain in universe not any knowledge about events outside the universe. By this all kind of physically impossible theories are allowed for events and states outside the universe. Everyone can define his own personal theories. Such theories by me are:

* There is a supernatural force, called god, who controls the universe.

* God is not almighty concerning all issues in universe, because he has to comply with Fundamental Laws of Nature, which means he cannot determine something which violates scientific physical reality.

This is verified by observations: In universe no event has been detected up to now, which falsifies the two Fundamental Laws of Nature.




W11.2 Theory of Control by incomplete Determinism


God can exclusively control the universe when there is no absolutely complete determinism.

By Weltformel there is an extremely small non-determinism of physical reality concerning duration of a very specific interaction:

When a vibration movement of a bonding stops exactly at the maximal amplitude of vibration, two subsequent interactions are possible:

a) break of bonding and b) another vibration cycle with again the two possibilities and so on.

Thus the duration until break of bonding for such a specific interaction can be affected by a delay.

Of course by statistics there is a very low possibility for a significant delay of break of bonding. But there is a physically possibility that this occurs and that is sufficient. Thus god can extend the duration as long as he wants, because this is still physically possible.


By this the control of god is restricted to a very low percentage of interactions. It can be expected that because of these restrictions, god has no full control of events in universe. But because of the high number of total interactions there are sufficient possibilities to be nearly almighty.



W11.3 Free Will requires incomplete Determinism


The free will of human beings would not be possible by complete determinism of physical reality. Thus a possible explanation for free will is that god has partly transferred his might to human beings. By this we have a limited control of our interactions by thinking.



W11.4 The Theory of a friendly God


My personal theory is, that god takes highly care of his creation (particularly living beings) in the best way physics (=laws of nature) allows this.

This theory complies at least to my own observations.



W11.5 The extreme low Probability of Creation of the Universe


The theory for a basic action before the creation of the universe is, that god had to generated a closed limit where there is room for matter of the universe and where interactions can occur (=generation of time). This is possible by god because it refers to space outside the universe, thus there is no restriction that the action is physcally possible. After this action all other actions have to be physically possible.

Comments: Shortly after the generation of matter in the generated space, the matter (electrons) do bondings, by which a huge inner wall was built out of frozen photons (matter of black holes). By this the wall outside of universe is not observable, while the inner wall of the universe is well describable and observable. (see SURe - New-Physics Vol. ASTROPHYSICS).


Following action

For the creation of the universe the following actions were necessary. These are physically possible but have an extreme low probability to occur. Therefore these interactions according my theory have been created by god:

* The activation of the only physically possible generation of matter (= pairs of spin-energies) within the created empty but closed space. Comment: god did just the activation of the only reaction in universe which needed no activation energy (spontaneous reaction). The generation of matter is a classical interaction of physics. After filling of empty space by spin-energies was complete, there is no physical possibility any more to generate additional matter, because energy would be needed to “push away” other spin-energies.

* The generation of spin-energies, which all have the same size and the same speed of self rotation. (If this would be not the case, the universe would be chaotic because of much too many possibilities of different interactions. Nothing would be reproducible and nothing could be described by a common rule).

* The development of matter, so that there is a star system which is perfectly suitable for living matter.

* The development of non-living matter to living matter.

* The creation of the free will by complex thinking of some living beings.




W11.6 The extremely unlikely Conversion of Physics to Antiscience


Following is the incredible situation after over 200 years of physical research:

There were four major events by which available physical knowledge based on reliable observations was replaced by physically impossible science fiction:

1) After 1905: By accepting theories of relativity as physics.

2) Step by step: By accepting the theory that physical reality does not exist (mainly developed by theories of quantum physics.

3) After 1964: By accepting theories of quarks and other non-existing particles as physics, although these theories were falsified by already detected real subatomic particles.

4) Last decades: By accepting the theory of green-house effect by CO2 as physics, which was falsified by near all known reality of physics. (will be explained separately).


The generally accepted definition of antiscience is:

Acceptance of statements to be science, which are falsified by known irrevocable observations.


Thus physics converted from natural science to antiscience.

As incredible but real example in chapter 9 is presenred that at CERN several thousand research physics are forced to do research to prevent that physical reality is detected and do not dare to report, that over 60 years their collision experiments generate mainly photons.


The main problem of current physics is that the origin of matter is not known.

By this it was nearly impossible to do physics, as physics is the natural science of non-living matter.

The missing knowledge of matter has caused that basic properties of matter could not be explained or were wrongly explained like all energies, all forces, velocity, mass, movement, heat, temperature, all other thermodynamic properties.

But also lots of mathematical faults occurred.

Positive was:

* Some observations have been scientifically described and partly explained. But this physical knowledge was more and more replaced by unscientific theories.

* Many valuable technical developments could be achieved, although nearly one of these can be sscientifically explained.


Although I have found many possible and understandable explanations for the bad status of physics, I now strongly believe, that all above issues have such a low probability to occur, that these were directed by a supernatural force (god).

So all these supernaturally actions should also be a favor for mankind. This can be well explained by the next chapters.



W12 An earlier Detection of the Weltformel would be a Catastrophe


W12.1 The Chaos by Explosion of new Technologies


As soon as scientist get aware of the Weltformel, they know everything about construction of new technologies. If the Weltformel would have detected in 1900 all technologies which were developed after 1900 would have been probably developed and constructed within less than 40 years.

Nearly all current technologies had to be build by try and error, which took an extensive work and time for developing these. So there was enough time to get familiar to these. This will completely change. Advanced new technologies will be available within few months.

Everyone can imagine the chaos, when the technological developments since 1900 would have been done in less than 40 years. In addition many additional theories would have been developed in this time.

Just a few example:

* There would be so many patent application, that patent offices would be extremely overloaded. There would be lot of trouble and quarrels by this.

* Only the very big companies with have enough money could have afforded all the new technologies. All small companies would have gone bankrupt.

* Many users get mentally over-strained by too many new applications and get frustrated.

Everybody can imagine other troubles which would be created by the explosion of new technologies. Overall there would have been a disaster for mankind.



W12.2 The right Time for Revelation of Weltformel has come


Meanwhile companies and people have some experience with quick changes of technologies and there is a good basis of techniques available. Thus a chaotic transfer to New Physics can be avoided. There are lots of automation, so the handling of new technologies will get even easier for people.



W12.3 Now the Conversion to Reality is urgently required


The conversion of current physics to physical reality of SURe – New physics is urgently required to solve actual problems like energy generation and climate change. In addition this will eliminate the most threatening danger for mankind in future:

The elimination of social differences between people of all countries on earth by optimal life conditions for all.




W12.4 Another crucial Reason for the delay of Physical Reality


Also without knowledge of the Weltformel there would have been a very high chance that the energy generation of Sun would have been detected very early, because it should get obvious that a solid star has to be cold and that the energy generation is done in atmosphere of Sun, which is clearly observed by the corona of Sun.

Mainly Einstein had prevented this by his faulty formula of E = mC². In addition, Einstein has abandoned omnipresent matter and did not dare to eliminate electromagnetic waves although he had falsified these.

Overall it might have been that power plants by decay of photons analog to Sun would have been built because of low costs and high efficiency, whereas there would have been no significant energy generation by the ineffective burning of fossil fuels.


So by an early knowledge of reality of energy generation there would have been no man-made CO2 increase on earth. The man-made CO2-increase was about 50%. That this has been not prevented by physical knowledge can be regarded as an incredible wonder for mankind. 50% more CO2 in atmosphere means up to 50% increased plant growth and a large increase of crop yield. This was strongly needed to avoid severe disasters by famines of the increasing population of earth. An increasing use of fertilizer and weed killer would have just a small effect compared effect to CO2 increase.

A significant portion the CO2 increase has been caused by the climate warming itself. This is an importat natural mitigation effect against climate changes: by increasing temperature of sea-water CO2 is released from water to atmosphere because of less solubility. Because of its absorption-potential, CO2 in atmosphere has a cooling effect on climate by blocking IR-photons from Sun to earth surface.

CO2 like all molecules and other particles in atmosphere like water (vapor, mist, clouds) and all kind of dusts and aerosols have a parasol- effect and no greenhouse effect.

This was clear knowledge and teached in schools when I was in school. But also other findings of physical reality were sacrificed for CO2 greenhouse effect.

About 20 clear fasifications of CO2-greenhouse-effect will be presented as soon as possible in a separate chapter of SURe-New Physics. On You-tube channel the falsifications are already available.


Much stronger than the absorption effect is the indirect cooling effect of CO2: By increase of CO2 plant growths increases and more water is evaporated by plants. Evaporation of water to atmosphere has the strongest cooling effect. This is well observed in rain forests. Thus deforestation is the greatest man-made cause for climate warming whereas CO2- release by burning of fossil fuels has been the greatest man-made cooling effect on climate.


Buta much higher significance than cooling of climate has the man-made crop increase by CO2 increase. This has saved millions of people from severe famines and saved their lives.


99% sure is the main cause for all climate changes, which is determined by Weltformel :

These are variations of densities of molecular clouds in Sun system and thus the variation of heat absorption by molecular clouds. It has been clearly measured by NASA that currently the density of molecules is extraordinarily low, which explains current warm period of climate.


We are strictly obliged to immediately stop to support the “climate catastrophe” by actions to reduce CO2. We do the contrary what we intend to do!


Further physical research against the reality of fundamental laws of nature will have no positive effect any more for nature. Thus now we are not only allowed but obliged to do physical research in unison with nature and not against nature.




W13 The long and winding Road to Physical Reality



W13.1 The Story of Detection of the “Theory of Everything


I started doing physics in 1988 when I got interest in physics because of the very interesting but also absurd and implausible statements of special and general relativity. This was after completion of my doctoral degree in physical chemistry. I realized and was totally convinced that the illogical statements of Albert Einstein could not be reality. I studied lots of times the publications of Einstein and it took many years until I clearly detected all mathematical and physical errors of Einstein.

Some time later I realized that there has to exist an ether (omnipresent matter) to explain the universe, which was also the logical conclusion of most physicists before Einstein. I could identify the particles of the ether to be low-energetic photons, but it took over 13 additional years until I could explain all tests, which were stated to verify the theories of relativity, by usual classical interaction, mostly by omnipresent photons.

Instead of verification the unbiased observations of experimental tests clearly falsify theories of relativity and verify SURe New-Physics (see SURe – New Physics, Vol. The END OF RELATIVITY.)


After falsification and replacing the theories of relativity by physically sound reality, I concentrated my work to particle physics, forces and energies. After some month I explained all forces, energies and particle physics by electromagnetism, which means by electrons and positrons as only fundamental particles.

On 11 th Oct. 2015 I documented the first time the Weltformel, which is nearly identical to my latest one:

1) Sum of positive energies = sum of negative energies.

2) Everything in universe is done by the intention to achieve

sum of positive energies = 0 and sum of negative Energies = 0


2017 I published “ Vogel’s Theory of Everything”as E-book.



W13.2 The Discovery that Physics can be explained by Kinetics


By discussions concerning the E-book and extensive additional thinking about physics I realized that many theories of the E-book were no reality. So I deleted it as E-book and since then I continuously wrote additional chapters of explanations of physical observations, but mostly I had to correct non- conformities of own theories.

Positive was that I found out that electromagnetic force is not needed for explanations. I replaced opposite charges by opposite spin orientations and by this could reduce number of elementary particles to one. My further studies were strongly supported by having studied physical chemistry with focus in kinetics. Thus I clearly realized that nearly all interactions in physics are chemical reactions, which work by the same rules as chemical kinetics. Thus I could explain nearly all physical interactions by binding and decay reactions.

Another support of my physical research was, that I had since 1987 a job as leader of the analytical research lab of a big company with more than 50.000 employees. By this I got lot of experience in all kind of spectroscopic measurements and other analytical tools.



W13.3 Valuable Research Support by my Daughters


After some time also my daughters got interest in my studies and we had extensive discussions concerning explanations of physical issues. My daughter Janika was strongly involved by explaining physics by chemical reactions. She helped to define the decay reactions of protons and had the idea that atomic nuclei should not consists of neutrons, but just of protons. She liked to define structures of atoms by drawing possibilities of combinations of protons. By this she detected the linearity of water molecules, which even I could not believe in the first moment. Also the finding of the hexagon structures by crystallization of water molecules, was not an easy finding by her.


My daughter Alisa had little knowledge of physics. But this was even an advantage to find physical reality just by logical thinking without having an indoctrinated opinion. One of the most valuable conclusions was that when superposition is possible then there has to be in addition to partial superposition (=penetration) also a complete penetration. This has shown to be a key physical finding, which I have forgotten in my list of interactions and which could explain many observations which were wrongly explained by me before. So I had to do a lot of corrections of New Physics.

As Alisa strongly fought for reduction of CO2 she was very critical towards my statements of CO2. By the way, I myself was actively committed to reduction of CO2 for over 30 years until 2018, when I detected the complete scientific nonsense of greenhouse effect. Alisa decided also to look in detail to my arguments and afterwards recognized these to be very logical. By my studies Alisa got knowledge of the wrong current definitions and explanations of heat, transfer of heat and temperature. So I was surprised that one day she said that not only the temperature in core of Sun is near zero K but also in atmosphere of Sun, which was against my statements. When she explained to me why also in atmosphere of Sun there has to be a temperature of 2.7 K, when my definitions are correct, I had to admit that I did a severe mistake by wrong interpretations. Thus I got a much better and correct explanation why the Sun is not destroyed by heat transfer from its atmosphere.




W13.4 Ability to avoid Bias- Problem of “good Ideas”


In the 30 years of my studies to improve explanations by replacing imaginary statements by observed reality, I learned how to deal with my own errors. It often starts with a new idea which is a perfect solution of the searched explanation of a physical observation. By this new idea I got so excited that I detect many other issues which are apparently conform to this new idea. But by a good new idea you get a strong biased thinking that everything suits to the idea. Only after thinking multiple times about the idea I often suddenly recognized an issue which was not conform to the idea although before I believed that this issue is conform to the idea. So I had to discard a good idea and do many corrections of wrong statements.

So the learning was to expect with extreme high probability that there are still non-conformities although many have been already eliminated. Thus it was for me normality to do multiple revisions until all non-conformities of a theory were eliminated and the theory was no theory any more but physical reality.

By this thinking I got not any frustration to delete lots of own extensive work. About 95% of documented own theories are obsolete now, which are still saved as copies.




W13.5 Findings causing high workload for Corrections


Mostly a new finding is also an finding of an error and needs work to correct statements and to define new explanations. Most additional workload by corrections of own errors caused following findings:


* Spin energies being matter

* No existence of antiparticles

* No existence of charges

* Existence of chains of photons

* Existence of complex magnetic fields

* No existence of neutrons in atomic nuclei

* Structures of atoms ( bound protons with photon chains)




W13.6 Issues of further Research


Only little research by SURe – New Physics has been done until now for

* Reactions of electrons (electricity)

* Complete penetrations

* 3- dimensional bondings (crystallization structures)

* Structures of heavy atoms and complex molecules


By new research findings (particular concerning electrons) falsifications of statements of SURe – New Physics are expected.




W13.7 Falsifications of SURe- New Physics are appreciated


In order fulfill the requirement, that SURe – New Physics is physically reality, it has to be continuously checked by additional observations, whether there is a falsification of a statement. It is not reliable, that there are no further falsifications. These have to be eliminated as soon as possible and the corresponding statements have to be marked, until the cause of falsified statement has been clarified. So people with scientific understanding are strongly asked to inform me by e-mail to about detected non-conformities of a reliable observation to a statement of SURe- New Physics . For this a clear unbiased description of the observation and the chapter of SURe- New Physics has to be notified.



W13.8 Donations of 60,000 EURO for Falsification of SURe- New Physics


As it is very important that SURe- New Physics is what it ought to be, I will donate up to 60,000 Euro for a well-known charitable fundraising organization. For the first falsification of a single statement I will donate at least 50 Euro, maximal 2,000 Euro per year over the next 5 years.

For first falsification of Weltformel 50,000 Euro (25,000 Euro per falsified Fundamental Law of Nature will be donated divided up in yearly parts over five years. Payments will be guaranteed (probably by a deposit at a public institution) . Payments for falsifications of single statements will be documented by copies of donation receipts on homepage. A falsification is valid as soon as it has been clarified that it is a falsification.



W13.9 Example for a Falsification


Falsification of following earlier statements of SURe- New Physics :

1) By high energetic collider experiments particle-particle collisions occur.

2) At high energetic proton-proton collisions at LHC decay products of protons are generated.


Falsifications by observations:

1a) By running a “blind” test by just one accelerated particle beam, there is the same result of decay products in analyzer except that there are less decay particles. Decay products can be identified to be mainly photons.

1b) Research physicists at LHC have observed that in each pipe of a beam accelerated particles lots of photons are generated by interactions with magnetic fields independent from accelerated particle.

Clear observations:

2) By observations of generated first decay products by collisions of protons to molecules in atmosphere (around 1935) kaons and pions could be identified. These have not been found in analyzer of LHC.


By these falsifications and other observations verified a new finding of SURe- New Physics could be verified: by high energetic collisions of particles these penetrate each other without decay reactions.



W13.10 Other Falsifications of SURe- New Physics by Penetration



Following statements of pure were falsified and were correctly explained by penetration:


* The propagation of emitted photons was falsified: This is not caused by collisions to omnipresent photons and transfers of kinetic energy from colliding photon to collided omnipresent photon, so that this gets the kinetic energy of the collisions (like a relay race).


* The maximal propagation peed of emitted photons has been explained by reduction of the real kinetic speed by time requirement of collisions. The reality is time requirement by penetration, which makes much more sense.


* Propagation by collisions would not explain why the velocity of propagating photons does not increase proportional to kinetic energy of photons.

By penetration this is explained by increased need of time for penetration by increasing kinetic energy.

Important knowledge by finding of penetration: The “real” speed of photons from penetration to penetration is much higher than propagation speed C of light

The real kinetic speed is proportional to kinetic energy of photons


* Without speed reduction by penetration of omnipresent photons many cosmic observations cannot be explained:

- formations of spirals in spiral galaxies

- non-cyclic orbits

- Precession rotation of Mercury


* Without knowledge of penetration following could not be explained:

- Observed propagation of high energetic photons and electron-pairs (currently called neutrinos) through solid matter over long distances.

- that high energetic particles can not be conducted through pipes by refection to pipe walls but need magnetic guidance.

- why high energetic particles cannot be deflected by dipole magnets.


Thus the finding of complete penetration” has got a basic supporting pillar of physics.

Additional fact: After penetration there is the same speed and kinetic energy than before penetration.



Concerning physicists at collider facilities should admit their errors before they do the tests for falsification. They need not any excuse except the bad luck of missing Weltformel.

By not believing this logical and scientifically sound explanations of SURe- New Physics scientists would lose their qualification to be a scientist.


Gaining increased knowledge about penetration is an important task of physical research in future.



13.11. For detection of Weltformel just Luck is needed


You don‘t have to be genius to detect the Weltformel. This would have been possible for every average scientists. I just had luck for meeting all supporting characteristics for the detection of Weltformel:



No study of physics (no intensive indoctrination of physics).

* Study of physical chemistry with focus of kinetics.

* Doing analytical research as profession.

*Very curious to find logical explanations of everything what happens in universe

* High skepticism towards statements which I don’t understand.

* Additional research time by losing my job (because of illness)

* No concerns or frustration to falsify own research work.

* Having intelligent daughters who supported me.

* Having had the best wife of all, who moaned not too much about my hobby.

* No time pressure (except by age and health)

* Overall theory: Strong support by supernatural force (god), although when I did the research work I always was afraid that he terminates this abruptly because he also wanted to keepe this knowledge as his secret.



W13.12 The great Advantage of independent Research


A great advantage was that I had no pressure to publish results and I had no problems by needing financial support, because I had not to do own experiments, but could use the experimental results of physicists. Therefore I decided that I check the reality of the Weltformel by a very high number of experimental results and observations from physicists. There should be now over 600 physical issues in all areas of physics. None of these could not be scientifically and completely explained by the 5 interactions of the Weltformel.


For me it was no problem to wait until the Weltformel was so carefully tested that there is no doubt that it is reality.



W13.13 The urgently overdue Liberation of physical Research


The acceptance of SURe- New Physics as scientific physics will liberate physicists worldwide from the constraints of doing unscientific research.



W13.14 The urgently overdue Conversion of Physics to a natural Science.


The acceptance of SURe – New Physics will convert physics from a spiritual science to a natural science.






W14. Other Considerations for Conversion to physical Reality



W14.1 Announcement of Weltformel and SURe - New Physics


An international group of well renowned scientists shall arrange a press conference at a renowned international research facility like CERN, where the most responsible manager presents the announcements of Weltformel and New Physics by SURe.


The announcement should be done by following information:


By over 30 years of physical research it has been finally achieved ti determine to determine the most general natural laws which rule the universe and which describe and explain all physical interactions and physical states in universe. There are just two fundamental natural laws which are called “Weltformel” (formula of the world) .

This has been carefully reviewed by being conform to more than 500 relevant physical interaction. The application of Weltformel resulted to new physical laws by which all interactions in universe get improved descriptions and explanations, which represent the scientific universal reality and are called SURe – New Physics.


The detection of the Weltformel was possible because of the available scientific research work of physical scientists since beginning of physical research, which means that SURe – New Physics is completely based on the scientific research work of all physical scientists.


As SURe - New Physics has solved most unexplained issues of current physics ,physicists can concentrate on technical applications based on sure reality.

This will lead to an “explosion” of new technologies in the next years. By this Weltformel and SURe New Physics have the potential that all people of the earth get optimal living conditions which prevent all problems up to wars because of unequal living conditions in different countries. This would be otherwise the major danger of a peaceful future of mankind.




W14.2 Premises and first Tasks for Conversion


The premises for the conversion of current physics to SURe – New Physics:


* The conversion has to be carefully planned by responsible persons particular at research and education facilities and in policy.


* Every scientist shall have on long term more advantages than disadvantages by conversion. This includes reputation, earnings, responsibility level.


* All people shall have advantages by conversion.


Tasks for conversion:


* The importance of conversion has to make clear to all scientists and to general public.


* Each research facility has to work out new valuable tasks for research which can result to valuable technical applications.


* New research tasks have to be coordinated among research facilities.


.* Experimental facilities should be modified step by step, so that useful research can be done by available equipment.


* The new tasks should already be planned together with companies, which have an interest in specific new applications and are willing to support this.


* There will be a lot of ideas to build new technologies. It should be checked if the patenting system can be globally improved.


* Plan research work for extension of SURe – New Physics (see next chapter).





W14.3 Further Extension of SURe- New Physics


All observations by physical scientists, which are not covered by current document of SURe- New Physics, shall be converted to descriptions an explanations by Weltformel by physicist, which have done the studies and then published. It should be noted, when there might be more possibilities for explanations by Weltformel. When no explanation can be found, just the unbiased observation has to be published and if applicable partly explanation by Weltformel.

The review system for publications should be changed to check compliance to physical reality (SURe).


Many measurements and tests have to be done to get additional knowledge and to correct wrong data like for atomic weights. These are exclusively possible by comparing weights of educts and products of chemical reactions


Lots of studies have to be done to find analytical procedures which are suitable for measurements to determine real characteristics and corresponding data for subatomic or atomic particles.




W14.4 The new Research Tasks for physical Scientists


As already mentionened in prevuous chapter the new tasks for scientists of natural sciences is to find out the descriptions and explanations of observed interactions conform to reality which is determined by the Weltformel. If there is more than one solution there have to be done additional observations by targeted experimental work to find out which is the real determined solution by Weltformel. Calculations by Weltformel might also be possible.

The different conditions should be determined, which differentiates between different solutions of the Weltformel.


Concerning observations it is important that no interpretations are allowed but just pure and sure descriptions. This is not an easy task. Most current observations are no real observations but interpretations.


Thus there will be no fictive research any more to propose theories and there will be no more discussions about the reality of theories.


Main tasks of scientists will be in future to work on applications of physics. The knowledge of the reality of interactions will offer an incredible number of new technological applications. Thus there will be an overwhelming flood of new technologies which improve and assure the quality of life for mankind in future.





W14.5 Great Physicists will remain great Physicists



By SURe- New Physics all the great physical theories are “history”. This should not be considered negatively. Historic physics has to be regarded as extreme exciting and immutable epoch in history of mankind. For physicists this epoch required much higher intellectual skills than by New Physics. Historic physics was extreme complex and difficult stuff, so every physicists had to have outstanding intellectual skills to get a physicists. “Historic” physicists will be forever admired for their work. All great accomplishments of physical research will remain great accomplishments and all acknowledgments will remain to be regarded as exceptional and well deserved for ever.

Nevertheless SURe- New Physics uses expressions like antiscience for historic physics. But this does not really refer to historic physics. This shall just make clear that when historic physics is continued as usual physics it will turn to antiscience and only in this case all the great historic scientific work of physicists will be regarded as antiscience. Great physicist have the intellectual skills to realize, that up to now they have to work on basis of New Physics. If they are not willing to realize the reality of New Physics they will loose all their reputations and disqualify themselves as scientists.




14.6 Its SURe: The Begin of a golden era for Physicists


In the last years there have been many important new developments of technologies. Fortunately engineers can do outstanding developments by observation of physical effects without knowing the scientific explanations of the effects. Observed physical effects are always physical reality and thus can lead to new technologies. But the potential for developments of new technologies is extremely larger by knowledge of the physical mechanisms. Knowing the general rules of the universe (=physical reality) will lead to an incredible explosion of new technologies which are very important for mankind. For example: Effective and clean energy generation without any use of fossil matter, without CO2- generation and without generation of radioactive matter.

By SURe- New Physics physicists can concentrate their skills to make their ideas of new technical applications reality. Instead of lots of papers about theories they can work on problem solving for the health of mankind.

Work of physicists does not depend any more on financial support by public institutions. They really earn money by what they do because their work can be sold. Many new companies will be founded, which need physicists for development. Physicists will earn much more money than now, because their skills will be urgently needed. The authors of SURe- New Physics can present long lists of examples for new and useful technologies based on SURe- New Physics .

Another benefit of SURe- New Physics is that physicist and other scientists will have the fundamental knowledge of doing R&D in all areas of natural science. Particularly R&D for biology and medical science urgently needs this fundamental knowledge of physicists.

There are just 5 different interactions in universe, which simplifies research for all natural sciences. This will reveal possibilities for development of effective therapies against all kind of diseases like cancer and dementia. There will be a revolution of new machines for diagnosing deceases or identifications of molecules and atoms. There will be new application which at the moment are inconceivable.

Therefore mankind needs thousands of new scientists who do R&D based on SURe- New Physics.

In addition there is still a lot of theoretical work needed to improve and extent New SURe- New Physics. New Physics has just covered the most relevant parts of complete physics. There are many specific observations which have to be explained by Universal Principles. Partly this is very challenging.


We don’t have to fear that the era of “old physics” will get a negative touch in history. Like the Greek mythology obsolete physics will be regarded as an interesting epoch in history without any negative emotions. It will still be an epoch, which is very interesting for people and people want to get knowledge about. All achievements of obsolete physics will remain achievements and will be acknowledged as achievements in future. All theories will remain much more impressive for future generations than the boring simple physical reality.



W14.7 Patent Applications


It is obvious that by knowledge of SURe- New Physics there will be an uncountable number of ideas for new technologies, for which successful application is very sure. Concerning patent applications until now my opinion was that the disclosure of physical reality has not been done for the benefit of a few persons but for all persons on earth. This I havn’t applied my numerous concrete describable new technical processes as patents. Whether I stay with this, will depend on how this will be handled by others.




W14.8 The high Risk for Disasters for Mankind and Science


Normally it is not critically when people do not understand the universe, but currently there is a high potential that this non-understanding will cause a severe disaster for mankind. It is the complete non-understanding of the fundamental knowledge concerning climate and by this a fatal misunderstanding of the cause for current climate change. Details are presented in SURe -New Physics Vol. CLIMATE CHANGE.

As already mentioned also current strong and increasing inequality of living conditions is also an increasing risk for mankind.


As every physical scientist has the intelligence for quickly realizing that SURe- New Physics by Weltformel is scientific reality which is required to ensure a future worth living for mankind, ignoring Weltformel and SURe- New Physics will be a disaster for science and scientists.


Scientists don‘ t have to fear at all that anyone is disregarded or disrespected by the former antiscience, but there would be a total loss of reputation if a physical scientist would deny or ignore the reality and would continue to do antiscience.




W14.9 The urgent Request and “final Call” to come on Board



As already mentioned a scientist will realize within short time after starting reading that the Weltformel and SURe- New Physics can't be falsified and thus are reality. So the only thing they can do is to accept it or to ignore it. Some physicists might ignore physical reality with the hope that they can continue their work on theories. They might think that ignoring is the only way to save their jobs. But the contrary will be true. SURe- New Physics will provide a huge potential for further R&D work for which a high number of additional physicists are needed. Each physicist is needed more than ever and will continue working on much more satisfying tasks. Mankind needs new technologies to assure and protect an adequate standard for living against severe problems of the future. Mankind needs physicists who work on reality instead of wasting their expertise by working on new physical impossible theories just in order to save old physically impossible theories.

Physicists will extremely strengthen their reputation by quickly changing their work basis to SURe- New Physics. And they can be proud to do valuable work for mankind and for complete nature instead of working against nature and mankind.


Nobody will slander the errors of “obsolete physics” and no physicist will be blamed for past errors, as there are many reasons for these. Every physicist did his best of scientific working which was possible under the Autocratic Business System of Physics. But if physicist continue working on theories although knowing the reality, this will be unjustifiable.

Physicists should not look back and mourn for their genius ideas and all their devoted work-outs of theories, which now seems to be needless. This is not the case! SURe- New Physics is the result of the sophisticated work of all physicists. Any physical work supported a bit the discovery of reality and therefore was useful.

In addition according my theory, the late detection of Weltformel and SURe was directed by god.





Thank you for reading.


Falsification of decays of protons by real scientific research from 1930s instead of science-fiction of current physics


Picture below


By Mpfiz - originally from nl.wikipedia; description page is/was here., CC BY 3.0,