Please study first the AXIOMS (=postulates or premises)                                    for the Scientific Universal Reality - New Physics


Axioms for Scientific Universal Reality (SURe – New Physics)



Axiom 1.


Physics has to be the physical Reality of our universe.



Otherwise physical research does not make sense and is not of any value. 





- Everything in universe consists of objects (=matter), which occupy specific                    3-dimensional volumes.

- All quantities refer to characteristics of objects.

- All particles in universe are well describable by specific structures, consisting of electrons and their mutual bondings including directions of bondings. 

- Forces refer to the impacts of objects by collisions.

- All Interactions require collisions of objects.

- All interactions require a time span.

- All Interactions are observable and describable by changed states of objects by time.

- Each object has a concrete specific relative position.

- Each  object has a concrete specific relative kinetic energy.

- Relative positions and relative kinetic energies of objects can be measured by adequate detectors.




All physical statements, which are not physical reality according to above requirements are physically impossible and thus unreal physics.

Examples for physically impossible theories are the existecence of following: Electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, charges, all current forces, w-, z- and Higgs- bosons, tauon-neutrino, quarks, gluons, all quantities which are not assigned to characteristics of objects. 


Conspiracy Theories


As SURe- New Physics is often referred to as a conspiracy theory, I have to add following:

According to statements of physicists conspiracy theories can be debunked by scientific refutations, based on unbiased observations. By this all listed theories above and many other statements of current physics are conspiracy theories in the sense of unreal theories by a group of people who blindly believe in their non-scientific statements and do not accept any scientific statement. 

No relevant statement of SURe - New-Physics can be refuted. But scientific refutations of SURe - New Physics are strongly required to be communicated by physicists, so that refuted statements can be eliminated and replaced by reality. 




Axiom 2


All matter and energies in universe have been generated out of „Nothing“.


Comment:Otherwise an important knowledge for explaining the universe is missing. If one postulates that there was something before, it is not knowm how this was generated. 




- Matter was generated by pairs of electrons and positrons (matter and antimatter) 

- Electrons and positrons are equivalent to spin energies rotating in opposite directions and thus are eliminated by complete superposition. 

- Electrons and positrons are identical particles.

- The only fundamental (=elementary) particle is the electron. 

- All matter consists of bound spin energies, (by binding spin energies are reduced). 



Axiom 3


Every physical Interaction requires a 3 - dimensional stable space of universe and a specific and stable interval of time, which generally depend on transferred energy


Comment:   Otherwise interactions would not be observable.

Without this axiom physical research does not make sense and is not of any  value. 




Axiom 4



Fundamental Laws of Nature, which determine all interactions in universe (including generation of universe) have been created by a supernatural force outside of the universe.




While in our universe every interaction has to comply with  and can be explained by observed physical laws, the possibilities outside the universe are unknown and any statement is allowed.

As soon as above issues have been generated ,all interactions in the space of our universe are exclusively determined by Fundamental Laws of Nature, even the generation of matter and energies. 





It is impossible to get any information about the outside space of our universe.

This is also valid for the supernatural force who or which created the space of universe and initialized the generation of matter.

But there is a strong indication by observations that the “creator” created the universe in a way, so that it is in favor of living beings, particularly for human beings.

Another observation is that the creator does not do anything, which is not conform to Fundamental Laws of Nature.












The two Fundamental Laws of Nature (Weltformel):


1. Objects/ particles are accelerated to the position of lowest spin energies of electrons. (Spin energies are changed after collisions of particles by superposition of spin energies).



As the position of lowest spin energies of two electrons is a partly superposed position this results to a bonding.  


2. The total energy of interacting particles / objects (= sum of spin energies of electrons + sum of vibration energies of bondings of electrons) stays permanently stable. 



- The decrease of  spin energy by binding of two electrons occurs parallel to the increase  of vibration energy of the bonding. 



Final Conclusion


Exclusively the two Fundamental Laws of Nature and the physical laws which are conform to Fundamental Laws of Nature determine and control all interactions in universe and thus are valid rules for physics. 


In current physics most physical rules are made up by thinkings of physical scientists.

It should be obvious that human beings can't determine by fictional rules, how the universe has to work.


Human beings can just find out the Laws of Nature generated by the creator of these laws.

This has to be exclusively done by observations which are not biased by thinkings of human beings.